HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/27/1994
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
April 27, 1994
7:00 P.M.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of April 13, 1994.
REZONE REOUEST - REZ 94(04)01 - ALBERTSON'S. Lauridsen
Boulevard between Lincoln/Lincoln Streets: Request to rezone property
from RS-7, Residential Single-Family, to CSD, Community Shopping
District, located between Laurel and Lincoln Streets, south of Lauridsen
Request to vacate a portion of San Juan Avenue, lying between Laurel and
Lincoln Streets, south of Lauridsen Boulevard.
ANGELES. Planned Residential Develoments. City-wide: Proposal to
amend Chapter 17.70 (planned Residential Development) as it relates to
exterior setbacks.
Members: Carl Alexander, Chair, Orville Campbell, Vice-Chair, Bob Wmters, Cindy Souders. Bob Philpott. Linda Nutter and Tim German.
Planning Staff: Brad Collins, Director; John Jimerwn, Associate PlalUler; Sue Roberds, Office Specialist, David Sawyer, Sr. Planner.
All correspondence penaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Department at least
one day prior to the scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before the
PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE: Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to
speak to the request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a previous
presentation. A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short
supporting remarks (5 minutes). Other interested parties will be allowed to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or
make inquiries. The Chairman may allow additional public testimony if the issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5
minutes) for proponents and opponents will be heard separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their
spokesman. Rebuttal shall be limited to factual statements pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be
directed to the Board, not the City Staff representatives present, unless directed to do so by the Chairman.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
April 27, 1994
7:00 P.M.
Chairman Alexander called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Members Present: Linda Nutter, Cindy Souders, Bob Philpott, Orville Campbell, Carl
Alexander, Tim German and Bob Winters.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: John Jimerson, Brad Collins, Gary Kenworthy and Larry Glenn.
Public Present:
Alan and Laura Horrocks, Bea Dier, Alice Thome, Irene Wylam, Thelma
King, Esther Fox, Marie Paynter, Fred Morrison, Marie Greubel, Duane
Dier, Betty Sleeper, Sandra Crook, Ed Tuttle, Jenny Gebhardt, Tammy
Harmon, Jim and Irene Rexroat, Shawn Price, Marie Modlin, Betty
Anderson, Kurt Grubb, Cheryl Baumann, Sheila Sell, Don McInnes, Terry
payseno, Susan Feiro, Kurtis and Patricia Lorentzen, Della Floyd, Myron
Carlson, Dave Milligan, Jeff Abram, Steve Greely, Darrel Vincent, Nancy
Campbell, Roger Sovde, Darlene Ryan, Richard Riski.
Commissioner Campbell moved to approve the minutes of the special joint meeting with the
City Council of March 29, 1994 as submitted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner
Winters and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Souders moved to approve the minutes of the April 13, 1994, meeting with
the following corrections: On Page 7 note that Commissioner Souders seconded the motion,
which passed unanimously. On the bottom of the same page, the Commission reconvened at 8:50
p.m. Finding 9 on Page 12, replace "south" with "north". Page 16 note that Bea Dier lives on
Laurel Street, as corrected. Page 17 under Reports of Commissioners add "repair of potholes"
and replace "Front" with "FirSt'f. Commissioner Winters seconded the motion, which passed
Planning Commission Minutes
April 27, 1994
Page 2
REZONE REQUEST - REZ 94(04)02 - ALBERTSONS, Lauridsen Boulevard
between Lincoln and Laurel Streets: Request to rezone property from RS-7,
Residential Single Family, to CSD, Community Shopping District.
Brad Collins reviewed the additional information and letters received since the previous meeting.
The Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance was modified to require that installation of
Phase II improvements commence prior to issuance of a building permit and all Phase I and
Phase II improvements shall be completed prior to occupancy of the building. A new mitigation
measure was added which requires screening of the roof. Because of SEP A timing requirements,
the MDNS will not be final until May 19, 1994. The Planning Commission should not take
action until it is fmal. He offered May 25th as a possible date for continuation of the item. If
there is a SEPA appeal, it can also be heard at that meeting. Washington Department of
Transportation hasn't been able to comment, but they hope to provide comments by mid-May.
Commissioner Winters stated he understood they are considering a rezone, but in doing so, asked
if it is appropriate to use Albertsons as a worst case scenario for evaluating traffic impacts. Brad
Collins responded affirmatively but cautioned the Commission that their action does not approve
a specific project or site plan. They are being asked to consider a general rezone of the
Chairman Alexander opened the public hearing.
Ron McConnell, McConnell-Burke Planning Consultants, Bellevue, stated Albertsons
representatives are present to respond to questions and issues raised during public testimony.
