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321 East Fifth Street
May 14, 2003
7 p.m.
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meetings of April 9, 2003, and amended March 26, 2003
Laurel Street: Request for an amendment to the Wednesday evening Farmer's Market
use in the Downtown and a new request to allow a Saturday market on a permanent
basis in the Downtown.
2. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 03-07 - CEBELAK. 2035 and 2035 Yz West
Sixth Street: Request to allow an accessory residential unit in the RS-7, Residential
Single Family zone.
Proposed 2003 long range agenda items
PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Unda Nutter (Chair), Fred Hewins (Vice Chair), Chuck Schramm, Fred Norton, Bob Philpott, Len Rasmussen, Jack Pillis
PLANNING STAFF: Brad Collins, Director; Scott Johns, Associate Planner; Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner.
Port Angeles"Washington 98362
May 14, 2003
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Fred Norton, Chuck Schramm, Leonard Rasmussen, Linda
Nutter, Jack Pittis
Members Excused:
Bob Philpott, Fred Hewins
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Scott Jolms
Public Present:
Jane Vanderhoof, Kathy Robinson, Evan Brown, Nash
Huber, Jim Haguewood, David and Kris Cebelak, David and
Jan Crossley, James Robinson, Aria Holzschuh, Bill Thomas,
Selinda Barkhuis, George Hodgden, Linda Schreiner, R. F.
and M. Jones, Carol Brown, Pete Peterson
Commissioner Norton moved to approve the amended minutes of the March 26, 2003t
regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schramm and passed 3 - 0 -1,
with Commissioner Rasmussen abstaining due to his absence from that meeting.
The Commission postponed approval of the minutes of the April 23, 2003, meeting due to
lack of a quorum of Commissioners who had been present at that meeting.
Laurel Street: Request for amendment to the Wednesday evening Farmer's Market
use in the Downtown and a new request to allow a Saturday market on a permanent
basis in the Downtown.
Associate Planner Scott Johns presented the Department's staff report recommending
approval for the continuation of the Wednesday farmers' market and relocation of the Saturday
farmers' market from its current location at the County Courthouse parking lot to the Downtown area
where it will operate in the 100 block of Laurel Street. Chair Nutter opened the public hearing.
Commissioner Pittis joined the meeting at this time and stated that he had reviewed the
. Nash Huber, 230 Simpson Road, Sequim, W A 98382, representing the Port Angeles
Farmers' Market Association spoke in favor of the continuation of the Wednesday activity and
change of venue for the Saturday farmers' market from the Courthouse to the Downtown area.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 2003
Page 2
Commissioner Rasmussen asked for clarification that this is not a new market activity Mr.
Huber confirmed that it is not a new market but is the relocation of the existing Saturday market in
a new location. Commissioner Rasmussen then asked why they wanted to move. Mr Huber
explained that better public exposure for the market is the main reason. Upon further questions from
Commissioner Rasmussen, Mr. Huber explained that the Saturday market intends to operate year
around and the reason that a five year approval is requested is to avoid additional public hearings.
When asked about parking issues, Mr. Huber indicated that no parking problems have been
evidenced. Customers surveyed had no problems. He also stated that both the Bank of America lot
and the Laurel and First Street parking lot remained open for use during the market. When asked
if the Port Angeles Farmer's Market is working with the City on signage and rerouting traffic, Mr.
Huber stated that they are working with the Downtown Association and that they will look into
additional signage to help route traffic in the Downtown during the farmer's market operation.
Jim Haguewood, 705 Christman Place, Port Angeles W A 98362, representing the Clallam
County Economic Development Council, stated that the farmers' market provides an opportunity for
visitors and locals to see the unique quality and diversity of Clallam County. Additional benefits
will be gained by local farmers because they receive a higher price for produce by selling direct to
the customer rather than to a wholesaler. This benefits the entire county by keeping a struggling
farming industry viable. He pointed out that the farmers' market is an idea that the Downtown
Association has been investigating and promoting for several years.
