HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/26/1991
City Council Chambers
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
June 26, 1991
7:00 P.M.
m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Special Meeting of June 5, 1991 and Regular
Meeting of June 12, 1991
between Front and Pirst Streets. east of Lincoln to Chase Street: Mixed
residential/commercial planned residential development in the Central Business
and Arterial Commercial Districts.
90(05)07 - CAMl\fACK, Southwest corner of Vine and Second Streets: Request
to allow the retail sale of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies in the DC, Office
Commercial District.
BOA mOUSE. Ediz Hook: Further consideration of extension of use pennit to
allow RV parking in the M-l, Heavy Industrial District.
All correspondence pertaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Department at least
one day prior to the scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before the
Planning Commission: Ray Gruver, Chair; Cindy Souders, Vice-Chair; Jim Hulett; Roger Catts; Larry Leonard; Bob Philpott; Bill Anabel.
Planning Slaff: Brad Collins, Planning Director; Sue Roberds, Planning Office Spedalist; John Jimerson, Associale Planner; David Sawyer,
Senior Planner.
Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to speak to the
request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a
previous presentation. A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others
shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes). Other interested parties will be allowed
to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or make inquiries. The Chairman may allow additional
public testimony if the issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents
heard separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman. Rebuttal shall
be limited to factual statements pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be directed
to the Planning Commission, not the City Staff representatives present, unless directed to do so
by the Chairman.
August 23, 1991
June 26, 1991 Minutes File
Sue Roberds, Planning Office Specialist
Correction to Minutes
Page 9 of the June 26, 1991, Planning Commission Minutes contains an error which was
corrected at the August 28, 1991 meeting. Following the motion made by Bob Philpott and
seconded by Jim Hulett, to continue discussion of the La Vista PRD to the July 10, 1991,
meeting, a second motion was made which was not noted at that time. The motion (added at the
August 28th meeting) reads as follows: "Jim Hulett moved to reopen the hearine at the July
10th meetine. Bill Anabel seconded the motion. which passed unanimously. "
Sue Roberds, Planni g Office Specialist
Port Angeles, Washington
June 26, 1991
Chairman Gruver called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M.
Members Present:
Roger Catts, Jim Hulett, Ray Gruver, Bob
Philpott, Cindy Souders, Bill Anabel.
Members Excused:
Larry Leonard
staff Present:
John Jimerson, Brad collins, Ken Ridout,
Bruce Becker.
Mr. Philpott moved to approve the minutes of the special
meeting of June 5, 1991, as submitted. Mr. Catts seconded the
motion, which passed unanimously. Cindy Souders moved to
continue approval of the June 12, 1991, minutes to July lOth.
Bill Anabel seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Chairman Gruver announced that the order of business for the
evening's agenda would be: OLD BUSINESS i Item No. 2 NEW
BUSINESS; and Item No.1.
BOATHOUSE. Ediz Hook: Further consideration of request
for a permit to allow overnight RV camping in the M-2,
Heavy Industrial District.
Mr. Jimerson reviewed the Department Memorandum, regarding the
reconsideration of the Thunderbird Conditional Use Permit.
Bill Anabel moved to reconsider the action taken by the
Planning Commission June 12, 1991, approving the conditional
use permit. Jim Hulett seconded the motion, which passed
Chairman Gruver polled the Commission with regard to which
issues should be reconsidered. The consensus was to
reco.nsider approval of the two long-term trailers for the
manager and watchman on-site, and to reconsider the issue of
parking for the site.
Ron Shepard, 219 West Ninth, stated that the manager/watchman
units have not been lived in the past. Staff works from 3:30
A.M. until 11: 30 P.M. The trailers are used for taking
breaks, changing clothes, etc., during that time. One trailer
has already been removed from the site, and the remaining
June 26, 1991
Page 2
trailer will be moved tomorrow.
In response to a question from the Commission, Mr. Shepard
stated that boat trailer parking is provided on a one-half
mile str ip of property leased by Mr. Shepard. Parking
occasionally occurs on-site adjacent to the T-Bird building in
a manner that does not block driveways.
