HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/22/1996
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
May 22, 1996
7:00 p.m.
Marine Drive: Request for a restaurant use to be located in the ill, Industrial
Heavy zone.
Block Race Street: Request for an amendment to the City's Comprehensive
P Ian to allow a change for approximately 28,000 square feet of property from
LDR, Low Density Residential, to C, Commercial.
PORT ANGELES. East and West of Golf Course Road between Melody
LanelLindberg Road and Maddock RoadIWoodhaven Lane: Proposal to
designate recently annexed property on the City's Comprehensive Land Use
Map to LDR, Low Density Residential.
ANGELES. City-wide: Proposal to amend the City's subdivision regulations
with regard to requirements for final plat submittal and to allow for
improvement exceptions for commercially zoned properties where there will
not be an increase in the number of lots within a short plat allowing for
improvements to be made following final plat approval but prior to occupancy
of any structure.
PLANNING COMMISSION: Bob Kin&, Chair, Tim German (Vice), Cindy Souders, BobPhilpolt, I1nd& Nutter, Dean Reed, M&y Craver.
STAFF: Brad Collins, Dirmor, Sue Roberds Office SpcciaIisI, and David Sawyer, Senior Planner.
ANGELES. Environmentally Sensitive Areas roSA) Ordinance: Revision to
the City's ESA Ordinance to allow flexibility in determining buffer
requirements and creating a "minor construction" exemption where
construction is so minor as to make geotechnical analysis infeasible.
(Discussion continued from May 8, 1996.)
ANGELES. Residential} Zones City-wide: Proposal to amend Chapter 17
(Zoning) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code with regard to accessory
structure allowances in residential zones. (The Planning Commission is not
holding a public hearing on this item at this meeting.)
All co"espondence pertaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Department at least one
day prior to the scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before the hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE: Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to speak to
the request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a previous presentation. A
reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes).
Other interested parties will be allowed to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or make inquiries. The Chairman may allow
additional public testimony if the issue warrants it. Briefrebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents will be heard
separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman. Rebuttal shall be limited to factual statements
pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be directed to the Board, not the City Staff representatives present, unless
directed to do so by the Chairman.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
May 22, 1996
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Bob Philpott, Tim German, Cindy Souders, Mary
Craver, Dean Reed, Linda Nutter
Members Excused:
Bob King
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Sue Roberds
Public Present:
Jeff Hedlund, Reid Moore, Randy Smith, Bob
Janssen, John Chiasson, Jim and Sandy Reed, Patrick
Downie, Sue and Stan Maharaj, Jim Thornburg
As Chair King was absent, Vice Chair German assumed the Chair for the evening's
Commissioner Philpott noted a typographical error in the time period of the first break
called for during the May 8, 1996, meeting. Commissioner Reed asked that wording
indicating staff would provide additional background information for the proposed
environmentally sensitive areas amendment recommendation be included on page 18
of the minutes. With the noted corrections, Commissioner Philpott moved to approve
the May 8, 1996 minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reed and passed
4~ 0, with Commissioners Nutter and Souders abstaining.
Marine Drive: Request for a restaurant use to be located in the IH, Industrial
Heavy zone.
Planning Director Collins reviewed the Planning Department's report recommending approval
of the conditional use permit as proposed. Vice Chair German opened the public hearing.
Stan Maharaj, 1213 Marine Drive, spoke in favor of the conditional use permit and
expressed his frustration with the process that required him to apply for permits for the
expansion of the restaurant. He stated his objection to providing the three additional parking
spaces that are required as part of the expansion of the seating area for the restaurant.
Planning Commission Minutes - May 22. 1996
Commissioner Nutter asked Mr. Maharaj to work with staff to assure that the additional three
parking spaces required for the added seating capacity of the restaurant are available as they
are not indicated on the submitted site plan. Mr. Maharaj answered that he has the necessary
parking for the use.
There being no further testimony, Vice Chair German closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Philpott moved to approve the conditional use permit with the following
conditions, findings and conclusions:
Conditions of Approval:
1. The proposed use shall meet all requirements of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
including zoning, parking, fire, and building code requirements. A revised parking
plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department which provides the required
number of parking spaces and improvements installed.
