HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/13/1981
Port Angeles, washington
'. May 13, 1981
Chairman Brewer called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Members Present: Charles Whidden, Colin Bennett, David
Brewer, Patrick Downie, Richard Anderson,
Milton E. Ranta
Members Absent: Jean Thompson
Staff Present: Paul D. Carr, Dan VanHemert, Louise
Mr. Anderson moved that the April 22nd minutes be amended
to include his request for the number of members of the
Downtown Development Group, and be approved as amended.
Mr. Ranta seconded this motion, which passed unanimously.
Request to consider a proposed Planned Residen-
tial Development on approximately 25 acres.
Location: South of Campbell Avenue; east of
Mount Angeles Road: bordering White Creek on
the east. (Continuedfrorn Ma"r"ch 1'1, 1981.)
Mr. VanHemert explained that Mr. Key is still completing
one requirement.
Mr. Bennett moved to continue the consideration of the pro-
posed planned residential development until June lath. Mr.
Whidden seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
for extension of an M-1 Permit to construct an
1,800 square-foot ice plant. Location: 308
Val'ley Street. (Contin"Ued from March 11, 1981.)
Chairman Brewer, observing that no representative was
present, moved this hearing to the end of the Agenda.
Planning Commission
May 13, 1981
Page 2
extension of a Conditional Use Permit to con-
struct a duplex in an RS-7 Zone. Location:
Whidby Avenue and Vine Street. (Continued
from April 8, 1981.)
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the request for extension. Chairman
Brewer opened the public hearing.
Mr. James had nothing to add, so Chairman Brewer closed the
public hearing.
Mr. Anderson moved to recommend approval of a six-month ex-
tension of the Conditional Use Permit to construct a duplex
in the RS-7 Zone, as being an appropriate use of the prop-
erty. Mr. Ranta seconded this motion, which passed unani-
REZONE HEARING - BAKER. Request to rezone 10,500
square feet from RS-7 (Single-Family Residential)
to OC (Office Commercial). Location: 909
Georgiana Street.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the staff report; Chairman Brewer
opened the public hearing.
, ~
Dr. Baker had nothing further to add. The Commission in-
quired about neighborhood concern and was told that none
was evidenced. Chairman Brewer closed the public hearing.
Mr. Bennett commented that there is a shortage of available
office space for doctors, and the area near the Hospital
would be the natural place for such uses. Mr. Whidden ob-
served that although medical and dental offices are being
encouraged to locate near the Hospital, many of them have
selected sites on Eighth Street. Mr. Carr agreed; but said
that the more specialized medical practices require proxim-
ity to the Hospital.
Mr. Downie moved to recommend approval of the rezone request,
citing the following findings of fact:
l. The rezone supports the concept of concentrating
specialized City-wide medical services functionally
near the Hospital, as suggested in Commercial Policy
No. 16.
2. It will also contribute to the clustering of a com-
mercial activity, as suggested in Commercial Policy
3. 'The rezone will achieve Land Use Objective No. 2 by
leading to the grouping of similar and functionally
related land uses.
Planning Commission
May 13, 1981
Page 3
4. Achievement of Comprehensive Plan Policies and Ob-
jectives is in the interest of the community and
general public.
Mr. Anderson seconded this motion, which passed 5 - 1 with
Mr. Bennett voting "no" because he was opposed to rezoning
the area in a time-consuming piece-meal fashion, although
he supported this specific rezone.
REZONE HEARING - GRICE.. Request to rezone 11,525
square feet from RS-7 (Single-Family Residential)
to RMF (Residential Multi-Family). Location:
South side of Lauridsen Boulevard, west of Pine
Mr. Carr explained that work load and time constraints pre-
cluded preparation of the report and requested tabling un-
til the June 10th meeting.
Mr. Anderson moved to table this hearing until June 10th.
Mr. Ranta seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
a Conditional Use Permit to make and sell hand-
crafted costume jewelry as a Home Occupation.
Location: 422 South ilL" Street.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the staff report; Chairman Brewer
opened the public hearing.
Mr. Downie asked what hours w~re anticipated for the busi-
ness, and Mrs. Sledd said the work was done at her conven-
ience and mailed or delivered to the customers. Very rarely
did customers come to her house. Mr. Whidden asked if any
communications had been received on this application and was
told no. Chairman Brewer closed the public hearing.
Mr. Whidden moved to recommend approval, citing the follow-
lng findings of fact:
1. This Home Occupation will not introduce noise, smoke,
dust, fumes, vibration, odors and other hazards in
excess of those rtormally found in residential areas.
