HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/03/1966
Minutes of the regular meetin] of the Port An~e1es PI"nning
Commission May 3rd 1966.
Members present were Anderson, Dillin1, Hankins, Hunt,
Trpat and Str8nge~ Also pre~ent were Director of Public Works
John B. Warder and Building Inspector Robert Willson.
Minutes of the previous meetin) were read and approved.
There were two applications for variances from the
zoning ordinance to be considered at this meeting. Thp. first
was a request from Edwin B. ~ordon of 621 South Washington
Street owner of the south half of lots 10 and 11 Block 209 for
permission to construct a sin]le car garage within two feet of
his north property line. A letter from the owner of the north
half of these two lots approvinq the application was attached.
Upon examination of the sitp. and the topography it appears the
request is reasonable. A motion was passed reco~mending to
the City Council the application be approved.
The second application to be considered was from Ron
Leighton of lJ2~ ~outh Cedar Stree~, owner of the south half
of lots 19 and 20 Block 392 Townsite. The request was
identical to the first one considered, namely for permission
to build a carport clospr to the property line than allowed.
This application had the approval of the owner of tne north
half of these two lots, after examination of the site and 8
]eneral discussion a motion was passed recommendin1 to the
City Council the application be appl'"oved.
Next item to be considered was the official hearing
on the proposed off-street parking ordinance. The Chairman
opened the meeting by readin~ the notice of the hearing as
it Appeared in the legal puhlication ~n April 21st and 28th
1966, also read were the first few paragraphs expiaining the
purpose, regulations, definitions, etc. The matter was then
open~d for g~neral discussion and questlons. There were about
twelve people present. The only matter subject to question by
those prp.sent, was the requirement of parking spaces for
Churches, Mortuaries and Funeral homes which had been fixed
at 1 parkin~ space for each 4 seats in the chapel. There were
repre~entatives present from four seperate church groups includ-
ing thp. Salvation Army, The Pil rrim Holiness, First Church of
fJod, and oth~rs. The p~stors of all these groups ~ade the
SAme statempnts, th~t a survey of their congregations indicated
that 7 or 8 peorle per one car parkin? space would be close
to the actual use and th~t a spqce for each 4 spats would
work an undue hardship on their church. After a discussion the
Planning Commission by motion agrepd to chan1e the requirement
from 4 to 6 seats in the chapel. There was furthpr discussion
on the subject but no further ~rotests. The Chairman declared
the he~rjn1 closed. A motion WrtS thpn off~red that the Planning
Commission approve the proposed Off-Street Parking Ordinance
and ur~e its arlootion by the Council. MotIon passed unanimously.
No further business appearing, meeting adjourned at 8:45
Respectfully submitted,
Hugh Hankins, Secretary
Fred C. Strenge, _ airman