2. The proposed use shall comply with all conditions of Shoreline Substantial
Development Permit No. SMA 96-157.
Based on the information provided in the May 22, 1996, Staff Report for CUP 96(05)13,
(including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public
hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles
Planning Commission hereby finds that:
1. The applicant, Stan Maharaj applied for conditional use permit on April 25, 1996,
(See May 22, 1996, Staff Report for CUP 96(05)13 Attachment A).
2. An Adoption of an Existing Environmental Document was issued by the City of Port
Angeles SEPAResponsible Official on May 5, 1996 (See May 22, 1996 Staff Report
for CUP 96(05)13 Attachment B).
3. The application and hearing process was advertised in accordance with the legal
requirements of the City of Port Angeles and the State of Washington.
4. The Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance have been reviewed
with respect to this application.
5. The site is designated Industrial in the City's Comprehensive Plan, and Industrial,
Heavy in the City's Zoning Ordinance.
A restaurant is a conditionally permitted use in the Industrial, Heavy zone.
Planning Commission Minutes - May 22, 1996
Page 3
A shoreline substantial development permit was approved for the project (SMA 96-
157) on May I, 1996, conditioned upon approval of a conditional use permit.
8. Pursuant to Section 17.96.070.C of the Zoning Ordinance, any person aggrieved by
the decision of the Planning Commission may appeal the decision to the City Council.
Appeals must be submitted to the Planning Department, in writing, within fourteen
(14) days following the date of the decision.
Based on the information provided in the May 22, 1996 Staff Report for CUP 96(05)13
including all of its attachments, comments and information presented during the public
hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings,
the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that:
A. As conditioned, the proposed project is consistent with the City's Comprehensive
Plan, specifically, Land Use Element Policies A-2, C-I, D-l, E-4, G-I, and the
Conservation Element Policies D5 and 7.
B. As conditioned and properly redesigned, the proposed project is in the public use and
Commissioner Souders seconded the motion, which passed 6 - O.
The Commission took a five minute break at 7:30 p.m. to 7:35 p.m.
Block Race Street: Request for an amendment to the City's Comprehensive
P Ian to allow a change for approximately 28,000 square feet of property from
MDR, Medium Density Residential, to C, Commercial.
Director Collins reviewed the Planning Department's report and responded to questions from
the Commission as to the specific location and surrounding uses to the proposed site. Vice
Chair German opened the public hearing.
Jim Reed, 485 Blue Mountain Road, spoke in support of the Comprehensive Plan
Amendment. He explained that the proposed change would not conflict with the
Comprehensive Plan, and expanded on the traffic patterns in the area including the fact that
other uses in the area are commercial even though the area zoning has remained residential.
The property is located in the center of an area that is zoned residential single-family but has
been developed in a mix of commercial and residential uses which includes professional
offices and a grocery store south of the site, a nursing home, church, apartment complex, and
three or four single-family residential homes directly north and west of the site, Civic Field
and Erickson Playfield one block north of the site, and heavy commercial uses further north
on First Street.
Planning Commission Minutes - May 22, 1996
Page 4
During the hearings for rezone of properties within the City in compliance with the
Comprehensive Plan in August, 1995, he was told that it would be necessary to designate the
area as Commercial on the City's Comprehensive Plan before a rezone of the area could occur
to CO, Commercial Office, which is the basis for the current amendment proposal. Although
many neighbors spoke in opposition to the previous rezone request to MDR, Medium Density
Residential, for the subject property, in talking with many of them further he understood that
their opposition was to multiple family apartments being erected in the neighborhood not to
light office uses. As his intention is only to construct light office uses on the site, he would
not be opposed to a deed restriction ensuring such use.
Jim Thornburg, 521 South Race Street, lives across the street from the subject property
and was the leader of the opposition to the previous proposed rezone to MDR for the
property. He concurred that the neighborhood had agreed with Mr. Reed that a rezone to
CO, Commercial Office, for light commercial office uses would be the best deal for the
Director Collins offered that if the proposal is considered part of the imprecise margins
intentionally used for flexibility on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map between
the residential and commercial areas, the proposal could be viewed as a minor change. He
clarified, for informational purposes, that commercial zones allow for multiple family uses
at RHD standards.
