HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/22/2002
321 East Fifth Street
May 22, 2002
7 p.m.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meetings of April 24, 2002 and May 8, 2002
Proposed annual amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan.
PORT ANGELES. City-Wide: Suggested changes to the City's sign, parking,
environmental, subdivision, and zoning regulations (Titles 14-17). The changes were
largely recommended by the Citizens Code Advisory Committee appointed by the
City Council in 2001. (Continued discussion from April 24, 2002.)
PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Chuck Schramm (Chair), Fred Hewins (Vice), Fred Norton, Bob Philpott, Mary Craver, Rick Porter, Len Rasmussen
PLANNING STAFF: Brad Collins, Director; Scott Johns, Associate Planner; Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
May 22, 2002
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Bob Philpott, Fred Hewins, Chuck Schramm, Rick Porter,
Leonard Rasmussen
Members Excused:
Mary Craver, Fred Norton
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Sue Roberds, Scott Johns
Public Present:
Jack Anderson, Eycke Strikland
Commissioner Porter moved to approve the April 24, 2002, Planning Commission minutes as
revised. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hewins and passed 5 - O.
Commissioner Philpott moved to approve the May 8, 2002, Planning Commission minutes as
presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Porter and passed 4 - 1 with
Commissioner Hewins abstaining due to absence at the meeting.
annual amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan.
Director Collins described corrections to the proposed Comprehensive Land Use Map copies that
were sent to Commissioners for review. Corrections were proposed extending the commercial zone
further east from Lincoln Street to include property along the shoreline owned by Jack Glaubert and
Jerry Austin east ofthe Red Lion Inn and property west of Valley Street to Sunset Wire Rope along
Marine Drive. Chair Schramm opened the public hearing.
Jack Anderson En vironm ell tal alld Site Mallager for Rayollier, 700 North Enllis Street, asked
that, on behalf of Rayonier, issues relating to any redesignation of portions of the Rayonier site be
postponed at this time until the remedial investigation has been further evaluated and documented.
Sampling of materials will be done later in 2002 and it is hoped that the results of that testing will
be available by early 2003.
In response to Commissioner Hewins, Mr. Anderson answered that he cannot guarantee that the
sampling work and report will be available and submitted to the City by March, 2003. It is not
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May 22, 2002
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possible given the number of agencies involved to assure that time frame. It is likely that soil
sampling will be completed and a draft report will probably be available by March, 2003, but he
doubted the final report will have been completed by that time given the review process.
In response to Commissioner Schramm, Mr. Anderson stated that the past summer's work included
the removal of the large SSL lagoon and the removal of approximately 20,000 cubic yards of solid
waste material. The dock repair has not as yet been completed but is anticipated for the near future.
Upcoming work for this summer will include the removal of petroleum contaminated soils along
Ennis Creek and in the location of an oil tank and maintenance shop.
There being no one else who wished to speak, Chair Schramm closed the public hearing.
In response to a suggestion from Commissioner Hewins, Director Collins confmned that the
Commission should continue the Comprehensive Plan amendment application rather than assume
that a new application would be submitted for potential changes to the Rayonier site in 2003.
Commissioner Hewins asked if the City is giving up its own property, which is now designated
parking, for the Gateway project? Director Collins answered that some City property would be
incorporated into the Gateway project. Commissioner Hewins believed that some of the
Comprehensive Plan proposed objectives, specifically those dealing with the issue of no net parking
loss in the Downtown, puts the onus on the City to replace parking that was privately provided in
the past. Proposed Objective FA appears to make the City responsible to replace displaced parking.
Director Collins noted that proposed objective FA came from a request from the Port Angeles
Downtown Association (P ADA). It appears that the objective would hold the City responsible for
maintaining no net loss of parking.
Mr. Collins clarified that the P ADA is interested in the City replacing parking as a result of the
Gateway project. Commissioner Schramm concurred that the proposed objective only deals with
that parking that would be displaced by the Gateway project in the Downtown. Commissioner
Hewins did not agree that the City should be obligated to replace parking displaced by the Gateway
project - a private developer would not be so charged. Director Collins did not disagree and
explained that the language was developed at the suggestion of stakeholders in the Downtown area
as represented by the P ADA. Adoption of the proposed objective would in fact make the City
promise to replace the displaced parking where at present the City is negotiating to do so.
