HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/14/1993
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
July 14, 1993
7:00 P.M.
m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of June 23, 1993
APPLE TREE SUBDIVISION - PETREE. 16th to 18th and "0" Streets:
Consideration of preliminary approval to subdivide 5.23 acres into 17
residential 10tSt in the RS-9, Residential Single-Family District.
(Continued from June 9, 1993.)
PETREE. NW Comer of 14th and "0" Streets: Consideration of
preliminary approval to subdivide 7.16 acres into 25 residential lots in the
RS-9, Residential Single-Family District. (Continued from April 28,
1993. )
2300 Block West Tenth Street: Consideration of preliminary approval to
subdivide 9.20 acres into 31 residential lots in the RS-9, Residential
Single-Family District. (Continued from April 28, 1993.)
U.S.C.G.. Ediz Hook: Request for a shoreline management permit to
allow the construction of a steel pile breakwater, placement of timber
panels on the existing pier and placement of a floating three-log bundle
debris boom near the Coast Guard's T - Pier.
Southwest comer of Milwaukee and tiN" Street: Request for final
approval for Phase I (14-units) of a 27-unit subdivision located in the RS-
9, Residential Single-Family District.
Northeast comer of Evans and Eighth Streets: Request for preliminary
approval of a 7 -lot subdivision on 1. 79 acres located in the RS- 7,
Residential Single-Family District.
AND CANTINA. 636 East Front Street: Request to allow a reduction in
the required minimum 19 parking spaces to 16 in association with
expansion of a restaurant in the ACD, Arterial Commercial District.
PRODUCTS. 703 & 805 East Eighth Street: Request to allow an increase
in the distance from a site in which off-site parking may be provided from
100 feet to 450 feet in the CSD, Community Shopping District.
Presentation and public comment of new official zoning map and format.
Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity. to speak to the
request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a
previous presentation. It is helpful if the sneaker identifies his/her interest in the issue. A
reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short
supporting remarks (5 minutes). Other interested parties will be allowed to comment briefly (5
minutes each) or make inquiries. The Chairman may allow additional public testimony if the
issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents heard separately and
consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman. _ Rebuttal shall be limited to factual
statements pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be directed to the Planning
Commission, not the City Staff representatives present, unless directed to do so by the Chairman.
Port Angelesf Washington 98362
July 14f 1993
7:00 P.M.
Acting Chair Souders called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Members Present: Linda Nutter, Cindy Souders, Bob Philpott, Orville Campbell and
Carl Alexander
Members Excused: Roger Carts, Bob Winters
Staff Present: John Jimerson, Brad Collins, Gary Kenworthy, Larry Glenn
Clifford Schleusner, Walter Flynn, Kris & Gene Larson, Ken
Clark, John Vogel, Jan Poths, John Maneo, Tom Keywood, Randy
Reid, Jay Petersen, Brian & Debra Hayes, Lauerry Vizzi, Peter
Vizzi, David Stalheim, Dave Milligan, Ken Sweeney, Nicholas
DeScala, Bob Jorissen, Ann Butler, Karen Corney (sp?), Tim
German, Colin Konopaski, Rick Graf, Glenn Corson.
Vice Chair Souders assumed the Chair in the absence of Chairman Winters.
Commissioner Campbell moved to approve the minutes of the June 23, 1993, meeting of the
Planning Commission with the following correction: add the word "markets" to the end of the
last sentence of the third paragraph on page 2. The motion was seconded by Commissioner
Nutter and passed 5-0.
Streets: Consideration of a proposal to subdivide 5.23 acres into 17 residential lots, in
the RS-9, Residential Single-Family District.
John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. Vice Chair Souders opened the public hearing.
Ken Clark, 1007 N. 5th Avenue, Sequim, stated that meeting the minimum lot width at the
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July 14, 1993
Page 2
front setback is difficult to achieve on cul-de-sac lots. The standard would result in extra large
lots. He displayed a plat which highlighted the building envelope for the proposed plat, showing
that there is ample room for a. home even without adjusting the lot width. Because the
subdivision does not result in access to 16th Street, he requested that a requirement for entering
into a no-protest L.l.D. agreement be an alternative to making improvements to 16th Street at
this time. In response to a question, he stated the lots are large enough to provide for on-site
detention and related easements.
There being no further public testimony, Vice Chair Souders closed the public hearing.
Brad Collins commented that alternative site designs such as 16th Street access or a larger cul-de-
sac could be used to achieve the minimum lot widths. Adequate building envelope is only one
concern, but adequate lot width on the street is another Now is the proper time to obtain street
improvements for 16th Street. If the subdivision is approved with through lots without the right
to access 16th Street, the property owner would not be party to an L.I.D. for 16th Street as those
lots would not benefit from the improvement.
