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321 East Fifth Street
May 12, 1999
7 p.m.
ID. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of April 14, 1999.
ANGELES - Airport Industrial Park. south ofthe 2300 to 2400 Blocks of West
18th Street: Preliminary review of a Binding Site Improvement Plan for a 25 site
development in the Industrial Light zone. (Continued from April 14),
COMMUNICATIONS - 1937 East First Street: A proposal to establish a
telecommunication utility structure in the Commercial Arterial zone by conditional
use permit.
1937 East First Street: A proposal to establish an off-street parking lot for
overflow parking associated with a permitted car rental and storage use in the
Central Business District.
4. 1999 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS: (These items need to be
continued to May 26,1999.)
Reclassification of area occupied by the Clallam COU'Dty Housing
Authority - south of Lauridsen Boulevard at Francis Street - from
Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential;
PLA?\.'NING COMMISSION: Mary Craver (Chair), Fred Hewiru; (Vice), Bob King, Linda Nutter,Dean Reed, Fred Norton, Jason Robotky
PLANNING STAFF: Brad OJllins (Plarming Director), David Sawyer (Senior Plarmer), Sue Roberds (Planning Specialist)
Update to transportation map (Figure 3.2) contained in the Plan in
compliance with amendments to the City's Transportation Services
and Facilities Plan (TSFP);
C. Revise Urban Growth Area (UGA) east boundary line to Deer Park
Road (generally) and north of Highway 101 along Buchannan Drive;
D. Revision of the City's Census Tract Boundaries to align with Planning
Areas defined in the Comprehensive Plan.
PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Mary Craver (Chair); Fred Hewins (Vice Chair); Bob King, Linda Nutter, Dean Rced ( Two Vacancies)
PLANNING STAFF: Brad Collins, Planning Director, David Sawyer, Senior Planner; Sue Roberds, Planning Specialist.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
May 12, 1999
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Linda Nutter, Dean Reed, Fred Norton,
Fred Hewins, Jason Robotkay
Members Absent:
Mary Craver, Bob King
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Sue Roberds, Dave Sawyer, Dan McKeen
Public Present:
Mark Steepy, Susan Bauer, Jack Heckman, Ken Sweeney
Commissioner Nutter moved to approve the April 14, 1999, meeting minutes as
presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reed and passed 3 - 0 with
Commissioners Norton and Robotkay abstaining.
~GELES-=-Airp.ortJndustrialEark,_s{lutlLoLthe23DD_to2400 Blocks_of..NesU$th
StreJ~t: Preliminary review of a Binding Site Improvement Plan for a 25 site
development in the Industrial Light zone. (Continued from April 14).
Planning Director Collins explained that the original 25 lot Binding Site Improvement Plan
(BSIP) has been amended to include only two lots (24 and 25). The Planning Department's
recommendation has been revised with regard to requirement improvements to the access
rights-of-way because with the amendment, the proposal is for interior development.
Sidewalk and street improvements are located within the proposed area and abutting the two
lot proposal. Vice Chair Hewins opened the public hearing.
Ken Sweeney, Ellvironmental Mallager for the Port of Port Angeles, 338 West First Street,
Port Angeles, WA, stated that the Port is in agreement with the revised conditions resulting
from the amendment to the two lot BSIP. He reviewed staffs conditions and noted that most
if not all the conditions have been met. Building to building walkways are not planned.
Bicycle paths are not specifically defined, however, there is adequate developed right-of-way
(32') to allow the dual use as curbside parking is seldom seen due to the provision of paved
parking within the sites. Although the streets have not been dedicated to the City, the
storrnwater drainage improvements were deeded in 1994. The improved streets will be
dedicated prior to final approval ofthe BSIP.
There being no further comments, Vice Chair Hewins closed the public hearing.
Planning Commission Minutes. May J 1, J 999
Page 2
Following brief discussion, Commissioner Reed moved to approve the preliminary
binding site improvement plan with the following conditions, fmdings, and conclusions:
1. The legal descriptions for Lots 24 and 25 shall be provided to the Planning
Department and subject to new building setback requirements, landscape buffers,
and infrastructure improvements.
