HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/27/2001
321 East Fifth Street
June 27, 2001
7 p.m.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting ofJune 13, 2001.
REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 01-03 - REETZ. 835 East Second Street: Request
for a rezone of7,OOO square feet of property from RHD, Residential High Density, to
CO, Commercial Office. (Discussion on findings and conclusions in support of rezone
proposal continued from June 13, 2001.)
1. Proposal to alter buffer around Airport
2. Review and Report on 2001 Capital Facilities Projects
PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Linda Nutter (Chair), Chuek Schramm (Vice). Frcd 1.lewins, Fred Norton. Bob Philpot[, Mary Craver. Rick Porter
PLANNING STAFF: Brad Collins. Planning Director; Debra Barnes, Associate Planner; Sue Roberds, Planning Specialist.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
June 27, 2001
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Fred Norton, Linda Nutter, Fred Hewins, Chuck Schramm,
Rick Porter
Members Excused:
Bob Philpott, Mary Craver
Staff Present:
Debra Barnes, Jim Mahlum
Public Present:
Mike Reetz, Susan Bauer, Ray Chapman, Larry Temres
Commissioner Norton moved to approve the June 13,2001, meeting minutes as presented. The
motion was seconded by Commissioner Porter and passed 5-0.
REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 01-03 - REETZ. 835 East Second Street: Request
for a rezone of 7,000 square feet of property from RHD, Residential High Density, to
CO, Commercial Office.
Chair Nutter reopened the public meeting. Staff provided a brief overview of the revised findings and
conclusions in support of approval of REZO 1-03 as directed by the Planning Commission at the June
13, 200 I meeting. There being no questions, Commissioner Hewins moved to fonvard a
recommendation of approval of REZ 01-03 to the City Council based on the revised findings and
conclusions as follows:
1. The 2001 rezone is proposed by Mike Reetz/Church of the Nazarene for a change in the zoning
designation from Residential, High Density (RHD) to Commercia] Office (CO) for one lot being
Lot 18, Block 24, Norman R. Smith subdivision which is located at the northwest comer of
Race and Second Streets.
The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Commercial (along with other properties north
of Second Street) and is at the margin of the Medium Density Residential designation (south
of Second Street). A number of policies have been identified as being most relevant to the
proposal including Land Use General Comments, Policies Al and 2, Objective AI, Policies DI,
E2, E5 and E6, Transportation Policies A3, B3, B7, and B14, and Objectives B] and B4.
3. The proposal would not compromise the Comprehensive Plan and the Transportation Services
and Facilities Plan, adopted in October 1996, which depicts a modified route (IIIB) which
Planning Commission Minl/les
June 27, 2001
Page 2
includes the FrontlFirst east of Race Street, Race Street south to near Porter Street continuing
in stages east across White's, Ennis, Lee's and Morse Creek paralleling the BP A power line and
rejoining SR 101 east of Deer Park Road, and also Lauridsen Boulevard west to SR 101 and the
Truck Route. By limiting the zone to Commercial, Office, the intensity of the uses would be
less than that allowed in Commercial, Arterial. By limiting the driveway access location, the
effects of the proposal onto traffic mobility on Race Street is also limited.
The proposal would not significantly expand the commercial zoning designation along the
planned crosstown truck route contiguous to the commercially zoned properties north of the
First/Second alley and would be the first such property zoned commercial south of the
First/Second alley along Race Street and north of Sixth Street. By limiting the zone to
Commercial, Office, the intensity of the uses would be less than that allowed in Commercial,
Arterial. By limiting the driveway access location, the effects of the proposal onto traffic
mobility on Race Street is also limited.
The properties between Front and Fourth Streets along Race Street have mostly commercial or
public parks and recreation uses with residential uses near the Second Street intersection.
Changing the zoning on the subject property to Commercial, Office should not result in a strip
pattern of commercial zoning in this area as the subject property is in the middle of a mixed use
The current commercial zoning pattern along the Front/First Corridor which extends north and
south to the next alley places some limitations onto existing or new commercial developments
that may need a larger area in order to expand their businesses.