Commissioner Nutter asked about the Comprehensive Plan policy that states excessive use of cul-
de-sacs should be avoided. Brad Collins responded that the larger grid pattern for streets in RS-9
areas in the west end is more conducive to cul-de-sacs than in the RS-7 areas and the use of cul-
de-sacs in this area is desirable and not considered to be excessive, so long as the larger grid
pattern is maintained.
Commissioner Philpott moved to recommend approval of the preliminary subdivision,
subject to the following conditions and citing the following findings and conclusions:
I. All lots of the final plat shall provide a minimum width of 75 feet as measured at
the front setback line.
2. Powerlines serving the subdivision shall be located underground.
3. Show all necessary easements for utilities and electrical facilities on the final plat.
4. On-site detention and storm drainage facilities per the City's Clearing and Grading
Ordinance will be required as part of the storm water plan.
5. The minimum width for the interior street is 60 feet. The cul-de-sac shall meet
Fire Department requirements.
6. Street improvements to 16th, 18th, "a" and the cul-de-sac shall be made to City
Sidewalks shall be installed along the site's 18th Street frontage.
8. The water main shall be a minimum size of 6 inches in the cul-de-sac.
9. One additional fire hydrant shall be provided and the cul-de-sac shall have a
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July 14, 1993
Page 3
diameter of 100 feet unless a residential fire sprinkler system is provided in all of
the dwelling units, in which case no additional hydrant would be necessary. and
the cul-de-sac could be reduced to 80 feet.
The applicant's engineer shall verify if adequate capacity exists in Pump Station
No. I on Fourth Street, near the 2100 Block, West. If there is not sufficient
capacity, the applicant shall make necessary improvements to the system to
provide said capacity.
The applicant shall dedicate a ten foot wide landscape planting screen easement
along the 16th Street lot frontages and shall plant site-obscuring vegetation which
will create a solid barrier at maturity. The landscaping plan shall be reviewed and
approved by the Planning Department.
The name of the cul-de-sac shall be changed to a street name that is not similar
to any existing streets in the City.
1. The request is for approval of a seventeen (17) lot subdivision as depicted on a
preliminary plat sketch dated March 14, 1993, except as may be modified by
conditions stated herein.
The property is zoned Single-Family Residential, RS-9.
3. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as suburban residential, which
encourages single family development on 9,000-14,000 s.f. lots.
4. Lots 9-12 do not meet the minimum lot width of 75 feet as required by the RS-9
zone district.
5. The application is conditioned to require street improvements be made to City
6. A Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance was issued on March 31, 1993.
7. Eighteenth Street is identified as an arterial roadway.
8. Section 16.08.050(E)(5) states that double frontage lots shall be avoided, unless
they are essential to provide separation of residential development from traffic
arteries or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography and orientation.
The Port Angeles School District is currently overcrowded and exceeding planned
student capacities. The nearest elementary school (Hamilton) has a capacity of
379 but an enrollment of 625.
10. The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the areas of concern listed in
Section 58.17.110 RCW.
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July 14, 1993
Page 4
As conditioned, the subdivision is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive
B. As conditioned, the subdivision is consistent with the Port Angeles Zoning
Ordinance and Subdivision regulations.
C. The existing lot configuration and street pattern makes it difficult to orient streets
and lots in an efficient manner without benefit of double frontage lots.
D. Appropriate provisions have been made for the public health, safety, and general
welfare and for such open spaces, drainageways, streets or roads, alleys, other
public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and
recreation, playgrounds, schools and schoolgrounds, sidewalks and safe walking
conditions for students who walk to and from school.
E. Development of this property at currently zoned densities is not found to be
detrimental, in and of itself, to the Port Angeles School District.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Campbell and passed 5-0.
comer of 14th and "0" Streets: Considefation of preliminary approval to subdivide 7.16
acres into 25 residential lots in the RS-9, Residential Single-Family District. (Continued
from April 28, 1993.)
John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. Vice Chair Souders opened the public hearing.
Ken Clark, 1007 N. 5th Avenue, Sequim, suggested the Planning Commission and City
Council revisit the regulation requiring the lot width be measured at the front setback line. The
County meaSUfes lot width at the midpoint of the lot. The recommended off-site improvements
to both 14th Street and "0" Street could cost as much as $180,000, which doesn't include storm
drain and utility improvements\ The subdivision would not be economically feasible if those
requirements are required.
