HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/06/1965
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Port Angeles Planning
Commission, July 6, 1965.
Members present were Anderson, DillingJ Driscoll, Hankins,
Hunt, McGee and Strange. Also present were Director at Public
Works John B. Warder and Buildin~Inspector Robert Willson.
Minutes of the previous meeting were re~d and approv~d.
First order of business was a hearing on the application
of Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Jacobs for a variance from the zoning
regulations which would permit the construction and maintenance
of a Nursing Home and related facilities in a First Residential
District. This request involve~ the property identified as
lots 11 thru 16 Block 16, lots 6 thru 10 Block 11, Puget Sound
Cooperative Colony 2nd Addition and vacated Lopez Street
adjacent lhereto, located ab Lopez and Vine Streets. Chairman
announced the property had been properly posted and that no
objections had been received. Chairman read a letter from the
Port Angeles Board of Realtors endorsin] and approving the
application and urging the granting of the request. During the
hearing two mAtters, one concerning sewers and the other water
were introduced, neither of which were applicable to the question
at hand, both persons raising these 'questions stated th~y had
no objection to the nursing homo. After discussion a motion
was unanimously passed recommending to the City Council the
application be approved.
Next hearing was on the application of Kenneth Evenstad
of 1125 East 2nd Street. Mr. Evenstad requests permission to
construct a 61 x 17' addition to an existing carport closer to
the property line than permitted in a First Residential Zone.
The application was accompanied by a letter from Mr. and Mrs.
evert Nyman, 'next door neighbors expressing approval of the
application. After a discussion with Mr. Evenstad wno assured
the Commission the carport was to be of the open style, a motion
was passed recommpnding to the City Council the application be
Next matter up for con5ider~tion was the application of
the PilQrlm Holiness Church requesting a variance f~m the zoning
regulations that would permit construction of an addition 10' x 38'
to their present church building located at Lopez dnd Eunice
Streets. The proposed addition would be closer to both Lopez and
Eunice streets than the zoning ordinance allows. After discussion
the application was tabl~d until further study could be made.
Chairman read a letter from A. W. Hendricks addressed to the
City Manager and referred to the Planning Commission by the City
Council. Mr. Hendricks request was for sanitary sewer connection
for his profterty located just outside the City in the vicinity of
18th and "C' streets, where he plans to construct Mobile Home sites.
July f),
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Hr Hen~ric"s wac:: l>n',;p.f1t (l"'d d",rinJ t:H! ji'"CI.1S'iion u" ',11:' ,...,lcrn,
He tluttt>!" of il'1r:exatioll or thr> ,\\"'<1 to tt.~, ..:u., ....'< ,r "i,.~.leJo
'fIr. He:1Ihicks WdS q lite fdvorablp ':.0 th.' rdQPoG..Il t., ,t',e -~t:d
should be r);\ 1 t of the City " n J ..l; f r '.;' d f" ., (> (' t ~ t t" . .. dIe r
to optrl"mlflt' thl} iHea th it should, t:: c{)!l:-:i1ja.(cJ : I,u t....'1I t u
contd,:t tt--P. rrope!tj (\wr.t)t~ with .; f.! ,lPfl('!l(,l-.io'l ~,r;'1I'<").~Jl..
A tJ~ncral discu3sion tollO\'-Icd with t!"\c mel'tinj adi)utl.ifl)
at 8:45 n.M.
Rt::Sp.qctfdly f>uonitted,
fr~d c. Strange, Chnir~an
HUJr. ,ttlnkins, :pct"':tilry