7. Development on Second Street consists of mostly single family residential east of Eunice Street
and may be affected by the proposal. However, nearby parks, church facilities and commercial
uses have already altered traffic patterns on Second Street.
8. The properties to the east and west are developed with single or multi-family residences, and
also zoned RHD. The properties to the north are zoned Commercial, Arterial and are occupied
with commercial uses. The properties to the south are zoned RS7 and are occupied by a church
complex. Diagonally across Race Street exists vacant commercial structure at FirstJRace and
also the Civic Field complex at Second/Race.
9. The subject site is occupied by a single family dwelling and is generally flat. To the east and
west of the proposal are RHD zoned properties occupied by residential uses. To the north are
commercial zoned properties and commercial uses. To the south is residential zoned land
occupied by a church complex.
The most recent land use analysis in Port Angeles was summarized in the Community Profile
Section of the Comprehensive Plan. This section states that there are 12 acres of buildable areas
zoned high density residential multi-family lands, as compared to 491 acres of buildable areas
zoned low density residential. The low density residential zoning designations comprises
approximately 46% of the total land base within the City limits, as compared to 4% of the high
density residential. Commercial lands comprise 7% of the land base.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 27,2001
Page 3
The Clallam County Housing Needs Assessment (1999) indicated that there were 1,878 multi-
family rental units in 1998. According to the Washington State Office of Financial
Management, the City's April 2000, official population estimates were based on 78% single
family and 22% multi-family housing units with a declining household size. The trend in single
family and multi-family housing percentages in other communities also indicates increasing
needs for multi-family zoned land. There have been minimal changes in the City's development
in the second half of the decade of the 1990's. Multi-family uses are allowed in the
Commercial, Office zone by conditional use permit approval.
12. Race Street is designated as an arterial and in the Comprehensive Plan as part of the crosstown
truck route. Second Street is a local access street.
13. The SEPA Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non significance on May 21,2001
in accordance with PAMC 15.04, WAC 197-1] and RCW 43.21C.
] 4. The City's action on Zoning Map Amendment REZ 01-03 is consistent with the established
procedures for amending the Zoning Code set forth in Section 17.96.100, Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
] 5.
City Departments commented on the application. The Public Works Department noted that the
existing driveway approach onto Race Street will not be approved for a new use. The Building
Division noted that the structure would need to be brought up to ADA requirements for a new
commercial occupancy.
]6. No written public comments were received. Public notice was provided in accordance with
PAMC ]7.96.070.
Conc1 usions:
A. Rezone 01-03 is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and policies,
specifically Land Use Element Goal B, C and E, Policies CI-C4, E2, E5 and E6, and
Transportation Element Goal B, Policies B2, B3, B6, B7 and Objective B 1.
B. REZ 01-03 would not increase the area designated for commercial development along the future
crosstown truck route.
C. The City's action on Zoning Map Amendment REZ 01-03 is consistent with the established
procedures for amending the Zoning Code set forth in Section 17.96.1 00, Port Angeles
Municipal Code as the proposal is consistent with several adopted policies of the
Comprehensive Plan.
Rezone 01-03 is in the public use and interest and would not decrease multi-family housing
supply and would allow for new businesses to locate in an area designated for commercial use
by the Comprehensive Plan.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 27,2001
Page 4
Commissioner Porter seconded the motion. There being no further discussion, the vote was
called for and the motion passed 4-1 with Chair Nutter voting against. Chair Nutter commented
that her negative vote was due to potential impacts to traffic mobility on the proposed crosstown truck
Staff provided the staff report and summarized the request by the Port of Port Angeles
to remove trees in a certain portion of the buffer at the Airport Industrial Park due to
complaints by adjoining neighbors. Several questions were raised by the
Commissioners, including whether or not there was documentation on the complaints,
exactly which trees were to be removed, enforcement of tree planting promised as
mitigation for previous pennit approvals, comments by a professional forester on tree
planting and removal, alternatives to planting evergreens which may eventually result
in a future management problems, whether or not the trees will be marketed, and
whether or not any public notice on the proposal was made. The questions were
answered by City staff and Susan Bauer, representative of the Port of Port Angeles. The
Commission stated that the above infonnation is required in order for a decision to be
made on the request.
