HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/28/2003
321 East Fifth Street
May 28, 2003
7 p.m.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular meetings of April 23, 2003 (continued from May
14,2003) and May 14, 2003
May 14, 2003.
Discussion of farmers' market uses
PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Linda Nutter (Chair), Fred Hcwins (Vice Chair), Chuck Schramm, Fred Norton, Bob Philpott, Lcn Rasmusscn, Jack Pittis
PLANNING STAFF: Brad Collins, Director; Scott Johns, Associate Planner; Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
May 28, 2003
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Fred Hewins, Fred Norton, Chuck Schramm, Linda Nutter,
Jack Pittis
Members Excused:
Bob Philpott, Leonard Rasmussen
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Scott Johns
Public Present:
Brian Gawley, Carol Brown, Aria Holzschuh
~ommissioner Hewins moved to approve the minutes of the April 23, 2003 regular meeting.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pittis and passed 3 - 0.2 with Commissioners
Schramm and Norton abstaining due to their absence from that meeting.
Commissioner Schramm moved to approve the minutes ofthe May 14,2003 meeting with one
correction and one addition. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Norton and passed
4 - 0 -1 with Commissioner Hewins abstaining due to his absence at that meeting.
May 14, 2003.
Director Collins began by pointing out that language requested by the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe
to expand the western UGA had been incorporated into the wording ofthe proposed amendment #1
to increase the eastern UGA. He told the Commissioners that the City is working with the County
and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe regarding the proposed extension ofthe western UGA to include
the Tribe's Health clinic. He stated that the City and the Tribe could jointly approach the County
with the proposal prior to the County's December 31, 2003 deadline for proposed amendments and
use the same justification for including the area in the UGA, since it is the County that will make the
decision to modifY the UGA. He also told the Commission that the public notice had been revised
and reposted to reflect the change in the City Council meeting date from June 3, to June 2,2003, and
also included the language regarding the extension of the western UGA.
Director Collins pointed out the addition of the language listed as #9b in the summary of
amendments had been added to the proposed amendments at the request of the Fire Department so
that the Comprehensive Plan and the newly adopted development standards were consistent with
each other.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 28, 2003
Regarding the proposed addition of a new RS- I 2 zone, Director Collins indicated that concerns of
the State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development have been resolved by the
criteria staff developed for designating the new zone. That set of criteria is included in the
Commission's packet.
Commissioner Pittis asked for clarification of the terms should, may, and shall. Director Collins
indicated that should is more discretionary than shall, which is directive and mandatory.
Commissioner Norton asked if the word should obligated the City to a particular action. Director
Collins said that it would not obligate the City. The words "should" and "may" are about the same,
and the word will is a future verb that does commit the City to an action.
Chair Nutter indicated that those who intend to testify must sign the "Sign In" log and affirm that
their testimony will be truthful to the best of their knowledge prior to testifying before the
Commission. Chair Nutter then reopened the public hearing.
Gerry Mangano, 3924 Bean Road, Port Angeles, W A, stated that he is a resident in the western
UGA but that he does not know exactly what that means and asked ifthere is information available
to help him understand. He stated that he had asked specific questions and gotten answers but that
a more general understanding would be helpful to him.
Director Collins responded that the language for urban growth areas (UGA) is contained in the State
Growth Management Act and that the best local document would be the County-wide Planning
Policies document. He went on to say that in the UGA, County rules apply, but the City has input
into planning decisions and City standards would be used for roads, sewer, and water, and that areas
in the UGA could be annexed but areas outside of the UGA cannot be annexed.
Commissioner Schramm stated that different rules apply in the County and in the UGA and asked
if the City shouldn't take a more active lead with the County in making rule changes. He pointed
out that this might give citizens more incentive to desire inclusion in the UGA. Director Collins
stated that the City has responded to citizen issues in the County and pointed out success in
supporting an abandoned car ordinance.
Chair Nutter asked if the proposed RS-12 zone would be only in the City or also in the UGA.
Director Collins said that the zone would be in both areas and that it was intended to allow a lower
density in the UGA after annexation and that a concern of the Bay Loop area residents had been that
a higher density standard would be the result of annexation.
There being no further testimony, Chair Nutter closed the public hearing.
