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June 12, 1969
Port Angeles Planning Commission
RE: Meeting scheduled for June 17, 1969
Old Business
Douglas Burke of Burke's Rent-it expects to be in to discuss
his proposed storage building on west 10th St. as brought up at
the last meeting of the Planning Commission.
New Business - Four variance and/or Conditional Use applications
have been received and posted for this meeting.
Ron Farrington, 719 East 7th St. wants to enclose an existing
carport and cover the walk way betw~en the house and carport of a
pre-existing, non-conforming residence in an RS-7 zone.
Richard L. Brown of Port Angeles Distributing Co., has re-
quested a Conditional Use permit and variances to allow him to
move into the old PUD location on Cherry and Motor Ave., enlarge
the existing warehouse and conduct his wholesale been and wine
distribution operation from this site. The are is zone CSD-C2.
Jeanne Hardman has requested a variance to locate a mobile
home on the vacant property which would be about 818 or 820 West
10th St. The mobile home would be for residential occupancy of a
temporary - though indefinite - nature.t:b~~~
I. W. Halverson, 421 South Poa88oy St.,Yhas requested a
variance from the zoning regulations of an RS-7 zone to permit
him to construct a carport on the south side of his house, less
than the 35' setback required from 5th St. and the 25' required
from Liberty .St.
Other Business
The Council has referred the request for the vacation of the
alley in Block 201 Townsite (6th-7th, Lincoln-Chase) to the Plan-
ning Commission for recommendation. June 19, 1969 has been set
for the hearing date.
EImers Time Shop has inquired againaPout the possibility of
locating his shop in the vicinity of 8th and Albert St.
The Flagstone Motel sign on the northwest corner of Front and
Francis may come up for discussion as they have been notified the
premises are not being maintained on the condition intended when
the variance was granted.
Bob Chamberlin has been notified to move the ice dispenser on
the northeast corner of Front and Chambers streets by July 1st.
It is possible this item may also come up.
Eleanor Priest is still working on the vacation of the alley
in Block 186 Townsite. There maybe memos presented rom the various
city departments that might be concerned with this.
Bob Kitz will probably be in with an inquiry about rezoning a
sizeable area, in the vicinity of the 8th-10th street crossover, to
CSD-N or PSC, from RS-7.
As of this date I know of nothing else which may be presented at
this meeting.
R. P. Willson, Recording Secretary
Minutes of Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting of June 17,1969.
Hunt, Driscoll, McHone, Treat, Dilling, Anderson, Build-
ing Inspector Willson.
Meeting was opened in the Municipal Chambers at 7:40 P.M~ The
minutes of the previous meeting were approved as received.
Old Busi ne ss':;'
Mr. Douglas Burke of ltBurke's Rent-Itl1, on west 8th Street,
was into discuss the possibility of installing a pre-fab metal build-
ing, approximately 40' x 70t on west 10th Street. This area is
zoned RS-9 and Mr. Burke's intention is to use this structure for
storage of out-at-season rental equipment. During the discussion
it was pointed out to Mr. Burke that the Planning Commission would
regard this as a commercial operation, and such uses are prohibited
in an RS-9 zone~ The only possibility might be in having the area
rezoned. Since the matter had been offered for discussion only,
no action w~s taken.
New Business
Mr. Ron Farrington of 719 East 7th Street had requested a
variance to allow him to enclose a pre-existing, non-conforming
carport and to roof over an existing concrete slab between the
house and carport. After considerable discussion, the Planning
Commission voted to recommend approval of this request, continJent
upon Mr. Farrington's installing a proper driveway (curb cuts, paving)
in from 7th Street, at the same time. This would compensate for
the off-street parking he will lose by converting the existing
concrete slab to a patio.
Mr. Richard L. Brown, or Port Angeles Distributing Co., had
requested a Conditional Use Permit to enable him to utilize the
former PUD property at Motor Ave. and Oak St. for a beer and wine
disbributors warehouse. The area is zoned for CSD-C2 and the
Planning Commission felt this was an acceptable operation. One
protest had been received from Mr. Dan Brackus, abutting property
owner on the west. Mr. Brackus felt the PUD buildings should be
razed and the property used for single of multiple residential
occupancies. Following a short discussion, .the Planning Commission
voted to recommend approval of the Conditional Use permit. Mr.
Brown had also requested variances to permit him to enlarge the
pre-existing, non-conforming building and relief from the maximum
50% lot coverage. After a lengthy discussion, it was voted to
recommend approval of the request thusly - 1. The pre-existing
non-conforming buildings may be enlarged, but the required setbacks
from the residential property must be met. 2. The percent of lot
coverage may be exceeded as requested, provided the required off-
street parking is maintained. The new inside loading dock and
truck shelter may be counted toward the required parking.
Mrs. Jeanne Hardman had requested a variance to permit
the installation of a mobile home in an RS-7 zone. Mrs. Hardman
lives out-at-town and was represented by Mr. Harold Sisson her
uncle. The request involves a vacant lot on west 10th street
between "A" and "B" ~treets. Mrs. Hardman, a widow, wanted to
move her mobile home on this property, which is next door to her
grandmothers house, to enable her to care tor the grandmother.
Minutes - Planning Commission
June 17, 1969
page 2.
It was Mrs. Hardman's intent to live in the mobile home until such
time as she would be financially able to build a conventional
house on the property. A lengthy discussion followed with Mr.
Sisson. The Planning Commission felt that this did not qualify as
a hardship case and term for which the mobile home would serve as
a residence was too indefinite. It.s therefore voted to recommend
the request be denied.
Mr. I. W. Halvorson of 421 South Liberty Street had
requested a variance from the setback requirements of an RS-7 zone
to permit him to construct a carport closer to the right-at-way
lines of 5th Street and Liberty Streets than permitted. Following
a brief discussion with Mr. Halvorson it was voted to recommend
approval of his request as applied for.
Lorraine Ross was present to discuss the request tor
vacation of the alley in Block 201 Townsite. This matter had been
informally discussed at a previous meeting and Mrs. Ross had been
advised to discuss the matter of utility services with her clients.
Memos from the Director of Public Works, Light Superintendent and
Utilities Superintendent were read pertinent to this request. Mrs.
Ross stressed that her clients were interested only in ~he vacation
of the surface rights of the alley and would even been agreeable to
the installation of a service tunnel underneath their building.
Following the discussion, the Planning Commission voted to recommend
approval of the alley vacation request, contingent upon disposition
of all utilities satisfactory to the departments involved and at
the applicants expense.
Mr. Robert Kitz was in to discuss land use and zoning of
several lots in the west Lincoln Heights area.
The alley vacation in Block 186 Townsite, requested by
Mrs. Eleanor Priest was discussed briefly and memos from the
various city departments concerned were received. Mrs. Priest
was not in attendance and no action M8sttaken.
No further business was received and the meeting adjourned at 9:00
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. Hunt C airman
ecording Secretary