HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/11/1984
Port Angeles, Washington
July 11, 1984
Chairman Ross called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M.
Members Present: Ted Puckett, Lorraine Ross, Jerry Cornell,
Brad Banner, Todd Holm.
Members Absent: Jim Hulett, one vacancy.
Staff Present: Dan VanHemert, Gary Braun,
Mr. Cornell moved to accept the minutes of the June 17,
1984, meeting as submitted. Mr. Puckett seconded the
motion. After some discussion regarding the portion of the
minutes concerning landscaping requirements in the proposed
Light Industrial District, the motion carried 3 - 1, with
Chairman Ross voting "No" and Mr. Holm abstaining.
Street Vacation Hearing - Chamberlain. Request to
vacate a portion of the 67/7 alley abutting Lot "B" of
Short Plat #BO(8)8 and abutting Lots 12 - 13, Block
160, TPA. Location: 6/7 Alley east of Tumwater Truck
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the Department Report, recommending
the retention of a 10-foot utility easement over the subject
property. Mr. Cornell questioned the uses that would be
permitted within the easement. Mr. VanHemert responded that
Off-street parking, aisles, and yards generally are
permitted, but structures are not. Chairman Ross opened the
public hearing.
Robert Chamberlain, representing the petitioner, explained
that additional land is needed for the proposed truck
service station. He expressed concern for the retention of
the utility easement. Mr. Cornell asked if the applicant
intended to construct a structure in the vacated right-of-
way to which Mr. Chamberlain responded that it may be
required. Chairman Ross closed the public hearing.
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The Commission members and applicant discussed the surround-
ing property owners. After further discussion, Mr. Cornell
moved to recommend vacation of the alley with the condition
that the lO-foot utility easement be retained, citing the
following findings of fact:
l. The vacation will assist in the aggregation of
industrially-zoned property, in compliance with
Industrial Policy No. 2 and Economic Objectives Nos. 1
and 2.
2. With the retention of a utility easement, the right-of-
way is not likely to be opened or be used for
underground utilities in the future.
3. The subject right-of-way is not occupied by Tumwater
Creek, the Ravine wall, or other unique natural
features, and therefore vacation will not conflict with
Open Space policies Nos. 2 and 3.
4. The vacation will transfer additional land to the tax
rolls and be in the best interests of the community.
Mr. Banner seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Shoreline Management Hearing - ITT Rayonier. A request
for a Shoreline Management Permit for a long banding
and scaling facility. Location: Ediz Hook.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the Department Report; Chairman Ross
opened the public hearing.
Mason Browne, representing ITT Rayonier, read a letter
reviewing the compliance of the proposed development with
the Shoreline Master Program and Shoreline Management Act
and objecting to the lO-foot public access easement. ITT
Rayonier is only a lessee from the City; thus cannot grant a
formal easement. Mr. Browne noted a 3Q,-foot structural
setback from Ediz Hook Road could accommodate a parallel
trail. Mr. Cornell asked staff how wide is the roadway
right-of-way to which Mr. VanHemert responded that the City
has only right of use. In response to a question from Mr.
Puckett, Mr. Browne stated there is nothing in the develop-
ment proposal which interferes with a bicycle trail and the
applicant was willing to negotiate in the future. Chairman
Ross closed the public hearing.
Mr. Puckett moved to recommend granting the Shoreline
Management Permit with the condition that the development be
planned with a reservation for a future trail. The motion
died for lack of a second.
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After further discussion, Mr. Cornell moved to recommend
that the Shoreline Management Permit be approved subject to
the following conditions:
1. That approaches from Ediz Hook Road be paved.
2. That a 10-foot public access easement be granted,
either on the south side of Ediz Hook Road or on the
south side of the site adjacent to the bulkhead in such
a way as can be worked out by ITT Rayonier and the City
of Port Angeles.
He cited the following findings of fact:
A. The proposed use is a water-oriented rather than water-
dependent use of a shoreline; therefore it is in
partial compliance with General Regulation C.1, Land
Use Element D.1.a, and Use Activity F.B.a.
B. Construction will not occur over the existing natural
beach or water; thus the Substantial Development Permit
complies with General Regulation 5 and Natural Systems
Policy l.a.
The site is in use for log storage and unloading;
therefore, the proposed facilities are to be located in
an industrially-used site in the prban Environment,
furthering General Regulations C.1 and 4.
D. Visual access to the shoreline will be improved by the
proposed development, in accordance with General
Regulation C.2 and Land Use Element D.l, and with the
condition that a 10-foot access easement be granted,
public physical access will be enhanced.
E. Since facilities will be located on land, the proposed
use will not adversely affect or alter a shoreline of
statewide significance, in compliance with General
Regulation C.5.
F. The proposed use complies with the Comprehensive Plan
and Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Puckett seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Conditional Use Permit - Clallam County Day Training
Facility. A request to allow an integrated develop-
mental preschool for developmentally delayed and non-
handicapped children, a mini-day care provision, in the
Office Commercial District. Location: 1009 Georgiana.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the Department Report. In response
to a question by Mr. Puckett, Mr. VanHemert stated that five
July 11, 1984
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off-street parking spaces would be initially required based
on the number of employees and children. Chairman Ross
opened the public hearing.
K. C. Failes, Director of the Clallam County Training
Center, described the training and support program. Mr.