There being no further testimony, Vice Chair German closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Nutter stated her concern that development of the site to an office commercial
use would increase the traffic in the area by creating more opportunity to turn into the
commercial sites off Race Street that does not have a center turn lane and is heavily
travelled. Race Street in this location may in the future serve as a north/south leg to an
alternate crosstown route.
At the request of Vice Chair German, Commissioner Souders, having served on the City's
Growth Management Advisory Committee, elaborated on the background as to why the
commercial designation of Race Street was drawn at the south boundary of Seventh Street,
immediately north of the subject property. The transportation subcommittee of the GMAC
concluded that commercial zoning may preclude a good flow of traffic. Therefore, the
designation of Race Street north of Seventh Street as commercial was to protect and
encourage what appears to be a fairly reasonable flow of traffic on Race Street and to allow
for an alternate crosstown route and a method to decrease truck traffic in the Downtown.
The area south of the site along Race Street to Eighth Street was already developed as
Commissioner Craver indicated that given the development in the area to commercial, the
retention of the subject property as residential appears to be the exception not the rule in this
case and it doesn't appear reasonable to restrict these four lots from development in the
existing pattern. A light commercial use would buffer the remaining residential uses from the
traffic and noise of Race Street.
Planning Commission Minutes - May 22. 1996
Page 5
Commissioner Souders felt that, out of a sense of fairness, since the City has denied several
other requests for rezones in this immediate area along Race Street to commercial within only
a couple of blocks of this site under the same circumstances, approval of the request may be
inconsistent with those decisions.
Commissioner Craver argued that the change from previous times might be that truck traffic
in the City has considerably decreased given the downtrend in logging, and a crosstown route
may not be as much an issue as in the past. A crosstown route has been talked about for
nearly thirty years and it doesn't seem logical to base approval or denial of the current
proposal on future possibilities that may never occur. The majority of development in the
immediate area is not residential. She did not believe that all of Race Street should
necessarily be rezoned to commercial but that the subject proposal is not unreasonable.
Vice Chair German stated that a light commercial use could provide a good buffer to the
existing surrounding residential uses but suggested that if a change occurs possibly it should
occur for the overall area along Race Street between Second Street and Seventh Street which
is better planning than to be so site specific.
Commissioner Nutter agreed with Mr. German but stated opposition to setting up a strip
commercial center on Race Street which could detract from the struggling more centralized
commercial uses elsewhere in town.
Commissioner Reed favored protecting the Race Street corridor as an alternate crosstown
route as it is currently being used. Given the allowance of multiple family uses in commercial
zones and the neighbor's previous opposition to such uses with the City's concurrence in
denial of the previous rezone proposal, he could not in good faith vote for an amendment that
would allow the multiple family uses at this location.
Commissioner Philpott agreed that with the current proposal he could not guarantee the
neighborhood that there would not be an apartment use one day on the site.
In response to a question from Commissioner Philpott, Jim Reed stated that he had been given
the impression by individual Council members that they could not consider a rezone of his
property without a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation to Commercial for the
area and that he should proceed with a Comp Plan amendment to allow a rezone which is
what he did. He felt that he was getting mixed signals.
Planning Director Collins suggested that it may be possible to work with the CO zone itself
to restrict residential uses in the zone, but it could be a negative for those who have purchased
CO zoned property expecting to develop it as residential.
Commissioner Craver pointed out the number of proposals that have been made for
designation of properties in this area to commercial.
Planning Commission Minutes - May 22. 1996
Page 6
Following detailed discussion on the pros and cons of the proposed amendment,
Commissioner Souders noted that infill is needed in Port Angeles and that the public may
need to be educated to explain how medium density and high density developments can
successfully locate near single family residential areas. Following in depth discussion as to
the applicant's opportunities, revision to commercial zones, density allowances and allowed
uses in the medium and high density zones, and the applicant's testimony that he had been
given direction to follow this approach, Commissioner Souders moved to recommend
approval of the amendment as proposed citing the following findings and conclusions:
I. This 1996 Comprehensive Plan Amendment is proposed by the property owner Jim
Reed for a change in the land use designation in area of Race Street east and between
6th and 7th Streets from medium density residential to commercial.