Chair Nutter requested that in the future when staff creates maps, that the maps include'bike routes
when transportation issues are included.
Commissioner Pittis asked for clarification ofthe language of proposed amendment #8 regarding the
phrase "safer more attractive streets" and if that implies that our streets are not safe and attractive.
He also questioned whether the proposed reduced street standards would make streets safer or more
Planning Commission Minutes
May 28. 2003
Page 3
attractive, stating that he had seen no evidence to support the claim. Discussion followed and
revised language was agreed upon.
Commissioner Hewins recalled that the Planning Commission had recommended that at some point
the commercial area along First and Front Streets should be expanded and thought that the same
recommendation had been made regarding the area of Eighth and Lincoln Streets. Commissioner
Schramm stated that the same issue had been raised about the Race Street corridor. Discussion
followed regarding the appropriateness of including those changes at this time. Director Collins
stated that the City Council does not wish to support further commercialization of the Race Street
corridor based on a recent rezone decision. Chair Nutter indicated that the Commission should
revisit the Race Street issue at a later time. Director Collins pointed out that the Comprehensive Plan
Map included an imprecise margin along the south side ofthe 8/9 alley extending beyond the north
side of 9th Street so that commercial uses could be pennitted consistent with the Comprehensive
Plan Map.
Chair Nutter asked for clarification of the tenns used in the criteria for designating the RS-12 zone,
specifically "affected by an environmentally sensitive area." Director Collins said that the ESA
would not have to be on the property but may have an effect on the property such as a marine bluff
that provides a view to a property that is not adjacent to the bluff. Chair Nutter asked if the City
would be using the County standards for wetlands when making the RS- 12 detennination. Director
Collins said that the City is working with the County to revise the City's wetland ordinance but that
the City will maintain a smaller size standard than the County for detennining wetland
Chair Nutter asked the Commissioners for an opinion as to whether expansion of the western UGA
should be kept in the amendment language or removed. Director Collins pointed out that staff had
acted on comments received during the public hearing and that the Commission has discretion on
the issue. He also said that the City, County and Tribe have been conferring on the matter and that
failure of the septic system at the Tribal Health Center is motivating the action to take place sooner.
Commissioner Hewins said he is inclined to not include the issue now, but to wait until next year's
Comprehensive Plan Amendment period. Commissioner Schramm said that he has mixed feelings
about including the issue this year. He sees the economic development benefits but due to the timing
and lack of citizen input he felt the matter perhaps could wait. Commissioner Pittis said that he
thought that procedural due process had been met on the UGA expansion but questioned whether
due process has been satisfied on the Race Street or Eighth and Lincoln Street issues. Those items
should be a separate agenda item.
Chair Nutter agreed, saying that more study needs to be done on the Race Street issue. She also said
that her feeling is to not include the western UGA expansion. Commissioner Hewins asked how the
Planning Commission should proceed on including the expansion of the commercial designation at
Eighth and Lincoln Streets. Director Collins indicated that the issue could be included because the
Planning Commission had discussed the issue at prior meetings. Commissioner Hewins said that
the whole block from Eighth to Ninth Streets on the east side of Lincoln should be included.
Director Collins stated that the imprecise margin between the Commercial designation and the Low
Density Residential designation could be extended toward Ninth Street. Chair Nutter said that such
a change would impact the nearby residential areas.
Planning Commission Mill/lies
May 28, 2003
Page 4
Chair Nutter polled the Commissioners regarding the inclusion of issues in the proposed
amendments. The majority of Commission members indicated their wish to not include the
expansion of the western UGA, to not include changes to the Race Street corridor, and to include
the proposed expansion of the Commercial designation south of the 8/9 alley. Changes to the
language regarding "safer more attractive" streets as discussed were agreed upon.
Commissioner Hewins moved to forward a recommendation for approval of the proposed
Comprehensive Plan amendments to the City Council with modifications to the language of
#8 and including adjustment of the Commercial designation at the corner of Eighth and
Lincoln Street as follows:
Comprehensive Plan Amendments:
1. Add a new Objective(2) under Growth Management Element Goal A stating;
The City will work with Clallam County and special districts to revise the eastern
P AUGA boundary to east margin ofthe Deer Park Road right-of-way then north to the
General Commercial (GC) zoning designation extending north to include the areas
zoned R~l, P, GC, and RLC to the International Boundary in the strait of Juan de Fuca
and I~"i~e tbe nesteln FAUGA bound"l)' to indnde the aleas Loned RLC and RNC
along US 161 and RCCJ Adjoining the DOl th side of US UH.
