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Minutes of Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting of July 1, 1969.
Present: Hunt, Anderson, Dilling, Hankins, Building Inspector Willson.
Absent: Driscoll, McHone, Treat.
Meeting was opened in the Municipal Chambers at 7:40 P.M. The minutes
of the previous meeting were approved as received.
Old Business - Mr. Ron Farrintton, 719 East 7th, was in to discuss
the variance grantp.d him June 9, 1969. Circumstances have dictated
changes in the plans he originally had and his main concern was the.
driveway required to provide offstreet parking to compensate for the
parking he originally intended to convert to a patio. This conversion
will not take place and his parking provisions will remain as is.
Planning Commission members were of the opinion this would be satis-
factory and that the driveway requirement could be held in abeyance
until such time as the original plans were instituted. Mr. Farrington
was agreeable to this and the Planning Commission authorized the
Building Inspector to issue a building permit without regard to the
driveway requirement in the variance.
New Business - Mr. Er,nest Candell had requested a variance from the
front yard setback requirements of an RS-7 zone to permit him to
construct a carport 18t from the front property line instead of the
25' required. This property lies between the bluff and west Fourth
Street in the 2100 block. After examining the plat plan and
discussing the situation with Mr. & Mrs Candell, the Planning Com-
mission voted to recommend approval of the request, since the to-
pography is such that the Candell's are seve~y restricted in the
use of the property.
Mr. J. Z. Miller Jr. had requested a variance from the rear
yard setback requirements of an RS-7 zone. The property involved
is a sloping lot in the 1300 block on east 7th Street. The plot
plan showed that Mr. Miller was making the fullest use of the
property and in order for him to comply with the rear yard setback
requirements, he would be obliged to drastically revise his plans
in addition to constructing considerable amount of retaining wall.
The Planning Commission felt that the proposed plan was more
desirable tha~ that involving a retaining wall and voted to
recommend approval of the variance as applied for.
Mr. Robert D. Chamberlin had requested a variance from
the setback requirements abutting an arterial street to permit the
retention of an ice dispensing machine on the northeasttcorner of
Front and Chambers Streets. Originally Mr. Chamberlin had received
approval for this occupancy in the RB zone. (5/6/69). However,
following installation of the faCility, complaints were received
by the City Manager, regarding the visibility at this intersection.
Mr. Chamberlin was then notified that the dispenser would have to
be moved back to meet the setback requirement of the arterial street
ordinance. Mr. Chamberlin's request for a variance followed. After
a lengthy discussion with Mr. Chamberlin, the Planning Commission
voted to recommend a variance to permit a 10 foot setback from the
north margin of Front instead of the required 35 feet. No setback
was required from the east margin of Chambers street. The conditions
of the 5/6/69 approval for this occupancy were re-affirmed (litter cans,
premises maintained in neat and orderly condition, offstreet parking
to be provided if the city1s experience shows it is required.)
Minutes - Planning Commission
July 1, 1969
page 2
Mr. Frank Morris Sr. had requested a variance from the city
zoning regulations to permit him to enlarge a pre-existing non-
conforming building at 1116 and 1118 East Front Street. The present
building is a duplex with insufficient sideyards or front yard set-
back in a CAD zone. Mr. Morris wants to add a 10' x 321 storage
shed to the south, or back, of the present building. The Planning
Commission members were of the opinion this would in no way alter
the present situation and voted to recommend the request be approved.
Other Business -
Dr. Fairshter was present to discuss the sign eretted for
the Flagstone Motel on the northwest corner of Front and Francis
Streets. He felt the Motel owner and sign company had tolated th~
conditions of the variance granted them (2/4/69) and~~hould there-
fore be removed. Dr. Fairshter was advised that the parties involved
had taken steps toward cleaning up the property, but were now being
delayed by the full work-load of the City Water Department. This
department will have to provide a new connection for a private
water service, which crosses this lot at such an elevation as to
preclude grading and maintenance. This is expected to be accomplished
in the next 10 days. The Planning Commission members were of the
opinion that the variance applicants are trying to comply with the
con6itions set forth but the number of parties and circumstances
involved have resulted in considerable lost time. The request by
Dr. Fairshter that the Planning Commission recommend to the City
Council it order the sign removed was ~b1ed. The Building Inspector
was asked to keep the Planning Commission members informed on
progress of this situation.
The City Sanitation Department had submitted a proposed lay-
out for a new garage to be located on the southwest corner of 4th
and Valley Streets. This area is zone M-l and requires Planning
Commission approval of any installation. After a discussion on
this site and the area in general, it was voted to recommend approval
of the Sanitation Departments request.
No further business was presented and the meeting adjourned at 8:40
P. M.
~JOAtt -7. ~J,~
Harry n, hai an
cording Secretary
MEMO: June 26, 1969
TO: Port Angeles Planning Commission
. RE: Meeting scheduled for July 1, 1969 e
Old Business - None
New Business -
Mr. Ernest Candell has requested a variance which would
permit construction of a carport closer to the street right-of-
way than permitted in an RS-7 zone. This property is Lot 1 of
Edgecliff Subdivision located adjacent to 2101 West 4th Street.
Mr. J. Z. Miller Jr. has requested a variance which
would permit construction of a new single family residence
closer to the rear property line than permitted in an RS-7 zone.
This request involves the property identified as the east 73'
of Lot 4 and the west 25' of Lot 5 Block G Cresthaven located on
the north side of east 7th Street immediately adjacent to 1329
East 7th Street.
Mr. Robert D. Chamberlin has requested a variance which
would permit relief of the setback requirements in an RB zone
to allow retention of an ice vending machine at its present
location on the northeast corner of Front and Chambers Streets.
Mr. Frank Morris Sr. has requested a variance which
would permit enlargement of a pre-existing non-conforming build-
ing in a CAD zone. The property is located at 1116 and 1118
East Front Street.
Council Action
At the meeting of June 19, 1969 the City Council took
the following action on business from the Planning Commission
meeting of June 17, 1969.
Mrs. Jeanne Hardman, request to install a mobile home
on 10th Street between llA" and "Bn - denied
Mr. I. W. Halvorson, 421 South Liberty,variance from
5th Street and Liberty Street setbacks - approved. .
Mr. Ron Farrington, 719 East 7th St., variance to en-
close pre-existing non-conforming carport - approved.
Mr. Richard L Brown, Port Angeles Distributing Co, set
Tuesday, June 24th for ioint meeting with Planning Commission
to discuss this request for'.a Condi tional Use permi t to enable
him to utilize the former PUD property on Oak Street and Motor
Ave. for a beer and wine distributors warehouse.
As of this date, I know of nothing else to come up at this
R. P. Willson, Recording Secretary