Mr. Haguewood addressed the parking issue by stating that Port Angeles does not have a
parking problem and that most businessmen would welcome a "parking problem" because it would
mean that there would be many customers for their stores. When asked how traffic would be
affected and managed during periods of Downtown construction (Gateway, Conference Center, etc.)
or other events, Mr. Haguewood pointed out other instances where events to conflict with each other
but were managed appropriately. He further pointed out that the potential conflicts will have to be
managed and that it is the intent and responsibility of the Downtown Association to manage those
Selinda Barkhuis, P.O. Box 3194, Port Angeles, W A, 98362 a vendor at the farmers'
market spoke in favor of the proposal and pointed out that the market will bring customers to the
Downtown area.
Aria HoIzshuh, 105 1h E. First Street, Port Angeles, W A, 98362 represented the
Downtown Association and spoke in favor of the proposal, pointing out that the farmers' market is
a tool to making a downtown a vibrant place which in trun generates more business. Ms. Holzshuh
indicated that the Downtown has a total of 2,500 parking spaces and about 200 businesses which
works out to over 12 parking spaces per business. The Downtown Association will be working with
the Coho Ferry and others to improve directional signage Downtown. The farmers' market will be
arranged differently this year in an attempt to reduce impacts to adjacent business owners. When
questioned about other special events (Arts in Action, Mardi Gras, tree lighting, etc.) conflicting with
the farmers' market, she said that the market will be moved to a parking lot area if necessary,
however, they would prefer to move the market as little as possible.
Jim Robinson, 123 E. Bachelor Rock Drive, Port Angeles, W A, 98362 spoke in favor of
the proposal, stating that he is a life time resident ofClallam County and the Port Angeles area. He
Pfanning Commission Minutes
May 14, 2003
Page 3
. has a local farm and indicated that the farmers' market is a very good way for local farmers to market
their produce.
Police Corporal, Ed Schilke stated that he has been assigned to the afternoon/evening shift
during times when the farmers' market operated on Wednesdays and observed no additional traffic
or parking problems in the Downtown during the farmers' market. He added that the new
arrangement of booths described by Ms. Holzshuh should reduce incidents associated with the
There being no further testimony Chair Nutter closed the public hearing. The proposed
condition regarding barricades and signage was discussed and a decision to modify the language for
clarity was made.
Commissioner Schramm moved to approve CUP 03-06 with following 13 conditions,
16 findings and 4 conclusions as follows:
The approval is for CUP 03-06, as described in the application materials in Attachment #1,
including any amendments as a part of this approval.
Products to be sold shall be limited to locally grown plants, food or food products and
associated local arts and crafts.
Compliance with State and County requirements for the handling and sale of food and/or
food products is required. Verification to the City that such certification is obtained shall be
done prior to opening day of the farmers' market.
Sanitation facilities shall be provided according to State and County health code
requirements, Verification to the City that the proposal meets these requirements shall be
done prior to opening day of the farmers' market.
Any consumption of City electric power or City water, or need for garbage collection shall
obtain prior approval from the City and appropriate compensation made.
The Port Angeles Farmers' Market shall provide the City with a certificate of insurance
naming the City as an additional insured.
Necessary educational outreach to vendors and customers about proper use of off-street
parking areas, signage and use of public facilities shall be made.
Street barricades and temporary directional signs shall be provided by the Port Angeles
Farmers Market. All barricades and traffic control devises shall meet the standards listed in
the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devises.
The FirstIFront Alley shall be kept open for delivery, service, and emergency vehicles.
A right-of-way use permit application (with fees) shall be submitted and reviewed by Public
Works and Utilities, Police and Fire Departments prior to operation.
The Port Angeles Farmers' Market shall submit a parking plan that is acceptable to the
Downtown Association and/or the PBIA.