Add a new Objective under Growth Management Element Goal B stating;
The City will work with ClaHam County and Special districts to develop a fair and
equitable interlocal revenue sharing agreement to ensure the orderly transition ofland
within the P AUGA in the City of Port Angeles.
2b. Add a new Objective under Growth Management Element Goal B stating;
As the ultimate provider of urban services within the City limits and the urban growth
areas, the City will work with Clallam County and special district to facilitate economic
growth and new residential construction and encourage annexation ofland within the
P AUGA into the City of Port Angeles.
3. Add a new Objective under Land Use Element Residential Goal C;
The City will develop a Residential, Single Family (RS-12) zone with minimum 12,000
square foot lots.
4. Add a new Objective under Land Use Element Commercial Goal 0;
The City will develop a Commercial Regional (CR) zone to allow and encourage land
intensive commercial uses (i.e. large regional shopping centers or 'big box' stores,
where sufficient vacant, buildable, commercially designated land and adequate
transportation facilities exist.
Add a new Objective under Land Use Element Commercial Goal E;
Planning Commission Minutes
May 28. 2003
Page 5
The City will increase the commercial area available for development of new business
or the expansion of existing businesses by extending the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone
along First and Front Streets to include the yz blocks north of Front (from Francis east
to White's Creek Ravine and south of First (from Eunice east to Chamber's).
Add a new Policy under Utilities and Public Services Element Goal D;
The City, at its sole discretion, should provide sanitary sewer service to urban
development in outlying areas within the City limits and in the urban growth areas and
to areas ofintensive rural development, while prohibiting service to rural development
Add a new Policy under Utilities and Public Services Element goal D;
Urban services provided in areas outside the City limits and not designated for future
land uses on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map should be sized for potential
urban growth in those areas, while prohibiting service to rural development.
Add a new Goal E under Capital Facilities Element;
To reduce the amount ofimpervious surface created by new developments and thereby
reduce stormwater management costs and environmental impacts to the City and its
natural resources, reduce development costs to private property owners, and create
provide safer and more attractive streets through implo"ed stI(~et edge landscaping,
traffic calming, and safer pedestrian amenities, and improved street edee landscaping.
Add a new Policy under Capital Facilities Element Goal E ;
The City should revise its existing development standards in low density residential
areas for roads, pedestrian and non-motorized access, sewer, and fire suppression
requirements to more nearly reflect the needs of suburban densities and cO'nditions in
outlying undeveloped areas in the City and the UGA.
9b. Amend the language of goal B Policy 3 Capital Facilities Element to read as follows;
The City shall not approve any development that is not served with water service at or
greater that tbe following level of service standards at the time of development:
Single Family units: 2 gallons per minute @ 30 psi
(Fire -1000 gallons per minute @ 20 psi for sinele family
residential> 3.600 square feet.)
(Fire - 500 eallons per minute @ 20 psi for sine:le family
residential < 3.600 Square feet.)
10-1. Add a new obj ective under Economic Development Element Goal B;
The City will encourage streetscape improvements to beautify the Cit) 's entryway
corridors. Incentives may be developed to encourage private property participation
in such beautification projects.
10-2. Add a new objective under Conservation element Goal A;
The City will encourage streetscape improvements to beautify the Cit)'s entryway
corridors. Incentives may be developed to encourage private property participation
in such beautification projects.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
May 28, 2003
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Fred Hewins, Fred Norton, Chuck Schramm, Linda Nutter,
Jack Pittis
Members Excused:
Bob Philpott, Leonard Rasmussen
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Scott Johns
Public Present:
Brian Gawley, Carol Brown, ArIa Holzschuh
Commissioner Hewins moved to approve the minutes of the April 23, 2003 regular meeting.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pittis and passed 3 - 0 -2 with Commissioners
Schramm and Norton abstaining due to their absence from that meeting.
Commissioner Schramm moved to approve the minutes ofthe May 14,2003 meeting with one
correction and one addition. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Norton and passed
4 - 0 -1 with Commissioner Hewins abstaining due to his absence at that meeting.
