HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/21/1960
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Port Angeles Planning Commission
June 21, 1960.
Members present were Hunt, Hankins, McGee and Strange. Also City Engineer
Warder and Councilman W. Ivor Smith.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Under unfin!shed business, the request of Mr. C. N. Webster submitted by
Mr. G. V. Chamberlain for an exchange of property in the vicinity of 8th
and Liberty Streets was taken up for consideration. Mr. Webster's suggesticn
is that he deed to the City a ten foot wide strip on vacated Liberty St.
being the easterly lOt of the west one-half of vacated Liberty Street
from the south margin of 7th street to the south margin of L-l in Block-279
townsite in exchange for L-5, Block 279 townsite now owned by the City.
This exchange would give the City an alley on Liberty Street twenty feet
wide instead of the present ten foot width. On examination, it is found
that L-5 refered to is across the alley from the City's new two milion
g~lon reservoir. The lot is not very well situated, lying mostly in a
small gulch and as far as the members of the Planning Commission can
determine, the lot does not now have, or in the forseable future have, any
value to the City. On the other hand, the additional width of driveway
on Liberty Street would be most desirable. Therefor it is the unanimous
opinion of the Planning Commission that we recommend to the City Council
the matter be approved and the exchange made.
Under the heading of new business, the Planning Commission took up for
reconsideration, the problem of another or second street or highway
~pproach to the Cits from the East with the idea in mind of the eventual
connection with hig way lOl thus giving the City two outlets for traffic
to the East, similar to the two we now have leaving to the West. The
Commission having before it Mr. Slankard's report to the Council covering
this matter. All probable streets were discussed vis Front St. Third
Street, and Fifth Street. Anyone of which is faced with the crossing
of White's Creak which is the most expensive part of the undertaking on
any of the crossings. In addition to the above and in connection therewith,
CounCilman Smith suggested a study be made by the Commission of the
practicability feasibility of the improvement of Lauridson Boulevard
from Lincoln Street east to Race Street which would necessitate the
crossing of Peabody Gulch. This improvement according to Mr. Smith and
agreed to by the Commission would be very desirable as it would permit the
City to route logging trucks and other heavy traffic across the Boulevard
and down Race Street thus relieving the routing of this traffic thru our
central business district. As stated above, the members of the Commission
agreed this improvement would be very desirable and thought a further study
should be made. It was agreed the matter should be layed on the table until
our regular meeting of July 19th.
A discussion of future street improvements was next in order, especially
with referenda to the districts on which petitions are now being circulated.
The chalaman pointed out the boundaries as described in some of the petltiom
do not allow for connections with districts now improved or in the process
of being made ready for improvements. The Commission feels that any future
districts to be considered by the Council should form a complete whole and
recommend to the Council that they, when fixing the boundaries of new
districts, look to that end so as not to allow unimproved streets between
various districts.
No further business
cc M. W. Slankard
John Warder
H. E. Dodge
at 9:30 P.M.
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< Fred ~ stran
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H.H. IDinkins
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