Approval of CUP 03-06 for operation ofthe farmers' market on Saturdays shall be valid
from May 15,2003, to May 15, 2004, and may be extended by the City Department of
Community Development upon satisfactory review by the Planning Commission of the
conditions of approval and operation of the Saturday farmers' market. No further review of
the farmers' market operation on Wednesday afternoon/evening is required.
Traditional community sponsored events and holiday activities shall take precedence over
the farmers' market for use of the street.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14. 2003
1. The Port Angeles Farmers' Market submitted a letter on March 27, 2003, requesting the
consideration of modifying the Conditional Use Permit (CUP 01-02) for the Saturday
farmers' market at the Clallam County Courthouse and the Wednesday p.m. farmers' market
in downtown Port Angeles (CUP 02-02), which was approved on May 8, 2002, to allow the
Saturday farmers' market to relocate to the downtown Laurel Street location and to continue
the Wednesday p.m. farmers' market.
2. Public notice of the proposal was made per PAMC 17.96.140. No public comments were
received within the written comment period time lines.
3. The SEP A Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non-significance, (#951), for the
farmers' market located at the County Court House on June 1,2001. That DNS was adopted
(DNS #979) on May 8, 2002, for the Wednesday p.m. farmers' market in Downtown. The
SEP A Responsible Official further adopted DNS #951 (as DNS # 1029) for the operation of
the farmers' market on Saturdays and Wednesday afternoon/evenings at the Laurel Street
4. The request for a conditional use permit is to allow the operation of a weekly farmers' market
where local farmers and artisans can sell their goods to the public. The proposed location
is one block of Laurel Street, between First Street and Front Street. The market will operate
during the summer months with the hours of operation from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. every
Wednesday evening and 7:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Saturdays year around with
approximately 1-2 hours of set up and tear down for each event. They propose that
approximately 30 vendors will participate.
5. Farmers' markets are a community activity and are widely supported. Distinction as to what
products may be sold at the proposed farmers' market should be made in order to promote
local agriculture and avoid the creation of a flea market or street fair situation. Public health
and interest are maintained by addressing environmental health requirements for hand-
washing and restroom facilities, by addressing compatibility with adjacent uses or the
integrity of the CBD Zone, provision of adequate off-street parking, and through compliance
with local sign code requirements.
6. The subject property includes a portion of Laurel Street between First Street and Front Street.
The Comprehensive Plan land use designation on the property is Commercial, providing
wide flexibility in designating uses. The area is zoned Central Business District, (CBO).
7. The purpose of the CBO Zone is to strengthen and preserve the area commonly known as the
Downtown for major retail, service, financial, and other commercial operations that serve the
entire community, the regional market, and tourists. It is further the purpose of this zone to
establish standards to improve pedestrian access and amenities and to increase public
enjoyment of the shoreline. Farmers' markets are not listed as a permitted or conditional use
in the CBD Zone or any other zone. Under P AMC 17 .24.160.K, other uses compatible with
the intent of the Zoning Code can be allowed.
8. The Comprehensive Plan was reviewed and the following goals and policies are the most
relevant to the proposal; Land Use Goals A, 0, and E and Policies AI, and A2,
Transportation Policy B 16, Economic Development Goals A and B, and Policy A2.
9. Adjacent uses include retail stores, office uses, restaurants, banks, apartments, motels, barber
shops, and parking.
10. Laurel Street is a local access street.
11. PAMC 17.96.050 specifies the requirements for conditional use permit approvals.
12. Under PAMC 14.40.100, Cooperative Provisions, parking facilities may be cooperatively
Planning Commis:;ion Minl/te:;
May /4, 2003
Page 5
used by different land uses, when the times of the use of such parking spaces by each use are
non-simultaneous. Because farmers' market or similar uses are not mentioned in the Parking
Ordinance, under P AMC 14.40.070, unspecified uses shall meet the requirements of similar
uses as determined by the Community Development Director. It has been determined that
10-12 parking spaces are required for customers and an additional one parking space for each
vendor is required. Parking will be provided by the PBIA.
The Community Development Department has received no complaints or comments
opposing the Wednesday fanners' market in downtown Port Angeles.