May 14, 2003.
Director Collins began by pointing out that language requested by the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe
to expand the western U GA had been incorporated into the wording of the proposed amendment # 1
to increase the eastern UGA. He told the Commissioners that the City is working with the County
and the Lower ElwhaKlallam Tribe regarding the proposed extension ofthe western UGA to include
the Tribe's Health clinic. He stated that the City and the Tribe could jointly approach the County
with the proposal prior to the County's December 31,2003 deadline for proposed amendments and
use the same justification for including the area in the UGA, since it is the County that will make the
decision to modify the UGA. He also told the Commission that the public notice had been revised
and reposted to reflect the change in the City Council meeting date from June 3, to June 2, 2003, and
also included the language regarding the extension ofthe western UGA.
Director Collins pointed out the addition of the language listed as #9b in the summary of
amendments had been added to the proposed amendments at the request ofthe Pire Department so
that the Comprehensive Plan and the newly adopted development standards were consistent with
each other.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 28. 2003
Page 2
Regarding the proposed addition of a new RS-12 zone, Director Collins indicated that concerns of
the State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development have been resolved by the
criteria staff developed for designating the new zone. That set of criteria is included in the
Commission's packet.
Commissioner Pittis asked for clarification of the terms should, may, and shall. Director Collins
indicated that should is more discretionary than shall, which is directive and mandatory.
Commissioner Norton asked ifthe word should obligated the City to a particular action. Director
Collins said that it would not obligate the City. The words "should" and "may" are about the same,
and the word will is a future verb that does commit the City to an action.
Chair Nutter indicated that those who intend to testify must sign the "Sign In" log and affirm that
their testimony will be truthful to the best of their knowledge prior to testifying before the
Commission. Chair Nutter then reopened the public hearing.
Gerry Mangano, 3924 Bean Road, Port Angeles, W A, stated that he is a resident in the western
UGA but that he does not know exactly what that means and asked ifthere is information available
to help him understand. He stated that he had asked specific questions and gotten answers but that
a more general understanding would be helpful to him.
Director Collins responded that the language for urban growth areas (UGA) is contained in the State
Growth Management Act and that the best local document would be the County-wide Planning
Policies document. He went on to say that in the UGA, County rules apply, but the City has input
into planning decisions and City standards would be used for roads, sewer, and water, and that areas
in the UGA could be annexed but areas outside ofthe UGA cannot be annexed.
Commissioner Schramm stated that different rules apply in the County and in the UGA and asked
if the City shouldn't take a more active lead with the County in making rule changes. He pointed
out that this might give citizens more incentive to desire inclusion in the UGA. Director Collins
stated that the City has responded to citizen issues in the County and pointed out success in
supporting an abandoned car ordinance.
Chair Nutter asked if the proposed RS-12 zone would be only in the Cityor also in the UOA.
Director Collins said that the zone would be in both areas and that it was intended to allow a lower
density in the UGA after annexation and that a concern ofthe Bay Loop area residents had been that
a higher density standard would be the result of annexation.
There being no further testimony, Chair Nutter closed the public hearing.
Chair Nutter requested that in the future when staff creates maps, that the maps include bike routes
when transportation issues are included.
. Commissioner Pittis asked for clarification ofthe language of proposed amendment #8 regarding the
phrase "safer more attractive streets" and if that implies that our streets are not safe and attractive.
Planning Commission Minules
May 28, 2003
Page 3
He also questioned whether the proposed reduced street standards would make streets safer or more
attractive, stating that he had seen no evidence to support the claim. Discussion followed and
revised language was agreed upon.
Commissioner Hewins recalled that the Planning Commission had recommended that at some point
the commercial area along First and Front Streets should be expanded and thought that the same
recommendation had been made regarding the area of Eighth and Lincoln Streets. Commissioner
Schramm stated that the same issue had been raised about the Race Street corridor. Discussion
followed regarding the appropriateness of including those changes at this time. Director Collins
stated that the City Council does not wish to support further commercialization of the Race Street
corridor based on a recent rezone decision. Chair Nutter indicated that the Commission should
revisit the Race Street issue at a later time. Director Collins pointed out that the Comprehensive Plan
Map included an imprecise margin along the south side ofthe 8/9 alley extending beyond the north
side of 9th Street so that commercial uses could be permitted consistent with the Comprehensive
Plan Map.
