HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/07/1964
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Port Angeles Planning Commission
July 7th, 1964e
Members present were Anderson, Driscolli Huntp McGee Bnd Strange. Also
present were ~irectar of Public Works John Bo Nurder and Water Supto
Paul Reede
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved~
First orier of business was B hearing on the application of Clayton W~,
Rennie, 401 East Vista, for a variance from the zoning ordinanceo The
re~uest is for nermission to build a carport within ten feet of his south
propp.rty line instead of the usual twenty-five feet requiredo Due to the
fact this is view property, all homes facing the north instead of the
street, it wa~ determined no interference with others would arisee A
was unanimo lsly passed recomme.nding to the city Council the application
be approved..
Next was the hefTing on three apolicatlons for variances from the zoning
reeu.lF.ltion t') allow retontion of Mobile Homes already established"
Apr lications were from J. Harvey Wa1ter~ 1107 Ea:lt 6th; Douglas Eacrett
1115 Nest 17th; and Ho Lo Pearson 123 Dolan AVenue", Chairman reported
all tnree of these locations had been properly posted by Hobert Hillson,
Building Inspectori and t hat no objections had been recetvede Inasmuch
as all three anolicents were present,\l each appllcati.on wes read and the
individual Questioned to determine the amount of hardship that would accrue
in the event the application was deniedo Various replies were ~iven to
questions from members of the Plrnning Commissione It was finally
~eter~ined to defer action on these applications until further study could
be made, especially on policy for future guidancec
Mro John U. Wrip,htp Engineer~ submitted a revised plat showing a proposed
re-platt of an area in the vicinity between 4th and 6th Streets and Evens
end UN" StreetsQ on property owned by Douglas Bakero The new plat involves
cons; derable more oroperty .tllan the one previously submi tted~ it oalls
for the vacation o~ a portion of the westerly end of 4th street end the
northerly end of "N" Streeto These streets to be replaced by dedicated
streets In the proposed re-platto There was considerable discussion
concerning the irregular shape of aome of the lotsi but Mro Wright
contended that after several attemptsi this seemed to be the best layout
obtainable, giving all lots an approxlmate area of 911000 square feet"
AftHr reviewing the matter at some langthll a motion was passed tentatively
acceptin~ the plat as submittedo Mro Wright will now proceed to furnish
more detail with regard to uttlities etco
No further business appearing, meeting adjourned LIt 9g30 PoMo
Respectfully submittedi
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Fred C. strangep Cha~rm8n
~lng secretary