HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/09/2007
321 East Fifth Street
May 9, 2007
6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance led by Chair
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular meeting of April 25, 2007
Application for a conditional use permit to allow an accessory residential use in the
RS- 7 Residential Single Family zone.
MONTE MARE. Northwest comer of Front and Oak Streets: A shoreline substantial
development permit to construct a mixed use structure with underground parking
partially within the shoreline area. The property is zoned CBD Central Business
PLANNING COMMISSIONERS Werner BeIer (ChaIr), John Matthews (VIce ChaIr), KeVIn Snyder, Chene Kldd, Stanley Hams, Dave Johnson, Doc ReISS
PLANNING STAFF Mark Madsen, DIrector, Sue Roberds, Planmng Manager, Nathan West, Pnnclpal Planner, Scott Johns, ASSOCiate Planner
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
May 9, 2007
6:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Dave Johnson, Kevin Snyder, John Matthews, Stanley
Harris, Wemer Beier, Cherie Kidd, Doc Reiss
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Sue Roberds, Scott Johns, Nathan West
Public Present:
Dan Gase, Steve Zenovic, Harry Dorssers, Scott and Linda
Pangrle, Nancy Chambers, Gene and Trena Calder, Carole
Boardman, Russ Veenema
Salute to the Flag was led by Chair Beier
Commissioner Reiss moved to approve the April 25, 2007, regular meeting minutes
as submitted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kidd and passed unanimously.
Chair Beier opened the public hearing portion of the meeting and indicated that those
who testify must sign the "Sign In'' log and affirm that their testimony will be truthful to the best
of their knowledge.
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 07-04 - PANGRLE. 1114 W. 9th Street:
Application for a conditional use permit to allow a duplex use in the RS- 7
Residential Single Family zone.
Associate Planner Scott Johns reviewed the Department's report recommending
approval of the conditional use permit. Mr. Johns responded to questions regarding existmg site
development and proposed site improvements to accommodate the duplex use. Ample on site
parking is provided for the combination of uses proposed. Chair Beier opened the public
Scott and Linda Pangrle, 1114 W. 9th Street were present for questions. They agreed
with the proposed conditions of approval and explained that due to the change in grade level of
the site, the two units will be located on separate levels with separate driveway access and off
street parking areas.
Plannlllg CommiSSIOn MlIllltes
May 9. 2007
Page 2
Trel1a Calder, 1122 W. 9th Street asked questions dealing with site development and use
of the site. She was concerned that the conditional use permit approval did not require an owner
to reside on the site. Mr. Johns responded to a question from Mrs. Calder that, per the City's
zoning regulations, up to 5 unrelated persons can live together as a single housekeeping unit, so
there would be a potential maximum occupancy of 10 residents for a duplex use. He also
responded that neIghboring property owners have the same rights as anyone else with regard to
the expectatIOns for residential occupancy when it comes to peace and quiet and enforcement of
the City's nuisance regulations. Mrs. Calder stated that she would prefer that a property owner
reside on the site rather than that both units be rented.
There being no further discussion, Chair Beier closed the public hearing.
Following brief discussion and further explanation of site development and surrounding
uses by use of the visual display projector, Commissioner Reiss moved to approve the
conditional use permit with the following conditions, supported by the noted findings and
1. Each dwelling unit shall be required to have a separate electric meter.
2. The residential units shall be addressed as 1110 and 1114 W. 9th Street.
Based on the information provided in the Community and Economic Development Staff
Report for CUP 07-04 dated May 9, 2007, including all information in the public record file,
comments and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission
discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval, the CIty of Port Angeles
Planning Commission hereby finds that:
1. Scott and Linda Pangrle submitted Conditional Use Permit application CUP 07-04 to
convert a single family residence into a duplex on March 26, 2007.
2. The subject site mcludes Lots 3 and 4, Block 302, Townsite of Port Angeles. The site
contains 14,000 square feet of area.
3. The site is zoned RS-7. Duplex uses are allowed by conditional use permit per Section
17.10.040(H) PAMC. Section 17.1O.050(C) Table "A" of the PAMC provides
development standards for conditional uses in the RS- 7 zone. Duplex uses require a
minimum lot width of 75 feet and a minimum lot area of 10,500 square feet in the RS- 7.
4. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Low Density Residential (LDR).
