HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/09/1993
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
June 9, 1993
7:00 P.M.
ill. APPRO V AL OF MINUTES: Meeting of May 26, 1993
APPLE TREE SUBDIVISION - PETREE. 16th to 18th and "0" Streets:
Consideration of a proposal to subdivide 5.23 acres into 17 residential lots,
in the RS-9, Residential Single-Family District.
2. ANNEXA nON REQUEST - ANX 93(04)01 - LAPPIER. South of
Melody Lane to Wood haven Lane: Request for annexation of
approximately 52 acres south of Melody Lane, west of Golf Course Road
to Woodhaven Lane.
WASTE SYSTEMS, Airport Industrial Park: Request for a conditional
use permit to allow expansion of a recycling center in the LI, Light
Industrial District.
DAISHOW A AMERICA CO.. LTD.: Request for a permit to allow the
replacement of approximately 9 feet of sewerline in the shoreline area.
Street west of Cedar Street: Request for vacation of City right-of-way.
PORT ANGELES: Request for a shoreline permit to allow further
extension of the Waterfront Trail, including paving and improvement to
the existing roadway and public parking area on Ediz Hook.
. V.
Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to speak to the
request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a
previous presentation. A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others
shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes). Other interested parties will be allowed
to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or make inquiries. The Chairman may allow additional
public testimony if the issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents
heard separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman. Rebuttal shall
be limited to factual statements pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be directed
to the Planning Commission, not the City Staff representatives present, unless directed to do so
by the Chairman.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
June 9, 1993
7:00 P.M.
Chairman Winters called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M.
Members Present: Linda Nutter, Roger Catts, Cindy Souders, Bob Winters, Bob
Philpott, Orville Campbell and Carl Alexander.
Staff Present: Sue Roberds, John Jimerson, Brad Collins, Gary Kenworthy,
Bruce Becker and Steve Hursh.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan, Jodie Smilay, Linda Wilcox, Gary
Thompson, Dean Bensen, Gary and Shirle Lappier, William and
Joan Boyer, Ron Dimmel, Dean Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Newcomb, Mike Edwards and Nydia Levick.
Commissioner Philpott noted that he was excused from the May 26, 1993, Planning
Commission Meeting. Commissioner Carts instructed that the last sentence of the
discussion under "Reports of the Commission" which read "The wording should be
corrected as it should be either asphalt or concrete." should be deleted. Commissioner
Souders noted that during discussion of the bylaw amendments the change was that 'Ihe"
should be changed to "he/she" and "his" should be changed to "his/her". With the
corrections as noted, Commissioner Souders moved to approve the minutes as corrected.
Commissioner Nutter seconded the motion, which passed 6 - 0, with Commissioner
Philpott abstaining due to his absence at the May 26th meeting.
APPLE TREE SUBDIVISION - PETREE. 16th to 18th and "a" Streets:
Consideration of a proposal to subdivide 5.23 acres into 17 residential lots, in the
RS-9, Residential Single-Family District.
John Jimerson stated that the applicant has not submitted the required material for formal
preliminary review by the Planning Commission and requested continuation of the hearing
to July 14th. Sue Roberds said that she had reached the applicant's representative prior
to the meeting to ascertain the reasons for delay of the required material and had been
told that the prints would be ready in time for the July 14th meeting. Chairman Winters
opened the public hearing. No one from the audience spoke regarding the issue.
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June 9, 1993
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There was discussion that the applicant was aware of the meeting schedule and had
requested the June 7th meeting but had made no contact with the Planning Department
or submitted the required information for review. Commissionef Nutter stated that given
the Planning Commission and staffs workloads, space cannot be continued to be held on
agendas if no progress is being made on projects. There was discussion of denial of the
application and the request for continuation at this time. It was decided that a
continuation would be appropriate, but if the applicant did not submit the required plans
to the Planning Department by June 25, 1993, staff should prepare findings and
conclusions fOf denial of the request for the July 14th meeting.
Commissionef Alexander stated that there may be extenuating circumstances the
Commission is not aware of which caused the breakdown. CommiSsioner Philpott
moved to continue the public hearing item to the July 14, 1993, meeting, at 7 P.M.