In general, the Commission as a whole determined that the need for tree removal was
not demonstrated. Commissioner Schramm moved to deny the request for tree
removal in buffer by the Port of Port Angeles. Commissioner Norton seconded the
motion which passed 5-0. The Commission stated that they will retain authority of
this issue and not defer buffer alteration requests to staff. They also noted that staff
shall enforce previous permit conditions and provide public notice should such requests
arise in the future.
· Review of Draft CFP. Staff provided a brief overview of the materials provided in the
packet. Discussion followed.
. An invitation to a training session hosted by the City of Sequim was distributed.
Commissioners Porter, Norton, Hewins and Schramm noted that they will tentatively
attend this session. Chair Nutter stated that she would not attend.
Discussion on whether or not the downtown presentation could be held on July 11 th was
discussed. Otherwise, the Commission agreed to begin the July 25th meeting at 6:30 to
allow for the downtown presentation and public hearings that have been scheduled. If
July 11 th could not be scheduled, because there are no other items for that meeting date,
the meeting can be canceled.
Staff noted that the demolition pennit for Jefferson school was currently being
Planning Commission Minutes
June 27. 2001
Page 5
Commissioner Schramm noted his concern that access to the waterfront trail from Francis Street
was blocked due to the construction. He added that discussion during the shoreline permit review
included that the applicant stated that temporary access would be provided. Staff noted that this
requirement was not listed as a condition. Staff stated that the latest layout of the park will be provided
in the next packet. Commissioner Nutter noted that she attended a training session hosted by the new
Fanner's Market last week which was very infonnative.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
~Uo' J
Brad Collins, Secretary
ncla Nutter, hair
Meeting Agenda Of"t:;- 0 7 C2CO /
PLEASE NOTE: iEyou plan to testify, by signature below, y . certify that the :estimony
given is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington.
Si1!nature below DOES NOT REQUIRE you to testify - it only acknowledges your presence.
NAME: ADDRESS: Agenda Item No.
_<;U,SQ.VI gf) II p f;> ~. o.fl. t--'Gce.T I+NcoeL~ s:.
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f A 11'1,...,1 7", Iv! "",t? s )39 l~ ~A4d" ~ &I 1:4.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
June 27, 2001
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Fred Norton, Linda Nutter, Fred Hewins, Chuck Schramm,
Rick Porter
Members Excused:
Bob Philpott, Mary Craver
Staff Present:
Debra Barnes, Jim Mahlum
Public Present:
Mike Reetz, Susan Bauer, Ray Chapman, Larry Temres
Commissioner Norton moved to approve the June 13, 2001, meeting minutes as presented. The
motion was seconded by Commissioner Porter and passed 5-0.
REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 01-03 - REETZ. 835 East Second Street: Request
for a rezone of7,000 square feet of property from RHD) Residential High Density, to
CO, Commercial Office.
Chair Nutter reopened the public meeting. Staff provided a brief overview of the revised findings and
conclusions in support of approval ofREZOI-03 as directed by the Planning Commission at the June
13, 2001 meeting. There being no questions, Commissioner Hewins moved to forward a
recommendation of approval ofREZ 01-03 to the City Council based on the revised fmdings and
conclusions as follows:
1. The 2001 rezone is proposed by Mike Reetz/Church of the Nazarene for a change in the zoning
designation from Residential, High Density (RHD) to Commercia] Office (CO) for one lot
being Lot 18. Block 24, Norman R. Smith subdivision which is located at the northwest comer
of Race and Second Streets.