2. West Nineteenth and "0" Streets and utilities serving Lots 24-25, including
stormwater drainage improvements, shall be brought into compliance with the City's
urban services standards and shall be dedicated to the City.
3. Except for discrepancies between minimum standards or dimensions noted in BSIP
99-01 fmal approval, more restrictive standards contained in Zoning Regulations,
Building Codes, or other official regulations shall apply.
4. Building setbacks consistent with the current Zoning Code shall be identified on the
final BSIP 99-01(A) and address numbers placed on the lots, which will be provided
by the Building Division.
Stormwater improvement plans shall be submitted for approval per the City's urban
services standards and made prior to final plat approval.
6. A circulation system incorporating appropriate provisions and providing sufficient
area for safe pedestrian activity to the site from the street and from building to
building within the site shall be submitted for Planning Commision approval at the
time ofBSIP 99-01(A) final approval.
7. A plan for industrial park amenities including but not limited to facilities for
pedestrian and other alternate nonrnotorized modes of transportation, the public
transit system, and industrial park design concepts shall be submitted for Planning
Commission approval at the time of BSIP 99-01(A) final approval and installed
within six years of the time ofthe BSIP 99-01(A) final approval.
8. A description of the facilities shared by the development complex of mixed
commercial and/or industrial businesses shall be provided and the system of common
management of those facilities shall be described on the face of the BSIP 99-01 (A)
final mylar.
The Revised Code of Washington RCW 58.17 contains the State's guidelines for the
uniform division ofland within the State of Washington, and Section 58.17.035 sets
out requirements that the City is following for binding site improvements plans.
Planning Commission Minutes - May 12, J 999
Page 3
Chapter 16.10 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) sets forth local
requirements for the approval of binding site improvement plans.
3. Twenty standards and criteria, which must be met prior to approval ofa BSIP, are
listed in PAMC 16.10.040.
4. Section 16.10.030 PAMC provides that the Planning Commission shall examine
BSIP applications for proposals exceeding 5 acres in size, along with written
recommendations of the City Departments, and shall either approve, approve with
conditions, or deny the BSIP within the time requirements of Chapter 18.02 P AMC.
5. The Port Angeles Planning, Public Works, and Fire Departments reviewed the
revised BSIP 99-0 I (A) proposal and had no objections.
6. Review of the proposal by the City's Fire, Public Works, and Planning Departments
resulted in proposed conditions.
7. Preliminary approval is based upon one drawing dated April 15, 1999.
The subject site is 4.4 acres located in Suburban Lots 123, 124, 125, 144, 145, and
146 south of W. 18th Street and is an area known as the North Fairchild (Airport)
Industrial Park.
9. The property has to a large extent "already been developed following an industrial
park plan approved by the City in 1977 through an M-l Pennit process then existing
in the City's Zoning Code. The M-l Pennit was never finaled by the dedication of
the rights-of-way and cannot be amended because the M-l Pennit process no longer
exists in the City's Zoning Code. The BSIP proposes to dedicate rights-of-way for
"0" and W. 19th Streets as well as a 20 foot wide drainage easement.
10. The property to the east and west of the subject site south ofW. 18th St. is owned by
the Port of Port Angeles and was developed prior to current urban service standards.
Property to the north of W. 18th St. is zoned for single family residential and
multiple family uses but is only partially developed. The property to the south is
used for the William Fairchild International Airport runways.
11. The subject property is identified as Industrial on the Port Angeles Comprehensive
Plan land use map and is zoned IL, Industrial Light.
The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the Comprehensive Plan. The
following Comprehensive Plan policies are found to be most relevant to the proposal:
Growth Management Element Goal A; Land Use Element Goal A, Policy A2, Goal
G, Policy G.l, Goal H, Policies H.1, H.2, H.3, and H.4; Transportation Element Goal
A, Policies A.I, A.2, A3, and A.6, Goal B, Policy B.9, B.l1, B. I 5, and B.17,
Objectives B.2 and B.3; Utilities and Public Services Element Policies A.4, B.l, C.l,
and C.2, Objective C.l, Goal D, Policies 0.1 and D.6; Conservation Element Policies
B.ll, 8.13, and 8.20, Objective 8.2; Capital Facilities Element Goal A, Policies A9,
Planning Commission Minutes - May 11. ]999
Page 4
A.1 0, and All f Goal B, Policies B.l, B.2, B.3, BA, B.5, B.6, and B.7, Objective
B.1, Goal C, Policies C.2, CA, and C.7; Economic Development Element Goal A,
Policies AI, A.2, A3, A.4, A.5, A-7, and Al O.