Commissioner Alexander seconded the motion, which passed 6 - 1, with
Commissioner Nutter voting "nay".
Commissioner Souders moved to instruct staff that if the required material is not
submitted by June 25, 1993, rmdings and conclusions for denial of the preliminary
subdivision be prepared for the Commission's review at the July 14th meeting.
Commissioner Campbell seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
ANNEXATION REOUEST - ANX 93(04)01 - LAPPIER. South of Melody
Lane to Woodhaven Lane: Request for annexation of approximately 52 acres
south of Melody Lane, west of Golf Course Road to Wood haven Lane.
(Continued from April 28, 1993.)
John Jimerson reviewed the Department Memorandum and reviewed the revised
conditions of approval for the proposed annexation. Commissionef Campbell asked for
an explanation of the costs involved and how the formula for payment was figured. He
also requested information on the time frame in which the monies would have to be
Gary Kenworthy, City Engineer, further explained that current residents who are now on
septic systems would not be required to hook into a sewer system; however, the
obligation is that when improvements are petitioned for or mandated in the area, those
residents who would be fequired to sign non-protest L.I.D. agreements then cannot
protest the improvements and would therefore be obligated to pay their share of that debt.
New development within three hundred feet of the new improvements would be required
to tap into the system. It was noted that the only mandated cost at the time of annexation
would then be the acquisition of the electrical distribution system in the area at present.
In response to Commissioner Campbell, Fire Marshall Bruce Beckef stated that the cost
to upgrade the fire hydrants adapters would be minimal.
Chairman Winters then opened the public hearing.
Tom Newcomb, 1772 Melody Lane, President of the Strait Corporation and operator of
KAPY Radio Station, stated his objection to annexation of the 5.5 acres of property on
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June 9, 1993
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which the radio station is situated. He stated that due to the limitations of the RS-9,
Residential Single-Family Zoning District, he might not be allowed to expand or improve
his radio station as may be mandated by Federal Communications Commission rulings.
He does not want to have to negotiate with the City or be .held up in whatever he might
be required to do in order to operate.
Chairman Winters asked Mr. Newcomb how the County's regulations differ from the
City's regulations regarding his operation. Mr. Newcomb answered he did not know.
He has made changes but has never checked with the County to see if there is a need for
special permits or what requirements might apply. He anticipated regulation problems
with the City.
Shirle Lappier, 924 Golf Course Road, wished to address the requirement to purchase
the power utility. She stated that she was informed by two ex-City Councilmembers that
the City has not required residents to purchase existing utilities in the past and that, in
fact, the practice of private ownership of public utilities is not legal. She noted that the
adjacent large Upland subdivision did not purchase its utilities upon annexation sixteen
years ago.
Steve Hursh, Light Department Engineering Manager, said that this is the first case that
property owners in newly annexed areas will purchase the utilities. The City Council
adopted the regulations in December, 1992. The City has two years to take over existing
Commissioner Campbell asked if there are other properties in the City which are served
by the P.U.D. Mr. Hursh answered that there are a number of properties in that
situation, but by a "Willing Agreement" the City will meter that usage.
Dean Reed, 1727 East W~odhaven Lane, stated that a recommendation to the City
Council may be premature at this point as there are so many unanswered questions
regarding the benefits and/or costs to the area residents in annexation. The subsequent
obligations are confusing at best. He expected to have to pay for the cost of extension
of sewer to his property, but he did not expect to have to purchase the power utility.
Commissioner Souders asked how long an L.I.D. process takes.
Gary Kenworthy answered that the sewer capacity study indicates there is sufficient
capacity to serve the existing lots, but potential development of the larger acreages would
result in further improvement. An L.I.D. process usually takes about a year to finalize,
if there are no delays. It is not a fast process. Smaller L.I.D.s could be formed for
those areas within the proposed area that are in immediate need of sewer with latecomer's
fees for subsequent hookups for future additions.