Commissioner Hewins did not agree that an objective should be proposed supporting an ice skating
rink in the Downtown. Director Collins noted that the proposed objective wording does not commit
but indicates that the City will study such a use in the Downtown. Commissioners Rasmussen and
Hewins agreed that these types of specific issues do not need to be included in the Comprehensive
Plan but should go the normal route for review prior to support. Mr. Collins noted that the use is
being considered at the request of the Chamber of Commerce and a City Councilperson. If the
Planning Commission does not agree with the specifics of certain objectives, those objections should
be noted in the Commission's recommendation to the City Council. Commissioner Schramm stated
that his review of the proposed objectives to the Comprehensive Plan was under the assumption that
the objectives would undergo varying degrees of interpretation but basically would not commit any
Planning COn/mission Minutes
May 22, 2002
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public monies or commit public participation to specific projects. Director Collins agreed and
further responded that the expenditure of Capital Facility funds and decisions that are made in the
future by the Planning Commission and City Council are directed by the goals, policies, and
objectives listed in the Comprehensive Plan. Projects that are specifically listed or addressed in the
Comprehensive Plan will be given a higher priority than those that are not specifically noted.
Commissioner Rasmussen wondered if it should be made clear in the Plan that the City is not
committing or implying a specific position or financial support of certain projects by listing those
projects. Director Collins responded that those decisions would be up to City officials who would
be approving specific projects. An objective is a proposal in the Comprehensive Plan that is a type
of promise that something will be done. If objectives are not met, they should be removed from the
Director Collins explained the proposed policy for the City to consider the vacation of certain alleys
or streets to achieve a desired urban design for the City. The proposed policy is to recognize that,
in commercial areas, the City is interested in allowing the assembling of land in order to achieve the
type of development that is desired. Such a policy would be mainly to assist in the development of
properties that are separated by a right-of-way and owned by the same owner.
Commissioner Hewins stated that he has a definite problem with identifying a specific use such as
a proposed ice skating rink in the Downtown as part of the Comprehensive Plan amendments. He
did not believe that singling out a particular use is appropriate just because it is suggested by a
certain group. He also objected to the proposal Otem #7 ofthe Port Angeles Downtown Association
and Chamber of Commerce proposals) that indicates" The City will develop various parking options
including the construction of a parking structure... to mitigate parking impacts from the Gateway
Project to achieve no net loss of parking..." being in the Comprehensive Plan. Such negotiation
should not be part of the Comprehensive Plan but should be part of other negotiations. This puts the
responsibility on the City, and not all parking belongs to the City. Additional bicycle friendly
objectives are redundant as there are already many references in the Comprehensive Plan stating the
City's intentions to provide non motorized opportunities when possible. In general, he believed that
most of the proposals that were formulated from a letter from the Downtown Association are not
appropriate nor need to be included in the Plan. Approval of a commercial objective to support a
waterfront promenade along Railroad Avenue will result in the loss of either street, sidewalk, or
water area if developed.
It was decided that a poll should be taken on each policy, objective, and map change to determine
the Commission's recommendations on the proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. The
May 22,2002, staff report was reviewed item by item with each item being voted upon individually:
Laud Use Element
Add new Commercial Policy D(3) -- The City should vacate rights-of-way to facilitate retention
of existing businesses and location of new businesses where land assembly is necessary to achieve
the desired urban design of the City.
Commissioner Rasmussen objected to the proposal because he did not believe it is necessary
to include these type of actions within the Plan itselfbut should be handled separately. The
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May 22, 2002
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Commission agreed 4 - 1 to recommend approval of the proposal with Commissioner
Hewins voting against.
Add new Commercial Objective 0(1) -- The City will work with the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe
to develop a cultural center and marina for large pleasure boats located in Port Angeles Harbor.
Commissioner Porter had no real objections to the proposal but was not sure there is a real
need for such a development. The Commission agreed 5 - 0 to recommend approval of the
Add new Commercial Objective 0(2) -- The City will develop an Ediz Hook master plan that
designates land uses, improves public access to shorelines, abates deteriorating strnctures, and
allows for expanded recreational and commercial uses.
Commissioner Rasmussen noted that this objective is repeated in Open Space Objective J(4)
and Conservation Element D(2). He suggested the polling be taken as a group. The
Commission agreed to recommend approval of the three proposals 5 - O.
Add new Commercial Policy F(4) -- The City should work with the Port Angeles Downtown
Association to develop urban design review guidelines that facilitate architectural elementslfeatures
which will encourage complimentary and aesthetically pleasing new development in the Central
Business District (CBD).