The Comprehensive Plan requires concurrency for streets, water service, sanitary
sewer service and electrical service (Capital Facilities Element Policy A9).
The site is currently accessed by W. 18th Street, which is designated as an arterial on
the City's Comprehensive Plan Circulation Map and is not improved with curb,
gutter, and sidewalk, except for a portion north of the subject site.
There are no environmentally sensitive areas on the site.
All utilities including potable water, sanitary waste, and refuse collection are
available in the area.
The site will be serviced by the City's Police, Fire, and Public Works Departments.
The Port of Port Angeles adopted an existing Determination of Non significance on
January 15, 1999, satisfying SEPA
Changes to previously approved lots (Lots 1-23) within the Airport Industrial Park
will require a new BSIP application.
A As conditioned, the proposed BSIP IS consistent with the Port Angeles
Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code.
B. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the Chapter 16.10 P AMC, and the
Washington State Subdivision Act, Chapter 58.17 RCW.
C. As conditioned, appropriate provisions have been made for the public health, safety
and general welfare and for the twenty BSIP standards and criteria.
D. As conditioned, the public interest is served in the binding site improvement
planning of this subdivision as articulated in the City's Comprehensive Plan,
Subdivision, and Zoning Ordinances. BSIP 99-01 (A) provides for development of
industrial development within the City of Port Angeles consistent with the Growth
Management Act.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed 5-0.
CDMM.llNICATIO~S~9.1LEast.ErsLS_tr.eet A proposal to establish a
telecommunication utility structure in the Commercial Arterial zone by
conditional use pennil.
Planning Commission Minules - May 11. 1999
Page 5
Senior Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report recommending
approval of the application. Vice Chair Hewins opened the public hearing.
Mark Steepy, KPFF Consulting, 1201 3rd Street Suite 900, Seattle, WA 98101, stated
agreement with the staffs conditions of approval. It is possible a second structure may be
desired at a future date to allow for expansion of the use to meet industry requirements. He
asked that relocation within the approved building area be included in the decision. Any
such additions would be within the required footprint for structures on the site. The site will
be surrounded with a solid wood fence as is required by City Code.
There being no further questions, Vice Chair Hewins closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Reed moved to approve the conditional use permit with the following
conditions, findings, and conclusions:
1. Approval of CUP 99-08 is limited to a single structure within the lease area as
described in Attachment B of the May 12, 1999 Staff Report for CUP 99-08.
2. All aspects of the project shall meet or exceed all Local, State, and Federal codes.
The project shall comply with the recommendations contained in the letter regarding
this site from Clark Land Office to Mr. Mark Steepy ofKPFF Consulting Engineers
dated April 1, 1999 included in Attachment B.
Based on information provided in the May 12, 1999, Staff Report for CUP 99-08, (including
all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the May 12, 1999, public
hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City of Port
Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds:
1. The applicant, Splitrock Services, Inc. applied for a conditional use permit to
construct an eight foot high structure to house unmanned telephone switching
equipment. The proposed structure is lIS by 18.75' and will be located in a 30' by
40' area to be leased for the sole use by this applicant. The leased area will be
enclosed by a six foot high solid wood fence. The application is identified as
Attachment B to the May 12, 1999, StafTReport for CUP 99-08;
2. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for the site is Corrunercial [C];
3. The site is zoned Commercial, Arterial [CAl;
A Determination of Non-Significance (#846) was issued for the proposal on May
6, 1999;
Planning Commission Minutes. May 12. 1999
Page 6
The site is located near the north end of the owner's existing commercial property
located east of Ennis Creek Road;
6. The overall property contains several other structures serving other businesses
including a mattress shop and a used car dealership;
7. Access to the site is from Upper Ennis Creek Road;
8. The site is level and separated from the nearby Ennis Creek by a steep road cut and
two improved roads;
9. The site was reviewed for geological hazards in a letter from Clark Land Office to
Mr. Mark Steepy of KPFF Consulting Engineers dated April I, 1999 included in
Attachment B;
10. Clark Land Office recommended footings for the proposed structure be located a
minimum of 15' from the top of the existing road cut and all surface water runoff be
directed away from the slope;
11. A utility building or structure is a conditionally permitted use in the CA zone;
The proposed addition will not require any additional parking spaces;
13. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Element Policy B3, calls for
the City to support increased telecommunication opportunities;