Mr. Collins explained that the Utility Advisory Committee (UAC) would be looking at
the question of utility purchase especially dealing with those who have paid for their
existing utilities while in the County and who would be required to pay again for the City
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In response to a question from Mr. Newcomb, Mr. Collins explained the L.I.D. process
is one by which a signator of a no-protest agreement may not protest at whatever time
in the future improvements are developed which would ultimately serve his property. In
certain instances, those improvements may not be needed for many years, in others, they
may happen much sooner. Mr. Collins stated that signing a no-protest agreement does
not prevent a property owner from protesting their assigned share of the L.I.D. cost
should they think it is not a fair share.
In discussion, Commissioner Campbell noted that although those in the proposed
annexation area will be required to pay an approximately $50,000 for the P.U.D. power
facility in the area, but the City will be contributing the remaining $30,000.
Prudence Nathan, 1712 Woodhaven Lane, asked how future proposed division of
property in the area would affect the sewer situation.
Mr. Collins answered that additional subdivision in the area would not be allowed without
upgrade to the current system.
Gary Thompson, 111 Oakcrest, a property owner in the proposed annexation area,
expressed confusion over what obligations he would be taking on with the annexation.
He asked if the fire hydrants in the area are substandard. The costs of annexation are not
clear. Could the sewer system be constructed privately and dedicated to the City?
Gary Kenworthy answered that a private sewer system could be constructed and dedicated
to the City as long as it met all City specifications. There are other areas in the City that
have been annexed with substandard improvements. Those areas are constant problems
as improvements are desperately needed but no one wants to pay for them. The City's
new policies will prevent these situations from occurring in the future.
Bruce Becker answered that the City enjoys a Class 4 fire rating; the County's is a Class
8. City residents therefore pay less for fire insurance. The Class 4 rating requires
upgrades to the water distribution system to provide 1000 gallons of water per minute.
Existing hydrants on Woodhaven Lane would have to be upgraded as they are marginal
at present.
There being no further comment, Chairman Winters closed the public hearing at 8:42
There was extensive discussion with staff concerning the UAC meeting, the City's
commitment to buy existing P.U.D. power facilities and the timeframe involved for
payment for L.I.D. improvements. It was consensus of the Commission that a
continuation of the request would allow for the UAC to make a recommendation on the
proposal and to provide direction as it relates to compensation for City purchase of the
existing utility facilities within the annexation area.
Mr. Collins stated that radio stations are a conditional use in the RS-9, Residential Single-
Family District.
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Commissioner Campbell expressed concern over the lack of definitive information
regarding the costs to the property owners. He also questioned whether all the original
petitioners may be interested still in annexation.
Commissioner Nutter moved to continue the item to the August 11, 1993, meeting.
Commissioner Calfs seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
The Commission took a break at 9:00 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 9: 18 P.M. It
was noted that Commissioner Philpott left the meeting at the break. due to illness.
WASTE SYSTEMS. AiI:port Industrial Park: Request for a conditional use
permit to allow expansion of a recycling center in the LI, Light Industrial District.
John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report and answered questions from the
Commission concerning the fact that the applicant's current operation is in violation of
a previous conditional use permit. The permit allows that outside storage of bundled
material may occur only under a (pre-existing) pole barn. Unbundled materials are being
stored outside, and the pole barn has been removed.
Mike Edwards, Environmental Waste Systems, 2548 West Nineteenth Street, stated
the larger facility will enable all storage to be contained within the facility or in ground
level bunkers. He explained the storage process. Drivers leave the facility between 6:00
A.M. and 8:00 A.M. and return between 4:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M., with the facility
closing at 5:00 P.M., so there would be little if any conflict with visitors.
Commissioner Campbell asked if the staffs proposed conditions would allow for normal
Mr. Edwards answered "yes", the conditions are satisfactory. The new facility is a huge
improvement over the existing operation. There is no need for outside storage in the new
building. A twenty-five foot tree berm will serve as a natural buffer for the site.
There being no further comment, Chairman Winters closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Catts moved to approve the conditional use permit citing five
conditions, five rmdings and three conclusions as follows:
1. Storage of materials outside of the building is prohibited.
The Public Works Department shall conduct an industrial pretreatment
survey of the facility to ensure the requirements of Chapter 13.06 PAMC are
3. A catch basin with an oil separator "T" is required prior to ditch discharge
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of surface runoff from the paved area.
