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June 13, 1968
TO: Members of the Port Angeles Planning Commission
RE: Meeting scheduled for June 18. 1968
No variance requests have been received for consideration at this
Old Business -
City Manager is
Mr. Gallauher.
E. L. McWilliams, Seamount Estates platting. The
preparing a memo reporting on his contact with
I will have it for this meeting.
Eacrett - rezoning for mobile home site; this of course has been
passed on to the City Council as recommended for approval con-
tingent upon receiving certain information. I have received a
letter from Don Morrison, District Sanitarian, approving the
area for septic tank installations, with proper drainfields,
and also recommending that service buildings and restrooms not
be required for this type of mobile home park.
Council Action: The City Council took the following action on
business from the June 4, 1968 meeting.
Robert Seat - garage carport - approved
Verne Linson - garage closer to rear property line - approved ~
John Collins - garage closer to side property line - approved ~
Edith G. Hall - garage closer to rear property line - approved
Forsythe - watchmans quarters - approved
E.L.McWilliams - Seamount Estates plat - no action required
Eacrett - rezoning for mobile homes - tabled for further
The Chairman has called for a special meeting at 7:30 P.M. June 24th
(Monday) 1968. This is to facilitate the construction of the new
low-income, elderly housing building. The request involves a setback
of 6' from the alley right of way instead of the 15 feet required
in the CAD zone. There is also a request for additional relief
from the off-street parking requirements. A variance was granted
December 7, 1967 by the City Council which cut the requirements
from 140 spaces to 70, for the present. The plans now show pro-
visions being made for 46, although the land area is available for
considerably more.
This is all the business which I know of at this time.
~__ TO:
DATE: JUNE 13, 1968
I cant acted Mrs. Gallauher regarding Seamount Estates Subdivision. She informed
me that she was the one who had signed the statement which Mr. McWilliams
brought over after he pointed out that she did not immediately want a road nor did
he. In addition, he painted out that, if a road was built at this time, they would
have to remove a garage. Therefore, she signed it. Evidently, Mr. Gallauher is
out of town a great deal and when in town does not have time for this problem.
I informed her that no one was thinking of building a road at this time and showed
her where they could sell eight lots if a road were later' dedicated and constructed;
whereas, if no road went in, probably four would be the most lots they could get
from the property. I told her I didn't think the Planning Commis sion I s decision
depended upon whether or not s~e obj ected to the road not being dedicated, but
if she wished, she could 'send me another letter reconfirming her first letter.
She felt that this would make Mr. McWilli ams awfully mad and to date I have
not received any letter from her, although when I met with her she could see
it was to her disadvantage not to have the street dedicated.
DDH: mak
Minutes of Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting of June 18, 1968.
Present: Hunt, Anderson, McHone, Dilling, Director of Public Works
Warder and Building Inspector Willson.
Treat. Driscoll, Hankins
Minutes of previous meeting were approved as published.
No variance requests had been received for hearing at this meeting.
Old Business - Mrs. E.L.McWilliams was present in connection with the
proposed subdivision of Suburban Lot 48, Seamount Estates. A memo from
the City Manager. reporting on his recent conversation with Mrs.
Gallauher, was read. Memos from Public Works. Light and Water depart-
ments were also reviewed again. Considerable discussion followed which
centered around 1. D~termining that the platter was aware that he was
responsible for the cost of installing all public services throughout
the area 2. Lack of complete satisfaction with the general layout;
specifically, the narrowness of the Eighth Street right of way and the
lack of right of way along the east side of the property. The Director
of Public Works reported that technically the sketch of the proposed
layout complied with the major requirements of the subdivision
ordinance but he felt that certain features of it might prove trouble-
some or expensive to the city in years to come. A motion was made to
accept the preliminary sketch as corrected, and submit it and the
department memorandums to the City Council for their consideration.
It was specifically pointed out the Mrs. McWilliams that this did not
constitue acceptance of the E!!! and that all departments would have
to approve the plat before it would be considered for acceptance.
The secretary next presented copies of memos from the Light, Water,
Public Works departments and Health District concerning the rezoning
of the south half of Suburban Lot 76 by Mr. D. W. Eacrett. These
memos were for informational purposes only as the Planning Commission
had recommended approval of the rezoning, subject to the various
departments indication that the rezoning had been discussed with
them and any specific problems resolved. Mr and Mrs Eacrett were in
the audience and raised certain questions about their proposed' lay-'
out of the trailer park. They were advised that these questions
would be resolved when they applied for the trailer park permit.
At present the only item under consideration was the re-zoning of
the area.
A sketch was submitted to the Planning Commission of a change in lot
sizes proposed by Mr. Walt Reyes of his mobile home sites in
Suburban Lot 99. on West 18th Street. This area had been rezoned
for Mobile homes in 1966 and a layout of the lots submitted at that
time had been approved. No action taken.
Members were reminded of a special meeting to be held at 7:30 P.M.
on June 24th in connection with the planned low-income housing for
the elderly structure on 2nd and Peabody Streets.
No further business was received and the meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.
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Harry Hu t, Chairman