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Minutes of the special meeting of the Port Angeles Planning Commission,
held in the Council Chambers, May 29, 1962.
Members present were Anderson, Driscoll, Hunt, McGee, Reiners and Strange.
Also present was City Engineer John Warder.
At the meeting, called especially to conduct a hearing on the variance
~pplication of Mrs Violet Hurlong to construct a trailer court, there were
about )0 people present, including Councilman lvar Smith and Councilman-elect.
Charles Willson. As first order of business, chairman informed the group
of the duties of the Planning Commission. He then read a letter from City
Manager Matt Slankard advising the Commission the appmication of Mrs. Hurlong
had been reconsidered by the Council and referred back to the Planning ,
Commission for further study, together with the petitions of protest that
had been submitted to the Council. Chairman then read the application of
Mrs. Hurlong, asking for a variance from the Zoning Ordinance to permit the
construction of a trailer court on various lots in Block 171, Townsite,
being at the corner of 4th and Peabody Streets. Chairman next read a letter
from Mr. Paul Reed, Bui1ding Inspector, advising the Commission of the
official posting of the notices of the hearing on the property on May l7th,
1962. Chairman next referred to the petitions of protest submitted to the
Council. He noted that about half of the signatures of protest were in
opposition to the issuing of a liquor lisc8nse for the property. Chairman
declared that no application for such a permit was before the Commission,
they were therefor out of order and not to be considered. Of the balance of
the signatures 'of protest, only 19 lived within the prescribed area adjacent
to 4th & peabody and it was not established how many of these were owners of
property. Chairman then asked Mrs. Hurlong, who was present, if she wished
to speak further on her application. She stated she had covered her plans in:
detail in an advertisement in the Port Angeles Evening News of May 28th, 1962;
and could not add much more in explanation of her plans as it would be
repitious of what had already been said. Chairman next called on the group
to express any protest to the application. Only one person spoke and his
remarks were not in protest to the application, but rather on the number of
house trailers around the City located on private lots and used as living
quarters by various people. Chairman again asked for furpaer protests from
the floor and there apparently being none, Councilman elect Charles Willson
then spoke to the group advising them if they had protests this was the
time to speak out and if there were none, not to appear at the Council
meeting later with the expectations their protest would be considered. Chair"
man again called for expressions from the floor, there being none, the
members of the Commission were asked to express their views. The general
consenses was the project would be a decided improvement and would be a
further step in removing a blighted area from our midst. After further
discussion along these lines, a motion was made and unanimously passed that
the Planning Commission re-afirm their previous stand and recommend to the
City Council that the application be approved with the usual provisions of
meeting the governing requirements of the State Board of Health on Mobile
Homes and with a time limit of six months to begin construction.
Next order of business was consideration of an application of Mr. William
H. Dawson for permission to build a residence on Lot-6, Block 115 and to
Planning Commission Minutes, May 29, 1962 (continued)
locate the houae four feet from the west line of Lot-6 instead of the usual
seven feet. C airman informed the Commission that the property immediately
west of the loB in question was acreage of the Sampson Donation Claims and
not subdivided into City lots. That he and Mr. warder, City Engineer, had
looked over the prope!'ty and could find no objection to t he application.
After further discussion, a motion was unanimously passed recommending to
the City Council, they approve t he application.
No further business appearing, meeting adjoured at 8:l5 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Acting S cretary
cc to M. W. Slankard
John Warder
Paul Reed