HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/16/1967
Minut.s of the ...ting of the Port An9.l.. Planning Co..lsslon
May 16th, 1 SH57.
...b.rs pr'8.nt w.r. And.rson, Dilling, Dri.eoll, Hankin.
Hunt, Tr.at and Strangl. Al.o pr.s.nt ..r. Dir.ctor at Public
Work. John B. Ward.r .nd Bulldln~ In.pector Roblrt Wlll.on.
Minut.s of pr.viou. .e.tln; w.r. not r..d.
Thi. ...ting .a. sch.dul.d .. a public hearing on the
propo..d Zoning Ordin.ncI and was h.ld in the Auditoriu. of
the Roo..v.1t Junior High school. There ..r. approxl..tlly
100 p.opl. pr...nt.
Th. Chairman op.n.d the m..ting by r.ading the publish.d
legal notlc. ot the h.aring and then .tt.r a f.w bri.1 r..ert.
.. to the intent of the Fropo..l, It. purpo.. .nd .cop., end
the ad~l.labillty of .doptlng an updat.d ord!nanc., open.d
the ...tlng to anyone dl.irlng to .p.at on the .ubjact, to
.ak. obj.ction. .tc. S.v.ral p.opl. .pok. .ainly in obJ.ction
to .oa. ph.s. of the ordin.nc. .nd ..v.ral .ubaltted th.ir
objection. in writing.
Th. ...tlng continued for two hour., giving .11 tho.e
pr.,.nt an opportunity to vole. th.ir opinion.
Befor. clo.1n9 the Chalraan announe.d. the h..ring
would b. continu.d .nd fix.d the ti... d.t., .nd plac. at
the continuanc., al 7:30 P.M. Jun. 6th in the r.~ul.r ...tln9
roo. at the Planning Co..i..lon which 1. the Council Cha.b.r
In the Polic. O.part..nt Building.
Th. only oth.r ..tt.r to co.. bltor. the Co..I.llon .a.
. r..l.. of . requ..t ot Reid Pri.st for the vacation of c.r-
t.in ...11 .ub..tr..t. in the vicinity of 7th .nd Wolcott
.tr..t. which had .ppar.nt1, b..n overlook.d 1n the originel
vacation and replatting of the ar.a. After dl.cu..lon a
aotion wa. p....d r.co...ndln~ to the City Council the r.qu..t
.. approved.
No other bu.ine.. .pp.aring .eetlnQ ad1ourn.d at 10 P.M.
Re.plctfully ..b .ltt.d,
Fred C. Strang" Chair..n
Huqh Hankin., S.cr.tary