Adjacent designations are also designated LDR, with the "C" Street corridor designated
Commercial (C). The site is located in the City's Northwest Planning Area. The subject
site is located at 1114 West 9th Street and development in the neighborhood includes
primarily single family residential uses with commercial, and mixed residential located
along the "C" Street corridor.
Plannlllg CommISSIOn MlIlutes
May 9. 2007
Page 3
5. Per 17.96.050 P AMC, the Planning CommissIOn shall consider applications for
conditional use permit uses as specified in the applicable Chapter of the Zoning
Regulations. The Planning Commission may grant said permits which are consistent and
compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the use IS located, consistent with the
ComprehensIve Plan, and not contrary to the public use and interest. In each application
the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or conditions are consIdered
essentIal to protect the public health, safety, welfare, and to prevent depreciation of
neighboring property. Established City policy requires that duplex uses be scattered
throughout single family residential neighborhoods and that impacts of each proposed
duplex be evaluated to determine if the characteristics of the intended use as related to
the specific proposed site would defeat the purpose of the City's Zoning Regulations by
introducing incompatible, detrimental, or hazardous conditions. The Planning
Commission may refuse to issue a conditional use permit if the characteristics of the
intended use would defeat the purpose of the City's zoning regulations.
6. The City's Comprehensive Plan was reviewed for consistency with the proposal. Land
Use Element Goal A and Policy A.2; Land Use Element Goal B, and Policies B.1 and
B.4; Land Use Element Goal C and Policies C.1; Housing Element Goal A and Policy
A.1, and Goal B and Policy B.6; Transportation Element Policy B.14; Conservation
Element Goal A and Policy A.1, Goal B and Policies B.1, 2, 4, 5, 8, and Objectives B.3,
4, and 7; and Capital Facilities Element Policies B.1 - 7 were found to be most relevant to
the proposal.
7. PAMC Chapter 14.40 requires two off-street parking spaces for each residential unit.
Adequate space is provided on site for the required parking.
8. A development that is approved through the conditional use permit process must remain
in continual compliance with specific conditions of approval or may be revoked.
9. Reviewing City Departmental comments were considered in the review of this
application. The proposed activity will require a valid building permit and the
installation of separate water and electrical meters.
10. Notification of the proposed action was placed in the Peninsula Dally News on April 11,
2007, posted on the site on April 9, 2007, and mailed to property owners within 300 feet
of the subject property on Apri16, 2007. No comments from the public were received.
11. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued for this proposed action on April 30,
12. The Planning Commission opened a public hearing on the proposal at the May 9, 2007,
regular meeting.
Based on the information provided in the Department of Community and Economic
Development Staff Report for CUP 07-04 dated May 9,2007, including all of the information in
Planl1l1lg CommISsIOn MlIlutes
May 9, 2007
Page 4
the public record file, comments, and testimony presented during the public hearing, the
Planning Commission's discussion and dehberation, and the above listed conditions of approval
and listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that:
1. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan,
specifically with Land Use Element Goal A and Policy A.2; Land Use Element Goal B,
and Policies B.l and B.4; Land Use Element Goal C and Policies C.l; Transportation
Element Policy B.14; Housing Element Goal A and Pohcy A.l; Housing Element Goal B
and Policy B.6; Conservation Element Goal A and Policy A.l, Goal B and Policies B.l,
2, 4, 5, 8, and Objectives B.3, 4, and 7; and Economic Development Policy B.5. The
Plan specifies that multi-family residential units should be allowed in certain zones by
conditional use approval m order to provide a variety of, and adequate, affordable
housing and also encourages clustering of residential development where necessary to
protect environmentally sensItive areas while preserving the rights of private property
ownership. The Plan's residential goals and policies indicate that a mix of uses is
acceptable and even expected when desired densities are maintamed.
2. The proposed use complies with Section 17.10.040(H) and Table A P AMC (RS-7 Zone)
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code and, as conditioned, the proposal is consistent WIth
development standards for duplex uses in the RS-7 Zone.
3. The proposal is consistent with requirements for approval of a conditional use permit as
specified m PAMC 17.96.050.
4. The proposal is consistent with P AMC Chapter 14.40 (Parking Ordinance).
5. As conditioned, the proposal will provide an alternate housing opportunity in compliance
with established building and zoning standards.
Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
MONTE MARE, Northwest comer of Front and Oak Streets: A shoreline
substantial development permit to construct a mixed use structure with
underground parking partially within the shoreline area. The property is zoned
CBD Central Business District.
Associate Planner Scott Johns reviewed the Department's report recommending
approval of the shoreline permit with conditions. Mr. Johns responded to questions and noted
that only a small portion of the proposed development project is within the shoreline area and
that the use within the shoreline area is a public plaza and open space. He identified the site by
use of a visual projection display and noted that the applicant is proposing to relocate the City's
Waterfront Trail from its current location (running south along Oak Street to Front Street) such
that it would follow along the shoreline area along the north portion of the site. In response to a
question from Commissioner Reiss as to who would be financially responsible for that
relocation, Mr. Johns responded that the matter is still under negotiation. There being no further
questions, Chair BeIer opened the public hearing.
Pln/l/l/l1g C011l1111SSIOIl M/I1l1tes
Mny 9, 2007
Pnge 5
relocation, Mr. Johns responded that the matter is still under negotiation. There being no further
questions, Chair Beier opened the public hearing.
Steve Zenovic, Zenovic and Associates, 301 East 61" Street noted that the proposal is
consistent with the City's Shoreline Master Program development standards and the zoning
ordinance. Street frontages are dedicated to commercial use with residential use on upper floors.
There is a residential component on the first floor interior to the site without frontage on a street.
PlaImer J olms noted that adequate parking for the use is provided on site with
underground parking.
Mr. ZenOVIC responded to a questiOn regarding stormwater handling by saying that a
fairly sophisticated system has been engineered for the site. The proposal is to construct the
development in three phases.
Russ Veenema, Executive Director, Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce, 121 East
Railroad Avenue expressed support for the project from the Chal11ber Board. He thanked staff
for providing a thorough analysIs of the proposal and its impacts. The project is a big plus for
the Port Angeles Downtown and community.
Dan Gase, 1115 East Front Street is excited about the project and has been inundated
with calls from interested parties who would like to locate on the site once completed. He said
that the developer will assist in the relocation and development of the Waterfront Trail amenity
along the shoreline area in development of the site and thanked staff for its direction thus far.
Commissioner Kidd also voiced thanks to staff for providing direction and cooperation to
the applicants.
Harry Dorssers, Monaco provided a history of the project development concept. His
origmal proposal was to construct a municipal pool on the site and he still believes that such a
use would be the best choice for the community. He is nonetheless excited about developing the
mixed commercial/residential use on the site as it will be a boost for the local community.
There bemg no further questions or testimony, Chair Beier closed the public hearing.
Following continued discussion and Viewing of the site via the visual display projector,
Commissioner Snyder moved to approve the shoreline substantial development permit with
the following conditions, findings, and conclusions:
If the subject site has not been previously inventoried, evaluated, and reviewed to the
satisfaction of the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, the subject site shall be evaluated by a
cultural review teal11, which shall include a professional archaeologist, a representative of
the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, the site owner, and the Port Angeles Department of
Community and Economic Development. This team shall determine the extent of
excavation monitoring for the project during the permit review process. As an
alternative, the applicant may have an approved archaeologIst on site during any
excavation or ground disturbance in lieu of a review by the aforementioned cultural team.
If during an excavation that, by decision of the cultural review team occurs without an
approved archaeologist on-site, any phenomena of possible archaeological interest are
uncovered, the developer shall stop such work and provide for a site inspection and
evaluation by a professional archaeologist to ensure that all possible archaeological
resources are handled in accordance with applicable law.
In the event archaeological artifacts, features or human remains are discovered, the
permittee will immediately notify the Tribal Chair and specified Tribal staff by both letter
Plannmg CommISSIOn MlIlllles
May 9, 2007
Page 6
and telephone, as well as the City. The City, in tum will immediately notify the State
Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, as required in RCW 27.44 and
The city will require a complete set of construction drawings for review prior to
construction. The project shall be bmld in substantial conformance to the plans
A Building Permit obtained from the City of Port Arlgeles Public Works and Utilities
Department is required prior to any earth disturbing activity is begun.
All structures on site shall comply with Section 15.12 Flood Damage Prevention
Ordinance of the P AMC. Compliance shall be certified by a registered professional
engmeer or architect.