The outdoor storage of materials on the site approved under conditional use
permit CUP 91(04)05 shall cease.
5. The existing tree berm shall be maintained as shown on the site plan to
provide a vegetative screen.
1. The proposal is for expansion of a collection center for recyclable materials
which are compacted and bundled for shipmeDt to aDother location for
recycling and for parking and maintenance of vehicles used in the business
as outlined in a letter from the applicant to the Port of Port Angeles
Commission, excluding those portions identified for phase 2.
2. The use is conditioned so that storage and processing of materials will occur
entirely within the existing building on the site.
3. The Light Industrial Zone allows uses found to comply with the purpose of
the district with approval of a conditional use permit.
The existing facility is located approximately 100 feet to the west and was
issued a conditional use permit in 1991. Upon review of the site, it was
determined by Planning Department staff that the use in not in compliance
with CUP conditions that prohibit outdoor storage of materials and except
those materials stored in the pole barn, which must be bundled.
5. The site is located within an improved industrial park zoned Light Industrial
A. The proposed use, as conditioned, can comply with the purpose of the Light
Industrial District.
B. The use is in the public use and interest and is not detrimental with the
public welfare.
c. The Conditional Use Permit, as conditioned, is consistent with the Port
Angeles Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan
Commissioner Souders seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Chairman Winters stated his belief that the previous violation of the current existing
conditional use permit would not continue, and that conditions attached to permits issued
by the City must be taken seriously.
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DAISHOW A AMERICA CO.. LTD.: Request for a permit to allow the
replacement of approximately 9 feet of sewerline in the shoreline area.
Commissioner Campbell removed himself from the meeting room due to any appearance
of fairness questions about his recent and past association with Daishowa America Co.,
Mr. Jimerson reviewed the Department Report.
Dean Reed, P.O. Box 271, Port Angeles, represented Daishowa America Co., Ltd. He
said that Daishowa America's endeavor to tighten up Mill efficiency and be aware of
what's going on in the Mill's operations necessitate regulators on the sewer line. The
same archaeological firm that has been retained in the past Mill renovations will be
available as consultants in this project as well ensuring that if any artifacts are discovered,
appropriate measures will be observed.
There being no further public comment, Chairman Winters closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Alexander moved to recommend approval of the Shoreline
Management Permit with one condition, and citing the following f"mdings and
A. H any spoils are to be deposited on the site, a plan shall be submitted
to the Planning Department for approval indicating the location(s)
where those spoils will be deposited to ensure compliance with the
Shoreline Master Program.
1. The approval is for replacement of a ten foot length of sewer line
which includes a flow-measuring flume and sensing devices to read the
level and solids content of that sewer line.
2. The proposed modifications will not change the intensity of the use of
the shoreline.
3. The Mill is located on or near an area that once sited the Klallam
Village Tse- Whit-Zen. There have been f"mdings of archaeological
deposits of historical significance during recent excavations on the site.
The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program designates the site as
Urban Environment. The Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance
designate it for heavy industrial.
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The City of Port Angeles SEPA Responsible Official issued a Mitigated
Determination of Non-Significance on May 26, 1993.
A. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the Port Angeles
Shoreline Master Program, specifically General Regulations C.l, and
C.4; Land Use Element D.7; Natural Systems E.12j Use Activities
F.7.a-b, and F.18.a-c.
B. The proposal is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan,
specifically Goal No.3, and Industrial Policy No.5 which encourage
minimizing impacts to the environment and land use compatibility.
C. As conditioned, the proposal will not be detrimental to the shoreline.
Commissioner Nutter seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Commissioner Campbell returned to the meeting room.
STREET V ACA nON REOUEST - STY 93(06)04 - LEVICK. Fifteenth
Street west of Cedar Street: Request for vacation of City right-of-way.
Mr. Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. Mr. Collins added that the Commission
may wish to add a third condition of approval to the request for vacation of right-of-way
providing that the property owner to the west of the subject property, Mr. Sund, agrees
that his property will only be accessed through the 14/15 alley, since the vacation would
result in that property being inaccessible from Cedar Street via Fifteenth Street.
