HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/08/2005
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
June 8, 2005
6:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Leonard Rasmussen, Dave Johnson, Cherie Kidd, Candace
Kalish, John Matthews, and Betsy Wharton
Members Excused:
Kevin Snyder
Staff Present:
Mark Madsen, Sue Roberds
Public Present:
J e10rma McClean, Jim Hendrickson, Dan and Rhonda Jalbert,
Walt and Susan Hafer
Commissioner Wharton moved to approve the June 8, 2005, minutes as presented. The
motion was seconded by Commissioner Kidd and passed 6 - O.
Chair Rasmussen indicated that those who testify must sign the "Sign In" log and affirm that
their testimony will be truthful to the best of their knowledge prior to providing testimony at the
public hearings
to develop a 16-unit subdivision in the RS-9 Residential Single Family zone. (This item
should be continued to June 22,2005, at the applicant's request.)
Assistant Planner Sue Roberds noted that staff is working with the applicant on certain design
issues that will require additional time prior to the Commission's review and noted that the applicant
had therefore requested a continuation of this issue.
Chair Rasmussen opened the public hearing. Commissioner Matthews moved to continue
the public hearing to the June 22, 2005, regular meeting. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Kalish and passed 6 - o.
Street: Co-location of a third telecommunications facility on an existing tower in the PBP
Public Buildings and Parks zone.
Assistant Planner Sue Roberds presented the Department's report recommending approval
of the conditional use permit with two conditions. Chair Rasmussen opened the public hearing.
Commissioner Kidd noted that she was happy to see that the request was to co locate the
Plannzng CommiSSIOn Mmutes
June 8, 2005
Page 2
being no public testimony, Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the conditional use permit
citing the following conditions, findings, and conclusions:
1. The applicant shall construct the additional antennae array on the existing utility pole located
at 2807 Porter Street, Port Angeles, per the Conditional Use Permit application submitted on
May 2,2005, to the City of Port Angeles. All standards for the proposed construction shall
be observed and as part of the development, Bonneville Power Association will assess and
verify the structural adequacy of the structure
2. The support site will require a building permit issued by the City of Port Angeles. Utility
service shall be underground at the applicant's expense.
The following findings are based on the information provided in the June 2, 2005, staff report for
CUP 05-02, including all of its attachments. The City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby
finds that:
A conditional use permit was submitted for Verizon Wireless to co-locate a third antennae
array telecommunications facility on an existing 148 foot self supporting steel lattice public
utility service communications tower on May 2,2005. A small (176 sq.ft.) ground level base
station that will house required ground equipment and an emergency back up generator is
proposed on-site as well. Information contained in the submittal included that required
under Section 17.52.065 (A) PAMC and was considered to be complete on May 10, 2005.
2. The site is 2807 Porter Street and is owned and operated by the Bonneville Power
Association and is located in the PBP Public Buildings and Parks zone.
3. The tower is currently used by T -Mobile and Cingular PCS facilities which are located at or
above the 135 foot level. The proposed facility will be located at the 113 foot level. The area
is fenced and secured.
4. The site will be unstaffed. A non-ionizing electromagnetic exposure analysis and FCC
certification was prepared for Verizon Wireless in April, 2005, by Hatfield & Dawson
Consulting Engineers and submitted with the current application. The study verifies that RF
exposure levels near ground levelite will be well below the FCC public exposure limit.
5. Minimal traffic will be generated during construction and will be reduced to intermittent
visits for routine maintenance once the initial construction phase is complete.
Section 17.52.065 Telecommunications Facilities on Towers and Antenna Support Structures
P AMC requires that an application for a conditional use permit shall be made to the
Department of Economic & Community Development for facilities that are not exempt under
Section 17.52.020 P AMC.
Plannmg CommiSSIOn Mmutes
June 8, 2005
Page 3
Section 17.52.020 Exemptions P AMC allows that certain small facilities less than 10 square
feet shall be considered exempt from permitting requirements under Section 17.52 P AMC,
the City's Telecommunications Ordinance. The proposal is larger than those facilities that
qualify as exempt under Section 17.52.020(A) to (E).
7. The additional antennae array will be installed at approximately 113' from ground level on
the existing tower. Panels will be constructed of nonreflective material. Coaxial cabling will
run down the inside ofthe light standard/tower from the antennas underground to the ground
support structure.
The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for the site is Open Space (OS). The City's
Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map has been reviewed in its entirety with regard to the
proposed activity. Goals and policies found in the Utilities and Public Services Element that
address telecommunication and utility services. Local governments are responsible for
requiring information necessary to evaluate both the individual and cumulative impacts of
such proposals for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. The Utilities and Public
Services Element Goal A ofthe City's Comprehensive Plan reads: "To provide or allow the
opportunity for services and facilities which enhance the quality of life for Port Angeles
citizens of all ages, characteristics, needs, and interests." Goal D is "To provide utility
services in an efficient and cost-effective manner."
9. The site is zoned Public Buildings and Parks (PBP) where telecommunication towers and
facilities are allowed uses through an unclassified or conditional use permit process. Co-
location is encouraged and is the case in this proposal to reduce the impact of a more
consumptive use of the land for such uses.
10. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 does not permit local interference with
telecommunication equipment based on speculative health concerns. Those issues have been
considered and decided upon by the Surgeon General's Office and are addressed in the
Federal Communication Commission's (FCC) licensure requirements. The applicant is
licensed by the FCC. Section 704 ofthe Act preempts local zoning regulation purporting to
regulate the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities
on the basis, either directly or indirectly, on the environmental effects of radio frequency
emissions (RF) of such facilities which otherwise comply with FCC standards. While state
and local governments may study the effects of RF emissions, local authorities may not
regulate the siting or construction of personal wireless facilities based on standards that are
more stringent than those promulgated by the FCC. The City's State Environmental Policy
Act (SEP A) Official issued a determination of nonsignificance (# ) for the proposal on June
The site was posted and public notices mailed to surrounding property owners within 300'
of the site on May 13, 2005, and publication appeared in the Peninsula Daily News on May
15,2005. No comments were received during the publication and notification process.
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June 8, 2005
Page 4
12. The site is a low power facility which will not be a source of interference with electronic
equipment including radios, televisions and telephone transmissions. Non interference is
ensured by the FCC. A letter of compliance is part of the application.
13. Addressing the potential negative aesthetic impacts can be addressed by site location,
structure height and design and vegetation preservation in order to ensure the continued,
scenic views and overall, environmental quality of Port Angeles for its residents, as well as
14. The applicant submitted a series of photos ofthe site to establish the fact that the proposed
use would not be in visual conflict with other established structures in the substation.
The following conclusions are based on the information provided in the June 2, 2005 staff report for
CUP 05-02 including all of its attachments. Consideration was also given to the comments and
information presented during the June 8, 2005 public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion
and deliberation, and the above listed findings. Consequently, the City of Port Angeles Planning
Commission hereby concludes that:
The proposal is consistent with the standards ofthe City's Zoning and Telecommunications
Ordinances specifically with Section 17.52.065 P AMC.
B. As conditioned, the addition facility is compatible with adjacent land uses and allows for a
co-location of telecommunication facilities including maintenance of the tower/pole.
C. The proposal is in the public interest and use and does not impose an impact not already
occurring in the area as the site functions as a major public power substation. The proposal
does not significantly increase use of the site as a substation and is an appropriate location
for the co-location of utilities.
D. The installation ofthis and other similar facilities expands the variety oftelecommunication
services available to the community and region.
E. The existing development and continued operation of the site as a public power substation
is in the public interest. The site development has been accepted by the neighbors and
community in general as a needed public service use area. Additional landscaping would not
reduce the existing visual impact of the site and therefore no additional landscaping is
Radio frequency (RF) propagation maps submitted with the application verify that service
levels will be enhanced by the placement ofthe co-located antennae. Customers would have
dropped calls and gaps in available coverage resulting in substandard service if the facility
were not permitted.
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June 8, 2005
Page 5
G. Public health concerns regarding frequency emissions are adequately regulated by the Federal
Communications Commission and not subject to local review.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kalish and passed 6 - O.
Jelorma McClean, 222 Rife Road, Port Angeles, extended an invitation to Planning
Commissioners to visit the Downtown Farmer's Market activity. She noted that renewal of the
conditional use permit will be heard by the Planning Commission in August, 2005.
Planner Roberds asked for an alternate representative to the City's Pool Oversight
Committee. Commissioner Wharton volunteered to serve as an alternate to Commissioner
Rasmussen on the Committee.
Director Madsen reported the actions taken by the City Council at its June 7th meeting and
that the Council had slightly amended the proposed wording change offered by the Commission and
staff relative to the pre designation of land within the UGAs prior to annexation. The
Commissioners agreed that the amended wording is less confusing.
Commissioner Kidd commended staff in their efforts to identify potential changes in the
Comprehensive Plan that will allow pro active planning. She also noted that she will not be able to
attend the June 22nd regular meeting. Commissioner Wharton also noted that she will not be
available for the June 22nd meeting.
Commissioner Kalish noted a recent article in the Peninsula Daily News with regard to the
local real estate market and expressed concern that, although the market is experiencing tremendous
activity, that there do not appear to be developments in the low to mid range income area.
Commissioner Kidd noted that the local real estate association will share inventory and sales
information with interested persons. Commissioner Rasmussen began a discussion regarding
development standards and that they may need to be reviewed to allow the maximization of lot
development in an attempt to lessen the cost of construction. Considerable discussion then took
place. Director Madsen it may be difficult, particularly in the Downtown area, to effect change
quickly as many properties have been owned by the same families for several generations and some
owners are a little resistant to change. Commissioner Rasmussen stated that while the Downtown
is doing a very good job bringing activity to the Downtown area, the general trend is to emphasize
the historic nature of the Downtown and not change that nature or general uses
Commissioner Kidd believed that a dialogue should be reopened with residents in the eastern
Urban Growth Area in an effort to understand their concerns and issues. It is important to extend
. City services and to provide development opportunities where they are appropriate in the UGA.
Planmng CommiSSIOn Mmutes
June 8, 2005
Page 6
The meeting adjourned at 7 p.m.
Meeting Agenda Of~ ~ ,;;zO~
To help us provide an a~curate record of those in attend ce, please sign in. Your
signature acknowledges your presence. If you plan to testify, by your signature below, you
certify that the testimony given is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the
State of Washington. Signature below DOES NOT REQUIRE you to testify.
NAME: ADDRESS: Agenda Item No.
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