HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/10/1995
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
May 10, 1995
7:00 p.m.
ill. APPROV AL OF MINUTES: Meeting of April 26, 1995
CONDmONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 95(04)08 - YMCA. 302 South
Francis Street: The proposal is to expand an existing quasi-public
recreational facility which is located in a residential single family zoning
district. (The applicant is requesting continuation of this item to June.)
Campbell Avenue: Request to rezone approximately 18.5 acres from RS-
9, Residential Single Family, to RMD, Residential Medium Density.
All correspondence penaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Department at least
one day prior to the scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before the
PLANNING COMMISSION: Linda Nutter,Chair, Tim German (Vice), Orville Campbdl, Cindy Soudeni, Bob Winters. Bob Philpott, Bob King.
STAFF: Brad Collins, Director, Sue Roberds Office Specialist, and David Sawyer, Senior Planner.
PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE: Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to
speak to the request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a previous
presentation. A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed tbe spokesman; others shall be limited to short
supporting remarks (5 minutes). Other interested parties will be allowed to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or
make inquiries. The Chairman may allow additional public testimony if the issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5
minutes) for proponents and opponents will be heard separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their
spokesman. Rebuttal shall be limited to factual statements pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be
directed to the Board, not the City Staff representatives present, unless directed to do so by the Chairman.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
May 10, 1995
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Orville Campbell, Linda Nutter, Bob Philpott, Tim
German, Bob Winters
Members Excused:
Bob King and Cindy Souders
Staff Present:
David Sawyer, Sue Roberds, Bruce Backer, Mack
Public Present:
Ken Sorenson, Floyd and Robin Gabriel, Jim
Rumpeltes, Dorothy Duncan, Bryce Lorentzen, Willie
and Rosanna B~Mield, John Drain, Mike and Linda
Jones, Rick Melvin, Joanie Gaige, Rex Waldron, Mimi
Tiderman, Judith Marek Morris, Roger Wheeler,
(Senior Planner Sawyer noted that Commissioner Souders' absence was due to a potential appearance
of fairness with the agenda item.)
Commissioner Philpott moved to approve the April 26, 1995, minutes as submitted.
Commissioner German seconded the motion, which passed 4 - 0, with Commissioner
Winters abstaining.
Chair Nutter explained the hearing procedure to the audience and introduced the first item of
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 95(04)08 - YMCA. 302 South Francis
Street: The proposal is to expand an existing quasi-public recreational facility which
is located in a residential single family zoning district. (The applicant is requesting
continuation of this item to June.)
Chair Nutter opened the public hearing. Senior Planner David Sawyer noted that the applicant had
submitted a letter requesting continuation of the conditional use permit application consideration until
the June 14, 1995, meeting to allow for an associated permit process to be completed.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
May 10,1995
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Orville Campbell, Linda Nutter, Bob Philpott, Tim
Gennan, Bob Winters
Members Excused:
Bob King and Cindy Souders
Staff Present:
David Sawyer, Sue Roberds, Bruce Backer, Mack
Public Present:
Ken Sorenson, Floyd and Robin Gabriel, Jim
Rumpeltes, Dorothy Duncan, Bryce Lorentzen, Willie
and Rosanna Belfield, John Drain, Mike and Linda
Jones, Rick Melvin, Joanie Gaige, Rex Waldron, Mimi
Tiderman, Judith Marek Morris, Roger Wheeler,
(Senior Planner Sa\vyer noted that Commissioner Souders' absence was due to a potential appearance
of fairness with the agenda item.)
Commissioner Philpott moved to approve the April 26t 1995t minutes as submitted.
Commissioner German seconded the motion, which passed 4 - Ot with Commissioner
Winten abstaining.
Chair Nutter explained the hearing procedure to the audience and introduced the first item of
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 95(04)08 - YMCA. 302 South Francis
Street: The proposal is to expand an existing quasi-public recreational facility which
is located in a residential single family zoning district. (The applicant is requesting
continuation of this item to June.)
Chair Nutter opened the public hearing. Senior Planner David Sawyer noted that the applicant had
submitted a letter requesting continuation of the conditional use permit application consideration until
the June 14, 1995, meeting to allow for an associated permit process to he completed.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 10,1995
Page 2
Commissioner Philpott moved to continue the public hearing to June 14, 1995, 7 p.m.