There being no further testimony, Vice Chair Souders closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Nutter expressed concerns with having a public park which would be used by only
a small part of the community, increased parking in the area caused by the park and the lack of
requirement fOf fencing around the park. Brad Collins agreed the park would be used primarily
by residents in the immediate vicinity but it indicated that would reduce demand on other parks
in the City.
Commissioner Alexander moved to recommend approval of the preliminary plat subject to
the following conditions and citing the following findings and conclusions:
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July 14, 1993
Page 5
All lots of the final plat shall provide a minimum width of 75 feet as measured at
the front setback line. All lots shall contain at least 9,000 s.f. of area.
2. PowerIines serving the subdivision shall be located underground.
3. Show all necessary easements for utilities and electrical facilities on the final plat.
4. On-site detention and storm drainage facilities, per the Clearing and Grading
Ordinance. will be required as part of the stormwater plan.
5. Street improvements shall made as follows:
A. "0" Street along the subdivision shall be improved to full paving with curb
and gutter.
B. "0" Street from the site to 18th Street shall be improved with curb and
gutter on the west side, with half street plus 10 feet of paving.
C. Fourteenth Street along the subdivision shall be improved with curb and
gutter on the north side, with half street plus 10 feet of paving.
For Lot I, the applicant shall enter into a no-protest agreement for the
formation of an L.I.D. for the future improvement of 12th Street.
E. The interior street shall include curb and gutter on both sides and be fully
6. The final plat shall include dedication of 12th Street right-of-way along the
subdivision frontage.
7. Fire hydrants shall be installed consistent with the Uniform Fire Code and with
approval of the Fire Department. Two additional fire hydrants are required at
Lots 14 and 20, unless all houses contain sprinkler systems, in which case only
one additional fire hydrant is required.
8. The water shall be looped through the site and tied into "0" Street along 14th
Street with a minimum size of 8 inches.
9. Water shall be extended along 14th Street to the westerly margin of the plat at Lot
The applicant's engineer shall verify if adequate capacity exists in Pump Station
No. 1 on Fourth Street. near 2100 Block. West. If there is not sufficient
capacity, the applicant shall make necessary improvements to the system to
provide said capacity.
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July 14, 1993
Page 6
The request is for approval of a twenty-six (26) lot subdivision as depicted on a
preliminary plat titled Rolling Hills Estates dated June, 1992 and prepared by
Clark Land Office. Compliance with the conditions of approval may reduce the
number of lots on the final plat.
2. The property is zoned Single-Family Residential, RS-9.
3. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as suburban residential, which
encourages singleJamily development on 9,000-14,000 s.f. lots. A number of
goals, policies and objectives have been listed in the staff report which have been
identified as most relevant.
4. Lots 5-9 do not meet the minimum lot width of 75 feet as required by the RS-9
zone district.
5. A condition has been included which recognizes the requirement to meet the area
and dimensional standards of the RS-9 zone district.
6. The approval is conditioned to require street improvements be made to City
The south half of 12th Street and north half of 14th Street to the east of the site
are improved.
8. A Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance was issued on March 31, 1993.
No comments or appeals on this threshold determination have been received.
10. There are no neighborhood parks in the vicinity. The nearest recreational
facilities include Hamilton School, Crown Park and Lincoln Park.
11. The subdivision has been reviewed with respect to the areas of concern listed in
Section 58.17.110 RCW.
12. The Port Angeles School District is currently overcrowded and exceeding planned
student capacities. The nearest elementary school (Hamilton) has a capacity of
379, but an enrollment of 625.
A. As conditioned, the subdivision is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive
As conditioned, the subdivision is consistent with the Port Angeles ZOning
Ordinance and subdivision regulations.
C. The roadway improvements required will ensure that adequate access to the site
is maintained.
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July 14, 1993
Page 1
Appropriate provisions have been made for the public health, safety, and general
welfare and for such open spaces, drainageways, streets or roads, alleys, other
public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and
recreation, playgrounds, schools and schoolgrounds, sidewalks and safe walking
conditions for students who walk to and from school.
E. Development of this property at currently zoned densities is not found to be
detrimental, in and of itself, to the Port Angeles School District.
The motion was seconded and passed 3-2 with Commissioners Nutter and Philpott voting
uno". Commissioner Philpott was concerned with added traffic on 14th Street and stated the
applicant should be required to improve the south half of 14th Street from the site to "N" Street.
Commissioner Nutter voted no for traffic safety reasons and her concerns with the proposed
Request for a conditional use permit to allow expansion of a recycling center in the LI,
Light Industrial District.
Commissioner Campbell removed himself from the room due to a conflict of interest.
