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Port Angeles, Washington
April 22, 1981
Chairman Brewer called the meeting to order at 7 PM.
Members Present: Jean Thompson, Charles Whidden, David
Brewer, Patrick Downie, Richard Ander-
son, Milton E. Ranta, Collin Bennett
[Arrived at 8: 05 P.M.]
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Paul D. Carr, Dan VanHemert, Louise
Mr. Anderson moved to accept the minutes of the April 8th
meeting as presented. Mr. Ranta seconded the motion, which
passed unanimously.
PARKING VARIANCE - TERRILL. Request for reduction
in off-street parking spaces from 50 required for
expanded restaurant/living quarters to 7 spaces.
Location: 408 South Lincoln Street. (Remanded
from City Council on change in proposal; continued
from February 25, 1981; March 11, 19B1; April 8,
1'9"81.) , , '
Mr. Carr reviewed the application, including the County's
willingness to enter into a lease agreement for joint use
of the satellite parking lot. Chairman Brewer opened the
public hearing.
Brooke Taylor, attorney for the Applicant, said the proposed
alternative is acceptable to the Applicant and the County.
Ms. Terrill has asked the Commissioners for the right to use
18 spaces in the satellite parking lot, and the County Com-
missioners are in agreement. The formal application has been
made and the bid process, which will require about 6 weeks,
has been started.
Mr. Taylor asked the Commission to recommend granting the
application conditioned on the Applicant providing 18 park-
ing spaces in the County satellite parking lot to fill any
Planning Commission
April 22, 1981
Page 2
possible need for parking. The proposed expansion of the
restaur~nt facilities is only limited in size; and the rest-
aurant serves primarily a walk-in clientele. He then sug-
gested that the Commission might cite the following find-
ings, based upon testimony presented at the various hear-
ings on this request:
1. Statistically, 87% of the clientele is walk-in
2. The restaurant will not be doubled in size, as only
30 seats in a downstairs dining room will be added.
3. It will be beneficial to the public to bring an old
building up to Code.
4. There is a definite benefit to the public at large
to have this shop continue to serve the people.
5. The parking requirements, as applied to restaurants,
do not apply in this instance.
Chairman Brewer asked what was to happen when the County
needed the proposed 18 spaces back; and how long was Ms.
Terrill to have the use of these spaces. Mr. Taylor said
that the Commissioners are not prepared at this time to
establish a time period on the lease and that should be a
part of the conditions attached to the recommendation for
Several members of the audience spoke in favor of the ap-
plication, and some called attention to other restaurants
which do not have sufficient parking spaces. Jennie Ter-
rill, 1123 West Ninth, said that a quarter of the County
satellite lot is not being used. Chairman Brewer closed
the public hearing.
Mr. Whidden asked if there was any assurance that Ms. Ter-
rill would be the successful bidder for use of the parking
spaces. Mr. Carr said no, but probably no one else would
bid for use of the spaces. In response to Mr. Whidden's
question about a time period, Mr. Carr suggested asking
Ms. Terrill how long a lease she wanted; and then said that
when the spaces are again needed by the County, the rest-
aurant will have an enlarged clientele. Ms. Terrill responded
five years, explaining that the Commissioners say that they
do not now use 50% of the big parking lot. Mr. Whidden then
asked Ms. Terrill if it would be economically feasible to
change the building back to its present condition at the end
of five years; and Ms. Terrill asked how could she? Ms.
Terrill has been operating the Jury's In-n, for just over
a year; that although she knew at the time she took over
the business that there was no parking, she did not know
that she would need 53 parking spaces to add 30 seats.
Planning Commission
April 22, 1981
Page 3
Ms. Terrill said that when the Court House needs the park-
ing spaces in the satellite lot, she will probably be able
to get parking elsewhere. Mr. Whidden then asked why she
had not tried elsewhere now. Ms. Terrill replied that for
almost six months she has tried to get some idea from the
City as to how many spaces would be acceptable; that all
this time construction prices are going up; that Safeway
will not allow use of any of their spaces now.
Mr. Ranta asked Ms. Terrill the attitude of the County Com-
missioners' to her lease inquiry; and she said they seemed
very favorable. Mr. Ranta then said that although Downtown
businesses expand, they seem to be exempt from parking re-
quirements by virtue of their membership in the Downtown
Parking Association. However, there has been no expansion
of the Downtown parking lots. Big money people, like Safe-
way and Albertson's can afford to purchase extra property
to provide parking; while small business people, like Ms.
