HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/17/1966
Minute. ot the regular aeeting of the Port Angel.. Pl.n~in~
Com.i.aion H.y 17th IP660
Membera present were Anderson, Drllcoll, HankinG, Hunt,
Treat and Stranqeo Allo present were Director ot Public Worka
John Bo Narder Gnd Building Inspector Robert Wllllon. Allo
present for a special aeeting with the Planning Co.mi..ion
were Councilmen Bettger, Maxfield, Schroeder, Wolf. and City
Manager Donald DQ Herrman 0
Min~tes of the previous seetlng ~.r' rsad and approvedo
Firat order ot bu.ine.8 was consideration of the applica-
tion of Joeeph Mo Davis and Walter Reyes .sking tor approval of
their proposed subdivision of a portion of Suburban Lot gg which
11 located on the North side of 11th Street between "0" and up"
Streetlo Their proposal cal18 for lot site size to be 62* teet
~ide by 140 feet long to~ether with the' neces.ary alleys and
streets that will conform with the general layout ot the Cityo
During the disculsion it was pointed out the Airport area which
is across 18th Street wal to be zoned for 11~ht industry thua
Mobile Ho.e Sites in this area would be in keeping with future
~oning plans of the Cityo A Dotion wal passed recommending to
the City Council the application be approved providing the
applicants co.p1y with the health and sanitation regulation.
of the State of Waahingtono
Mro Al Hendrick was present and a.ked permission to discus.
his contenplative Trailer Park Site just outside the City acro.s
the Boulevard tro. the C1allam County Road Department sheds at
18th and "en Streets. Mro Hendricks propolal is to get City
approval to the extension of the sanitary sewer in the area that
would allow hi. to connect and thus serve his property. He
would like to qet tenative approval before the area il annexed
to the Cityo After a discussion of the ..tter Mro Hendrick.
agreed to attend the next Deeting of the Commission and sub.it
his proposed layout.
Hext was a discussion between the Planning Commis.ion and
members ot the City Council presentg of the proposed offGstr.et
parking ordinanceo A fe~ changes In various re1ulations wero
proposed and adoptedo After a lengthly discussion during which
all proposals we re agreed tOil G laotion was passed recommendin:J
to the City Council the ordinance be spproved .t an early date9
City Manager Herraan next submitted to the Planning
Commission a plat showing certain areas within the Cit~ that
Bight be secured for future use as public parksil open spaces and
green beltso After discus.lon a motion was passed approving the
proposal and directing the Cbair.an to write to the City Council
urqing their adoption of the pIano
No further buain0e. appearl~99 aeeting adjoured at 9 PQMo
Hugh Hankins, Secretary
Fred C. Strange, Ch6iraen