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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Port Angeles Planning Commission
May 7th, 1963.
Members present were Anderson, Driscoll, Hankins, MCGee, Reiners and
strange. Also present was City Engineer John Warder.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Under unfinished business, Commission took up the matter of a petition
for annexation to the City in the Mount An~eles Road area. The petition
had been refered to the Commission by the City Council for study and
report. Interested people at the meeting were Mr & Mrs Sawby, Mr & Mrs
Hanify and Mr. Melvin Ferguson. Inasmuch as the area covered by the
petition included a lot of unoccupied acreage and also a long narrow strip
of land along the Mount Angeles Road south to the Scribner Road, both
objectionable features, the Commission, after a thorough discussion with
those present, suggested a new petition be drawn covering an area which
does not extend so far south and also a southern boundry line which would
more or lass straighten the City limit lines in the area. The area to be
covered by the new suggested petition would include the major portion of
homes in that section. With the above in mind, the Planning Commission
unanimously recommends to the City Council that the attached petition
as drawn be denied.
Chairman read a letter from Katherine Jordan asking for permission to
build a small house on a fractional lot. The area in question being
Lot 18 of Block 282 located at the corner of Chambers Street and the
Boulevard. The area of the lot in question is only 2,)Ol square feet,
being less than one third of the area required in a First Class residential
zone. Mrs. Jordan being present, was advised it was impossible to issue
a building permit on an area of that size.
A note was made of John Driscoll's reappointment as a member of the
Planning Commission for a period of siz years dating from June 28. 1962.
All members were very pleased at John's reappointment and so expressed
Chairman advised the group that Mr. M. G. Poole, the planning engineer
retained by the City County etc. under the A. R. A. program, had asked
for another joint meeting including all the sponsors, tentative date
of meeting May 21, 1963. Members present agreed to the meeting. Chairman
is to advise members of firm date when decided.
Next order of business was a request for a variance from the zoning
ordinance to change classification from First Residence to Second Class
Business on Lots 3 and Block 25 P.S.G.G. Second Addition to' the
Townsite of ortngeles. s per enc osed s etc , t e property is
located on the south side of the Boulevard between Lincoln and Laurel
Streets. Chairman set May 21 as date of hearing.
The last item on the agenda was a general disnussion on the proposed
schedule of arterial improvements over the next few years. The matter
having been refered to the Commission by the City Council. After a
lengthy discussion, it was Buggested that each member give individual
thought to the problem and compare ideas at our next meeting.
No further business appearing, meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
H. H. Han ins, Secretary
cc to M. W. Slankard
John Warder
Paul Reed