HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/03/1981
Port Angeles, Washington
June 3, 1981
Chairman Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.
Members Present: Jean Thompson, Colin Bennett, Richard
Anderson, David Brewer, Milton E. Ranta,
Charles Whidden
Members Absent: Patrick Downie
Staff Present: Paul D. Carr, Dan VanHemert, Louise
PLAZA SHOPPING CENTRE. Hearing to receive public com-
ments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for
Gund Plaza Shopping Centre, a proposal to rezone por-
tions of blocks southwest of Shane Park and vacate por-
tions of rights-of-way within the site, for the purpose
of constructing a shopping center on the west side of
the City of Port Angeles. Location: Rezone: Between
Eighth Street and the 9th/lath alley; and between "G"
and,," I" Streets. Street Vacation: "H" Street, Ninth
Street, 8th/9th alley between "G" and "I" Streets.
Mr. VanHemert introduces EIS Consultant, Len Thomas, and John
Buss, representing the proponent. Chairman Anderson opened
the public hearing.
Ray Taylor, 1025 West Sixth, spoke in favor of a shopping
center in the area~ The west side of town is growing and
the proposed site is ideal.
Elinor Saar, 1432 West Eleventh, stated that she is against
the proposed shopping center. Major objections are the loss
of views, the hazard to small children created by the in-
creased traffic, and the potential problems with police pro-
tection as a result of the vacated streets. Additionally,
the local residents do not want to have to pay for sidewalks
to serve the shopping center. The owner of the proposed site
has not maintained his property, nor has the City enforced
its own ordinances regarding view clearance. The old Lincoln
School site would be much more appropriate.
Planning Commission
June 3, 1981
Page 2
Jim Noeldner, 320 East Ninth, is opposed to. the proposed
shopping center. The draft EIS does not present the nega-
tive economic impacts on the Central Business District.
It will draw both money and patrons from the Downtown and
will force the closure of some Downtown businesses. The
EIS should include the effects of the proposed shopping
center on the remainder of the City, specifically the Down-
Richard Page, 918 South uG" Street, asked about a change
from the original application a year ago requesting an amend-
ment in the Zoning Ordinance to permit a theatre in the CSD-C2
Zoning District. Mr. Carr replied that a request in writing
had been received by the Department in October, 1980, for that
amendment and it was included in the DEIS. Mr. Carr explained
that the Commission could not take any action until all the
information is available.
Mr. Page asked what amount the applicant would pay to the
City for the vacated streets and alleys. He further ques-
tioned the DEIS sections on noise and glare impacts; suggested
limiting signs in accordance with the proposed Sign Ordinance:
asked that parks and recreation be addressed in the Final EIS:
and referred to the proposed rezone as lIspot zoningtl which
would set a precedent. Alternate sites proposed by Mr. Page
were across from the Fair Grounds, in the Airport area, and
around Tenth and "Mil or "N". The City's share of State sales
tax will not increase unless the shopping center imports
people with money; but the real estate taxes of the sing1e-
family residences will increase as a result of the shopping
center. He questioned the propriety of large supply trucks
using the narrow bridges on Eighth Street. He then asked
where the finished grade of the shopping center would be in
relation to his property. Mr. VanHemert said no final plans
have been made for the necessary cut-and-fill. Chairman An-
derson noted that the Commission was accepting comments to-
night, but answers to many questions were not available.
Mr. Page questioned the lack of specifics on the building
heights, proposed lights in the parking areas, and proposed
uses; and concluded by suggesting that the projected employ-
ment of 300 to 350 people by the new shopping center was un-
realistic, inasmuch as the Plaza, which is larger, employs
only about 150 total.
Mrs.Roebuck said that a shopping center was needed on the
west side, and does not feel that additional traffic will
be generated on the Eighth Street bridges. Barbara cummings,
at Tenth and "Ill Streets, would like to see the shopping cen-
ter, so long as it is carefully planned. Beverly Freeman,
1405 West Tenth Street, is concerned about an increase in
her property taxes, her own safety with the increased traffic,
threat of vandalism, and no increase in the pOlice force.
Dorothy Hellman, 1522 West Tenth Street, said that the
Planning Commission
June 3, 1981
Page 3
residents on the south side of Tenth would receive the head-
light glare from vehicles using the Crossover Drive, and
therefore, she is against the proposal.
Mr. VanHemert said that comments on the DEIS received by the
12th of June will be addressed in the Final EIS. When that
document is ready, the rezone, street vacation and Zoning
Ordinance text amendment will be posted and published for
hearing. Mr. Carr suggested that written comments could be
delivered to City Hall or to the Planning Department, which
is located on the second floor at 107 North Oak Street; or
mailed to the City Planning Department, Post Office Box 1150.
Telephone messages will be taken, but no guarantee of accuracy
of verbal comments could be made. If comments are in writing,
it is easier to assure that the concerns raised are addressed.
Chairman Anderson closed the public hearing.
The meeting adjourned at 8:05 P.M.
Paul D. Carr, Secretary
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