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Port Angeles, Washington
June 13, 1984
Chairman Ross called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Members Present: Ted Puckett, Jim Hulett, Lorraine Ross,
Jerry Cornell, Brad Banner
Members Absent: Todd Holm, one vacancy
Staff Present: Paul D. Carr, Dan VanHemert, Gary Braun
Mr. Puckett moved to approve the minutes of the May 23,
1984, meeting as submitted. Mr. Cornell seconded the
motion, which passed unanimously.
Condi tional Use Hearing - Glass. Request for an
extension of a Conditional Use Permit allowing a bed
and breakfast establishment in the RS-7 Zone as a Home
Occupation. Location: 1108 South Oak Street.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the Department Report. Chairman Ross
opened the public hearing.
Jerry Glass responded to questions regarding the business
sign that exists on the house. There were no further ques-
tions; Chairman Ross closed the public hearing.
Mr. Cornell moved to recommend granting a two-year extension
for the home occupation bed and breakfast establishment,
subject to the original conditions. Mr. Banner seconded the
motion, which passed unanimously.
Shoreline Management Hearing - Port of Port Angeles.
Request for a Shoreline Permit to allow construction of
a heavy duty log loading facility and approach trestle
at the existing Terminal #3 site. Location: Port of
Port Angeles Terminal 3.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the Department Report. Chairman Ross
opened the public hearing.
June 13, 1984
Page 2
Ken Sweeney, representing the Port of Port Angeles,
explained that the new pier is needed to improve the
efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the Port Terminal
operations and to support the new crane. Bill Oliver, of
the Port Authority, also answered questions. Chairman Ross
closed the public hearing.
Mr. Hulett moved to recommend granting the permit, citing
the following findings:
A. Ports, piers, and docks are pe'.b"'tr'litt;;~d uses in urban
shorelines in accordance with Use activities F.8 and
B. The proposed reconstructed dock complies with General
Regulation C.1, Land Use Element D.1.a, and Use
Activity F.8.a, in that it is a water shoreline
dependent use requiring frontage on navigable water and
is located in an area which is already developed.
Because it is in an already developed industrial area,
and represents the redevelopment and upgrading of an
existing facility, it reduces the exposure of a
shoreline of statewide significance to development in
furtherance of General Regulation C. 4.
D. Since only minimum alteration of the shoreline and the
normal degredation of the Harbor waters will occur only
during construction, the proposal is in compliance with
General Regulation C.4 and Us. Activity F.8.d.
E. The public visual access to the shoreline will not be
affected over that now presently being experienced, but
current Port activities and structural arrangement may
conflict with public physical access to the shoreline
and Harbor. Therefore, the proposal is in substantial
compliance with General Regulation C.2 and Land Use
Element D.2.
F. The site and vicinity are planned for heavy industrial
uses in accordance with the City's Comprehensive Plan
and are designated M-2 in the City Zoning Regulations.
Mr. Cornell seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Conditional Use Permit - Gustafson. A request to allow
a service making and altering bridal gowns as a Home
Occupation in the RS-7 Zone. Location: 1320 South "I"
Mr. Carr reviewed the Department Report. Chairman Ross
opened the public hearing.
June 13, 1984
Page 3
Mr. Gustafson explained that they were anticipating having
drop-in customers on wednesday and Saturday, and there are
approximately four parking spaces in the driveway, if cars
are stacked. He would direct cars to 14th Street if the
driveway is full. Chairman Ross closed the public hearing.
Mr. Hulett moved to recommend approval of the Conditional
Use Permit for the Home Occupation, provided that the hours
of operation are from 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Saturday,
for customer drop-in. Mr. Banner seconded the motion, which
passed unanimously.
Interpretation - Bakery Transfer Station
Store in CSD-Cl District.
and Retail
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the Department Report on the Inter-
pretation. The Commission then discussed the characteristics
and locational requirements of the proposed 'use, which is a
combined wholesale transfer station with a retail outlet.
Following the discussion, Mr. Puckett moved that a bakery
wholesale transfer station combined with a retail outlet
could meet the purpose and intent of the CSD-Cl District and
be compatible as a Conditional Use Permit. Mr. Hulett
seconded the motion, which passed 3 - 2, with Messrs. Banner
and Cornell voting "No", because the use was primarily a
wholesale use.
Condi tional Use Hearing - Alwine Properties, Inc.
Request to allow a bakery transfer station and retail
store as a Conditional Use in the CSD-C1, Community
Shopping District. Location: Southeast corner, Eighth
and Vine Streets.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the Department Report. Chairman Ross
opened the public hearing.
Dennis Alwine explained the semi-truck traffic flow onto the
site, noting that there would be one semi a day, arriving at
approximately 4 AM. It would either back in or drive
straight into the site. The delivery vans would load, then
leave the site at approximately 5 AM and return at approxi-
mately 2 PM. There is no week-end activity. The delivery
vans would use the alley and would be loaded inside the
enclosed building, with the doors closed. The Commission
questioned Mr. Alwine about alternative locations and larger
properties. Mr. Alwine explained that they had looked at
other sites. Pete Hart, owner of the property across the
alley in the residential zone, expressed concern about the
noise and light from the proposed use. Chairman Ross closed
the public hearing.
June 13, 1984
Page 4
Mr. Banner moved to recommend granting the Conditional Use
Permit, subject to the following conditions:
1. That all lights be directed to the interior of the
2. Self-illuminated advertising signs not be visible from
the residential area to the south.
3. That a landscaping plan for all residual areas on the
lot be submitted with the building and off-street
parking plans.
4. That the alley abutting the property be improved with
an asphaltic surface satisfactory to the Public Works
Department and truck traffic be limited to that portion
of the alley west of the site.
5. The main delivery truck (semi) shall not enter the site
from residential areas and shall park so that the cab
faces north, near Eighth Street.
6 .
The sidewalk on the west side of the lot be paved and
that the sidewalk existing on Eighth Street be
upgraded, if requested by Public Works.
Mr. Hulett seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Conditional Use Hearing - VanWald. Request for an
extension of a Home Occupation allowing an alteration
and fashion design business to operate from a residence
in the RS-7 Zone. Location: 708 Caroline. (Tabled
from May 9, 1984.)
Mr. VanRemert noted that staff had received a letter from
Mrs. VanWald withdrawing the application. Mr. Hulett moved
to accept the letter of withdrawal. Mr. Cornell seconded
the motion, which passed unanimously.
Mr. Carr reviewed Council action on Planning Commission
Mr. Puckett inquired about the condition of the Ediz Hook
Road through the Crown-Z Mill.
June 13, 1984
Page 5
Mr. Hulett inquired about the Greyhound Bus operation on
Laurel Street.
Chairman Ross read the letter of resignation from Todd Holm.
Mr. Cornell inquired about a special meeting with the City
Council that could include discussion of Downtown parking.
The meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M.
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