2. Because customers will not visit the premises, the
Home Occupation will not increase local vehicular
traffic in the neighborhood.
3. Because of the size of the equipment involved, the
Home Occupation will not be injurious or detrimental
to adjOining or abutting properties.
Planning Commission
May 13, 1981
Page 4
4. The Home Occupation will not endanger the public
health, morals, safety and welfare, and it is in
the public interest.
Mr. Whidden suggested that Mrs. Sledd get full information
from the Fire Department to follow their recommendationsi
and set the usual one-year preliminary period for the per-
mit. Mr. Ranta seconded this motion, which passed unani-
a Conditional Use Permit to operate a day-care
center in a CAD Zone. Location: 408 East
Second Street.
a parking variance to reduce the required spaces
for a day-care center from 10 to 6. Location:
408 East Second Street.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the combined staff report on these
two applications. Chairman Brewer opened the public hear-
Cynthia Green said the facility has been inspected by both
the State and City Fire Marshalls, the Health Department,
DSHS, and all have approved the location and found that the
facility is appropriate for the intended use. The owner of
the house and his son, who lives in the residential struc-
ture on the rear of the lot, support the proposed day-care
center. She has talked with the School District and they
do not object to use of the adjacent playfield by the chil-
dren; and the proposed day-care center is within walking
distance of the library, the swimming pool, the Public Pier,
Webster Park and Erickson Playfield. The available parking
should be sufficient, because both she and her co-worker live
within walking distance of the proposed day-care center.
Chairman Brewer closed the public hearing.
Mr. Anderson moved to find that the day-care center was an
appropriate use at this specific site in the CAD Zone, and
to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit for a
day-care center for a period of one year. Mr. Ranta seconded
this motion. During discussion, Mr. Bennett voiced his con-
cern for 18 children in a small structure on a rainy day.
Ms. Green interjected that the State has found the facility
adequate, and requires only 35 square feet per child. On
call for the question, the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Whidden was concerned about the parking reduction re-
quested. Mr. VanHernert said that the Code requires 10 spaces
for a day nursery. Mr. Downie asked if the parking area
would be improved and striped: and Mr. VanHemert said yes.
Planning Commission
May 13, 1981
Page 5
In response to questions from the Commission, Ms. Green
,said that parents would drive into the driveway to drop
off their children; or perhaps just stop at the curb.
All of the nearby businesses have adequate parking, so
there would be no conflict. Chairman Brewer observed
that if all six proposed parking spaces were occupied,
four vehicles would be blocked in. Ms. Green then said
that she didn1t think she needed six parking spaces and
suggested amending her request down to three. Mr. Carr
suggested the Commission table the parking variance ap-
plication to obtain additional information.
Mr. Downie moved to table the parking variance until May
27th to obtain more detailed information on exactly how
many parking spaces could be accommodated. Mr. Bennett
seconded this motion, which passed unanimously.
a Conditional Use Permit to operate a pre-school
and day-care center as a Home Occupation. Loca-
tion: 703 South pine Street.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the staff report; Chairman Brewer
opened the public hearing.
Ms. Nelson asked if the six-child limitation included her
own children, and was told no. Chairman Brewer closed the
public hearing.
Mr. Whidden asked if any communications had been received
relative to this application, and was told no.
Mr. Anderson moved to recommend approval of the Home Occu-
pation for one.year, subject to the following conditions:
1. That the pre-school be limited to 12 children and the
day-care center be limited to an additional 6 children.
Any increase in these limitations must be reviewed by
the Planning Commission.
2. That the facility be approved by the Department of
Social and Health Services, State Fire Marshall, County
Health Officer, and City Building Official, as re-
quired, prior to the initiation of the Home Occupation.
3. That no more than one non-family member be employed on
the premises.
4. That operating hours be limited to between 7 AM and
6 PM.
5. That no exterior display or signs be installed.
He then cited the following findings of fact:
Planning Commission
May 13, 1981
Page 6
A. That this Horne Occupation does not introduce noise,
smoke, dust, and other hazards into the area.
B. That traffic will not be significantly increased
on pine Street or in the neighborhood in general.
C. That the Horne Occupation is not injurious or detri-
mental to adjoining properties.
D. That the Home Occupation will not endanger the pub-
lic health, morals, safety and welfare.
Mr. Ranta seconded this motion, which passed unanimously.
Request to rezone 22,500 square feet from RS-7
(Single-Family Residential) to OC (Office Commer-
cial). Location: 823 and 825 East Georgiana.
Mr. Carr recommended this matter be tabled, since the re-
port was not completed. Chairman Brewer opened the public
Three people asked questions about commercial land around
the Hospital. Chairman Brewer closed the public hearing.