John Jimerson stated the applicant has not prepared a preliminary plat consistent with ordinance
standards and therefore is not prepared for an action to be taken tonight. The applicant has not
indicated their intent.
Vice Chair Souders stated the public hearing was continued and opened the floor to public
testimony. Seeing none, she entertained a motion to continue the hearing. Commissioner
Philpott moved to continue the public hearing to August 11, 1993 at 7:00 PM in the City
Council Chambers. The motion was seconded by ~ommissioner Alexander and passed 4-0.
The Commission took a break at 8:35 PM and reconvened at 8:55 PM.
Commissioner Campbell returned to the room.
COAST GUARD Ediz Hook: Request for a permit to allow the construction of a steel
pile breakwater, placement of timber panels on the existing pier and placement of a
floating three-log bundle debris boom near the Coast Guard's T-pier.
John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. Vice Chair Souders opened the public hearing.
John Vogel, 915 Second Avenue, Seattle, stated that due to wave action, about 20 times a year
the Coast Guard has to move their boats from this pier to safer mooring in the harbor. Not only
is this an inconvenience, it increases response time to emergencies. The project is intended to
provide protection so the vessels will be adequately protected without having to move them. They
originally considered a rubble mound breakwater, which is much less expensive and lasts longer,
but have opted for the concrete breakwater, as it displaces far less eelgrass. It provides effective
protection with minimal disturbance. The breakwater is located in a less dense area of eelgrass.
Only 25 square feet of eelgrass will be displaced. They will not use creosote treated timbers and
Planning Commission Minutes
July 14, 1993
Page 8
will be removing some existing creosote treated piers. In response to a question, Mr. Vogel
stated construction equipment includes a large barge and tug boats and will not affect recreational
marine traffic.
Ken Sweeney, Port of Port Angeles Planner, expressed concern with the potential of setting
a precedent of prohibiting creosote treated timbers. The use should be reviewed on a case by
case basis. This is the fIrst time the City has used a condition limiting that use.
John Jimerson responded that the City is relying on the Department of Fisheries' expertise for
protection of the marine environment. The City I s Shoreline Master Program provides little
guidance on how to protect the marine environment, and each project is reviewed on a case by
case basis. It is not the intent to make this a standard requirement.
There being no further testimony, Vice Chair Souders closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Philpott moved to recommend the City Council approve the shoreline
substantial development permit subject to two conditions and citing the following findings
and conclusions:
The applicant shall comply with the recommendation pertaInIng to the east
breakwater as contained in Chapter 5.0 of the April, 1993, study prepared by
Battelle/Marine Sciences Laboratory.
2. An opening shall be maintained underneath the entire length of the east breakwater
to allow passage of benthic organisms and sediments.
I. The approval is for installation of breakwaters along the face of, and east of the
T-pier; and debris booms east and west of the T-pier located at the Coast Guard
Station on Ediz Hook.
2. The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, Comprehensive Plan, Zoning
Ordinance and Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance have been
reviewed with respect to this proposal.
3. The applicant has applied for permits from the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and
Washington State Department of Fisheries for the project.
4. A survey of eelgrass beds has been prepared for the site. About 6,500 s.f. of the
eel grass could be shaded by the east breakwater during the morning hours.
Several measures have been incorporated in the design to protect and preserve the
natural environment including location of the east breakwater, allowing passage
of water and benthic organisms under the breakwater and removal of wood piles
from the eel grass beds.
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July 14, 1993
Page 9
The project is intended to support the water dependent uses by providing
protection to the boat docking area from wave action and floating debris.
7. The project will result in a displacement of 25 square feet of eelgrass.
8. The Coast Guard representative testified that creosote timbers will not he used on
this proj ect.
A. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the Port Angeles Shoreline Master
Program, specifically General Regulations C.! and C.5; Land Use Element D.l.a
and D.6; Natural Systems B.1.a, B.2 and E.12; and Use Activities F.2.a&b, F.3,
F.lO and F.17.a.
B. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive
Plan, specifically Goal No.3, Open Space Policy No.3 and Land Use Objective
Nos. I, 3 & 5.
C. As conditioned, the project design adequately mitigates the potential detrimental
impacts it may have on the shoreline.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Alexander and passed 5-0.
of Milwaukee and "N" Streets: Request for final approval for Phase I (14 units) of a 27
unit subdivision located in the RS-9, Residential Single-Family District.
John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. Vice Chair Souders opened the public hearing.
Tim German, 1482 GaSIDan Road, stated that he has complied with the conditions of approval
and is ready to go forward with the final plat.
Nick DeScala, 804 Seamount Drive, expressed concern with the burning that has recently
occurred on the site which resulted in ash being blown allover the neighborhood.