2. The Comprehensive Plan, particularly Land Use Goal A, Policy AI, Goal C, Policy
C.I, and the Policy EJ and Transportation Policy 8.5 and Objective B.l, have been
reviewed with respect to the proposed amendment.
3. The subject Comprehensive Plan map area is contiguous to commercial land use
designations to the south and southwest.
A recent request to approve residential medium density zoning consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan land use designation of the sugject area was denied.
5. The amendment was submitted in a timely manner on April I, since the March 31,
1996, deadline was on a Sunday and the deadline was extended, therefore, to the next
business day and in accordance with the procedures that have been established by the
City consistent with the Growth Management Act.
6. The Environmental Impact Statement for the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan was
adopted by the City of Port Angeles for the proposed Comprehensive Plan
Amendments on April IS, 1996.
A. Comprehensive Plan Amendment 96-01 is in the public use and interest.
B. Comprehensive Plan Amendment 96-01 is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan
Goals, Policies, and Objectives as identified in the staff report and with the Growth
Management Act.
The City's action on Comprehensive Plan Amendment 96-01 is consistent with the
established procedures for amending the Comprehensive Plan, Title 18, Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
Planning Commission Minutes. May 22. 1996
Page 7
Commissioner Craver seconded the motion which failed 3 - 3. Commissioners Souders,
Craver and German voted in the positive, with Nutter, Reed, and Philpott voting in the
Vice Chair Gennan called for any other motions. Being none, the motion deadlocked.
Commissioner Nutter stated that she voted against the motion in opposition to establishing
Race Street as a strip commercial develoment.
Commissioner Philpott's negative vote was due to his concern that since the neighbors
previously expressed such strong opposition to multiple family uses in this neighborhood, and
with the commercial designation he could not assure them that such a change would not allow
multiple family uses on the property, he could not vote for the proposed change.
Commissioner Reed would like to revisit uses allowed in the area.
Commissioner Souders noted that if further redesignation is proposed for the area, public
hearings should be held and representatives of other commercial areas that would be affected
should be included in the decision making.
Commissioner German reminded those present that if the City Council approves a
Comprehensive Plan amendment of this site, a rezone would be required and further public
hearings would beheld at that time.
The Commission took a break from 9:05 p.m. to 9: 15 p.m.
ANGELES. East and West of Golf Course Road between Melody LanelLindberg
Road and Maddock Road/Woodhaven Lane: Proposal to designate recently annexed
property on the City's Comprehensive Land Use Map as LDR, Low Density
Commissioner Reed resides in the direct area of the proposaL He left the room for the
proceedings. Conunissioners Philpott and Nutter explained their residential locations as being
near the area and asked if anyone objected to their remaining seated. There were no
Director Collins reviewed the Planning Department's report. Vice Chair Gennan opened the
public hearing. There being no one present to speak to the proposal, the public hearing was
Commissioner Souders moved to recommend that the recently annexed areas under
discussion be designated as LDR, Low Density Residential, on the City's
Comprehensive Land Use Map citing the following findings and conclusions:
Planning Commission Minutes . May 22.1996
Page 8
1. The 1996 Comprehensive Plan Amendments for land use designations in areas
annexed since the Comp Plan Land Use Map was adopted have been proposed by the
City Planning Department charged with implementing the Comp Plan1s goals, policies,
and objectives.
2. The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposed
3. The amendments were submitted in a timely manner by the March 31, 1996, deadline
for the annual review and according to the procedures that have been established by
the City consistent with the Growth Management Act.
4. The EnviroIUnental Impact Statement for the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan was
adopted by the City of Port Angeles for the proposed Comprehensive Plan
Amendments on April 18, 1996.
A The City's 1996 Comprehensive Plan Amendments are in the public use and interest.