Commissioner Hewins was opposed to the policy. It is not appropriate for the City to set
urban design guidelines but should be up to the business owners and groups as a whole to
collectively agree on design issues. Commissioner Rasmussen thought that if design review
guidelines are to be established for aesthetically pleasing development it should not be
restricted to the Downtown. The concept should be broadened. Director Collins noted that
the Downtown has tended to take the lead on these types of issues. Such policies could be
expanded to other areas of the City if there is interest. The Commission agreed 5 - 0 to
recommend approval of the policy.
Add new Commercial Objective F(l) -- The City will assist the Chamber of Commerce and the
Port Angeles Downtown Association in developing an historic underground walking tour activity
focused on Laurel Street.
Commissioner Hewins was opposed to the objective. The Commission agreed 4 - 1 to
recommend approval of the objective with Commissioner Hewins voting against.
Add new Commercial Objective F(2) -- The City will assist the Chamber of Commerce and the
Port Angeles Downtown Association in developing a waterfront promenade along the Downtown
Commissioner Hewins objected for reasons previously stated. Commissioner Rasmussen
agreed with Commissioner Hewins' previous statement that such an objective would result
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May 22, 2002
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in the loss of either street, sidewalk, or water areas. The Commission agreed 3 - 2 to
recommend approval of the objective with Commissioners Hewins and Rasmussen voting
Add new Commercial Objective F(3) -- The City will encourage community events such as holiday
ceremonies, town gatherings, arts and crafts displays, and special business activities such as a
Farmers' Market during the tourist season, particularly in the Downtown area and on Laurel Street.
Commissioner Hewins would have no problem with the objective if the words "...area and
on Laurel Street" were removed. He was concerned that such activities would specifically
be focused on Laurel Street. He did not understand whether the City is looking at promoting
tourism on public property with no remuneration as opposed to encouraging the use of
properties in general where private properties could be generating income from the activities
rather than use of the City right-of-way with no remuneration. He had no objection to
Downtown area uses in general. The Commission agreed 4 -1 to recommend approval of the
objective with Commissioner Hewins voting against.
Add new Commercial Objective F(4) -- The City will develop various parking options including
the construction of a parking strncture and the purchase of surface parking lot(s) to mitigate parking
impacts from the Gateway Project to achieve no net loss of parking for customer parking, City
permit parking, and long term parking.
Commissioner Hewins felt that the proposed wording appears to bind the City's hands in
future negotiations. It was proposed to change the wording to read "The City will consider
develop various parking options including thc eonstrueti6fi of a pM'king stmetHre and the
purchase of 3tlrftl.ce pM'king lote s) to mitigate parking impacts from the Gateway Proj ect t6
aehicvc 110 net 108s of parking for customer parking, City permit pMking, Mil long tem1
pM'king. The Commission agreed 4 - 1 to recommend approval of the objective as modified
with Commissioner Hewins voting against.
Add new Industrial Objective H(l) -- The City will develop an industrial marine (1M) zone for
shoreline uses similar to the upland industrial park (IP) zone which allows for mixed commercial
and industrial uses
The Commission agreed 5 - 0 to recommend approval of the objective.
Add new lndustrial Objective H(2) -- The City will establish a Harbor Study committee comprised
of private and public stakeholders in harbor uses and activities to reveiw and revise the Harbor
Resource Management Plan, considering changes that have occurred in the past 12 years and
visions that now seem possible.
The Commission agreed 5 - 0 to recommend approval of the objective
Add new Open Space Objective J(2) -- The City will review new development for covered areas
or wind screens to allow greater use of outdoor facilities and public spaces during inclement
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May 22. 2002
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Director Collins noted that the proposals will be fOlwarded to the City Council as written with a
reconunendation from the Planning Commission and, in some cases, a second recommendation from
staff. In response to Commissioner Porter as to why two different proposals might be forwarded,
Director Collins noted that staff may feel the need to forward an alternate recommendation.
Commissioner Hewins asked how the review of new development for covered areas or wind
screens fits with land use decisions the City is charged to regulate. He believed that these
types of requirements should be up to individual business owners and not under the
jurisdiction or review of the City. The Commission agreed 4 - 1 to recommend approval of
the objectivewith Commissioner Hewins voting against.
Add new Open Space Objective J(3) -- The City will work with the Port of Port Angeles in the
development of a public golf course.