Chair Nutter asked for clarification of the terms used in the criteria for designating the RS-12 zone,
specifically "affected by an environmentally sensitive area." Director Collins said that the ESA
would not have to be on the property but may have an effect on the property such as a marine bluff
that provides a view to a property that is not adjacent to the bluff. Chair Nutter asked if the City
would be using the County standards for wetlands when making the RS-12 determination. Director
Collins said that the City is working with the County to revise the City's wetland ordinance but that
the City will maintain a smaller size standard than the County for determining wetland
Chair Nutter asked the Commissioners for an opinion as to whether expansion ofthe western UGA
should be kept in the amendment language or removed. Director Collins pointed out that staffhad
acted on comments received during the public hearing and that the Commission has discretion on
the issue. He also said that the City, County and Tribe have been conferring on the matter and that
failure of the septic system at the Tribal Health Center is motivating the action to take place sooner.
Commissioner Hewins said he is inclined to not include the issue now, but to wait until next year's
Comprehensive Plan Amendment period. Commissioner Schramm said that he has mixed feelings
about including the issue this year. He sees the economic development benefits but due to the timing
and lack of citizen input he felt the matter perhaps could wait. Commissioner Pittis said that he
thought that procedural due process had been met on the UGA expansion but questioned whether
due process has been satisfied on the Race Street or Eighth and Lincoln Street issues. Those items
should be a separate agenda item.
Chair Nutter agreed, saying that more study needs to be done on the Race Street issue. She also said
that her feeling is to not include the western UGA expansion. Commissioner Hewins asked how the
Planning Commission should proceed on including the expansion ofthe commercial designation at
Eighth and Lincoln Streets. Director Collins indicated that the issue could be included because the
Planning Commission had discussed the issue at prior meetings, Commissioner Hewins said that
the whole block from Eighth to Ninth Streets on the east side of Lincoln should be included.
Director Collins stated that the imprecise margin between the Commercial designation and the Low
Density Residential designation could be extended toward Ninth Street. Chair Nutter said that such
Planning Commission Minutes
May 28, 2003
Page 4
. a change would impact the nearby residential areas.
Chair Nutter polled the Commissioners regarding the inclusion of issues in the proposed
amendments. The majority of Commission members indicated their wish to not include the
expansion of the western UGA, to not include changes to the Race Street corridor, and to include
the proposed expansion of the Commercial designation south of the 8/9 alley. Changes to the
language regarding "safer more attractive" streets as discussed were agreed upon.
Commissioner Hewins moved to forward a recommendation for approval of the proposed
Comprehensive Plan amendments to the City Council with modifications to the language of
#8 and including adjustment of the Commercial designation at the corner of Eighth and
Lincoln Street as follows:
Comprehensive Plan Amendments:
1. Ad~ a new Obj ective(2) under Growth Management Element Goal A stating;
The City will work with Clallam County and special districts to revise the eastern
P AUGA boundary to east margin of the Deer Park Road right-of-way then north to the
General Commercial (GC) zoning designation extending north to include the areas
zoned R-l, P, GC, and RLC to the International Boundary in the strait of Juan de
Add a new Objective under Growth Management Element Goal B stating;
The City will work with Clallam County and Special districts to develop a fair and
equitable interlocal revenue sharing agreement to ensure the orderly transition ofland
within the PAUGA in the City of Port Angeles.
2b. Add a new Objective under Growth Management Element Goal B stating;
As the ultimate provider of urban services within the City limits and the urban growth
areas, the City will work with Clallam County and special district to facilitate economic
growth and new residential construction and encourage annexation of land within the
PAUGA into the City of Port Angeles.
3. Add a new Objective under Land Use Element Residential Goal C;
The City will develop a Residential, Single Family (RS-12) zone with minimum 12,000
square foot lots.