The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Commercial (along with other properties north
of Second Street) and is at the margin of the Medium Density Residential designation (south
of Second Street). A number of policies have been identified as being most relevant to the
proposal including Land Use General Comments) Policies Al and 2, Objective AI) Policies Dl,
E2) ES and E6, Transportation Policies A3) B3, B7, and B14, and Objectives Bl and B4.
3. The proposal would not compromise the Comprehensive Plan and the Transportation Services
and Facilities Plan, adopted in October 1996) which depicts a modified route (UIB) which
Planning Commission Minutes
June 27. 2001
Page 2
includes the Front/First east of Race Street, Race Street south to near Porter Street continuing
in stages east across White's, Ennis, Lee's and Morse Creek paralleling the BP A power line and
rejoining SR 101 east of Deer Park Road, and also Lauridsen Boulevard west to SR 1 Oland the
Truck Route. By limiting the zone to Commercial, Office, the intensity of the uses would be
less than that allowed in Commercial, Arterial. By limiting the driveway access location, the
effects of the proposal onto traffic mobility on Race Street is also limited.
The proposal would not significantly expand the commercial zoning designation along the
planned crosstown truck route contiguous to the commercially zoned properties north of the
First/Second alley and would be the first such property zoned commercial south of the
First/Second alley along Race Street and north of Sixth Street. By limiting the zone to
Commercial, Office, the intensity of the uses would be less than that allowed in Commercial,
Arterial. By limiting the driveway access location, the effects of the proposal onto traffic
mobility on Race Street is also limited.
The properties between Front and Fourth Streets along Race Street have mostly commercial or
public parks and recreation uses with residential uses near the Second Street intersection.
Changing the zoning on the subject property to Commercial, Office should not result in a strip
pattern of commercial zoning in this area as the subject property is in the middle of a mixed use
The current commercial zoning pattern along the Front/First Corridor which extends north and
south to the next alley places some limitations onto existing or new commercia] developments
that may need a larger area in order to expand their businesses.
7. Development on Second Street consists of mostly single family residential east of Eunice Street
and may be affected by the proposal. However, nearby parks, church facilities and commercial
uses have already altered traffic patterns on Second Street.
8. The properties to the east and west are developed with single or multi-family residences, and
also zoned RHD. The properties to the north are zoned Commercial, Arterial and are occupied
with commercial uses. The properties to the south are zoned RS 7 and are occupied by a church
complex. Diagonally across Race Street exists vacant commercial structure at First/Race and
also the Civic field complex at SecondlRace.
9. The subject site is occupied by a single family dwelling and is generally flat. To the east and
west of the proposal are RHD zoned properties occupied by residential uses. To the north are
commercial zoned properties and commercia] uses. To the south is residential zoned land
occupied by a church complex.
The most recent land use analysis in Port Angeles was summarized in the Community Profile
Section ofthe Comprehensive Plan. This section states that there are 12 acres of buildable areas
zoned high density residential multi-family lands, as compared to 491 acres of buildable areas
zoned low density residential. The low density residential zoning designations comprises
approximately 46% ofthe total land base within the City limits, as compared to 4% of the high
density residential. Commercia] lands comprise 7% of the land base.
Planning Commission Minutes
Jrll1e 27.2001
Page 3
The Clallam County Housing Needs Assessment (1999) indicated that there were 1,878 multi-
family rental units in 1998. According to the Washington State Office of Financial
Management, the City's April 2000, official population estimates were based on 78% single
family and 22% multi-family housing units with a declining household size. The trend in single
family and multi-family housing percentages in other communities also indicates increasing
needs for multi-family zoned land. There have been minimal changes in the City's development
in the second half of the decade of the 1990's. Multi-family uses are allowed in the
Commercial, Office zone by conditional use pennit approval.
12. Race Street is designated as an arterial and in the Comprehensive Plan as part ofthe crosstown
truck route. Second Street is a local access street.