Mr. Downie moved to continue this hearing to June 10th; Mr.
"~idden seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
proval of the final plat of Butler1s Subdivision,
consisting of two lots on 37,251 square feet.
Location: ~lilwaukee Drive, between Sixth and
Tenth Streets.
Mr. VanHemert said the final plat complies with the approved
preliminary plat. Chairman Brewer opened the public hearing.
Elmer Dunn said he was available to answer any questions.
There being none, Chairman Brewer ciosed the public hearing.
Mr. Bennett moved to recommend approval of the Final Plat of
Butler's Subdivision, based on its compliance with the pre-
liminary plat. Mr. Anderson seconded this motion, which
passed unanimously.
sideration of request for reduction in parking re-
quirements for Clallam County Court House. Loca-
tion: Fourth and Lincoln Streets.
Mr. Carr reviewed the original (l978) parking reduction and
the proposed additional reduction. Chairman Brewer opened
Planning Commission
May 13, 1981
Page 7
the public hearing.
Don Feeley, representing the County, said that investigation
is being made for interim use of a presently unused portion
of the basement of the Court House, to generate revenue for
the County. Possible tenants might include DSHS on a maxi-
mum five-year limited lease, because by the end of that time
the County may require that space. Mr. Downie asked how
many people would be accommodated by the leased area and Mr.
Feeley said possibly 30.
David Bruneau, representing Marjorie Terrill, said that the
proposed possible use of Court House basement space is specu-
lative; and asked the Commission to adopt the Planning De-
partment's recommendations. Mr. Feeley said the initial plan
of the County Commissioners had been to share parking spaces.
Although a pre-bid resolution has been prepared, nothing
definite has been decided. Mr. Carr said that if the Plan-
ning Commission determines that 18 spaces could be leased for
a period of approximately 5 years, that would give the County
the ability to either lease those spaces or not, as they see
Mr. Bennett voiced concern about parking in the area. with
the City considering the old Roosevelt School Gym for a con-
vention center, parking will be required for that. Mr.
Whidden said inasmuch as the Court House has a variance, per-
mitting the County to lease some of those spaces could raise
problems. The County might, after the five-year lease period,
contend that they only need 308 spaces. Mr. Carr responded
the City should be a party to any lease.
Mr. Feeley said the County would be amenable to a reduction
because it would permit the County to lease the parking spaces,
if they wanted to. He is in favor of helping the Jury's 1n-n
because it provides good service to the area. Mr. Downie said
what the County does with any spaces determined to be tempor-
arily excess is the County's business. Mr. Feeley said he was
uncertain about the County entering into an exclusive lease
for 18 parking spaces in the satellite lot; and asked why the
City lot by the pool had not been considered. Mr. Carr re-
plied that the City has not been approached for use of any
of those spaces; plus, that lot would be more than 100 feet
away from the proposed lessee. Mr. Ranta suggested just re-
ducing the required number of parking spaces for the County.
Marjorie Terrill asked how the County's application affected
her parking variance application. Chairman Brewer responded
that these were two separate issues. Mr. Carr asked if the
Planning Commission's recommendation restricted Ms. Terrill
to the County spaces, to which the Commission responded "noli.
Additional discussion ensued concerning the location of any
leased parking spaces; the extended period over which the
question of providing parking for a use other than the
County had been pending; and how best to designate which
parking spaces were to be considered. Mr. Feeley suggested
Planning Commission
May 13, 1981
Page 8
granting the additional reduction, but with conditions and
for a specific period of time, and regular review to see
that the released spaces are being properly used. Mr. Feeley
observed that the entire parking situation in the area would
have to be reconsidered when the convention center opens.
Chairman Brewer then closed the public hearing.
Mr. Ranta moved to recommend approval of an additional reduc-
tion in required parking for the Clallam County Court House
from 326 parking spaces to 308 spaces, subject to the fol-
lowing conditions:
1. The 18-space reduction shall be for five years.
2. The 18 spaces shall be for the exclusive use of the
ultimate lessee.
3. The 18 spaces shall be designated on the ground with
paint and by a sign in the parking lot in a manner
acceptable to the Department of Public Works.
4. The City shall be a party to the lease between the
County and any lessee. The City, having the authority
to determine if the parking spaces are needed by the
County, may rescind the variance at the end of five
years or any time thereafter, thus requiring the ter-
mination of the lease.
5. Consistent with Condition No.4, the lease may be
terminated, provided six months! notice is given.
6. within that six-month termination notice period, the
lessee shall change the use to comply with the require-
ments of Ordinance No. 1588.