The wording was changed to read" The City will support Yv'ork with thc Port of Port Angelcs
tlrthe development of a public golf course" because the original wording restricts the support
to that of a Port of Port Angeles development. The Commission agreed 5 - 0 to recommend
approval of the objective.
Add new Open Space Objective J(4) -- The City will develop an Ediz Hook master plan that
designates land uses, improves public access to shorelines, abates deteriorating structures, and
allows for expanded recreational and commercial uses.
The Commission earlier agreed 5 - 0 to recommend approval of the objective.
Transportation Element
Add new Objective A(2) -- The City will work with the property owner to assure completion of the
Waterfront Trail through theformer Rayonier Mill site.
The Commission agreed 5 - 0 to recommend approval of the objective.
Add new Objective A(3) -- The City will incorporate bicycle friendly amenities including bike path
development and maintenance, signage, and storage into new transportationfacility improvements.
The Commission agreed 5 - 0 to recommend approval of the objective with reservation from
Commissioner Rasmussen due to a question as to the extent of the City's intention to provide
physical amenities for nonpedestrian improvements over what is already contained in the
Add new Objective A(4) -- The City will encourage public streetscape improvements such as street
trees, seasonal displays, and pedestrian amenities through a comprehensive development and
maintenance plan.
Plllnrring Commission Mil/lites
May 22. 2002
PlIge 7
The Commission agreed 5 - 0 to recommend approval of the objective.
Add new Objective D(2) -- The City will update transportation policies to refocus circulation
patterns, street improvements, essential state highways, truck routing. and traffic controls
throughout the City with particular attention to the Central Business District.
The original amendment wording was changed to read "The City will update transportation
policies to refocus circulation patterns, street improvements, essential state highways, truck
routing, and traffic controls throughout the City with particula:r attention to the Centrftl
Dl1sincss District." The Commission agreed 5 - 0 to recommend the modified wording as it
relates to the City as a whole and does not single out anyone area.
Conservation Element
Add new Objective D(2) -- The City will develop an Ediz Hook master plan that designates land
uses, improves public access to shorelines, abates deteriorating strnctures, and allows for expanded
recreational and commercial uses.
The Commission earlier agreed 5 - 0 to recommend approval of the objective.
Capital Facilities Element
Add new Objective A(4) -- The City will study the development of a seasonal or permanent ice
skating rink facility.
The Commission agreed 3 - 2 to recommend this objective not be approved. The vote was
Commissioners Rasmussen, Schramm, and Hewins "no ", and Commissioners Philpott and
Porter "yes ".
Add new Objective A(S) -- The City will establish a review process with a more comprehensive
analysis of Capital Facilities Plan projects to address new mandates for environmental protection
such as the Endangered Species Act, extension of urban services into the Urban Growth Area and
new residential areas within the City, and needs to preserve and maintain service levels impacted
by changes such as the Elwha Dam removal, landfill closure, and agingfacilities.
The Commission agreed 5 - 0 to recommend approval of the objective.
Mapping changes
1) Downtown -- expansion of the commercial land use designation east along Victoria Street and
west along Marine Drive.
The Commissioners agreed 5 - 0 to the proposed Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map
changes with a revision extending the commercial zoning east of the Red Lion Inn to include
the Glaubert/ Austin property and west to include the Sunset Wire Rope use on Marine Drive.
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May 22. 2002
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2) Ediz Hook -- expansion of the commercial land use designation east ofthe Sail and Paddle Park
along the shoreline inside Port Angeles Harbor.
Commissioners Schramm voiced objection to allowing huge boathouses on Ediz Hook as
it would be a tremendous visual impairment to the landscape of the Hook. Such a use would
be better proposed against the bluff, say in the Rayonier area, where the use would basically
be out of sight and in a more protected area. Ediz Hook is an irreplaceable resource that
should be protected.
In response to Commissioner Porter, Director Collins answered that development of a Tribal use
would not necessarily be subject to normal state requirements for overwater development. The City
would rely on the Elwha Tribe as opposed to the Washington State Department ofFish and Wildlife
to protect fisheries resources. Commissioners Porter and Schramm were opposed to the amendment.
Commissioner Philpott hoped that owners of the large boats would bring an increased economy to
the area. Commissioner Hewins suggested that the the proposal could allow the outlying areas of
the Harbor to be better utilized. Commissioner Rasmussen hoped that a new yacht basin would draw
people to the area as an attraction. The Commission agreed 3 - 2 to recommend approval of the
proposed map change with Commissioners Schramm and Porter voting against..