The City's 1996 Comprehensive Plan Amendments are consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan Goals, Policies, and Objectives as identified in the staff report
and with the Growth Management Act.
C. The City's 1996 Comprehensive Plan Amendments are consistent with the established
procedures for amending the Comprehensive Plan, Title 18, Port Angeles Municipal
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter, and passed 5 - O.
Commissioner Reed returned to the dais.
ANGELES. City-wide: Proposal to amend the City's subdivision regulations with
regard to requirements for final plat submittal and to allow for improvement
exceptions for commercially zoned properties where there will not be an increase in
the number oflots within a short plat allowing for improvements to be made following
final plat approval but prior to occupancy of any structure.
Director Collins reviewed the Planning Department's report and answered questions as to the
effect the proposed amendment would have to future commercial property purchasers. He
responded to the Commission's question as to why the proposal is only being proposed for
commercial properties by saying that commercial land developers are generally more
Planning Commi$slon Minute:. May 22, 1996
Page 9
cognizant of the potential of development costs and processes and may not be as likely to be
caught unaware of the high cost associated with property improvement as residential owners.
Vice Chair German opened the public hearing.
Pat Downie, 331 East Eleventh Street, stated that the City needs to work with developers
in a pro-active way toward the development of commercial property to its highest and best
use. This is an opportunity to do just that.
There being no further testimony, Vice Chair Gennan closed the public hearing.
There was a considerable amount of discussion and some confusion as to why the amendment
is needed as State law requires that improvements either be placed or bonded for prior to final
of a subdivision. Commissioner German pointed out that if a developer is unable to complete
all the required improvements, a bond can be accepted in lieu of the cash improvements.
In response to the Commission's confusion on the issue, Mr. Collins indicated that the
amendment is due to a request from a developer who has not had to provide improvements
in developments elsewhere and is asking the City to amend its procedures in accord with
those other area's allowances to provide improvements at the time of development, not at the
time of final platting.
Commissioner Reed moved to recommend approval of the proposed amendment with
the following findings and conclusions:
1. The City's subdivision regulations have been reviewed with respect to an exception
for development of commercial zoned property when being short platted without any
increase in the number of lots and provisions are made for the minimum public
improvements before construction or occupancy for any new structures.
2. The Comprehensive Plan, in particular Growth Management Goal A, Policy A 1.1.,
Land Use Goal A, Policy A2., Goal B., Capital Facilities Element Goal A, and Policy
A.9, have been reviewed with respect to the proposal.
3. The proposal was categorically exempt from requirements of SEP A (WAC 197-11-
A. The Municipal Code Amendment is in the public use and interest.
The Municipal Code Amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Goals as
identified in the staff report.
Plonnfng Commission Minutes - May 22. 1996
Page 10
The Municipal Code Amendment is consistent with the intent of Chapters 16.04 and
16.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code,
D. Consolidation of small and odd shaped lots, which is desirable for development
purposes consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, may not be accomplished without
coordinating construction activities.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed 6 - O.
The hour being 9:50 p.m., Commissioner Reed moved to continue the proceedings
beyond 10 p.m. The motion was seconded by Commissiner Souders, and passed 6 - O.
Commissioner Nutter moved to change the order of the agenda in order to allow the
member of the audience to listen to Item No. VI and to speak to Item No. VII on the
agenda without waiting further at this late hour. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Reed, and passed 6 - O.
ANGELES. Residential Zones City-wide: Proposal to amend Chapter 17 (Zoning)
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code with regard to accessory structure allowances in
residential zones. (The Planning Commission is not holding a public hearing on this
item at this meeting.)
Planning Director Collins reviewed the Planning Department's report on the issue and
informed the Commission that a public hearing has been scheduled for June 12 for this
proposal with a second hearing before the City Council on June 18. The memorandum is
purely informational at this time.
Commissioners Souders and Nutter were excused from the remainder of the meeting at this
point due to their absence during the public hearing for the following item conducted on May
8, 1996.