Duane Dier, 2821 Second A venue, Seattle, stated he represents Bea Dier, his mother, who is
selling 70,000 square feet of property to Albertsons. In addition to having a financial interest
in the project, his family is also concerned with the economy of the community. The commercial
properties on the site are in a blighted condition. Vacation of public rights-of-way have occurred
previously to support new commercial development. An alley was vacated for the
Albertsons/Payless shopping center. Albertsons has worked for the past two years to create a
site for the store, which provides an indication of the lack of available sites in Port Angeles.
Ed Tuttle, 202 Ahlvers Road, supports the project. His main concern is with the traffic
impacts. He proposed an alternative intersection configuration which "straightens" Lincoln Street
and eliminates the curve. That would result in improved traffic movements and push the
intersection further away from the Albertsons site. It would also be consistent with the by-pass
concept for Lauridsen Boulevard. It would also improve a dangerous school crossing from
Lauridsen Boulevard.
Marie Paynter, 2924 Oakcrest Way, supports the proposal. We need to support growth in the
community. It would be a great addition to Port Angeles.
Roger Sovde, 1517 W. 16th Street, owner of the Dandee Motel, stated west side residents
would benefit from the project as it would be more convenient.
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April 27, 1994
Page 3
Esther Fox, 2521 Columbus Avenue, submitted a petition in support of Albertsons. She lives
three blocks south of Lauridsen Boulevard and thinks the store would be a welcome addition to
the neighborhood.
Myron Carlson, 2220 S. Oak Street, said the store would be an improvement to the
neighborhood. The property will continue to deteriorate if this proposal is not approved.
. Jeff Abram, 234 Fogarty, a resident of the neighborhood for 42 years, expressed the importance
for keeping business in the city. This location is more accessible to the elderly population in the
neighborhood. The traffic light and sidewalks will improve traffic and safety.
Darrel Vincent, 721 E. Front Street, has ownership interest in the properties. Without this
project, the properties will continue to be run down. He supports the rezone.
Kurtis Lorentzen, 204 Orcas A venue, opposes the rezone. It is not in the public interest - there
is a need to protect the Boulevard as a cross-town route. Albertsons traffic would undermine
such a route. Accessibility will not substantially improve as the site is only 10 blocks from the
existing store. The rezone is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan which states there shall
be no further commercial zoning on Lauridsen Boulevard. The Plan specifically identifies the
site as neighborhood oriented, Albertsons is not neighborhood oriented. Albertsons would
degrade the quality of life in the area.
Susan Feiro, 124 Lopez A venue, said Albertsons should pay for any traffic revisions. She is
concerned the store will act as a magnet which attracts additional business to the area which
further encroach on the residential neighborhood. She bought her home with the understanding
it was in a residential neighborhood and that would not change and that streets would not be
Patricia Lorentzen, 204 Orcas A venue, asked why the downtown CSD cannot be expanded to
allow a bigger Albertsons. She is concerned that the rezone is in the middle of a residential area.
Mrs. Gruebel, 315 W. 15th Street, stated the west side of town is served by two small grocery
stores where there is a growing unmet demand. Perhaps the citizens of Port Angeles would be
better served if the store was located over there. There are a number of senior citizens that have
to go downtown to do their shopping, which requires public transportation for many. She
questions the wisdom of abandoning the existing store. It profitably serves many residents. She
questioned the value of the large stores with their long aisles being an inconvenience.
Don McInnes, 147 Fogarty Avenue, submitted comments in writing. He is satisfied with the
SEPA mitigation measure which requires screening of the roof. He is still concerned with other
aesthetic impacts. The entire facility should be screened as much as possible from the
neighborhood. He is opposed to the rezone, noting that according to the traffic analysis, there
would be one car for every five seconds during peak times. The congestion could add as muchias one minute to emergency vehicle response times to the area.
Lonnie Johnson, 2220 S. Chase Street, lives one and a half blocks from the site. There are
few controls, such as yield signs, on the local streets. The intersection of Orcas and Chase are
Planning Commission Minutes
April 27, 1994
Page 4
already dangerous and will become even more so if the project is approved. There are no
sidewalks in the area making it dangerous to walk. He would like to see yield signs placed at the
intersections to slow the traffic down.
Tamson Harmon, 218 Whidbey Avenue, said the rezone would be a huge encroachment into
a residential neighborhood. The existing commercial zoned property is suitable for neighborhood
oriented businesses. She said if the City is going to be vacating streets, then why not vacate
Chase Street behind the existing Albertsons and let them expand eastward where there are
deteriorating commercial properties.
Jim Lunt, 221 Lopez Avenue, read into the record a letter that he passed to the Commission.