3) Rayonier -- defer expansion of the commercial land use designation on the former Rayonier Mill
site until completion ofthe MTCA remedial investigation study is done.
It was agreed 5 - 0 to defer consideration of any change in the designation of the Rayonier
site until the remedial investigation is complete. Commissioner Hewins agreed but noted for
the record that he does not believe this issue should be under consideration particularly with
consideration of a new Industrial Marine zone for the area.
Commissioner Hewins moved to recommend that the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map
be amended per staffs May 22,2002, memorandum with modifications as previously approved
by the Planning Commission citing the following findings and conclusions:
I. The State Legislature mandated that cities and counties subject to the Growth Management
Act complete a comprehensive review of the Comprehensive Plan by September 2002 and
in the Spring 2002 changed the deadline for this update to 2004 for the City of Port Angeles.
2. The City started its comprehensive update of the Comp Plan in the Fa112001 and focused
attention on the Harbor Planning Area, including Downtown and the Rayonier Mill site.
3. The Planning Commission has held numerous informal public meetings starting in
November 2001 through March 2002.
Many of public agency and private property stakeholders in the Harbor and Downtown areas
have participated and made suggestions and comments regarding amendments to the
Comprehensive Plan initially adopted by the City in June 1994 in compliance with the
Planlling Commission Mil1l1re.~
May 22. 2002
Page 9
Growth Management Act.
The Department of Community Development staff prepared twelve applications for
Comprehensive Plan changes by March 31, 2002, expanding particularly the Comp Plan
objectives to incorporate projects and land use actions that the Harbor and Downtown
stakeholders want to see happen in the next five years.
One ofthe twelve applications was the proposed utility extension policy change for services
outside the City limits, and, despite the recent State Supreme Court decision nullifying the
petition method of annexation on which the utility extension policy was based, the City has
elected to withdraw consideration ofthat proposed amendment.
The eleven remaining proposals resulted in 13 additional Land Use Element policies and
objectives, 4 additional Transportation Element objectives, I additional Conservation
Element objective, 2 additional Capital Facilities Element objectives, and 3 proposed Land
Use Map changes.
The Comprehensive Plan was reviewed for the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments,
and the most relevant goals, policies, and objectives included, but were not limited to,
Growth Management Element Goal A, Policy A(1 )(a-m), Goal B, Land Use Element Goals
D, F, H, and J, Transportation Element Goals A and D, Conservation Element Goal D, and
Capital Facilities Element Goal A.
9. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map was reviewed relative to land use changes that may
be necessary for planned development and redevelopment along the Harbor shoreline. The
City has endorsed the Rayonier Mill Site Draft Remedial Investigation Plan, which will
provide sampling data and analysis needed for site cleanup and redevelopment.
10. A primary purpose of the proposed Comp Plan Amendments CPA 02-01 is to improve the
Plan as a planning tool for facilitating the desired urban design of the City and encourage
growth that the community wants to take place in the next five years.
11. A series of formal public hearings on the proposed Comp Plan Amendments began on May
8,2001 and are scheduled through June 4, 2002.
12. Updates of other planning areas in the Comp Plan over the next two years, focusing on the
east side next year and the west side the following year, is scheduled for completing the
City's Comprehensive Plan update by the 2004 deadline. The next Comprehensive Plan
review under the Growth Management Act will be due 2011.
PAMC l8.04 Comprehensive Plan Implementation and Amendment sets forth procedures
for annual amendment which include deadlines for applications, requirements for public
hearings, deadlines for decisions and criteria for applications and approvals of amendments.
Proposed amendments shall demonstrate: why existing provisions should not continue,
consistency with the Growth Management Act goals and specific requirements, compliance
Planning Commission Minutes
May 22. 2002
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with County-Wide Planning Policy, compliance with capital facilities and related plans, why
it is in the public interest, consistency with public health, safety, and welfare, and
consideration of the cumulative effects of the amendments.
The proposed amendments were sent to the State Office of Community Development (OCD),
affected property owners and businesses in the Harbor Planning Area, Port of Port Angeles,
Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, Clallam County, and other City Departments for review.
No written comments have been received at the time ofthe staff report.
On May 22, 2002, the City's SEPA Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non-
Significance (DNS) #981 and adopted the existing FEIS for the City's Comprehensive Plan
(August 6, 1993), the Addendum to the FEIS for the City's Comprehensive Plan (June 14,
1994), and FSEIS to the City's Comprehensive Plan for the Zoning Implementation
(November 14, 1995).