Clallam County Environmental Health Department comments dated May 31, 2001 and
Public Works and Utilities Department commented on the proposal on May 7,2003 and both
are included as Attachment B.
The City Police Department did not comment on the proposal.
The Building Division did not comment on the proposal.
A. As conditioned, a farmers' market located in the Downtown area is consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan, specifically the goals and policies identified in Finding No, 8.
B. As conditioned, a fanners' market is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Zoning
Code, specifically the CBD Zone.
C. As conditioned, the farmers' market will be in the public interest and general welfare.
D. As conditioned, CUP 03-06 meets the requirements for approval of a conditional use permit
. as specified in PAMe 17.96.050.
Commissioner Norton seconded the motion which passed 5 - O.
Commissioner Norton left the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 03-07 - CEBELAK. 2035 and 2035 ~
West Sixth Street: Request to allow an accessory residential unit in the RS-7,
Residential Single Family zone.
Associate Planner 10lms presented the Department's staff report recommending approval
of an accessory residential structure in the RS-7 zone. Chair Nutter opened the public hearing.
David Cebelak, 2027 W. 6th Street, Port Angeles, W A 98362, spoke in favor of the
project. When asked by Commissioner Schramm whether anyone had looked into vacation of
the unimproved portion of the alley, he responded by saying that in 1995 an inquiry had been
made, however, the issue had been dropped due to the neighbor's objections and the City's lack
of support for a vacation.
Commissioner Rasmussen stated that he felt that there are two issues being mixed
together: one being the accessory dwelling; and the other being the use of the alley for access.
He is also concerned that the site plan is not adequately detailed to show how emergency access
to the rear of the lot would be achieved if no alley access is allowed.
Mr. Cebe1ak indicated that he had spoken with the Fire Marshall and that the Fire
Department is satisfied with an unimpeded walkway to the rear that would allow a gurney to
Planning Commission Minutes
May J 4, 2003
Page 6
. travel freely.
Commissioner Schramm asked questions concerning access to the alley from the east,
garbage pick-up in the alley, and location of structures along the alley. Mr. Cebelak said that no
access is available from the east end of the alley, that garbage pick-up is from Sixth Street, and
that other homes to the north of his also use the alley for access.
Pete Peterson, 2039 W. 6th Street, Port Angeles, W A 98362, the neighbor to the west of
the subject site agreed that there are two issues and that he is not opposed to Cebelak having an
accessory residence, however, he is opposed to allowing primary access to the alley which splits
his property. The present configuration causes many vehicles to use his yard as a turnaround
since he is at the end of the alley. He also stated that he would be interested in having the alley
vacated and would follow up with the City on that item.
There being no further testimony, Chair Nutter closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Pittis moved to approve CUP 03.07 with 2 conditions, 15 findings
and 5 conclusions as follows:
The applicant shall meet the City's pennitting and utility requirements including
separate water and electrical meters for the dwelling units. A site plan identifying
four (4) off-street parking spaces - two (2) for the principal residence and two (2)
for the accessory residential unit shall be submitted and approved prior to the
issuance of a building pennit.
Main access to the accessory dwelling unit shall be from West Sixth Street.
Secondary access may be pennitted through the 5/6 alley if the alley is improved
at the applicant's expense to the property. An unimpeded access per the City's
Fire Department requirements shall be provided for access to the rear dwelling
unit for emergency access from West Sixth Street.
Based on infonnation provided in the Community Development Staff Report for CUP 03-
06 dated May 14,2003, including all infonnation in the public record file, comments and
testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and
deliberation, and the above listed condition of approval, the City of Port Angeles Planning
Commission hereby finds that:
1. Dave Cebelak submitted Conditional Use Permit application CUP 03-06 for an
accessory residential unit on April 7, 2003.
2. The subject site is described as being Lot 1 of Short Plat SHP 91-08-06 identified
as 2035 West Sixth Street between Evans and "N" Streets. The site is
undeveloped, being 50' x ISO' in size and 9,500 square feet in area.