Landscaping provided on the north side of the structure and intended to screen the on-site
parking and parking entrance shall be planted before completion of the parking area in
such a manner that plantings provide effective screening at least 4 feet high within three
years of pro] ect completIOn.
The applicant is responsible for obtaining all required permits from state or federal
agencies prior to beginning any construction activity.
Stormwater and drainage design shall be per Department of Ecology's Stormwater
Management Manual for Westem Washington most current version.
The applicant shall provide a 25' right-of-way dedicated for the purpose of establishing
public access to the shoreline.
All public improvements shall be per the city's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines.
Based on the information provided in the May 9, 2007 Staff Report for SMA 07-02 including
all of its attachments, comments and information presented during the public hearing, and the
Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Arlgeles Planning
Commission hereby finds that:
1. An application for a shoreline substantial development permit was submitted by the CIty
of Port Arlgeles on March 30, 2007 for the construction of a mixed residential commercial
structure with underground parking located near the Port Arlgeles Harbor shoreline in downtown
Port Arlgeles. The application indicates that a portion of the work will occur within the shoreline
jurisdiction. The project will occur on the west side of Oak Street and the north side of Front
Street. The work includes the excavation of approximately 31,300 cubic yards of soil. Best
management practices will be incorporated to address potential erosion and water quality impacts
from the construction.
2. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued by the City of Port Arlgeles SEP A
Responsible Official for the proposal on May 1, 2007
The Port Arlgeles Shoreline Master Program, Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance
and critical areas ordinances have been reviewed with respect to this application.
Pla17Il/llg COIllI1l1SSI017 Ml11l1tes
May 9,2007
Page 7
The site is desIgnated Commercial in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Central Business
District in the City's Zoning Ordinance, and Urban-Harbor in the City's Shorelme Master
5. Chapter 5 of the CIty'S Shoreline Master Program Use Matrices indicate that water
enjoyment commercIal uses are permitted uses in the U-H designation. The definition of
water enjoyment uses includes restaurants and mixed use projects.
6. No modification to the shoreline is proposed as an element of this proposal.
7. The following adopted City policies are most relevant to the proposed project:
Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Policies A-2, Goal B and polIcies 1, 4, and 6;
Goal C and Policies 1,2,3, and 7; Goal D and policy 1; Goal E and Policies 1,2,4, and
5; Goal F and Policies 1, 2, 3, and Objective 2; Goal J and Policy 1; Transportation
Element goal A, Objective 1; Goal B and Policy 16; Housing Goal A and Policy 2;
Conservation Element Goal A and Policies 1,2, and 3; Goal B and Policies 1, 2, 5, 6, 8,
9, 10, and 11; Goal D and Policies 1, 2, 5, 8, and 9; Economic Development Element
Goal A, Policy 6; Goal B and Policy 1. The following adopted Shoreline Master
Program's policies and Regulations are most relevant to the proposed project; Urban-
Harbor designation and Chapter 4, Policies B-1 and 2, D-1, E-2, J-2, and N-2, Chapter 5,
Policies D-1 and 5, and Chapter 6, Policies C-1, 2, and 4 and all associated regulatIOns.
The City's waterfront trail runs east and west along the length of the project. The
Waterfront trail is currently routed on city sidewalks but is anticipated to be rerouted to
the north side of the proposed structure once the project is completed.
9. The proposed structure will have mmor impacts on views of the shoreline from properties
located on the top of the marine bluff. Views of Ediz Hook, the Strait of Juan de Fuca
and Vancouver Island will not be affected.
Based on the infonnation provided in the May 9, 2007, Staff Report for SMA 07-02 including all
of ItS attachments, comments and information presented during the public hearing, the Plmming
COlmnission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings, the City of Port
Angeles Plamling CommissIOn hereby concludes that:
1. The proposed project as conditioned, is consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan and
Shoreline Master Program.
2. The project will not be detrimental to the shoreline.
As conditioned, the proposed project will enhance the shoreline environment m
Downtown Port Angeles.
4. As conditioned, the proposed project will not interfere with public use of lands or waters.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Matthews and passed unanimously.