Bob Philpott moved to amend the previous approval of the T-
Bird Conditional Use Permit by chanqinq Condition A to read
lithe total number of spaces provided may not exceed 12"; to
clarify Condition E statinq that "RV spaces shall be for
overniqht parkinq only with a maximum of three niqhts per
stay"; and to add the phrase "and/or power" to Condition F.
Bill ADabel seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
With the noted changes, final conditions are listed as
A. The total number of spaces provided tie may not exceed
12, with ORC of those Bp~OCO for tho e~Rcr aHa ORC for a
Spaces shall be numbered and wheel stops be provided to
assure the safety of potential users.
C. One 2A10BC dry chemical fire extinguisher shall be
provided in a location accessible to all tenants and
properly identified. If the extinguisher is not located
in a visible location, adequate signage shall be
provided, indicating location.
D. Restroom facilities of the Thunderbird Boathouse shall be
made available to campers and so identified.
E. RV spaces shall be for overnight RV parking only, with a
maximum of three nights per stay.
F. The applicants shall not provide water and/or power to
the RVs and the rules shall expressly state such
prohibition of water usage and prohibition of used water
(grey water) discharged on the site.
G. A copy of the Park rules shall be provided to the
Planning Department.
A rack shall be provided which contains the City
ordinance or city instruction that no recreational
vehicle parking be permitted outside the authorized area.
I. The parking area shall be paved or an equivalent surface
acceptable to the Public Works Department. Public Works
has determined that the placement of clean gravel on an
June 26, 1991
Page 3
annual basis is an appropriate equivalent surface.
J. No RVs shall be parked overnight outside of the
designated area.
CAMMACK. Southwest corner of Vine and Second Streets:
Public hearing for reconsideration of a request to allow
the retail sale of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies
in the OCt Office Commercial District.
Mr. Jimerson presented the Department Report. R. G.
Linkletter, 1324 East First Streett representing the
applicant, noted that site drainage plans have been submitted
to the Building Division of Public Works Department; he did
not think the requirement for a fence posed a problem; and
that provisions have been made for down-mounted lighting, with
the exception of some up-mounted lighting which will be facing
the structure. He noted that lighting will be set to
automatically dim after business hours. Storage of the oxygen
tanks will be within the building. Mr. Linkletter was of the
understanding that the allowable signage is a maximum of 100
square feet. Staff responded that the Office Commercial
District, in which the project is situated, only allows 50
square feet total signage.
Roger Catts moved to modify Condition E to read "the six-foot
height visual screen may be either a solid fence with low
shrubbery landscape or a solid evergreen visual screen". The
motion died due to lack of a second.
cindy souders moved to approve the conditional use permit
citing the following conditions, findings and conclusions.
Bill Anabel seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
A. A lighting plan must be submitted to the Public Works
Department. All outdoor lighting shall be down-mounted
so as to prevent reflection upon the adjacent residential
B. A drainage plan shall be submitted to Public Works
Department for approval.
c. No plantings over 30" taIlor other obstructions in the
visibility triangle are allowed at points of egress.
Details as to how the storage area on the south side of
the building will be screened shall be submitted to the
Planning Department for review and approval.
E. A six-foot high visual screen consisting of either a
solid fence or evergreen shrubbery shall be located along
June 26, 1991
Page 4
the western property line. Details shall be submitted to
the Planning and Public Works Departments for review and
All development standards of the Office Commercial Zoning
District shall be complied with.
1. The Port Angeles Zoning Code requires that prior to
acting on a Conditional Use Permit, the Planning
Commission must hold a duly advertised public hearing.
2. Public notice, as required by the Port Angeles Zoning
Code, has been given.
3. The Port Angeles zoning Code states that the planning
Commission shall consider all applications for
Conditional Use Permits and may grant said permits for
such uses as by the Zoning Regulations are required to be
reviewed and which can be permitted only upon granting of
a Conditional Use Permit.
The Zoning Code states that the purpose of the
Conditional Use Permit shall be to assure that the
maximum degree of compatibility between uses shall be
5. The proposal is to construct an 8,192 square-foot
pharmacy building on five standard Townsite lots
described as Lots 1 through 5, Block 57, of C. C.
Leighton's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 24, as recorded in
Volume 1 of Plats, Page 94.