Clifford Schleusner, 1915 W. 7th Street, also stated the ash has been a real problem. It has
settled allover his house.
Fire Chief Glenn explained that he stopped all burning until the winds died down. Once the
wind ceased, he allowed the burning to continue, but the winds started up again. He has
prohibited burning in piles larger than 41 x 4' until the City Council reviews the situation.
There being no further testimony, Vice Chair Souders closed the public hearing.
. Commissioner Alexander moved to recommend the City Council approve the final plat
subject to the following conditions and citing the following findings and conclusions:
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July 14, 1993
Page 10
The Final Plat shall be amended prior to approval by the City Council as follows:
A. The location of the required fire hydrants shall be shown on the plat. One is
required between Lots 4 and 5 on Milwaukee Drive, the other at the comer of 7th
and "Nil Streets.
B. Monuments shall be shown on the final plat consistent with the requirements of
the subdivision ordinance.
C. The final plat shall include a note with the language related to bonding of
improvements as contained in Section 16.08.060(F)(14) Port Angeles Municipal
D. Differentiate on the plat between the private easement on Lot 6 and the easements
on Lots 4 and 5 to the City.
E. State on the plat: "Lot #1 will be required to have a residential sprinkler system
installed in the habitable structure."
The applicant shall have plans approved by the City Engineer for utility and street
improvements that are to be bonded for and bonding in place prior to City Council
1. The City Council approved the preliminary plat to create the 27 lot "Milwaukee
Heights Subdivision" on May 18, 1993.
2. The Planning Commission and City Council made conclusions that the plat was
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision
3. The applicant submitted for final plat approval on June 28, 1993.
4. A bond in lieu of roadway and utility improvements has been provided. Those
improvements to be bonded include electrical, water, sewer and roadway facilities.
5. The final plat has been reviewed with respect to conformance with the preliminary
plat approval and the subdivision ordinance.
6. Burning of organic debris has resulted in smoke and ash being blown to nearby
properties by the wind.
The Port Angeles School District is currently overcrowded and exceeding planned
student capacities. The nearest elementary school (Hamilton) has a capacity of
379, but an enrollment of 625.
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July 14, 1993
Page 11
The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the areas of concern listed in
Section 58.17.110 RCW.
A. As conditioned, the final plat IS in conformance with the preliminary plat
B. The final plat has not changed in any manner so as to result in inconsistencies
with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance.
C. As conditioned, the final plat is in conformance with the City's Subdivision
D. Development of this property at currently zoned densities is not found to be
detrimental, in and of itself, to the Port Angeles School District.
E. Appropriate provisions have been made for the public health, safety, and general
welfare and for such open spaces, drainageways, streets or roads, alleys, other
public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and
recreation, playgrounds, schools and schoolgrounds, sidewalks and safe walking
conditions for students who walk to and from work.
. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Campbell and passed 5-0.
of Evans and Eighth Streets: Request for preliminary approval of a 7-1ot subdivision on
1.79 acres locate in the RS-7, Residential Single-Family District.
John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. Vice Chair Souders opened the public hearing.
Jay Peterson, 717 South PeabodYt stated the applicant intends to preserve some trees and to
place similar covenants on the lots with respect to tree removal as has been placed on the earlier
phases of the subdivision. The half cul-de-sac addresses the topography of the site and breaks
up the monotony of the streetscape. In response to a question from the Commission, Mr.
Peterson stated the lots can meet the zoning requirements should the cul-de-sac be eliminated.
Johnnie Key, 1325 Bent Cedars Way, stated the cul-de-sac lots sell better, therefore they would
like the half cul-de-sac to be approved.
Gene Larsont 809 Juma Court, expressed concern with drainage to Eighth Street. The
drainage system doesn't adequately handle drainage, and the subdivision will exacerbate the
Gary Kenworthy stated that drainage improvements are required for the subdivision including on-
site detention. Engineering analysis will have to be provided to determine if the existing catch
basin needs to be upgraded for the project.
Glenn Corson, 713 Seaview Circle, said existing covenants on his subdivision prohibits tree
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July 14, 1993
Page 12
removal. The cul-de-sac design would result in too many trees having to be removed.
Clifford Schleusner, 1915 W. 7th Street, stated schools are impacted by subdivision.
Commissioner Alexander agreed, but explained that each individual subdivision does not create
the problem, all of the subdivisions create the problem on a cumulative basis. The new
Comprehensive Plan will allow the City to develop mechanisms to deal with cumulative effects.
Brad Collins stated the school has commented on rezones for higher densities but not on
subdivisions consistent with the current wning. The subdivisions themselves do not generate
additional students, but subsequent home building would.