Commissioner Campbell seconded the motion, which passed 5 - o.
Avenue: Request to rezone approximately 18.5 acres from RS-9. Residential Single
Family, to RMD, Residential Medium Density.
Commissioner German excused himself due to a possible appearance of fairness, and left the meeting.
Senior Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department Report aided by the use of overhead
displays indicating the existing zoning in the vicinity and Comprehensive Plan land use designations,
and answered questions as to specific State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) requirements at this
stage of the application. Mr. Sawyer responded that a very use specific SEP A review would be
required at the time a specific project is proposed but that the review required at this point is more
generally related to the zone change itself, not a specific project. In response to Commissioner
Philpott, Mr. Sawyer answered that the area was annexed to the City in 1972 as RS-9, Residential
Single Family. There being "no further questions. Chair Nutter opened the public hearing.
Jim Rumpeltes, Clallarn County Administrator, 223 East Fourth Street, represented the
application. He provided a brief history of the County's acquisition of the property, the annexation,
and zoning of the site, and concurred with the Planning Department's report recommending approval
of the rezone as proposed.
In response to Chair Nutter, Mr. Rumpeltes answered that there is no formal agreement with the City
to provide the required infrastructure for a medium density housing development on the site,
however. the City has informally agreed to the dedication of some approximately $200,000 for that
work to be done in association with a low income housing project.
Dorothy Duncan, County Commissioner, 223 East Fourth Street, concurred that the City of Port
Angeles has agreed to provide the funds for infrastructure development to develop the 18.5 acres for
low/moderate housing if the County provided the property. The City's Comprehensive Plan
recommends a rezone to medium density for the area. She stressed that there is no guarantee for a
specific project for the site, the main issue is the rezone at this time. A proposed low/moderate
income housing project for the site. which would be in cooperation with the Clallam County Housing
Authority. has been put on hold for the present time.
Ot is noted that Mr. Rumpeltes and Commissioner Duncan left the meeting at this point.)
John Drain, 3617 S. Mt Angeles Road, provided history of the property's annexation into the City,
as the adjacent property owner. He stated that it is not fair for the County as a governmental agency
to request rezone without a specific project. He opposed the project as there is already a good deal
of multi-family zoning development in the subject area at present. The site was annexed as RS-9,
Residential Single Family, and the neighborhood accepted the annexation as such. Vacancy rates for
multi family uses in the private sector are very high at present. Such a project would add to that
vacancy rate with public monies. He read from an article on an action taken by the Port Angeles
Planning Commission Minutes
May 10.1995
Page 3
Business Association (dated May 5, 1994), where it was reported that the group voted to oppose the
donation of public land without a vote of the people and from information prepared by the Olympic
Peninsula Rental Association which agreed that low income rentals are needed but that those needs
can be met with the existing units and those presently being constructed. He perceived that
development in the area south to Scrivner Road would be single family as is noted in the City's
Comprehensive Plan.
Commissioner Winters asked staff to clarify the procedure for public review of development projects.
Senior Planner Sawyer stated that only those projects that are proposed as Planned Residential
Developments (pRD) or other than traditional lot by lot developments that do not require special
permits would require public review.
Rex Waldron, 3418 Wabash Avenue, did a good deal of research as to the zoning of the area prior
to the purchase of his property, which abuts the proposed rezone area at its southeast corner. He
stated opposition to the proposed change to allow medium density at this location. He is aware of
the low/moderate housing proposal being considered by the County for the area as he has been
involved in the organized neighborhood meetings. The sense of the area is residential single family
as it is now zoned, and although there is a good deal of multi family development in the area at
present, the future of the area at this location should be restricted to single family use.