He stated that the process is biased, as the neighborhoods do not have the resources to obtain
information as do corporations. The distance between the existing and proposed site is only 8
blocks; therefore, gains in improved accessibility are minimal. Examples of neighborhood stores
include the Market Basket and Walts Grocery. He expressed concerns with the storm drainage,
the buildings' aesthetical qualities, traffic impacts, impacts on Jefferson School and the
elimination of affordable housing. A precedent for denying street vacations was set a few years
ago when Safeway was denied a request to vacate 4th Street. The project benefits a few, most
notably the Albertsons corporation, and is detrimental to the many residents of the neighborhood.
Jim Rexroat, 112 W. 12th Street, stated the project would increase traffic between Eight Street
and Lauridsen Boulevard. The project has the potential to create a new commercial area, not
unlike the uptown area of Port Townsend.
Sheila Sell, 229 Orcas Avenue, stated her property shares an alley with small businesses, and
they have a good relationship. She is concerned with the traffic impact such a large store would
create. There is a high potential for accidents, and it would create an even more dangerous
situation near Jefferson School. The application implied the facility would be a mom and pop
store. It definitely is not.
Cheryl Baumann, 2310 S. Chase Street, said because the project results in the closure of the
old store, it does not represent economic growth or diversification. Because it serves more than
one neighborhood, it is not neighborhood oriented commercial, therefore, it is inconsistent with
the intent of the CSD zone. It is also inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan which states the
type of use should be located in the Commercial "Tit. There are no changes in circumstances
to warrant the rezone. Residents in the area have counted on the zoning not to change.
Shawn Price, 209 Columbus A venue, is concerned with the existing Albertsons building, it
would become vacant. Pay less relies on Albertsons bringing business to the center and it may
not survive if Albertsons leaves. Traffic near the school is already a problem.
Fred Morrison, 2213 S. Laurel, expressed concern with the orientation of the building. Older
people would have to walk too far across the parking lot to get to the store. His house will be
subject to traffic impacts, including noise and headlights. He is concerned with the expansion
of commercial zoning.
Joe Denhart, 139 W. 12th Street, stated three concerns. First, there is a lack of traffic studies
Planning Commission Minutes
April 27, 1994
Page 5
for Lincoln and Laurel Streets between 8th and Boulevard. Laurel Street already experiences
heavy traffic. Second, he is concerned with vacant store fronts, citing the now vacant Sequim
Safeway. His third concern was that the rezone would set a precedent for future commercial
zoning in the area.
The Commission took a break at 8:40 p.m. and reconvened at 9:00 p.m.
Ron McConneU, offered testimony in rebuttal to previous comments. There has been a change
in circumstances that involves changing demographics, which in turn affects the retail market.
The second change is the lack of zoned land. The 1976 Comprehensive Plan did not anticipate
this change in the market. There are public benefits including new jobs, taxes, improved goods
and services and prevention of leakage. He reviewed the project with respect to a number of
Comprehensive Plan policies. This analysis was submitted to the Commission in writing. He
concluded that the Washington Supreme Court has held that plans in progress cannot be used as
a basis for evaluating rezones. The rezone should be evaluated in light of the current adopted
Comprehensive Plan.
Woody Harris, Albertsons Real Estate Manager, BeUevue, said he has spent four years
looking for a site in town for Albertsons. Prior to that he had unsuccessfully pursued a site for
another grocery store chain. This is an indication of the lack of suitable sites in town. He has
talked to the Payless manager in hopes of expanding on that site. Those discussions were
unsuccessful. Payless is not very concerned with the prospect that Albertsons may leave.
In response to questions, he indicated the payroll may be higher than indicated in the application.
He was being conservative in his estimates. One reason it is low in comparison to the number
of employees, has to do with the wage mix for this size of store. The number of employees
identified in the application is accurate. He indicated Albertsons will pay its fair share of the
traffic improvements (8% of light and 100% of channelization improvements). About 70%-80%
of their business comes from a 2 mile radius.
Carl Pir'Scher, Project Architect, Mountlake Terrace, said the site is an appropriate size for
a 47,000 s.f. Albertsons. He reviewed the site plan, storm drainage, electrical service, noise
analysis, roof screening and lighting. He explained how a combination of parapets and roof
screens will screen the mechanical equipment.
Terry Gibson, Project Tramc Consultant, Everett, noted that the school, road and store peak
hours are all at different times, thereby reducing the impact. He discussed in much detail three
primary issues with traffic, including school safety I neighborhood intrusion and Phase I and II
improvements. He noted that Mr. Tuttle's proposal to create a liT" intersection has significant
merit for improving traffic movement, with cost being the primary drawback.
Ron McConnell, concluded that Albertsons is taking the neighborhood concerns very seriously,
and believes they have met the test for approval.
The Commission took a break at 10:40 p.m. and reconvened at 10:55 p.m.
