HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/06/1967
M.:'" - J. ','1- !.~i.' ~ .' ,~l'" ~r,C}i!"'!~ P"~J~:',~'
C .:Hilm ,.~ .l.' ~' J.a .";".~ .L; ~ ... '. ... ;. J ~
M~;J:,b~nR pre<;t.~t 'lfe.."': An:6f;;....~O,1i u~ J~i;:Cj!, [':,,' ,J~c<" H'
Treat ane. S':';~:"Cj:, rb_<.:. t H~n!tL~t" Also pna~;1t wz("'!
Director 01 Ptlblic Wt...~:.: John B f/a;-C;:t.r ~.~d But ~Ci~91 i"~t'e.~
tor Rob~r: ~111~o~
Minutes of pre;louz ~~~tinq w~r! ~ot rea~o
This meettng ~ar. td.ltC:iJl~" ::3 l. conUdued ~lUbHc',,!.tr:,H;
on the proposed 'to.linq QT'dinancs :nd was held ~ n the T'3ql:J ~ ~
oeatlng plac~ of the P~B~ninQ CO~~iSBtD~~ ~be Council Ch~~~:-
in the Polict 9ul1~~nqD
The Chelr'-"t:l opeJl~c.: ih~ ~1!S\,,:tln~ br r.d,1el:19 tn... tp'prti 1-
t'l&tely 50 pecph pree~,:1.. of the ~bjtctives end :S.;Qpe o'~~ ~....
propo~ed zor.inq CT(UnanC~" He thttn e~pl ai nad t~e.~'?"~c;'~
chEnges made i~ th~ propoll: by th~ P:anninq Commll~t~~
einca the Hearing conductsd on May 16th, ]gZfQ All chan9~;
we r~ M'e 11 recei 4!ed f:lnd eppr o'trod by those pi'8Son't 0 Ttti!Jll!ii! ~-
inq wes then ope~6d to hear further p:otests froo tho~~
pr~s~nto Sev3rel p80ple Bpok~ on v&rlous ~~tt~~f~ 3~~~
e)tpr~s81nt} t.PP't"\!CifJtic~l of the ~'tt1on taken by tha Pl~n.n:,:",q
Commission e1nc~ tbt first h~arlng. A~ong thoa! spe!k119
and sub'.n1tt1.'\g furUuu. prot~st5rca~ Mr, PSiOlIl Fro\1:oe: ~* ~'~Ie
Zoni:lg' oit "CIt Street flClil ;th Street to the Bouli!\"trd" :''0-
questing ~ chan~0 fro~ the propo~ad RS-1 to CSDo
~lt'o Jliaes R, Wild,s then spolls'! end 8ub.llitteCi. in ~T1'J'~
8 protest ,>n the Rb reU;'i~ proposed for the north slt:J af-
Front Str~et tI The Co1ltll1ssion hav~ 5e1..~Lt,j: _prnt~8ts L: t;-,.,~~.:"
files ob1ecting to ~hle clesstftc8tion~ They a~l r~queat
that c CAD r~tinq be ~pp2teG to both sides of Front St~~!~
making it the same mt Firet Street,
~ro Harlan P. ~cNuti epo~~ and sub~lttad in "~it~n9 t
request for a ch~ng~ froD CAD to CaD thlt &r~a be~we8n
Front &nd First Streets and Lincoln 4nd Peabody Stre~t: in
order thct it ::lay a1lo~ the construction of Hi-Rise cpc:."t--
ments espacl~11y ~ith ~ hei}ht qreater th~n 30 teet,
there beinq severa1 nt~~~ pToteats 8om~ of ft ~ln~~
natuTep it was announc~d th~ hatTing ~ould conti~ue ~t
7:30 P~M,~ June 20th; 19~7 h21d in the Council Cha=berr
of the Police Bulldingc It ~&S decided by tp~ T~~berl to
hold a furthe7 work eeellon ct 1:30 P,Mo We~nesd8Y Ju~a
14thg Meetlnq to ~e h~ld in the City He' 1 BuildingG T~$
Ch8irM~n 18 to invite all ~eubers of the City Council to
~tt~ndc This ~eeting 1s ~f utuDse importance a8 it
pyobably will be the l~Bt aeeting ba1or6 the Planning
COl!lm1ssio~ subJits th~ ttn~l dTRft to t2\r& CcuilcLo
R~ep~cttully eu~mlttGd~
~ c '.;1 n q Se t:i3 UI':, i
PTea c. St....t:r(q,~. C:,,;~I!l:r~~:~