14. The Public Works Department and Fire Department did not recommend any specific
conditions of approval; and
15. No comments were receive from the public.
Based on information provided in the May 12, 1999, Staff Report for CUP 99-08, (including
all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the May 12, 1999 public
hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed
findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes:
A. The proposed project is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning
Ordinance and Parking Ordinance;
The proposed project is compatible with the adjacent Comprehensive Plan and
Zoning designations and existing land uses;
The proposed project's design and location meet the intent of the City's
Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Parking Ordinance. Specifically, the
Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Element Policy B3; and
Planning Commission Minutes. May 12, 1999
Page 7
The proposed project is in the public interest.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed 5 - O.
=...JSIortheasLoomeLUfEronlandDakBtreets; A proposal to establish an off-
street parking lot for overflow parking associated with a permitted car rental
and storage use in the Central Business District.
Planning Specialist Sue Roberds reviewed the Planning Department's staff report
recommending approval of the use for one additional year. Vice Chair Hewins opened the
public hearing.
Jack Heckman, 111 East Front Street, answered questions regarding the use of the subject
property as an unimproved off street parking lot in association with the Budget Rent A Car
use in the Central Business District. As a temporary overflow parking area, the lot has not
been required to be improved to minimum standards for the past seven years. There is a real
need for overflow parking during the summer months in the Downtown area. He would
rather the use not be a year to year approval but understands that the reason is due to future
plans for revitalization ofthe Downtown and the uncertainty as to what will happen with the
subject area.
In response to Commissioner Nutter, he stated that he is aware that the site tends to look
cluttered with trash. Due to the topography of the site and wind patterns off the water, trash
accumulates daily that is not generated from the site. During periods of use as a parking
area, a site attendant endeavors to keep the site as clean as possible. He is willing to
increase trash pick up activity on the site if needed.
There being no further comments, Vice Chair Hewins closed the public hearing.
Considerable discussion began with regard to commencement of the City's Gateway Project
activities. It was determined that that process would probably not be finalized until early
2000 and more than likely not be in full swing for possibly another year.
Commissioner Reed was not in favor of restricting the use to only one more year without
sure knowledge as to commencement ofthe City's Gateway Project. He was not in favor of
restricting extension of the temporary use to one year with no chance of continuation as a
temporary parking area beyond that time.
Commissioner Nutter agreed that an additional year as an unimproved parking area would
not be a major impact but without those improvements required for standard parking lots in
the City, she would not be in favor of extension beyond one year as temporary unimproved
parking area.
Commissioner Hewins concurred with Commissioner Nutter that use of the temporary
parking area is heavy and it should be improved as is required of standard parking areas.
The site has been considered as temporary overflow for seven years without improvement.
Past use of the site indicates that the parking area is needed, and it should be improved to
minimum standards if continued use as a parking area is desired. The restriction of
Planning Commission Minutes - May 12. J 999
Page 8
maximum extension of one year as a temporary unimproved parking area would not preclude
the area being developed as a parking lot in the future. It is time to bring the site up to
minimum parking lot standards.
Commissioner Nutter moved to approve the conditional use permit as requested with
the following conditions, findings, and conclusions:
Conditions :
1. The extension shall be for a one year period, ending May 12,2000. No extension as
a temporary parking lot will be allowed beyond that time period.
2. A parking lot attendant shall be on-duty during those times when vehicles are being
3. The applicant shall remove litter from the site at a minimum of three times a week
during operation of the area as a temporary parking lot.