Planning CommfssionMinutes -May 22.1996
Page 10
The Municipal Code Amendment is consistent with the intent of Chapters 16.04 and
16.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
D. Consolidation of small and odd shaped lots, which is desirable for development
purposes consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, may not be accomplished without
coordinating construction activities.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed 6 - O.
The hour being 9:50 p.m., Commissioner Reed moved to continue the proceedings
beyond 10 p.m. The motion was seconded by Commissiner Souders, and passed 6 - O.
Commissioner Nutter moved to change the order of the agenda in order to allow the
member of the audience to listen to Item No. VI and to speak to Item No. vn on the
agenda without waiting further at this late hour. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Reed, and passed 6 - O.
ANGELES. Residential Zones City-wide: Proposal to amend Chapter 17 (Zoning)
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code with regard to accessory structure allowances in
residential zones. (The Planning Commission is not holding a public hearing on this
item at this meeting.)
Planning Director Collins reviewed the Planning Department's report on the issue and
informed the Commission that a public hearing has been scheduled for June 12 for this
proposal with a second hearing before the City Council on June 18. The memorandum is
purely infonnational at this time.
Commissioners Souders and Nutter were excused from the remainder of the meeting at this
point due to their absence during the public hearing for the following item conducted on May
8, 1996.
Planning Commission Minutes. May 22. /996
Page 11
ANGELES. Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Ordinance: Revision to the
City's ESA Ordinance to allow flexibility in determining buffer requirements and
creating a "minor construction" exemption where construction is so minor as to make
geotechnical analysis infeasible. (Discussion continued from May 8, 1996.)
Planning Director Collins noted that the public hearing was closed for this proposal
at the May 8, 1996, meeting, with staff having been directed to provide additional
information as to the background of the recommendation for approval found in the
May g, 1996, staff report.
Planning Office Specialist Sue Roberds provided information that she had obtained
from the City's Building Inspector that the area allowed for expansion of an existing
structure without enlarging the existing foundation is dependent on the length of the
existing floor joist. Therefore, to restrict modification of an existing structure in an
environmentally sensitive area dependent on the Building Code's provisions would be
logical and should not cause an impact to the environmentally sensitive area as there
would be no foundation expansion.
The Commission agreed with the logic of the proposal given by staff and therefore,
Commissioner Reed moved to recommend that the City Council approve the
proposed amendment subject to the following findings and conclusions:
1. The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposals. The
following goals and policies have been identified as being most relevant to the
amendment: Growth Management Element Goal A and Policy A 1, Land Use Element
Goal A, Objective AI, Policies 8.1 and 1.1, Conservation Element Policies AI, A2,
A.3, B.2, B.4, and B.15, and Objectives B.2 and B.3.
2. The proposed language allows for exceptions which are supported by scientific
analysis or are minor in their application.
3. Notice of the proposed Municipal Code Amendment was posted in City Hall, County
Courthouse, and the Port Angeles main branch of the North Olympic Library System
on April 18, 1996, and published in the Peninsula Daily News on April 21, 1996.
4. A DeteI1l1ination of Non-Significance (DNS) and Adoption of a Previous Document
(DNS issued 8/7/91 for adoption of the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas
Protection Ordinance) was issued on April 18, 1996, and no appeal of this threshold
determination and adoption of a previous DNS has been made in a timely manner.
Planning Commission Minutes. May 22. 1996
Page 12
A. The Municipal Code Amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Goals,
Policies, and Objectives specifically those found in Finding NO.1,
B. The Municipal Code Amendment is consistent with the purpose of Chapter 15.20 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
C. The existing language in the ESA Chapter 15.20 PAMC allows for some flexibility
which could be simplified with regard to geotechnical/engineering conclusions.
D. The proposed language allows for exceptions which are supported by scientific
analysis or are minor in their application and would be prudent for administrative
interpretations ofESA enforcement and for avoiding regulation overkill which many
in our community could agree makes little common sense.
E. The Municipal Code Amendment is in the public use and interest.
Commissioner Philpott seconded the motion, which passed 4 - O.
Commissioner Philpott once again noted that the TOad alignment on Ahlvers Road north of
Galaxy Place is a dangeTOus situation.
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
Planning Commission Attendance Roster
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