HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/06/1969
Minutes of the Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting of May
6, 1969.
Present: Hunt, Treat, Anderson, Hankins, Driscoll, McHone, and
Building Inspector Willson.
Absent: Dilling
Meeting was opened at 7:40 P.M. in the Municipal Chambers.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as received.
Old Business - None
New Business -
Mr. Floyd Shields of 1233 West 5th St. had requested a
variance which would permit him to enlarge an existing single
family residence by extending it to approximately 20 feet from
the alley instead of the 25 feet required in an RS-7 zone.
After a brief discussion, it was voted to recommend the request
be approved.
Mr. Vance Bin~ham had presented a request for variance
on the property at 9 0 and 922 Caroline. The existing building
is a nonconforming structure in that it has insufficient side-
yard clearances. The request is for permission to enlarge the
existing structure by extending it straight south, in line with
the present west and east walls. The total of the present
structure and the new addition will represent approximately 39%
lot coverage. Parking for the present 10 vehicles will still
be provided. After discussing the request with Mr. Bingham, it
was voted to recommend approval.
Mr. Philip L. Churchley of 328 East Lopez had requested
a variance to enable him to construct a new detached garage,
two feet from the alley line instead of the 10 feet required in
an RS-7 zone. Following a lengthy discussion, it was voted to
recommend the request be denied. It was felt that the situation
as it exists does not warrant a variance, since the structure
can be built to comply with the set back requirements.
Other Business
Mr. & Mrs. H. E. McLennan of 738 West 15th had requested
a vacation of the alley on Block 427 Townsite, located between
15th and 16th Streets, Truck Route to "AI' St.
Mrs. Eleanor Priest had requested the vacation of the
alley in Block 186 Townsite, located between 5th & 6th Streets,
Penn to Wolcott Streets.
Both requests had been referred to the Planning Commission for
recommendation. Memos from various departments involved were
considered. After brief discussion it was voted to recommend
the vacation of both alleys be denied.
Minutes - Port Angeles Planning Comm.
May 6, 1969
page 2
Mr. Robert Chamberlin, 202 West 9th, had inquired about the
possibility of locating an ice dispenser on the northeast corner
of Front and Chambers Streets. After discussing the matter,
the secretary was advised to inform Mr. Chamberlin that a one
year trial would be acceptable. LitterL cans should be provided
and empited as required, the premises kept clean and, if the
situation shows the necessity, off-street parking will be required.
A communication from the All-City Council of Parents and Teachers
was pres~nted to the commission at the opening of business. The
Communication was relative to undersirable conditions which are
felt to exist in the vicinity of Franklin, Hamilton, Jefferson,
Lincoln, Roosevelt and Washi~on Schools. These conditions
range from traffic problems to design features of 8th Street
and Boulevard bridges. Representatives from the All-City Council
were present and discussed this correspondence at length. The
Planning Commission recommended that this be presented to a
joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission. The
secretary was directed to arrange such a meeting.
A brief discussion pertaining to accessory structures in mobile
home areas was held. The secretary was directed to obtain
what information he could on other communitiestapproaches to
the question.
No further business was advanced and the meeting adjouned at 9:25
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Harry unt, hairman
g Secretary
MEMO: May If 1969
, TO: Planning Commission e
RE: Meeting scheduled for May 6, 1969
Old Business - None
New Business -
Floyd Shields. 1233 West 5th Street, has requested a variance to
allow the demolition of an existing back porch and the construction
of a new addition in its place. The addition would come approximately
20 feet from the alley instead of the 25 feet required in an RS-7
Vance F. Bingham, has requested a variance to permit him to
enlarge an existing, non-conforming building at 920 and 922 Caroline
Street. This is the same property that George a Todd received a
similar variance for (see Planning Committee minutes 9/17/6QY8but
never exercised. This new request is for comparable work but a
large r addi ti on.
Philip L. ChurchleYf 328 East Lopez, has requested a variance
to construct a new garage closer to the alley than permitted in
an RS-7 zone. This is to ~place an existing carport.
Other Business - Two requests for right-of-way vacations have been <~
forwarded to the Planning Commission for recommendation. ~
1. By H.E. McLennan, vacate alley in Block 427 Townsite; between
15th and 16th Streets f rom "A" Street to Truck Road.
2. By Mrs. Eleanor Priest, alley in Block 186 Townsite; between
5th and 6th Streets, Penn to Wolcott.
Bob Chamberlin inquired about installing an ice dispenser, similar
to the one in the Safeway parking lot. on the northeast corner of
Front and Chambers Stre e t. (RB zone)
Council Action -
At its meeting of April 17, 1969 the City Council took the follow-
ing action on items from the Planning Commission meeting of April
15 , 1969 .
Del-Hur, rezoning request vicinity of 13th & "Mil for gravel
pit, denied. re.pl,f/
L.N.Jungman; ~ of lots 18, 19, 20 Block 1 Highland View Acre
tracts, accepted the proposed layout of the preliminary plat.
As of this date, I have no further business to be presented at this
R. P. Willson
Recording Secretary