6. The subject property is zoned Office Commercial, which
allows "businesses selling medical supplies, goods,
instruments, medicine, and similar items" with a
Conditional Use Permit obtained from the Planning
Commission and City Council.
7. Chapter 17.23 of the Port Angeles Zoning Code identifies
various development standards that structures locating
within the Office Commercial zoning district must meet.
These standards include height, lot coverage, lighting,
signage, and landscaping.
8. In addi tion to ordinance development standards, five
conditions of approval have been identified to minimize
impact on adjacent properties.
A. The proposed activity can be permitted through the
granting of a Conditional Use Permit.
June 26, 1991
Page 5
The proposal is consistent with the tests for issuance of
a Conditional Use Permit, as found in Article XI, section
5 of the Port Angeles zoning Code.
C. Procedural requirements relating to public notice and
public hearing have been accomplished.
D. The development standards of the Office Commercial Zoning
District are adequate to ensure the proposed use is
compatible with the surrounding area.
Bill Anabel seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
between Front and First Streets. east of Lincoln to
Chase Street: Mixed residential/commercial planned
residential development in the Central Business and
Arterial Commercial Districts.
John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. Brad Collins
noted that the Planning Department had received letters from
Mr. Clark, Dr. Jim Mantooth and Mrs. Robbie Mantooth. Mr.
Collins reviewed the general content of the letters to the
Planning Commission. Mr. Clark's letter opposed approval of
the PRO, and the Mantooths' letters favored the PRO.
Tim Haley, 113 South Valley, representing the applicant,
pointed out that the project has already seen some delays in
the approval process, and his hope was that the Commission
could come to a decision following the evening's hearing. Dr.
McNutt, developer of the site, was introduced to the
Commission. Mr. Haley provided a history of the hill site
including the sluicing of First and Front streets which
contributed to the creation of the bluff. A site plan and
existing land use exhibit was presented as well as three
models of the proposed development, one each for the La
Montana and La Frontera developments and one containing all
buildings within approximately 300 feet of the site. The
architecture and design of the six-story condominiums of La
Frontera was reviewed. Mr. Haley pointed out that the PRD
Ordinance is designed to provide flexibility in design
alternatives to allow creativity in the development process.
He noted that the zoning requirements for mixed use have been
meti however, the specific development standards of the
commercial development which require frontage along First and
Front streets have not been met. It is their belief that
concentration of commercial development on one side would be
more appropriate. There is not a substantial amount of
tourist-oriented retail in the immediate vicinity, and
therefore the requirement for commercial space at La Frontera
may not be appropriate.. The proposed grading for the site
was addressed, noting that the Lincoln Terrace redesign
eliminates the need for retaining walls. He stated that as
June 26, 1991
Page 6
part of the project, they will regrade the adjacent site to
the west. Views are essential to the success of the project.
Regrading and rework of the site will open up views for the
adjacent structure to the east. Mr. Haley said the La
Frontera site would be developed first, followed by the
Lincoln Terrace commercial building.
In response to a question from the Commission, Mr. Haley
pointed out that walls on the Front street elevation are
designed to screen the automobile parking area from street
view. He added that the intent is to screen the parking area
from the condominiums above through use of a trellis structure
covered with vegetation.
The Commission took a break at 8:50 P.M. Meeting reconvened
at 9:00 P.M.
Beth Backus, 222 East Front street, stated that she has lived
on the hill for thirteen years, until last Saturday when she
moved. She had observed eagles, kingfishers and heron on the
site during that thirteen year period. The potential for
slides is a concern, as water is seeping down Chase street
from the site. Her view has already been blocked by the La
Montana development, and the view would be blocked to the west
by the La Frontera development. She expressed concern that
supplies for the construction of La Montana were not purchased
locally, and that local business owners would not do business
wi th the architect. Who will pay for the slide which occurred
in the area in the last week? She concluded that many
problems have been caused by the development already.
Jim Hulett asked staff what caused the recent slide on the
site. Ken Ridout responded that it is believed to have been
caused by a leaking underground drainage pipe that is located
between the existing duplex and the La Montana development.
He was unaware of any studies or information indicating
springs on the hill.