Terrill, cannot. In view of the present depressed economy,
it would be appropriate to help the small businesses. If
granted this variance, Ms. Terrill might be able to hire
people who will pay taxes. If she makes a lot of money,
it will increase the taxes paid to the City. This is the
time to set a precedent and support a small business per-
Mr. Downie stressed that the Planning Commission has made
more than an honest effort to try to find an adequate and
acceptable solution to Ms. Terrill's parking problem. Fol-
lowing additional discussion, Mr. Downie moved to recommend
approval of the parking variance, reducing the required park-
ing spaces from 53 to 18, provided a lease agreement between
the Applicant and Clallam County be entered into for a period
of five years for 18 parking spaces; that the Planning De-
partment review the parking twice a year to assure that the
spaces are being used adequately; that a hearing be set for
May 13th to reconsider the Clallam County parking variance;
that the recommendation for approval be contingent upon the
Applicant actually acquiring the lease from the County. ~s.
findings;.lMr.- Downie-stated:. (1) the nature of the business
is fairly small; and (2) the Downtown Parking Association
allows business expansion without providing parking expan-
sion. Mr. Ranta seconded this motion.
On call for the question, the motion passed 5 - 1, with Mr.
Whidden voting "no", and stating that approval of this park-
ing variance would be a flagrant violation of the Parking
Code. If the City has a Parking Code, it should follow it.
The County Court House was granted a parking reduction of
30%; allowing them to lease 18 spaces would make the reduc-
tion 35%. Granting a variance will make it difficult to re-
quire other businesses to comply.
[At the close of this hearing, Mr. Bennett arrived.]
Planning Commission
April 22, 1981
Page 4
SIGN ORDINANCE HEARING. Request to consider a
proposed Sign Ordinance for the C~ntral Business
District (Downtown Port Angeles). Location:
Port Angeles Central Business District - the CBD
Zone in Ordinance No. l7a9.
Mr. Carr and Mr. VanHemert reviewed the latest changes re-
sulting from their meeting with the Downtown Merchants' Asso-
ciation, which the Commission discussed with Staff in con-
siderable detail. Chairman Brewer then opened the public
Bob Love, representing the Downtown Development Group, said
that the most recent meeting with Planning Department Staff
was not the first one on the proposed Sign Ordinance. In a
questionnaire submitted by the Group to Downtown merchants,
one major preference was for a restrictive sign ordinance.
Jerry Cornell said that the Downtown Merchants' Association
represents only the retailers in the Downtown, while not all
businesses in the Downtown do retail business.
There was considerable discussion between the audience and
the Commission with respect to the desirability and neces-
sity for this proposed Ordinance; what requirements should
be eased and which should be made more restrictive; additional
background information on the original instigation for the
Ordinance; and some of the ultimate goals of the businessmen
for the revitalization of the Downtown.
Mr. Ranta asked if the proposed Ordinance was acceptable in
its present form. Mr. Carr said that there are several ques-
tions which should be addressed by the Commission, including
temporary signs, readerboards, bulletin boards and clqcks;.
The Commission, Staff and audience then went through the pro-
posed document to fill in some of the blanks and address other
questions as they were raised.
A definition of a Ittemporary sign" was added. The Cormnission
decided that a bingo announcement was not "public service",
while an announcement of a high school play was. A maximum
of 50% of the area of a public service sign could be devoted
to advertising. After considerable discussion on projecting
signs, the Cormnission established a maximum projection of 24".
Wall signs could be painted directly on a building, if a bond
or other security for their removal was posted at the time of
obtaining a sign permit.
Chairman Brewer closed the public hearing, and Mr. Bennett
moved to continue discussion on the proposed Sign Ordinance
until the May 27th meeting. Mr. Ranta seconded this motion,
which passed unanimously.
Planning Commission
April 22, 1981
Page 5
Mr. Carr reviewed the request for interpretation of a mini-
warehouse use in the CAD District, recommending that it be
allowable as a conditional use.
Mr. Bennett moved to determine that a mini-warehouse is com-
patible in a CAD District. Mr. Whidden seconded this motion,
which passed unanimously.
Ms. Thompson, Chairman Brewer, Messrs. Bennett, Anderson
and Ranta had nothing to report.
Mr. Whidden said many converted residential structures on
Front Street were being used for business purposes
without providing off-street parking, pursuant to the
Code. Mr. Carr said if the new use is more intensive
than the prior use, the property has to comply with
the Code.
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M.
Paul D. C rr, Seer ary
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