The Planning Commission held public hearings on the proposed Comprehensive Plan
Amendments CPA 02-01 on May 8 and May 22, 2002, and the City Council has scheduled
a public hearing on CPA 02.01 for June 4,2002.
The City has reviewed its Comprehensive Plan and proposed updates in compliance with the
Growth Management Act, the OCD grant received by the City for the mandated review, and
the State Legislature's review deadline of September 2002.
2. The proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments are consistent with the Port Angeles
Comprehensive Plan, in particular with the most relevant goals, policies, and objectives
including, but were not limited to, Growth Management Element Goal A, Policy A(1)(a-m),
Goal B, Land Use Element Goals D, F, H, and J, Transportation Element Goals A and D,
Conservation Element Goal D, and Capital Facilities Element Goal A.
3. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map proposed changes will facilitate planned
development and redevelopment along the Harbor shoreline. Any redesignation of the
Rayonier Mill Site should wait until work under the Draft Remedial Investigation Plan,
which will provide sampling data and analysis needed for site cleanup and redevelopment,
has been provided to the City of Port Angeles.
4. The proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments are consistent with the PAMC 18.04
Comprehensive Plan Implementation and Amendment procedures for annual amendment
which include deadlines for applications, requirements for public hearings, deadlines for
decisions and criteria for applications and approvals of amendments.
The proposed amendments are consistent with the Clallam County-Wide Planning Policy,
in compliance with the City's capital facilities and related plans, and consistency with public
health, safety, and welfare.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 22. 2002
Page} I
Consideration of the cumulative effects of the proposed amendments based on the City's
Capital Facilities Plan and compliance with the State Environmental Policy Act through
adoption of the existing FEIS for the City's Comprehensive Plan (August 6, 1993), the
Addendum to the FElS for the City's Comprehensive Plan (June 14, 1994), and FSEIS to the
City's Comprehensive Plan for the Zoning Implementation (November 14, 1995) determined
there were no significant adverse environmental impacts.
7. The proposed Comp Plan Amendments CPA 02-01 are in the public interest and will
improve the Plan as a planning tool for facilitating the desired urban design of the City and
encourage growth that the community wants to take place in the next five years.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Philpott and passed 5 - O.
The Commission took a break at 9:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:05 p.m.
PORT ANGELES. City-Wide: Suggested changes to the City's sign, parking,
environmental, subdivision, and zoning regulations (Titles 14-17). The changes were
largely recommended by the Citizens Code Advisory Committee appointed by the
City Council in 2001. (Continued discussion from April 24, 2002.)
The Commission began continued review of proposed Municipal Code amendments with discussion
on the proposed sign amendments as Commissioner Porter needed to leave the meeting and wished
to discuss sign amendments prior to his departure.
Commissioner Porter stated an objection to the limitation of 3211 in height for political signs in
residential areas as noted in Section 14.36.050(6) Prohibited Signs. In response to Chair Schramm,
Director Collins noted that, in researching the issue, staff believes state regulations allow political
signs to be reasonably limited. The language that exists is what was decided some time ago to be
reasonable. It is not new language. Commissioner Hewins noted that the proposed changes are for
commercial zones and not for residential zones ofthe City. The Commission was polled and agreed
to revise the wording such that it reads "Temporary political signs and 3igff m3p!tIyS ill .~illdo ,M of
pal ty p(JIitiad headquarters, provided tltey such signs are not located in Dubie rights-or-wav and
are removed within (14) days after the election~ And Ita HIe, pUj'vided ',~hell placed ill residential
zoue3 such siglfJ do ll(jt exceed thi, f} tH(j (32) illches in height and f",ur (4) fect in . Fidth.
The Commission agreed that some size limitation may be appropriate in residential zones, but that
is not under consideration at this time. Mr. Collins noted that Section 17.95 of the Zoning Code
addresses political signs.
Regarding Section 14.36.080(C) Prohibited Signs, Commissioner Hewins asked if a section
repealing previous sign requirements would be included in the proposed amending ordinance.
Director Collins responded in the affirmative.