Plalllllllg CO/ll/J1lSSIOIl M/11utes
May 9,2007
Page 8
Associate Planner Scott Johns noted that the City perfoffi1s a minor review of its
ComprehensIve Plan and Land Use Map each year to adjust and make minor amendments that
have been noted as appropriate. The proposed 2007 amendments include the addition of a parks
and recreation element, minor amendments to existing policy to include the annexation of
additional properties into the city in 2005, minor changes to strengthen and clarify the city's
support for energy conserving materials and techniques, and the potentlal addition of an
objective relative to the one-time Rayonier Mill site.
Commissioner K1dd noted that she would be abstaining from discussion and the vote on
the proposed Rayonier amendment as she was part of the group that drafted the proposal.
Chair Beier opened the public hearing, There being no one to speak to the issue, Chair
Beier closed the public hearing,
Following discussion on each of the amendments, Commissioner Reiss moved to
recommend adoption of the following amendments:
Proposed Amendments:
1. An amendment to include a Parks and Recreation Element into the Comprehensive
Discussion on this issue mainly centered on the potential need for an zmpact fee.
It was the consensus of the Commzssion that if such a fee were to be znstztuted, it
should be for new development only. Planner Johns noted that the best way to
implement such a fee would be through development codes, not through the
Comprehensive Plan.
2. Amendment to the Land Use Map portion of the Comprehensive Plan to rectify
inconsistencies WIth current land use, topographic conditions, intended uses, and
current zoning in certain areas.
Staff identified areas where the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map was in error
extendzng commerczal zonzng into established residential areas where either the
use or the topography would prevent practical commercial development.
3. Amendment to Conservation Element Goal B, Policy 20 to clarify language in the
Comprehensive Plan with regard to the City's position on the use of energy efficient
building materials and practices.
Thzs zs not a new concept, but zt was determined to formalize its practice in the
4. Various minor amendments to specific Comprehensive Plan Goals, Policies, and
Objectives are proposed as follows for consistency purposes:
a. Capital Facilities Element, Goal C, Policy 3. The city should not approve
any development that will not be served at or greater than a citywide level
of service standard of 9 10 acres of parks per 1,000 population within six
years from the time of development.
b. Conservation Element Goal C, Objective 2. The City will develop an Ediz
Hook master plan that designates land uses, improves public access to
Planmng CommISSIOn Mmutes
May 9, 2007
Page 9
c. Land Use Element Goal H, Policy 4. Industrial activIty should be
located in +we three major areas: adjacent to the Harbor, around the
Airport, and along Hwv 101 West of Benson Road.
The Commissioners did not recommend approval of the proposal to add a policy to the Plan
directing the City to intensify its efforts to lead the process of developing a vision for
redevelopment of the former Rayonier Mill site. This proposal was submitted on behalf of the
Port Angeles Business Association. [Commissioner Kidd refrained from dlScussion on this topic
other than to answer specific questions directed to her from CommlSSlOners due to her
participation on the Port Angeles Business AssociatlOn Board.] Following lengthy discussion,
and comment from staff, it was agreed that the policy need not be included in the Comprehensive
Plan document as efforts to bring this planning effort forward in a complete manner are already
underway. The City has taken a pro active role to date and staff has worked continually
throughout the process to lead a phased plan for the cleanup. It is anticipated that those efforts
will continue. The recommended policy change won't change those efforts and is an
unnecessary policy. The Comprehensive Plan is not the appropriate location for such a policy.
The Commission strongly suggested that any efforts to involve the community in all planning
efforts should not specifically include wording that independently identifies anyone group over
another, such as the proposed wording "Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe." By unanimous
agreement, the suggested wording was modified to identify that participants expected to
participate in land use discussions should simply be stated as "all interested parties." Any further
attempt to identify reVIewing parties is unnecessary.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Harris and passed 6 - 1 with Commissioner
Kidd abstaining only in an effort to avoid any appearance of fairness regarding the Rayonier
discussion. She noted for the record that she was in agreement with the Commission's
Planner West introduced Cate Lee, a summer intern in the Department. Cate is schooling
to become a land use planner.
Commissioner Snyder announced that his last meeting will be May 23, 2007.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Werner Beier, Chair
Meeting Agenda of TYJ lJi q J ;;;J--CD ~
To help us provide an accurate record of those in attendance, please sign in. Your
signature acknowledges your presence. lf you plan to testify, by your signature below, you
certify that the testimony given is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the
State of Washington. Signature below DOES NOT REQUIRE you to testify.
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