Commissioner Souders moved to continue the meeting past 10:00 p.m., provided it does not
Planning Commission Minutes
April 27, 1994
Page 6
go past midnight. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Winters and passed 7-0.
Commissioner Alexander called for rebuttal testimony.
Alan Horrocks, 2410 S. Lincoln, stated Albertsons hasn't provided changes of circumstances
which justify a rezone. The changes they have identified have nothing to do with the property.
A previous rezone was denied because the site was not suitable for the rezone. He expressed
concern that a rezone is inappropriate in light of the four years of planning that has occurred with
the draft Comprehensive Plan. Other sites are available, Albertsons is pursuing this one because
it is the optimal site. The issue is one of controlling more of the market share that already
exists, not one of containing leakage. Albertsons will benefit to a much greater degree from the
traffic light than the 7.8 % of its' cost that they would pay. They require efficient traffic systems
to increase their business. He expressed concerns with noise, light and glare and traffic. He
feels the traffic consultant failed to consider vehicles from the Mt. Angeles Road area that would
use Park Street and filter down the residential streets to get to Albertsons.
Cheryl Baumann, 2310 S. Chase Street, stated there is not much leakage. People don't go to
Sequim to buy groceries. It's a matter of where small businesses in town are losing customers
to the larger corporations. The proposal is not consistent with the existing Comprehensive Plan
as it serves citywide and tourist business. Albertsons should be in the ACD zone, whose purpose
statement indicates it is where city wide oriented businesses can locate.
Jim Rexroat, 112 W. 12th Street, stated the high school has an open campus which allows
students to leave to go to lunch. He is concerned they will head to Albertsons.
Sheila Sell, 229 Orcas A venue, stated that Jefferson School hosts other activities, including after
school athletics, that occur during Albertsons peak hour periods.
Fred Thompson, 1321 S. Laurel Street, said the additional traffic will result in additional
Don McInnes, understands traffic disperses on several roads, but they all funnel onto this one
Richard Riski, 2310 South Chase, stated Sequim has a strip mall look to it. Port Angeles needs
to ask if that is what they want for here. By putting commercial development in more isolated
locations, the result is the creation of more traffic.
There being no further testimony, Chairman Alexander closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Winters moved to continue the deliberation to May 25, 1994. The motion
was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed unanimously.
PIsnning Commission Minutes
April 27, 1994
Page 7
vacate a portion of San Juan Avenue, lying between Laurel and Lincoln Streets, south of
Lauridsen Boulevard.
John Jimerson reviewed the Department recommendation, noting the recommendation to approve
the street vacation is subject to approval of the rezone.
Chairman Alexander opened the public hearing. There was no testimony given.
Commissioner Nutter moved to continue the public hearing to May 25, 1994, The motion
was seconded by Commissioner CampbeU and passed 7-0.
Proposal to amend Chapter 17.70 (Planned Residential Development) as it relates to
exterior setbacks.
Brad Collins explained the proposal was originally approved as a housekeeping measure. The
City Attorney has since determined the requirement of a 25 foot exterior setback for PRO's is
more than a housekeeping measure, therefore a new public hearing with appropriate notice should
be conducted. The Planning Department supports the recommendation made previously by the
Planning Commission.
Chairman Alexander opened the public hearing. No one was present to speak.
After some discussion on the matter, Chairman Alexander stated the issue deserves more
consideration than the Commission can give at this late hour. Commissioner Nutter moved to
continue the public hearing to June 8, 1994. The motion was seconded by Commissioner
Philpott and passed unanbnously.
Brad Collins reported the City Council will be reviewing a condition on the Lappier Annexation
to determine the best way to obtain right-of-way for Golf Course Road. The proposed solution
is that rather than having a few property owners dedicate the right-of-way for free, that the
owners be reimbursed through an L.l.D. by the property owners that are not required to dedicate
property. Mr. Collins asked if the Commission felt they needed to review this change. The
Commission indicated they did not.
Brad Collins also announced a seminar on land use decision making and suggested anyone
interested in attending should talk to him.
Planning Commission Minutes
April 27, 1994
Page 8
Commissioner Souders indicated she is concerned with the late meetings and that she would be
willing to meet every week if it will result in the meetings ending earlier.
Commissioner Campbell noted that the Finance Committee for the Capital Improvement Plan will
be meeting on April 28, 1994.
The Commission agreed to send a letter to the Washington Department of Transportation
expressing concerns with the recent maintenance work on First Street and to request WOOT to
fix the rough road.
The meeting adjourned at 12:01 a.m.
Brad Collins, Executive Secretary
Carl Alexander, Chair
PREPARED BY: 10hn Jimerson
Planning Commission Attendance Roster
Meeting Date: Apn l "2. I, (t1 fj lj
Planning Commission Attendance Roster
Meeting Date:
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