4. Add a new Objective under Land Use Element Commercial Goal D;
The City will develop a Commercial Regional (CR) zone to allow and encourage land
intensive commercial uses (i.e. large regional shopping centers or 'big box' stores,
where sufficient vacant, buildable, commercially designated land and adequate
transportation facilities exist.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 28. 2003
Page 5
Add a new Objective under Land Use Element Commercial Goal E;
The City will increase the commercial area available for development of new business
or the expansion of existing businesses by extending the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone
a half block along First and Front Streets to include the'" whole blocks north of Front
Street (from Francis east to White's Creek Ravine and south of First (from Eunice east
to Chambers) and by extendine the Community Shoppine District (CSD) zone a half
block alone Ei~hth Street to include the whole block south of Eiehth Street (from
Lincoln to Lauren.
6. Add a new Policy under Utilities and Public Services Element Goal D;
The City, at its sole discretion, should provide sanitary sewer service to urban
development in outlying areas within the City limits and in the urban growth areas and
to areas of intensive rural development, while prohibiting service to rural development.
7. Add a new Policy under Utilities and Public Services Element goal D;
Urban services provided in areas outside the City limits and not designated for future
land uses on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map should be sized for potential
urban growth in those areas, while prohibiting service to rural development.
Add a new Goal E under Capital Facilities Element;
To reduce the amount of impervious surface created by new developments and thereby
reduce stormwater management costs and environmental impacts to the City and its
natural resources, reduce development costs to private property owners, and provide
safe, attractive streets through traffic calming, and safer pedestrian amenities, and
improved street edge landscaping.
9a. Add a new Policy under Capital Facilities Element Goal E ;
The City should revise its existing development standards in low density residential
areas for roads, pedestrian and non-motorized access, sewer, and fire suppression
requirements to more nearly reflect the Deeds of suburban densities and conditions in
outlying undeveloped areas in the City and the UGA.
9b. Amend the language of goal B Policy 3 Capital Facilities Element to read as follows;
The City shall not approve any development that is not served with water service at or
greater that the following level of service standards at the time of development:
Single Family units: 2 gallons per minute @ 30 psi
(Fire - 1000 gallons per minute @ 20 psi for single family
residential> 3,600 square feet.)
(Fire - 500 gallons per minute @ 20 psi for single family
residential < 3,600 Square feet.)
10-1. Add a new objective under Economic Development Element Goal B;
The City will encourage streetscape improvements to beautify entryway corridors.
Incentives may be developed to encourage private property participation in such
beautification projects.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 28. 2003
Page 6
10-2. Add a new objective under Conservation element Goal A;
The City will encourage streetscape improvements to beautify entryway corridors.
Incentives may be developed to encourage private property participation in such
beautification projects.
Commissioner Norton seconded the motion which passed 5 - O.
Director Collins opened the discussion by presenting the staff memo describing alternative ways that
farmers's markets could be included in the zoning code. Commissioner Schramm agreed that some
controls should be in place but that each individual case needs thorough review, and favored
alternative 1 or 3. Commissioner Hewins agreed that public review is necessary and opposed
making farmers markets a permitted use in any zone. Commissioner Pittis asked whether a right-of-
way use permit could be eliminated or included as part of a conditional use permit to ease the
process. He also indicated his preference for alternative #3 making farmer's markets conditional in
specific zones. Commissioner Norton indicated his preference of alternative #3. Commissioner
Hewins asked about a definition offarmer's markets that would distinguish them from flea markets
and asked ifthe Washington Farmers' Market Association had a definition or any guidelines. Staff
indicated that they would write a definition for farmers' markets as part ofthe inclusion in the code.
The Planning Commission was asked to vote for a preferred alternative and chose alternative one
which would make farmers' markets an unclassified use that would be reviewed through a
conditional use permit in any zone.
Commissioner Norton announced that he would miss both meetings in June.
Commissioner Hewins announced that he would miss the June 25, 2003 meeting.
Chair Nutter stated that she had visited the farmers' market on its first Saturday in downtown and
questioned the use of a modified school bus as a latte stand and whether that met the conditions
established for the fanners' market. Commissioner Norton said that he had a conversation with a
barber whose shop is located on Laurel Street. It was stated that the farmers' market did affect his
business in a negative way and that no one had contacted him prior to the approval of the location
for the farmers' market. Chair Nutter also mentioned that cars using the First/Front alley during the
farmers' market were traveling too fast for safety.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 28. 2003
Page 7
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
---M ~
Brad Collins, Secretary