Cindy Souders asked if the removal of the vegetation from the
hill had contributed to the slide. Mr. Ridout answered that
disturbance of the soil by vegetation removal may have
aggravated the situation. Mr. Collins noted that the proposal
is to remove the remaining alder trees that are hanging on the
edge of the slope. Changing wind patterns, as a result of the
development, may cause an uprooting of the remaining trees.
A (unidentified) resident of the 300 of Block of East Tenth
Street, offered a number of objections which included: the
proj ect would block the views from her home i the building
would be the first site seen while approaching from the ferry,
and she did not believe this is an appropriate landmark for
the City of Port Angeles; Port Angeles does not need
additional housing; birds occasionally using the site would be
disturbed; and water is draining from an unidentified source.
June 26, 1991
Page 7
John Doherty, 212 East Fifth, representing James Morse, owner
of the adjacent property to the east, expressed concern over
the geotechnical study. He noted that his client owns the
adjacent house, a vacant lot and Morse Court Apartments to the
east which could possibly be endangered by grading on the
site. He pointed out concerns regarding construction material
storage, construction parking, neighborhood disruption from
construction vehicle movement / sufficiency of parking provided
for the development and blockage of views due to the size of
the building. He added that his client questioned whether the
project meets the values of the Port Angeles community and
whether the project makes appropriate use of the PRD Ordinance
provisions. In the court case of Merkel vs. Brownsville it
was found that an environmental impact statement may be
required rather than a series of Determinations of Non-
Chairman Gruver asked Planning Director Collins to respond to
the issue of Merkel vs. Brownsville. Mr. Collins explained
the environmental review process conducted for the project and
the mitigation measures attached to the project which include
a requirement for a geotechnical report to be prepared and
mitigation occurring through the conditions of approval of the
PRO. He stated he thought the concern of Merkel vs.
Brownsville was to ensure that the cumulative impacts of
several actions are taken into consideration. When the DNS
was issued for the PRO project, it was issued with the total
project in mind.
Harlan McNutt, 231 East First street, explained that the water
leading to the slide came from a footing drain that was placed
in the building many years ago during construction, perhaps as
early as 1909. He stated that there is some water on Chase
street, which may be from a spring. The adjacent house to the
east contains about 1200 square feet of floor area and is
constructed tight to the alley and west lot line. If the
house were to be reconstructed closer to the center of the
lot, to the north and east, better views would be obtained.
The proposed proj ect will meet Parking Ordinance requirements.
All parking will be provided at street level. No traffic will
occur on the alley as a result of this development. A slide
into the City parking lot occurred because of earlier cuts
into the bank. The project will forever end slides on the
Patsy Blanchard, 236 East Front street, #18, Morse Court
Apartments, was concerned over the loss of vegetation and
places for birds to perch. Other concerns included the
stability of the buildings, availability of parking on the
commercial site and parking for the construction workers. She
has experienced difficulty in leaving her property due to
blockage caused by construction vehicles. She also expressed
concern over the safety of pedestrians, especially children,
in the alley during construction.
June 26, 1991
Page 8
Tim Haley, 113 South Valley, stated there is no eagle's nest
on the site, but there may be a perch on-site. He noted the
tree in which the eagle's perch may be located is on the edge
of the bluff and subject to slide. The landscape plan calls
for cedar trees at a nearby location which would provide a
perch in a more stable location. La Frontera contains 15
units, and will not generate high levels of traffic. The
proposed access to Lincoln street via the alley would provide
an additional access to the development which will mitigate
potential congestion. provision of new housing, albeit higher
income housing, will help to ease the tight housing market.
The intent in the design is to open up views to the south for
the remaining house that will remain on the hill through the
grading and removal of existing vegetation. The geotechnical
study will ensure that any concerns over the stability of the
hillside development are adequately addressed. La Frontera
will provide 39 parking spaces, exceeding the Ordinance
requirement for the project by 9 spaces. To address concerns
expressed over construction impacts on the neighborhood,
requirements to park in designated areas could be dictated in
the development specifications to contractors and their
Jim Hulett inquired as to where the excess soil would be
placed. Mr. Haley answered that several alternatives are
being reviewed, including filling of a log pond at the K-Ply
mill site.