Lorraine Ross, 418 E. Front~ stated that children who will live in these homes may already be
attending Port Angeles schools. Ifs the responsibility of the community to build schools to keep
pace with new development.
Nick DeScala~ 804 Seamount, stated the Seamount subdivision is one of the nicest in town and
he would like the final phase to remain as natural as possible by preserving some trees as it
makes for a nicer subdivision.
There being no further testimony, Vice Chair Souders closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Alexander asked the applicant if he was aware of staff's position regarding the
cul-de-sac prior to the meeting. Jay Peterson said he was, but chose to pursue its approval
Commissioner Campbell moved to recommend the City Council approve the preliminary
plat subject to the following conditions and citing the following findings and conclusions:
1. Extend an 8 inch waterline in Eighth Street. Loop and tie the waterline in
Seventh Street via Evans Avenue.
2. Show all necessary easements for utilities and electrical facilities on the final plat
including a 10 foot electrical easement along Evans and Eighth Streets.
3. Improve Eighth and Evans Streets adjacent to the site to minimum city standards,
which include curb, gutter and 27 feet of paving.
4. Storm drainage, detention and erosion shall be provided pursuant to the clearing,
drainage and storm ordinance, and appropriate detention and erosion control
5. The subdivision shall be redesigned to eliminate the half cul-de-sac.
Provide a 10 foot radius property comers on street intersections.
7. Water shall be looped through the site. Minimum size shall be 6 inch in the
Eighth Street extension and the cul-de-sac.
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July 14, 1993
Page 13
Fire hydrants shall be installed to Uniform Fire Code in locations determined by
the Fire Department. Additional hydrants are needed at Seventh and Evans
Streets and at Eighth Street and Juma Court.
9. The lots shall be reconfigured so that all lots meet the minimum 50 foot lot width
as measured at the front setback line.
10. Electrical facilities to the subdivision shall be placed underground.
1. The request is for approval of a seven (7) lot subdivision as depicted on a
preliminary plat titled "Seamount Estates Division V" dated May 13, 1993.
2. The property is zoned S ingle- Famil y Residential, RS- 7.
3. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as suburban residential, which
encourages single family development on 9,000-14,000 s.f. lots. A number of
Comprehensive Plan Policies have been identified as most relevant to the proposal
including Goals Nos. I, 3 & 5; Residential Policies Nos. 4, 5, 7-9 & 11-12;
Urban Design Policy No.4; Social Objectives Nos. 2-3; and Land Use Objectives
Nos. 1, 2 & 4-6.
The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the areas of concern listed in
Section 58.l7.110 RCW.
5. The approval is conditioned so that the lots meet the dimension and area
requirements of the RS-7 zone.
6. The application is conditioned to require street improvements be made to City
7. The application is conditioned to ensure adequate water, storm water and sewer
facilities for the subdivision.
8. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued on June 15, L993.
9. None of the three abutting rights-of-way have been identified as school walking
routes or arterial roadways.
10. The Port Angeles School District is currently overcrowded and exceeding planned
student capacities. The nearest elementary school (Hamilton) has a capacity of
379, but an enrollment of 625.
The applicant presented an alternative site plan with the cul-de-sac eliminated.
A. The subdivision is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan.
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July 14, 1993
Page 14
As conditioned, the subdivision is consistent with the Port Angeles Zoning
Ordinance and subdivision regulations.
C. Appropriate provisions have been made for the public health safety, and general
welfare and for such open spaces, drainageways, streets or roads, alleys, other
public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and
recreation, playgrounds, schools and schoolgrounds, sidewalks and safe walking
conditions for students who walk to and from school.
D. The public interest is served in the platting of this subdivision. The subdivision
implements the desired land use pattern for this area as articulated in the
Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The subdivision also provides for
development of new homes within the City of Port Angeles Urban Growth Area,
consistent with the Growth Management Act.
E. Development of this property at currently zoned densities is not found to be
detrimental, in and of itself, to the Port Angeles School District.
F. The Planning Commission preferred the applicant's alternative site plan with the
half cul-de-sac eliminated.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Alexander and passed 5-0.
CANTINA. 636 East Front Street: Request to allow a reduction in the required minimum
19 parking spaces to 16 in association with expansion of a restaurant in the ACD, Arterial
Commercial District.
John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. Vice Chair Souders opened the public hearing.
Rick Graf, 636 East Front Street, said his purpose for the deck is to get more people into the
restaurant. A deck with umbrellas would help business. There are 7 or 8 spaces on the street
that provide parking. He offered to redraw the site plan if necessary. He believes there is ample
room between the building and parking spaces to allow for a deck and a drive aisle. The parking
lot is not filled too often. He chose the side location as it provides a better location for sun.
