HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/21/1964
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Minutes of tho regular meeting of the Port Angoles Planning Commission
April 21st, 1964.
. Members present "Nere Anderson, Dirscoll, Han'-::ins, Hunt, McGee, Reiners
and Strango.
Also prosent were Director of public works John B. Wnrder, ~:attor Supt.
Paul Reed and Ass't City Engineer Rohert Wilson.
Minutes of the previous moeting were rood and approved.
Chair~on announced thoro would be five soparate hearin~s on variances
from tho zoning ordinance conducted at tills meeting; that legal notices
had boon posted on each location and that the propur fee had been paid
to tno City 'rreasurer on each. 'J.'horo wore no proto:,ts filed.
First helJ.rlng ",vas on the apolic:a t inn of Arnold HirsG [{Crn for rermiss 10n
t\,. sell tho eastorly flvo foet 0"\ IJot 13-to~e_tE-8r wit!l Lot 14, Block 34.!t
to a nrospective home builder. 'lho not re:; ult of tnis transflcticn would
be less side yarJ than re'plired in Ii'i1'8t Claan t(ooidonce distr'tc'~s,
name IJ soven fo et on tho now cons truc t i.on nnd f1 vo foet on tho if!rsekorn
property for a totl.l of twelve feet itlstood of tho rO'll:irod fourtoen.
I'~r. Hirsekorn beinr, pre'ont eX'llainaJ the mlttl..131 Hgreement between
neighbors on the proposal. A motion wa~ unanimously passed recommending
to the City COllncil the aD~)lication be approvedo
NeX; hearing was on the ap^llication of George 1(. stevens for a zoning
variance on the easterly t~roA feet of Lot 12 and bll of Lot 13 Block 223
(913 r.,ast ;)th) to allow tho operation of 8 physical therapy office on the
nroperty whi ch is pre "lont 1'1 zone d ;l s :~ 8cond Hes idence 0 Dnr 1 nt the
dtscllsston it was brought out tOlls propArty is locatod ~etween a grocery
store an:1 9 City playfielrl thereby reductnq; the desirability (1[, residence
property. Mr. stevens was adviGod by the Com.'nission to nrange for off-
street parking tn 8ny future improvements. ^ motion W9~ paRsed
recommendin~ to the City Council thn Application be approvedo
Tne 'learing on the ar,licat.ion of ~fr. S:. 'ff'S James C. Prathor for a
modifi.ed hold back of ten fo Jt instoad of tho rfln Jiron twenty-fivo feet
on Lots 15 and 16 1n Block 145 was next conEJldoredo This property is in
the vicinity of 4th and liMn ~tro! ts where tho lots are appI'oximg to ly 100
fee t in depth due to tho Ro ilroad r ir;ht of way. Thoy ai'H also ad jocent
to tho lots on which a variance WHS f~rflnt.ed for the 33!TlO rensen at our
last meeting. A motion was passed reco~mending to the City Council that
the ap?lication be approved with tho provision the two lots be considered
8 s one butld lng s i to only.
The apllication of Strcmberg Building Enter~n'isos, Inc. for the construct-
ion of a 14 unit apartment to bo locate-j at 11th and Oal{ :::JtrHets was ne~t.
The area 7..oning is Second residence which V1r:nrt~1 apartment nouses. The
variance applied for is reliof from the side yard requirements. Duri.ng
the discussion and a stu'i:r of tho layout submitted, it was af~roed the
buildtn~ conld be located on t!1e proporty 1i'10 of Oak Street and with a
building 95 feet wide, it would leave the required S foot side yard on the
we~t side. The northerly Gnd of the building to be on the property line
of llth streot ~ l' he layout of the build ing to b'l as po r the plan submitted
h8rewith and which become a pRrt of those minutes. The lryout 85 shown
,.. ~.
will lor-vo tho corDi'll" of 11th and Un;,' streets clovt' for vi8ubility of
street true'ie. ~it'l trHl provisLons 8R sttltO(J abo!o, a 'Tloticn WE.:S
passed rocommendin'~ to tlw City Council the up lication ho '.nprovod.
The last hunring ci'){lJidored WllS cn the ap licat i.on of 'i, L. Maddux and
Mrs Jane t. Ca'!lOrO'1 for n vel' iunc e fr(")l1 tho zonin~ rO'-;1\la t ions to permi t
the lo~ at ion of a '1lob l.l~j nome on Lots ) and 10, Rlock 439, corner of
l6tn and .",,11 Str'Jets: 1.11'. '.fudrlux was pl'o:"cnt nnd exo1ain9d at p;roat
lengt h tho hi.w;rl type of' mob ile nome p!'onosed, eXI;la in ing its rating as
far as construction is concerned, it being taoir intont if p;runted
pernission to set tno !lUme on a permanent founj~lt:on iiitil wetor, lights
and seW9rs conn~cted. ~r. llBd~ux wn~ infornerl tnls W9S the first
application ('or t~lO location of D RhrIj unit of' this type. Other
applicatiofJs bein~ for mob lIe perks whore more t~8n one unit was involved.
It 'NOS ('Ilrt~or exp1n tned to Mr. ;,1addux thnt in so far as our Commission
was ahle to Ascertai~, no City in tho St3tc of Nnsh1ngtln permitted the
101'stion 0,' mobl1e homes on sinf~ln lots, but cOi1flned the~l to areas l{nawn
8'i mobil" D:1rics. Aftor m!ch furthor dincussion, t' llotion 'N' B made and
passed rp.cocnmonding tc tho City CaunciJ that tho upl,li(~ation be denied.
A r~o'.le~t fro'll ';olbert D. Schlicl1.ting; a~,d..qr for II
salA 0." tro~ictll .rotsh from their r,'~;idenco ,:t ?Ol}
and 'I henrinrr, 'i~te set for '~O.f ~tn, 1~)6~.
8 ~l t l' :J rk
to per'Tlit the
~veo was read
.f" motio'1 to re-nfir-n ~ policy o!' the P13nni~ll~ Commtsstnn ,'Iaf; passed
concernin,' thA voriances from the zcning ordirwnco. That any variance
gr:mted bOCOYflElR null end void six montns aftar dnte of i~3sue if it had
not been acted "Don by the grantoe~
. No l'urtllOr b'lS i ne s s appear ilH~, '1'jeet inl.i ad ,jolJrned b t 10: 00 P. M.
R8Dpectfully submitted,
F'ro-d- C. str:lrir~(l ~- 'ehH trman--
H. lI. Han\':lrl-S-, Sncr~ltary