3. The applicant is proposing to construct a single-story residential dwelling unit
with attached garage and an accessory residential dwelling unit on the subject
property, The proposed accessory dwelling unit may be no greater than 50% the
size of the main dwelling unit and will observe all required setbacks.
4. The site is zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family. Minimum lot requirements in
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 2003
Page 7
the RS-7 zone are 7,000 square feet with the ability to add an accessory residential
unit by conditional use permit per PAMC 17.10.040(A). Such development is
subject to the design and dimensional requirements set forth under P AMC
17.10,050 which include minimum setbacks and maximum lot coverage.
Residential setbacks required for the subject property include 20-foot minimum
front and rear yard and 7- foot side yard setbacks except for detached garages in
the rear one third of the lot which may have lO-[oot rear yard and 3-foot side yard
setbacks. A total maximum lot coverage requirement of30% must be observed by
the proposal.
The Planning Commission shall consider applications for conditional use permit
uses as specified in the applicable Chapter of the Zoning Regulations per
17.96.050. The Planning Commission may grant said permits which are
consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the use is
located, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and not contrary to the public
use and interest. The Planning Commission may refuse to issue a conditional use
permit if the characteristics of the intended use as related to the specific proposed
site are such as would defeat the purpose of these Zoning Regulations by
introducing incompatible, detrimental, or hazardous conditions. In each
application the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or
conditions are considered essential to protect the public health, safety, welfare,
and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property.
The proposed single-family dwelling unit will have approximately 1183 square
feet of living area with a 484 square foot garage and 576 square foot accessory
residential dwelling unit. Accessory residential units may contain no more than
50% the area of the primary unit. The proposal would result in the development of
2243 square feet or 30% lot coverage.
Section 17.08.010B of the Port Angeles Municipal Code defines "an accessory
residential unit as a dwelling unit which:
C. is incidental to a detached single family residence, is subordinate in space
(i.e., fifty percent or less space than the single family residential use),
D. is located on the same zoning lot as the single family residence, and
E. is served by separate water and electrical services, in addition to a separate
Section 17.08.025(J) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code defines a dwelling unit
as "one or more rooms which are arranged, designed or used as living quarters for
one family only. Individual bathrooms are not necessarily provided, but complete
single kitchen facilities, permanently installed, shall always be included for each
dwelling unit."
Section 310.7.1 of the 1997 Uniform Building Code states that an Efficiency
Dwelling Unit "...shall have a living room of not less than 220 square feet of
superficial floor area. An additional I 00 square feet of superficial floor area shall
be provided for each occupant of such unit in excess of two."
PAMC 14.40.060(D) requires 2 off-street parking spaces per residential dwelling
unit. A parking plan will be required indicating a total offour (4) off-street
parking spaces per the City's Parking Ordinance (PAMC 14.40.060) - two (2) for
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14. 2003
Page 8
the primary residential use and two (2) for the accessory residential use - prior to
issuance of a building permit.
The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Low Density Residential (LDR).
Adjacent designations are LDR. The site is located in the City's Central Planning
The City's Comprehensive Plan was reviewed for consistency with the proposal.
Land Use Element Goal A, Policy No.2, Land Use Element Goal C, Policy No.1,
Housing Element Goal A, Policy No.6, and Housing Element Goal B, Policy No.
6 were found to be most relevant to the proposal.
A Determination of Non-Significance was issued for this proposed action on May
City departmental comments were considered in the review of this application,
The proposed activity will require a valid building permit and the installation of
separate water and electrical meters as well observance of all pertinent building
codes and zoning development standards.