Mimi Tiderman, 3510 Wabash, stated opposition to the rezone as it impacts the value of the
properties in the area. She stated that the Commission may sense a good deal of distrust in
government upon hearing testimony of the neighborhood as the proponent of the then proposed
low/moderate income housing development that met with the neighbors concerning this property
indicated that jfit did not meet with neighborhood approval, the project would not continue. Later,
the proponent group informed the neighborhood group that they had no say. It is difficult to accept
a rezone that is being proposed with no specific project in mind. With a current vacancy factor in
the private sector of up to fifteen percent, it would appear that the private sector is fulfilling the
housing need. She opposed the use of public monies which would put the government in direct
competition with the private sector especially with the vacancy rate so high. Infrastructure in the area
is in very poor shape and should seriously be considered in such a proposal. The neighborhood will
be compromised if this rezone is approved. There should be a compelling reason and a specific project
in mind before such a rezone would be proposed and/or approved.
Bill LaRue, 222 West Park Avenue, stated that it is his belief that local government should not be
involved in this type of request. The private sector is supposed to take care of housing needs. The
vacancy rate is very high in Port Angeles at the present time, as high as thirty percent. A rezone to
Residential, Medium Density, is not needed at this time while the community is struggling with high
vacancy rates. There is no demonstrated need and there should be before this type of proposal is
proposed. He suggested that multi family developments should be in areas that are not already
developed so that property purchasers are aware of those developments and can choose to live near
them, especially when there is no demonstrated need for additional multi family housing. Vacancies
are so high that incentives are being offered for occupancy. He suggested that subsidy monies should
be offered such that those in need of housing can fill some of the already unoccupied private units
rather than compound the problem of vacancy rates by government competition with the private
Planning CommlssiQIl Minutes
May 10,1995
Page 4
Mr. LaRue responded to Commissioner Campbell, who stated that he is aware that there is a waiting
list for subsidized housing, and (Mr. La Rue) answered that although there is no clearinghouse for
vacancy rate information, in his professional experience, it can be anywhere from seventeen percent
to as high as thirty percent. He provided background as to the Planning Commission's criteria for the
policy to scatter multi family housing throughout the City. The current proposal could triple the
residency of the Campbell Avenue neighborhood.
Ken Sorenson, 419 "In Street, concurred with Mr. La Rue's testimony. He does not understand
the "fixation" in building low/moderate income housing in the City.
Rick Melvin, 3414 Wabash Avenue, lives directly northeast of the proposed site, and sat on the
County's neighborhood committee which has been studying the need for a low/moderate income
housing development. The County's proposal is based on a 1991 needs assessment study which
indicated a housing vacancy rate of only two percent. Sandy Oliver, of Serenity House, and the
Clallarn County Housing Authority, went before the Clallam County Commissioners on April 11,
1995, to request approval to apply for a $24,000 grant to update that 1991 study's findings. He
expressed strong disapproval of the rezone as it would devalue his property and the neighborhood.
Such a decision would greatly impact the infrastructure in the area, the neighborhood school, and the
neighborhood environment. The housing project was begun when vacancy rates were as low as two
percent, it is now up to seventeen percent. There is no need at present for such a rezone and he
pleaded for the sake of the neighborhood that it be denied. Until a needs assessment indicates there
is a driving need, such a rezone should not be considered.
Bryce Lorentzen, 1419 Eckard Avenue, voiced his objection to the proposed rezone request which
would allow the use of up to $200,000 of public funds to provide infrastructure for a project which
would then compete with the private sector. A low/moderate income housing project would devalue
the area. Infrastructure in the area is minimal at present and is in obvious need ofimprovement. He
questioned why the money is only available for infrastructure improvement if a low/moderate income
housing project comes along with it. He asked that the rezone be denied.
Roxanne Belfield, 2432 Westside Circle, owns rentals in the Campbell Avenue area that have
remained vacant for up to three months. She resented the fact that the City and County are going into
competition with her as landlords. She asked that the rezone be denied as there is no need for this
type of development at this time. The private sector can handle the needs at present. She asked if
the property owner would be responsible for improvements to the streets and infrastructure as a result
of a development that could be a result of the proposed rezone.
At Chair Nutter's direction, Planner Sawyer answered that since there is not a specific project on the
books at the present time, he did not know if the existing residents would be responsible for
subsequent development improvements. Whether the County is the proponent of a development or
the property is sold to a private developer, a rezone proposal is the first step in the development
process. The property in its present zoning designation could support up to approximately ninety
single family residential units. A build out possibility under the RMD designation could be as high
. as two hundred five units for the 18.5 acre parcel.