Puckett asked about the number of adults to be on the
premises at anyone time. Ms. Failes indicated that parents
will only drop off children, and that the number of staff
will fluctuate per session and no more than ten children.
The Commission and applicant discussed off-street parking
extensively. Carol Owens, County Human Services Director,
described the relationship of the day training service to
the County. Chairman Ross closed the public hearing.
Mr. Holm moved to recommend granting the Conditional Use
Permit, subject to the following conditions:
1. That a building floor plan, showing handicapped access,
and off-street parking plan be submitted with the
building permit application.
That 2AlOBC dry chemical fire extinguisher, smoke
detectors, and building address be installed and the
use further comply with Chapter 212-55 WAC, all prior
to occupancy.
He cited the following findings of fact:
A. The proposed use can be compatible with the existing
uses, particularly the existing day care center and
B. The proposed developmental pre-school/day care center
is a community-wide service which may be functionally
related to medical uses in the Hospital area and it
complies with the Comprehensive Plan at this location.
Mr. Puckett seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Conditional Use Hearing - John and Susan Mather. A
request to allow a medically-related retail facility,
MC Medical, to locate in the Office Commercial
District. Location: 835 East Georgiana.
Mr. VanHemert presented the Department Report. Mr. Cornell
asked about the required off-street parking, to which Mr.
VanHeIDert said the use would require one space per 200
square feet of the building, with a minimum of six spaces.
Chairman Ross opened the public hearing.
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Susan Mather, 834 Georgiana Street, noted that the existing
house will be razed and that a yard will be provided on the
west side to buffer the property from the residential use to
the west. Mike Gruver, MG Medical, described the proposed
use and frequency of client visits. Chairman Ross closed
the public hearing.
Mr. Cornell moved to recommend that the Conditional Use
Permit be granted, subject to the condition that the
sidewalks be suitably reconstructed for commercial purposes,
if requested by the Public Works Department, and citing the
following findings of fact:
A. The proposed use is expressly listed in the conditional
uses of the Office Commercial District.
B. Because of the location at the corner of Race and
Georgiana Streets, nearby residential areas will not be
negatively impacted by customer-generated traffic.
C. The proposed use is functionally related to the
Hospital and nearby medical offices, and both customers
and the proposed use benefit from the proposed
Mr. Banner seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Condi tional Use Hearing - Donald J. Smith - Family
Skate Center. A request for an extension of a
Conditional Use Permit allowing a roller skating rink
as a recreational use in the RMF Zone. Loca tion:
703-707 South Chase Street.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the application; Chairman Ross opened
the public hearing.
Donald J. Smith, 205 East Sixth Street, was available for
questions. Chairman Ross closed the public hearing.
Mr. Banner moved to extend the Conditional Use Permit for an
additional two years, subject to the original conditions as
amended in 1980. Mr. Holm seconded the motion, which passed
Appeal of Preliminary Short Plat - Vern and Cynthia
Shillington. Location: 3425 McDougal Street.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed a memo describing the appeal. Mr.
Cornell asked how the value of the street improvement was
determined, to which Mr. VanHemert responded by front
footage for a fully improved street. A contribution on a
preliminary short plat is required where an improvement fund
ordinance is in effect.
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Cynthia Shillington, 60 Doyle Road, reviewed the impact of
the contribution on the value of the proposed lots, stating
that there are only three areas in the City which are
affected by improvement funds. The contribution would
prohibit the platting of the lots. Mr. Holm noted that a
LID non-protest agreement or statement allow the property
owner to forego street improvements until an LID was created
in the area. Mr. Cornell expressed concern that the
McDougal Street Improvement Fund Ordinance does not include
a reimbursement provision if an LID is created.
Mr. Banner moved to recommend that the City Council waive
the contribution requirement of Ordinance 2149 and apply a
non-protest agreement or statement in lieu of condition 5 of
preliminary short plat SP-B4 (4) 5 because it places an
inequitable burden on the property owner in this case. Mr.
Holm seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Mr. Banner then moved to recommend that Ordinance 2149 be
reviewed by the City Council because it is unclear if the
contribution is in lieu of an LID and if the funds are based
on a fully standard street. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Puckett and passed unanimously.
Temporary Use Permit Clallam County Juvenile
Facility. A request for a Temporary Use Permit to
allow a mobile office unit to be located at the Clallam
County Juvenile Facility. Location: 18th and "M II
Mr. VanHeffiert reviewed the Department Report; Chairman Ross
opened the public hearing.
Ed King, Director of the Youth Services Center, stated that
the mobile unit would be replaced by a permanent addition to
the existing office in the near future. Chairman Ross
closed the public hearing.
Mr. Cornell moved to recommend granting the Temporary Use
Permit for a mobile office at the Clallam County Youth
Services Center for a one-year period, subject to the
following conditions:
1. That a fire extinguisher be installed in accordance
with the requirements of NFPA #10.
2. That the water hook-up be inspected by the Public Works
That the use of the existing septic tank and drainfield
be approved by the County Health Department, if
sanitary facilities are in the mobile office unit.
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He cited the following findings of fact:
A. The mobile office unit, on a temporary basis at this
location, will not ahve a significant impact on local
streets, utilities, or public services.
B. The proposed use as an office is compatible with the
present use of the site.
C. Si te characteristics and existing landscaping will
partially buffer the mobile unit from nearby
residential areas.
Mr. Holm seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the decision of the City Council at
its previous meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M.
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