There being no further public testimony, Vice Chair Souders closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Nutter moved to reopen the public hearing and continue it to the August 11,
1993, Planning Commission meeting so the applicant may prepare and accurate site plan
for review. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Alexander and passed 5-0.
703 & 805 East Eighth Street: Request to allow an increase in the distance from a site in
which off-site parking may be provided from 100 feet to 450 feet in the CSD,
Community Shopping District.
John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. Vice Chair Souders opened the public hearing.
Planning Commission Minutes
July 14, 1993
Page IS
Roy Jones, 805 E. Eighth Street, presented a packet of text and site photos to the Planning
Commission. He stated they would like to preserve some landscaping on site, and to that end,
they prefer to provide parking off-site. There is a house that has been condemned which will
be removed in favor of the lot. The lot is within the buffer of the steep slope environmentally
sensitive area, but the parking lot would only affect previously altered areas of the buffer. The
runoff from the roof probably contributes to the slope failure, so removal of the house will
benefit the slope. The stream is heavily vegetated meaning that it is not undermining the ravine.
There being no further testimony, Acting Chair Souders closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Alexander moved to approve the parking variance request, subject to the
following questions, citing the following fmdings and conclusions:
1. Sidewalks and curbing shall be installed along the north side of Eighth Street
between the two sites wherever they are non-existent and appropriate.
2. Design approval for the parking lot must be obtained from the City Engineer.
3. Use of the site shall be in compliance with the requirements of the City's
environmentally sensitive areas protection ordinance (Chapter 15.20 PAMC).
All necessary permits for construction of the parking lot must be obtained,
including a conditional use permit and State Department of Fisheries HP A permit,
if required.
5. An off-site parking agreement shall be entered into with the City, and permanent
parking easements shall be recorded on the site, for the benefit of the occupants
of the office building.
6. The parking lot shall be designed to drain runoff away from the ravine, and into
the City's storm water system.
7. The applicant shall provide landscaped vegetative screens along the west and south
boundaries of the parking lot site. The landscaping plan shall be reviewed and
approved by the Planning Department.
L The parking ordinance allows off-site spaces to meet the parking requirements
provided they are within 100 feet of the site.
The request is for a variance to allow required off-street parking to be provided
off-site, at a distance of approximately 450 feet.
3. The existing office use located at 805 E. Eighth Street contains 1,680 s. f. of floor
area. Nine parking spaces are provided on-site. The proposal is to expand to
2,345 s.f. which would require a total of twelve parking spaces.
Planning Commission Minutes
July 14, 1993
Page 16
4. The 805 E. Eighth Street site is currently conforming with respect to parking.
The applicant proposes to construct 13", additional spaces of parking at 703 E,
Eighth Street, approximately 370-450 feet off-site, for employee use.
6. The site is located in the Community Shopping District (CSD-Cl) Zone which
allows off-street parking lots subject to Planning Commission approval of a
conditional use permit.
7. A steep slope, environmentally sensitive area is located on the site. Much of the
area proposed for a parking lot is within the 50 foot buffer required by the E.S.A.
protection ordinance. The applicant will be required to obtain a development
exception to construct the parking lot on this site.
A. Approval of the variance is consistent with the intent of the parking ordinance.
Adequate off-street parking is created to meet the demand from the business
Approval of the variance is in the public use and interest, as this proposal will
result in removal of a condemned structure, stabilization of the bank on-site above
Peabody Creek and construction of approximately 300 feet of public sidewalk and
curbing along Eighth Street at no cost to the taxpayer.
C. A variance is necessary to allow off-site parking to be provided at this distance
from the business site.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Campbell and passed 4-1. Commissioner Nutter
voted against the motion as she was concerned about setting a precedent for granting variances
from the maximum distance parking spaces may be provided from the site of the use.
public comment of new official zoning map and format.
Brad Collins explained the old zoning map is out of print as it contained many errors. The City
has been working for six months preparing a new map on the computer aided design (CAD)
system. He reviewed the new map with the Commission, noting that the City boundaries are
incorrect on the maps that were sent to them, but the newest version has corrected the
boundaries. The proposed map does not rezone any properties in the City. If errors are found,
they will have to be corrected, but no changes in zoning designations have been made with the
new map.
Vice Chair Souders opened the public hearing.
Tom Keywood, 209 W. Fifth Street, said that he has purchased 200,000 square feet of railroad
right-of-way in the City. The old map does not show a specific designation for this right-of-way,
and he would like the new map to accurately reflect the old. He would like to develop a house
on his property.