Mr. Ranta further specifically limited the 18 spaces to the
County satellite parking lot on Lincoln Street. Mr. Downie
seconded this motion. On call for the question, the motion
passed 3 - 2, with Messrs. Whidden and Bennett voting "no",
because other uses in the immediate area, specifically Safe-
way Stores, were required to comply with the code; the pres-
ent parking variance for the County is about 40%, which is
excessivej and this reduction cannot be separated from the
parking variance across Lincoln Street, which use proposes
to lease these spaces.
Conditional Use Permit to install and operate
rental storage units in a CAD District. Loca-
tion: 306 West First Street.
Mr. Carr reviewed the staff report; Chairman Brewer opened
the public hearing.
Planning Commission
May 13, 1981
Page 9
Richard Hoch said the proposed mini-warehouse units below
the Bayview Apartments will probably be used for private
storage of furniture and other household goods. He will
advise prospective renters of the ban on storage of flam-
mable materials. He will provide an additional exit to
the lower level and will provide a fire wall between the
mini-warehouse area and the residential units above, as
well as comply with all requirements of the Building De-
In response to questions, Mr. Hoch said the storage units
would vary in size: and the existing building contains ten
dwelling units and two commercial spaces. He may install
a master fire alarm system in the residential portion of
the structure which would warn all residents if there should
be a fire or smoke from the storage units. Chairman Brewer
closed the public hearing.
Mr. Bennett moved to recommend approval of the Conditional
Use Permit for a mini-warehouse, subject to the following
1. There is to be no storage of flammable liquids in any
of the units. The Applicant shall provide a statement
to this effect. The rental agreement between the ten-
ants and the owner shall include the prohibition of
storage of flammable liquids. The City is to be pro-
vided a copy of said rental agreement.
2. A second exit for the mini-warehouse be provided.
3. separation between the residential portion of the
building and the mini-warehouse shall conform to the
Uniform Fire and Building Code requirements.
4. The units shall be for dead storage only. There
shall be no storage of vehicles on the premises and
no business activity other than the rental of the
storage units occurring on the site.
5. Three parking spaces and a loading zone shall be pro-
vided at the rear of the building. This parking lot
shall be paved and striped in accordance with the re-
quirements of the City's Parking Ordinance (Ordinance
No. 15BB).
Mr. Bennett then cited the following findings of fact:
A. The use's proximity to a high-density residential
area is in the public interest.
B. The alley location minimizes traffic impacts and
does not detract from the retail commercial nature
of First Street.
Planning Commission
May 13, 1981
Page 10
C. Provided the above conditions are attached, the mini-
warehouse can be compatible at this specific site.
Mr. Downie seconded this motion, which passed unanimously.
for extension of an M-l Permit to construct an
1,800 square-foot ice plant. Location: 308
Valley Street. (Continued from March 11, 1981.)
Mr. Downie moved to place this item first on the Agenda for
June 10th; Mr. Anderson seconded the motion, which passed
Mr. Carr stated that Mr. Richards has requested a clarifica-
tion as to the months of operation in the recommendation for
extension of Gordon Matthews' Conditional Use Permit for a
Home Occupation.
Mr. Bennett moved to state that the Planning Commission ac-
tion had'not included winter months operation and authorize
the Planning Department to permit Mr. Matthews to operate
during the winter months, if requested. Mr. Whidden seconded
this motion, which passed unanimously.
The Commission selected June 3rd for a public hearing on the
Gund Plaza Rezone, Code Amendment and Street Vacation Draft
Mr. VanHemert mentioned complaints about on-street parking
near the Queen of Angels Church. The Commission directed
Staff to contact the Church.
Mr. Ranta: Asked why the handicapped parking in the area
of the Police Station had been reduced to one space.
Mr. Carr said Staff would inquire.
Mr. Anderson: Said the Locomo Gang sign is back on the
sidewalk on First Street. Mr. Carr said Staff would
look into it.
Planning Commission
May 13, 1981
Page 11
Mr. Downie: Said he would like to see the City formally
promote individual and business efforts to beautify
various areas of town. He then requested the Plan-
ning Department bring his earlier suggestion to change
the name of Railroad Avenue to the attention of the
City Council. He also mentioned that the Albertson's/
Pay 'N Save parking lot still contains cars for sale.
Chairman Brewer: Reminded the Commission that May 27th is
election night.
Mr. Bennett: Nothing.
Mr. Whidden: Asked the reason for the Council's continuing
the Terrill Parking Variance. Mr. Carr said the Coun-
cil wanted all issues resolved before taking action.
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Pau D. Carr, Secretary
Tape condition: Satisfactory
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