In response to further questions, Mr. Haley answered that the
top of the bluff is approximately 110 feet above sea level, La
Frontera building is 155 feet above sea level, and the Elks
building is slightly higher still. He added that the intent
of the building is to create a landmark for Port Angeles. The
potential to use city parking lots for some of the
construction related vehicles is being considered. A survey
of City parking lots indicated there is an average vacancy of
50%. Construction materials could be stored at the Lincoln
Terrace site.
Beth Backus pointed out the tree in which the eagle has been
sighted on the site plan and invited the Planning Commission
to look at the view that exists from her house.
Patsy Blanchard asked if soil samples can be taken prior to
excavation or does excavation have to occur before the
geotechnical study is prepared, and also inquired as to the
ingress/egress for trucks removing the soil. She asked if
there is a potential that the heavy loads will damage the
roads and affect traffic flow.
Ken Ridout responded that the geotechnical study is primarily
to determine the type of foundation which would be required
for the building. He was not sure if the study could occur
before excavation begins.
June 26, 1991
Page 9
Tim Haley explained the process of how the site would be
graded. He estimated that approximately 25,000 cubic yards of
soil would be removed taking approximately three weeks.
Alexis Sorenson, 1217 East Second Street, noted that there are
substantially larger buildings in Victoria which can been seen
from the water and which are quite attractive. Her feeling is
that the proposed development would be an attractive addition
and would beautify Downtown Port Angeles.
Loren Clifford did not find the project attractive, and would
rather the area remain as it is at present.
There being no further public testimony, Chairman Gruver
closed the public hearing at 10:15 P.M.
Bob Philpott moved to continue discussion of the proposal to
the July 10th meeting, direct staff to prepare a
recommendation with conditions, findings and conclusions for
the planned residential development proposal. Jim Hulett
seconded the motion. The Commission discussed whether there
was specific direction which should be given to staff and the
applicant. After some discussion, the Commission concluded
that the issue of underground water would be addressed as part
of the geotechnical study, that common open space is a
concern, and the applicant was directed to provide significant
detail in the landscape site plan to show how the space is
both common and open for all residents of the project.
Consensus was reached that the building height is of no real
concern; traffic would not be a substantial problem; and that
there will be no additional commercial development required
for La Frontera. with this direction, the Planning Commission
voted on the motion before them, which passed unanimously.
(~~~ o-j .3 jcP-J? /91)
Brad Collins presented a 10-year urban growth line alternative
which could be reviewed by the City Council on July 2, 1991.
He pointed out that a 10-year interim line is desirable and
that State law neither requires nor precludes creation of a
10-year line. Chairman Gruver commented that it would help to
set priorities for infrastructure improvements and to direct
development to those areas where development should occur
first. In doing so, premature decisions regarding new
development could be avoided if the growth of Port Angeles is
slower than expected. It was also noted that with growth
management, the Planning Commission will be facing heavy
schedules throughout the summer' in order to meet the deadlines
mandated by the State.
June 26, 1991
Page 10
Mr. Catts informed the Commission that the Planning Department
has contracted with John Mauk, Environmental consultant, to
provide classification for critical areas as required by the
Growth Management Act. A booth was requested for the Clallam
County Fair in order to provide information to the public
concerning Growth Management activities.
Jim Hulett asked staff to investigate the RV parking situation
that occurs at the Eagles Lodge. He also noted that there is
an old construction trailer with supplies stored at the rear
at 1705 West Twelfth Street. He asked staff to investigate
the number of cars parked with "For Sale" signs on them at the
Pay and Save parking lot. Additionally, he wondered whether
the issue of regulation of home day cares should be reviewed
by the Planning Commission. Mr. Collins answered that the
Planning Commission will be asked to make an interpretation on
day care regulation at the July 10th meeting.
Ray Gruver offered to coordinate vacation times with the
Planning Commissioners in order to assure quorums at meetings
throughout the summer months. Ray also expressed appreciation
to those Commissioners (Catts, Anabel and Souders) who perform
double duty by serving on the Growth Management Advisory
Committee as well as its subcommittees.
Bob Philpott said he understood that the wetland definitions
have been relaxed in the critical areas regulations.
There being no further business,
the meeting at 11:30 P.M.
which passed unanimously.
lins, Secretary
Attendance Roster
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