Written comment was received during the comment period from neighbors asking
that use of the alley as primary access to the accessory residential unit be denied
due to traffic concerns with the existing alley. A second letter was received from
the immediately adjacent property owner to the west who asked for clarification of
legal issues relating to the public right-of-way (alley) which accesses the subject
property and divides his two properties. In discussion with the City's Attorney, it
was determined that, although unimproved, a 20-foot wide right-of-way exists
extending from the existing terminus of the improved alley to the subject property
across the Petersen property as public right-of-way available for access and public
Access to residential dwelling units is not encouraged through unimproved rights-
of-way nor is unimproved alley access encouraged. Access to improved Sixth
Street will provide ingress/egress to the second unit. Refuse pickup in the area is
situated on Sixth Street as well.
As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive
Plan, specifically with Land Use Element Goal A, Policy No.2, Goal C, Policy
No. I, Housing Element Goal A and Policy No.6, and Housing Element Goal B
and Policy No.6. The Comprehensive Plan allows for subordinate and
compatible uses within different zones, including residential zones. The Plan
specifies that accessory residential units should be allowed in certain zones by
conditional use approval in order to provide adequate, affordable housing.
As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with development standards for
accessory residential units under PAMC 17.08.11 O(B). As the proposed use
complies with definitions and design and performance standards set forth by the
Zoning Code, it can be deemed consistent with the Zoning Code.
As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the requirements for approval of a
conditional use permit as specified in P AMC 17.96.050.
As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the Parking Ordinance, P AMC
Planning Commission Minutes
May J 4, 2003
Page 9
As conditioned, the proposal will provide an alternate housing opportunity in
compliance with established building standards that does not impose an access
issue with established development patterns in the area in which it is located and
is therefore in the public interest.
Commissioner Rasmussen seconded the motion which passed 4 - O.
Commissioner Schramm stated that he was somewhat uncomfortable approving a
conditional use where no primary use yet existed. Commissioner Rasmussen pointed out that the
Planning Commission has in the past approved plans for incremental and phased development.
Director Collins pointed out that the Planning Department agreed with the applicant who had
stated that applying for the accessory dwelling before the primary residence is constructed
allowed for the maximum flexibility in site planning.
Director Collins and Associate Planner Johns explained the materials that had been
handed out to the Commissioners and the current status of the proposed Comprehensive Plan
amendments. The schedule for long range planning and subjects for future Commission
meetings was introduced and discussed.
Carol Brown, 1628 W. 71h Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362, Community Development
Program Manager for the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe addressed the Commission and asked
them to consider adding language to the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment to extend the
Urban Growth Area to the east to also extend the UGA to the west such that the Tribe's health
care center would be included in the UGA. She explained that by being included in the UGA,
the Tribe could begin work on a utility plan with the City which would allow them to expand the
facility. Director Collins pointed out that the proposed area would include the Crown Pacific
Mill on Highway 101.
Commission members requested that the proposed area be more clearly identified.
Director Collins said that staff would create a concise description based on County zoning areas.
Commissioner Schramm moved to continue the public hearing to the May 28, 2003,
Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Rasmussen seconded the motion which
passed 4 - O.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 14, 2003
Page 10
Commissioner Schramm asked what incentives are offered to County residents who
would be in an expanded UGA. Director Collins said that by being in the UGA, the City has
input into planning issues and that City standards for development would be instituted. He also
pointed out that the City could not unilaterally extend the UGA, but would need the County's
approval to do so. Even if the area is in the UGA, County Codes for such things as noise
abatement) nuisances, etc. would stay in effect.
Commissioner Schramm asked about progress on the idea of a dog park. He is aware of a
group of citizens in support of the idea and is curious about the possibility of using abandoned
City electric substation properties. Director Collins instructed him to contact Parks Director
Marc Connelly.
The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m.
Br d Collins, Secretary
Li da Nutter, Ch If
Meeting Agenda of:
PLEASE NOTE: IF you plan to testify, by signature below, you certify that the testimony
given is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington.
Signature below DOES NOT REQUIRE you to testi - it onI acknowledges our resence.
Agenda Item No.
Meeting Agenda of:
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~ ) l'aJr-1 \t))(OWlV \ & 2- ~ W 7TH ~
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