Ms. Belfield indicated that her property may already have suffered a loss of value just by the
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May 10.1995
Page 5
. awareness of the proposed development.
Judith Merrick-Morris, 1452 Eckard Avenue, recognized that there may be a need for
low/moderate income housing opportunities in the City but asked that more consideration be given
to other alternative proposals such as possible subsidies to enable low/moderate income persons to
infill the existing vacancies.
Roger Wheeler, 514 Enring Jacobs Road, member of the State of Washington Building Contracting
Board and the local building association expressed support for affordable housing projects. He
described the proposal before the City as a subsidized housing project, not an affordable housing
project. He spoke of a situation in another city where a similar project was developed only to find
that the need wasn't as great as had been anticipated and as the project was federally funded, a certain
occupancy rate had to be maintained which was achieved by bringing families in from other areas.
The Comprehensive Plan designation for this area was based on a vacancy rate of two percent which
has since changed. If the property is available, it should be offered to private industry to purchase
and sell as appropriate which would only add to the tax base and not be a burden to the taxpayer.
The property as proposed would be developed with taxpayer monies and be tax free.
Rex Waldron, 3418 Wabash, suggested such a project be placed where neighborhood development
has not been completed and let infill occur around the project with those property owners then
knowing what development exists in the area.
The Commission took a break at 8:45 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:00 p.m.
Robin Gabriel, 1411 Eckard Avenue, opposed the rezone and concurred with all the previous
speakers in opposition to the proposal..
Mike Jones, 3923 Tiller Road, asked that the property be developed as it is currently zoned which
allows for up to ninety units of single family residential housing.
There being no further comment, Chair Nutter closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Winters moved to recommend denial of the rezone as proposed. Commissioner
Philpott seconded the motion for discussion. In speaking to his motion, Commissioner Winters
distanced himself from any specific project proposal, and stated that the infrastructure in the area is
grossly inadequate to handle any housing development which could develop from such a rezone.
Such a decision could result in a very large housing development occurring without public review,
which he felt would be irresponsible.
Commissioner Campbell noted that any development, either by public or private funds, would have
to provide the needed infrastructure improvements~ however, without a Public Works representative
present, Planning staff was uncertain about whether any of the neighbors would also be included in
the responsibility for providing infrastructure improvements that may result in the area. Given the
public testimony, including that given by Administrator Rumpeltes and Commissioner Duncan, it
does not appear that there is a particular urgency for a rezone of the property to a higher density at
Planning Commission Minutes
May 10.1995
Page 6
this time.
Commissioner Philpott emphasized that designating the property RMD in the Comprehensive Plan
may have been a mistake. This may-not be a good time or a good area for multi family development.
A good amount of multi family exists in the neighborhood at the present time.
Commissioner Nutter agreed with Commissioner Campbell that a true justification or indication of
an overwhelming need for a rezone of this area was not presented during the public hearing, and
therefore a rezone may not be warranted at this time. Public input is a large factor in decisions made
by the City of Port Angeles and a rezone such as is proposed may allow for high development
potential without further public review.
Commissioner Winters reiterated that his main objection is the grossly inadequate infrastructure in
the area. Any project would have an overall impact on an existing neighborhood and the surrounding
runofflimpact areas and even though infrastructure developments are required to and from a particular
project, and may be completed by a developer, private or public, the surrounding areas may not be
upgraded as is necessary to handle the additional burden,
Commissioner Winters cited the following findings and conclusions for his motion:
The proposal by Clallam County is to rezone approximately 18.5 acres of property south of
Campbell Avenue between Porter and Wabash Streets from Residential, Single Family (RS-9)
to Residential, Medium Density (RMD).
2. Clallam County is requesting the rezone in order to provide publicly owned land for low and
moderate income housing development.
3. The subject site is undeveloped and wooded, except for BPA transmission lines which run
north to south through the site, and contains a wetland area.
4. The properties to the north of the subject site are primarily multiple family apartments, and
the land is zoned Residential, High Density (RHO).
5. The properties to the east and west of the subject site are primarily single family residences,
and the land is zoned Residential, Single Family (RS-9).