Commissioner Alexander said that the property had been posted as required in the Port
Angeles Municipal Code and duly advertised and yet Mr. Sund had not indicated
concerns with the proposal; therefore, it was assumed Mr. Sund has no concerns.
Chairman Winters opened the public hearing.
Nydia Levick, 1422 South Cedar, stated that she has spokeD with Mr. Sund who is
aware of the access which would be denied in the event the vacation is approved. He is
aware of the vacation request and that it would absolutely preclude development of
Fifteenth Street at this location. Ms. Levick has maintained the right-of-way for forty-
seven years. Mr. McCoy is not interested in owning his adjacent half street and intends
to sell it to Mrs. Levick.
There being no further public comment, Chairman Winters closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Souders moved to recommend approval of the vacation of City right-
of-way, citing the following conditions, findings and conclusions:
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The City Engineer shall determine where the top of the ravine is located. No
portion of the Fifteenth Street right-of-way located below the top of the
ravine may be vacated.
2. An 10 foot easement centered on the existing electrical service crossing the
vacated street shaD be granted in favor of the City Light Department
1. The request is to vacate 7,000 square feet of the Fifteenth Street right-of-way
west of Cedar Street.
2. The property abutting the street is zoned RS-7, except where the right-of-way
may be located below the top of the ravine, where it is zoned PBP.
3. The right-of-way is not improved with roadways or utilities, except for power
lines crossing the site.
4. The site is located adjacent to an environmentally sensitive area.
Comprehensive Plan Policies found to be most relevant to the proposal
include Goals 1 & 3; and Open Space Policies Nos. 2-4. The site is
designated Urban Residential in the Comprehensive Plan.
6. Ownership of most of the lots between the site and Tumwater Street are
owned by the City. Lots 17 and 18 are owned by GunhiId Sund, who also
owns the contiguous north half of Lots 19 & 20, Block 417. Access to Lots 17
and 18 from Cedar Street on Fifteenth Street would be precluded. Access
would still be available from the 14/15 alley. Lots 17 and 18 are in a steep-
slope environmentally sensitive area and cannot be developed without benefit
of a development exception as provided for in Chapter 15.20 PAMC.
A. As conditioned, vacation of this portion of the Fifteenth Street right-of-way
is in the public use and interest and would be a public benefit by placing into
private ownership property that is not needed for public access or utilities
and maintaining ownership of the right-of-way in an environmentally
sensitive area.
As conditioned, the street vacation is consistent with the Goals, Policies and
Objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, specifically those listed in Finding No.
Commissioner Alexander seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
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PORT ANGELES: Request for a shoreline permit to allow further
extension of the Waterfront Trail, including paving and improvement to
the existing roadway and public parking area on Ediz Hook.
Mr. Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. Chairman Winters opened the public
Gary Kenworthy, City Engineer, said the development is further improvement to the
City's Waterfront Trail system. It is desirable to underground utilities as fmancing
allows; however, at the present time, there is only funding available for extension of the
Trail and resurfacing of a portion of the parking area at the easterly end of Ediz Hook.
Intermodal Surface Transportation Enhancement Act (ISTEA) and Aquatic Lands
Enhancement Account (ALEA) funds are available for the project. The project will be
coordinated with the City Light Department and U.S.C.G. when dealing with utilities.
There being no public comment, Chairman Winters closed the public hearing.
In response to a question as to why landscaping is a condition of approval, Mr. Collins
answered that typically parking is not allowed in shoreline areas and the provision of
landscaping is a trade-off to making that parking more palatable. The types of vegetation
typically found in shoreline areas was discussed.
Following limited discussion, Commissioner Campbell moved to recommend approve
the shoreline management permit as requested with two conditions, and subject to
the rmdings and conclusions as follows:
1. If the paved parking area is expanded, the parking lot shall be graded
to f1~w into catch basins which shall have an oil separator "T".
2. If the paved parking area is expanded, the expanded parking lot shall
include at least one tree, or other appropriate vegetation, for each 10
parking spaces provided. (Trees shall be of a type approved by the
City, 2-inch caliper at planting time and have a height of 20 feet at
1. The approval is for paving 3700 lineal feet of the waterfront trail,
from the sail paddle park eastward.