13. The SEP A Responsible Official issued a Detennination of Non significance on May 21,2001
in accordance with PAMC 15.04, WAC 197-11 and RCW 43.21C.
14. The City's action on Zoning Map Amendment REZ 01-03 is consistent with the established
procedures for amending the Zoning Code set forth in Section 17.96.100, Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
City Departments commented on the application. The Public Works Department noted that the
existing driveway approach onto Race Street will not be approved for a new use. The Building
Division noted that the structure would need to be brought up to ADA requirements for a new
commercial occupancy.
16. No written public comments were received. Public notice was provided in accordance with
P AMC 17.96.070.
A. Rezone 01-03 is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and policies,
specifically Land Use E]ement Goal B, C and E, Policies C1-C4, E2, E5 and E6, and
Transportation Element Goal B, Policies B2, B3, B6, B7 and Objective B1.
B. REZ 01-03 would not increase the area designated for commercial development along the future
crosstown truck. RVltJf.,~
C. The City's action on Zoning Map Amendment REZ 01-03 is consistent with the established
procedures for amending the Zoning Code set forth in Section 17.96.100, Port Angeles
Municipal Code as the proposal is consistent with several adopted policies of the
Comprehensive Plan.
Rezone 01-03 is in the public use and interest and would not decrease multi-family housing
supply and would allow for new businesses to locateltn an area designated for commercial use
by the Comprehensive Plan. I' ~
Planning Commission Minutes
June 17, 2001
Page 4
Commissioner Porter seconded the motion. There being no further discussion, the vote was
called for and the motion passed 4-1 with Chair Nutter voting against. Chair Nutter commented
that her negative vote was due to potential impacts to traffic mobility on the proposed crosstown truck
Staff provided the staff report and summarized the request by the Port of Port Angeles
to remove trees in a certain portion of the buffer at the Airport Industrial Park due to
complaints by adjoining neighbors. Several questions were raised by the
Commissioners, including whether or not there was documentation on the complaints,
exactly which trees were to be removed, enforcement of tree planting promised as
mitigation for previous permit approvals, comments by a professional forester on tree
planting and removal, alternatives to planting evergreens which may eventually result
in a future management problems, whether or not the trees will be marketed, and
whether or not any public notice on the proposal was made. The questions were
answered by City staff and Susan Bauer; representative of the Port of Port Angeles. The
Commission stated that the above information is required in order for a decision to be
made on the request.
In general, the Commission as a whole determined that the need for tree removal was
not demonstrated. Commissioner Schramm moved to deny the request for tree removal
in buffer by the Port of Port Angeles. Commissioner Norton seconded the motion
which passed 5-0. The Commission stated that they will retain authority ofthis issue
and not defer buffer alteration requests to staff. They also noted that staff shall enforce
previous permit conditions and provide public notice should such requests arise in the
. Review of Draft CFP. Staff provided a brief overview of the materials provided in the
packet. Discussion followed.
. An invitation to a training session hosted by the City of Sequim was distributed.
Commissioners Porter, Norton, Hewins and Schramm noted that they will tentatively
attend this session. Chair Nutter stated that she would not attend.
Discussion on whether or not the downtown presentation could be held on July 11 th was
discussed. Otherwise, the Commission agreed to begin the July 25th meeting at 6:30 to
allow for the downtown presentation and public hearings that have been scheduled. If
Ju]y 11 Ch could not be scheduled, because there are no other items for that meeting date,
the meeting can be canceled.
Planning Commission Minllles
June 17.2001
Page 5
Staff noted that the demolition permit for Jefferson school was currently being
Commissioner Schramm noted his concern that access to the waterfront trail from Francis Street
was blocked due to the construction. He added that discussion during the shoreline permit review
included that the applicant stated that temporary access would be provided. Staff noted that this
requirement was not listed as a condition. Staff stated that the latest layout of the park will be provided
in the next packet. Commissioner Nutter noted that she attended a training session hosted by the new
Fanner's Market last week which was very informative.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
L nda Nutter, Ch ir