6. The properties to the south are primarily undeveloped, and the land is zoned Residential,
Single Family (RS-9) or rural residential.
7. Mt. Angeles Road, Campbell Avenue, and Porter Street are designated collector arterials but
are not improved to full City arterial street standards.
Water and sewer are available to the site, but studies are needed to determine capacity
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May 10,1995
Page 7
The Clallam County Housing Task Force has developed a plan for low and moderate income
housing on the site.
10. The Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan has a number of policy statements supporting the
provision oflow and moderate income housing opportunities, including Growth Management
Policy A.I.d, Utilities and Public Services Goals A-B, Policies B.2 and B.4, Housing goal A,
Policies AI-A2, Goal B, Policies B.I-B.9, Objectives B.I-B.2, and Economic Development
Policy B.S.
11. The Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan has a number of policy statements supporting the
zoning of medium density residential, including Growth Management goal A and Policy A.I.f,
Land Use Goal A, Policies A I-A2, Objective A 1, Goal B, Policy B.3, Goal C, Policies C.I-
C.I, and Utilities and Public Services Policy A3.
12. Only one property in the City of Port Angeles is currently zoned Residential, Medium Density
(RMD), and no vacant land is zoned RMD.
13. The area is designated as Medium Density Residential (RMD) on the City's Comprehensive
Land use Map.
Since the subject property was zoned RS-9, there have been changes both to the Zoning Code
recognizing the need for Residential Medium Density zoning, and to the Cityts
Comprehensive Plan supporting generally the variety of housing opportunities which the
rezone would allow, and specifically the low and moderate income housing that could be
proposed by the applicant. A second change in circumstances since the site was zoned RS-9
is that the County and other interested housing entities have identified this publicly owned
land which could be used'for low and moderate income housing in response to the 1991
Clallam County Needs Study.
15. Rezoning the subject property will result in an impact on the existing services, public facilities,
and transportation; development of the proposed housing project will require commitment of
public improvements to the area's infrastructure.
16. There is no stormwater system in the area.
17. A ClaIlam County Housing Needs Study was completed in 1991. The housing market has
apparently changed significantly and a new study has since been requested.
18. Mount Angeles Road south of Heart of the Hills Parkway is not a collector arterial and may
not he adequate to handle other than rural residential traffic and will result in conflict with
Land Use Goal C, Policy 3.
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May 10,1995
Page 8
. Conclusions:
A. The proposed rezone is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan, specifically the
policy statements identified in Findings 10 and 11, and the Comprehensive Plan Land Use
B. There have been significant changes in circumstances concerning the City's land use plans and
zoning regulations and the County's proposed use of the property, since the subject site was
zoned RS-9.
C. The rezone is not in the public use and interest because it requires commitment of
improvements to public facilities and services to the subject site before new housing
development can occur.
On call for the question, the motion passed 4-0.
In response to a question from the public, Planner Sawyer noted that the Planning
Commission's decision is a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council will
conduct a public hearing on June 6, 1995, 7 p.m., City Council Chambers, fOf a final action
on the issue.
David Sawyer reported that Mr. Anderson modified his request for vacation of a portion of
Fourth Street, which the Commission acted upon at its April meeting, and asked for a greatly
reduced area which consisted only of the radius immediately east and at the southeast corner
ofBenjaminIFourth Street. The Council concurred with the amended request.
Sue Roberds is working with school principals to set up the dates that the Commission set
for neighborhood meetings at elementary schools throughout town and will continue to
work with Chair Nutter and Commissionef Souders on that project.
Commissioner Philpott once again noted that the State of Washington's repair of the many
potholes in the south lanes of First Street between Golf Course Road west to about Albert
Streets does not reflect well on the City and is becoming a traffic hazard as motorists swerve
to avoid hitting them.
Chair Nutter reported on the progress toward finalizing plans for the neighborhood meetings
to be held in May, June, and July, at elementary schools in the City. Commissoner Souders
Planning Commln[Qn Minutes
May 10,1995
Page 9
is working on the public notification handouts for those meetings.
The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
David Sawyer, Acting Secretary
Planning Commis.~ion Attendance Roster
Meeting Date:
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