The request is to allow continuation of a temporary long term parking area in the
Central Business District (CBD). Independent parking lots have been permitted uses
in the CBD since 1995.
2. Use ofthe property as a parking lot is not consumptive of the limited land available
for development in the Central Business District as it can easily be converted to a
higher use.
3. The City Council has not required the parking lot to be paved in past years due to the
temporary nature of the use.
4. The ferry systems generate a need for long-term off-street parking in the Downtown
5. Public Works standards for parking lots require that parking lots provide certain
dimensions and improvements.
6. The applicant has operated the parking lot at this location since 1990.
7. There have been no complaints with regard to the operation of the parking lot with
the exception of a complaint regarding litter received during the current public
noti fication period.
Many improvements are being planned in the Downtown area, and in the area under
consideration in particular, which may result in the location undergoing major
renovation in the near future.
9. Goal R, Pollcies 14 and 16 of the Transportation Element of the City's
Comprehcnslvl; Plan encourage off-street parking facililies 10 be suffiCIent and
Planning Commission Minutes - May 12. J 999
Page 9
accessible within the business and residential areas and that allowances should be
made for shared parking facilities.
A. As conditioned, the proposed use is compatible with surrounding commercial uses
and with the intent of the CBD zone.
B. The time period of the use as conditioned is in the public use and interest and is not
detrimental to the public welfare.
C. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the intent of Section 17.24 (Central
Business District) ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code.
D. The use is in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan goals and policies.
E. Compliance with the City's Parking Ordinance and Public Works standards for a
temporary use requires a significant investment.
Commissioner Norton seconded the motion which passed 4 -1 with Commissioner Reed
being tbe dissenting vote. Commissioner Reed was concerned that restriction of the ability
to continue the parking area as temporary overflow beyond one year would not be a benefit
to Downtown activities.
1999 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS.; (These items need to
be continued to May 26, 1999.)
A. Reclassification of tbe area occupied by the Clallam County
Housing Authority - south of Lauridsen Boulevard at Francis
Street - from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Medium Density
Residential (MDR)j and
B. Update to transportation map (Figure 3.2) contained in the Plan
in compliance with amendments to the City's Transportation
Services and Facilities Plan (TSFP).
C. Revise Urban Growth Area (UGA) east boundary line to Deer
Park Road (generally) and north of Highway 101 along
Buchannan Drive.
D. Revision of the City's Census Tract Boundaries to align with
Planning Areas defined in tbe Comprehensive Plan.
Vice Chair Hewins opened the public hearing. At the request of staff, Commissioner
Nutter moved to continue the Comprehensive Plan Amendments to the May 26,1999,
regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reed and passed 5 - O.
Planning Commission Minutes - May 12, J 999
Page J 0
Director Collins reported that the City Council had selected a new City Manager. Mike
Quinn, City Manager of EnumcIaw, will be arriving the first of August to assume that'
Vice Chair Hewins welcomed new Commissioners Fred Norton and Jason Robotkay.
Commissioner Norton stated that he had a prior engagement that would prevent his
attendance at the May 26 meeting.
Commissioner Nutter reported that she had been able to attend the American Planning
Association's National Conference in Seattle in April, as a guest ofthe City. She heartily
encouraged other Planning Commissioners to attempt to attend a conference when possible.
She felt that the presentation was highly professional and that and information she gained
was very pertinent to her duties as a Planning Commission member. Some ofthe workshops
she attended included revitalization of cities, code enforcement, Planning Commission
training, transportation services, impact fees. The three and one half day conference was
most certainly well worth the effort.
Director Collins agreed with Commissioner Nutter's evaluation of the conference. He noted
that the Planning Department is happy to schedule training that the Commissioners feel is
beneficial to their duties as Commissioners, and that it may be possible to send
Commissioners to future conferences.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Fred Hewins, Vice Chair
For the items listed on the Agenda of: '77~ JoZ./ / 99 'I
Please read the following: If I testify, by signature below, I certify that my testimony is
true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington.
Signatur/ Print Name Address Agenda
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