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Commissioner Schramm stated that, after considerable discussion, the Planning Commission had
earlier agreed to remove pennants, flags, flyers, ribbons, balloons, or other fluttering devices or
strings of such devices..." from prohibited signs as described in Section 14.36.050(6) but it still
appears to be a recommendation. Director Collins responded that he incOIporated what he believed
to be the intent of the Commission which was to allow fluttering devices in the Commercial Arterial
Zone but not in other areas. Commissioner Hewins pointed out that staffs recommendation will be
different than that of the Planning Commission. The proposed language is staffs recommendation,
not the Planning Commission's polled vote.
Commissioner Rasmussen did not have a problem with staffs proposed wording of Section
14.36.050(6). Commissioner Schramm stated that it seems like an attempt is being made to create
a sterile business environment where strict rules prohibit a variety of items outside the window.
Although he agrees that standards need to be set, the logic that fluttering devices, balloons, flags, or
flyers create more of a hazard than other devices such as moving signs is not believable. Windsocks
or assorted balloons, placed for short periods of time to advertise a particular item are not safety
issues. He stressed prohibiting only those items that make sense and/or pose a safety concern.
Commissioner Philpott saw no reason why a 35' Ronald McDonald replica for a short period oftime
advertising McDonalds Restaurant is a problem.
Commissioner Philpott favored A-frame signs in the Downtown but wanted to ensure that they
would not pose a safety concern for pedestrians. Director Collins pointed out that language had been
added allowing A-frame signs such that they could be placed in rights-of-way with a Right-of-Way
Use Pernlit and naming the City as an additional insured on the owners' insurance policies.
Commissioner Rasmussen agreed but asked that the wording be expanded to include not just the
Downtown but all areas of the City where there are zero setbacks.
Commissioner Hewins pointed out that such language could result in an administrative enforcement
problem that will require staff to check each A-frame sign to see if a permit and a hold harmless
agreement have been filed ifthe sign is in the right-of-way. It was generally agreed that standards
should be applied consistently throughout the City and not be more lenient in one area of the City
than in others. No impediments, particularly signs, should be placed in the rights-of-way.
Commissioner Philpott moved to recommend that an item "K" be added to Section 14.36.080
Permitted Signs to read:
K. A-Frame Signs. One A-frame sign that is no larger than six (6) square feet per side and
no higher than thirty (30) inches from ground level shall be permitted per site as a
freestanding sign provided that such sign shall be securely anchored to the ground to prevent
overturning due to wind or being moved to an unpermitted location. A-frame signs shall not
be located in public rights-of-way except when a building is built to the front lot line and
provided that the sign owner obtains a Right-of-Way Use Permit and names the City as an
insured on the sign owner's insurance policy indemnifying the City.
Commissioner Rasmussen seconded the motion which passed 4 - 1 with Commissioner Hewins
voting in the negative for reasons previously stated.
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May 22. 2002
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After reviewing each of the remaining attachments (C, D and E), with discussion and typographical
corrections being noted, Commissioner Porter moved to recommend approval of the proposed
amendments to the Port Angeles Municipal Code as modified by the Commission through
these proceedings. Commissioner Philpott seconded the motion which passed 3 - 2 with
Commissioners Hewins and Schramm voting in the negative. Commissioner Hewins voted
against the motion because he is opposed to some recommendations in the amended sign code. He
did not believe there had been enough public participation to amend the sign regulations City wide.
Changes to 14.40.050 (Parking Space Requirements. Public and Institutional Uses) is too lenient
and not specific enough versus private uses. Commissioner Schramm concurred with Commissioner
Hewins' issues but was mainly not ready to forward the amendments to the City Council at this time.
He would have been more comfortable seeing the changes in writing once more prior to forwarding
them for action.
Director Collins encouraged Commissioners who are opposed to the Municipal Code Amendments
to list their specific suggestions so they can be shared with the City Council. The Ennis Creek
Estates Subdivision was continued by the City Council to its June 17,2002, special meeting and
would not be an item at the June 12, 2002, Planning Commission meeting.
Commissioner Philpott indicated that he would be out of town during the month of September and
October, 2002, and not available for meetings.
Commissioner Hewins indicated that he would not be available for one ofthe meetings in July.
The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.
~A,tkJ 5Ju~
Chuck Schramm, Chair
Brad Collins, Secretary
Meeting Agenda of: ~ ~;2roL
PLEASE NOTE: IE you plan to testify, by signature below, you cenify that the testimony
given is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington.
Signature below DOES NOT REQUIRE you to testify - it only acknowledges your presence.
NAME: ADDRESS: Agenda Item No.
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