Planning Commission Minutes
July 14, 1993
Page 17
Brad Collins explained that when different zones are separated by a street, zoning boundaries are
located at the centerline of the street and that the PBP zone is located between the top and toe
of the bluff line. He understands that most of Mr. Keywood's property is located between the
top and toe of the bluff.
There being no further testimony, Vice Chair Souders closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Alexander moved to forward a recommendation of adoption of the official
zoning map to the City Council. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Philpott and
passed 5-0.
Brad Collins discussed the process of making changes to any errors on the map. Minor errors,
such as a typographic error will be addressed administratively. Other errors, such as showing
the zoning corrections, will be brought to the Planning Commission and City Council as a
housekeeping item.
Commissioner Alexander stated his concern for the cumulative impacts of all of the
subdivisions recently approved. The committee working on the Capital Facilities Plan has
finished rating projects and will begin pri01jty ranking next week, to be followed by a
financial analysis.
Brad Collins stated that due to several key persons not being available for the July 21st
long range meeting, the meeting should be rescheduled for October 20, 1993. The
Planning Commission concurred.
The meeting adjourned at 12:38 A.M.
PREPARED BY: John Jimerson
Meeting of July 14, 1993
Streets: Consideration of a proposal to subdivide 5.23 acres into 17 residential lots, in
the RS-9, Residential Single-Family District.
Council could concur with the Commission's recommendation GJId conditions for
approval, citing the findings and conclusions noted by the Commission, or set a
public hearing to consider an alternative action.
Comer of 14th and "0" Streets: Consideration of preliminary approval to subdivide 7.16
acres into 25 residential lots in the RS-9, Residential Single-Family District.
Council could concur with the Commission's recommendation and conditions for
approval, citing the findings and conclusions noted by the Commission. The staff
conditions of approval included a requirement for improvemenJ to the south half
of Fourteenth Street from the site to "N" Street to be improved, including curb
and gutter. The Commission's recommendation did not include improvements to
FourteenJh Street east of no" Street. If Council is considering further alternative
conditions, other than those presented by the Commission or staff, a public
hearing should be set to consider such action(s).
West Tenth Street: Consideration of preliminary approval to subdivide 9.20 acres into
31 residential lots in the RS-9, Residential Single-Family District.
No action is required at this time. The issue was continued to August 11th
Planning Commission meeting.
Request for a shoreline management permit to allow the construction of a steel pile
breakwater, placement of timber panels on the existing pier and placement of a floating
three-log bundle debris boom near the Coast Guard's T-Pier.
Council could concur with the Commission's recommendation and conditions for
approval, citing the findings and conclusions noted by the Commission, or set a
public hearing to consider an alternative action.
of Milwaukee and "N" Street: Request for final approval for Phase I (14-units) of a 27-
unit subdivision located in the RS-9, Residential Single-Family District.
Council could concur with the Commission's recommendation and conditions for
approval, citing the findings and conclusions noted by the Commission, or set a
public hearing to consider an alternative action.
Evans and Eighth Streets: Request for preliminary approval of a 7-10t subdivision on
1.79 acres located in the RS-7, Residential Single-Family District.
The Planning Commission recommendation is for approval of the preliminary
subdivision with direction to the applicanJ to prepare an alternate plat
without a cul-de-sac off Eighth Street. The applicant has done so, and that a plat
(dated July 16, 1993) is attached as the last sheet of paper in the Department
Report (following these minutes). Council should cite thefindings and conclusions
noted in the minutes for the Seamount V submittal with the additional finding that
the preliminary plat submitted July 16, 1993, is the revised proposal.
CANTINA. 636 East Front Street: Request to allow a reduction in the required
minimum 19 parking spaces to 16 in association with expansion of a restaurant in the
ACD, Arterial Commercial District.
No action is required by Council. The item is cOnJinued to August 11th Planning
Commission meeting.
PRODUCTS. 703 & 805 East Eighth Street: Request to allow an increase in the
distance from a site in which off-site parking may be provided from 100 feet to
450 feet in the CSD, Community Shopping District.
Council could concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and
conditions for approval, citing findings and conclusions lWted by the Planning
Commission, or could concur with the Planning Department's recommendation to
deny the request, citing the findings and conclusions noted in the Department
Report, or set a public hearing to consider an alternative action.
Attendance Roster
Type of Meetin
Location 321
fJ07J fA/, ) 5 f~
Attendance Roster
Type of Meeting Planning Commission
Location 321 E. 5th Street - City Hall
Uv 519~1
71 3 :5e:~V{ <?L..::> C?l/r~r e