The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, Comprehensive Plan,
Zoning Ordinance and Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection
Ordinance have been reviewed with respect to this proposal.
3. The property is zoned Heavy Industrial (M-2) and is identified as
industrial by the Comprehensive Plan.
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The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program encourages public access
to the shoreline. It also encourages aesthetic and environmental
considerations be made in reviewing development proposals.
S. The City of Port Angeles SEPA Responsible Official issued a
Determination of Non-Significance for the proposal on April 29, 1993.
6. The Trail is located on the northerly side of the existing power poles.
A. The proposal is consistent with the Port Angeles Shoreline Master
Program, specifically General Regulations C.2 and C.3; Land Use
Element D.2 and D.7; Natural Systems E.1.a, E.2, E. 7.b and E.12;
and Use Activities F.19.b & c. a,c,d&e.
B. The proposal is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan,
specifically Goal No.3, Industrial Policy No. 5 and Land Use
Objective No.3.
C. As conditioned, the proposal will not be detrimental to the shoreline.
Commissioner Souders seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Chairman Winters offered the long range planning agenda schedule for the Commission's
approval, which was given.
Commissioner Souders expressed concern over the workload and overloaded agendas
facing the Commission and staff in the next few months, as has been the case for nearly
all of 1993 so far. She suggested that possibly an extra meeting a month would help get
caught up. Commissioner Alexander suggested using the Commission's second monthly
meeting for public hearing items and setting special meetings for the long range items
usually heard at those second meetings. Commissioner Souders moved to set three
special meetings for consideration of long-range topics as outlined in the list of long-
range subjects for discussion. The meeting dates are July 21, August 18, and
September 15, 1993, at 7 P.M., City Council Chambers. Commissioner Campbell
seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Brad Collins reported that he had recently attended the National Conference of the
American Planning Association in Chicago, Illinois, in May. He very much enjoyed the
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interchange of ideas experienced during the conference activities and reported that the
state of planning practice around the country is comparable to planning activities in Port
John Jimerson noted that he had attended the State Conference of the American Planning
Association in Spokane in May and had likewise felt the opportunity very worthwhile.
He mentioned discussions similar to the Municipal Liability seminar and the Planning
Commission orientation confirmed that the City is taking the right approach in its public
review and decision making approach. He will provide additional information at the next
The meeting adjourned at 11:18 P.M.
Brad Collins, Executive Secretary
Bob Winters, Chairman
PREPARED BY: Sue Roberds
Meeting of June 9~ 1993
APPLE TREE SUBDMSION - PETREE. 16th to 18th and 110" Streets: Consideration
of a proposal to subdivide 5.23 acres into 17 residential lots, in the RS-9, Residential
Single-Family District.
No action is required on this item at this time.
ANNEXA TION REQUEST - ANX 93(04)01 - LAPPIER. South of Melody Lane to
Woodhaven Lane: Request for annexation of approximately 52 acres south of Melody
Lane, west of Golf Course Road to Wood haven Lane,
Council will continue this item under "PUBLIC HEARINGS".
SYSTEMS. Aiqx>rt Industrial Park: Request for a conditional use permit to allow
expansion of a recycling center in the LI, Light Industrial District.
No action is required by Council.
AMERICA CO.. LTD.: Request for a permit to allow the replacement of approximately
9 feet of sewerline in the shoreline area.
Council could concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to
approve the permit with the condition as noted in the minutes, citing the findings
and conclusions. If Council should wish to consider an alternate action, a public
hearing should be set for that consideration.
STREET VACATION REOUEST - STV 93(06)04 - LEVICK. Twelfth Street west of
Cedar Street: Request for vacation of City right-of-way.
Council willlUlve made a decision on this item under "PUBLIC HEARINGS",
ANGELES: Request for a shoreline permit to allow further extension of the Waterfront
Trail, including paving and improvement to the existing roadway and public parking area
on Ediz Hook.
Council could concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to
approve the permit with the conditionS as noted in the minutes, citing the findings
and conclusions, If Council should wish to consider an alternate action, a public
hearing should be set for that consideration.
Attendance Roster
Type of Meetin