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July 11, 1968
Regular meeting of July 2, 1968-
McWilliams, Seamount Estates platting, no action.
Eacrett, Trailer Park permit application, no action required.
Such, lower required fence height along house to 3' approved as recommended.
As of this date, I know of nothing else to come up at this meeting.
R. P. Willson, Recording Secretary
July 11, 1968
Members of Port Angeles Planning Commission
RE: Meeting scheduled for July 16, 1968
Old Busines s - D. W . Eacrett will probably be in with a layout revision for his
mobile home park application.
I do not know whether E. L. McWilliams will be present at this meeting with his
Seamount Estates platting. However, the City Council members expressed a
desire to have a joint meeting with the Planning Commission for the purpose of
reviewing the subdivision requirements in general. The City Manager has advised
me that the Council plans to attend the July 16 meeting for this purpose.
New Business - Four variance requests have been received and properly posted for
hearing at this time.
1. Eva L. Main has requested a variance to allow her to enlarge an existing
non-conforming dwelling at 911 Gedar Street. The present building sets
on the alley and she desires to add a room to the North which would
enable her to install proper sanitary facilities. At present she uses this
building as a summer cottage and plans to move to Port Angeles in the future,
probably constructing a new house on the front part of this property and a.
demolishing the present structure. .,
2. Nimrod W. Anspach has requested a variance from the regulations of the
CSD-C 1 Zone which permit him to construct single family residences on
the northwest corner of 16th & lie" Streets.
3. Tack Plaskett, Ir. has requested a variance from the zoning regulations which
would allow him to construct a single family residence closer to the east
margin of 1.'In Street than the 351 set back required abutting an arterial in
an RS-7 Zone. This property is located on the southeast comer of 12th and
III II Streets.
4. Gordon Wray of 1635 West 5th Street has requested a variance from the zoning
regulations which would permit him to construct a patio and shelter closer
to the north margi n of west 5th Street than permitted abutting an arterial
street in an RS-7 Zone.
Council Action - the City Council, at their meeting of July 9, 1968 took the following
action on previous business:'
Special meeting of June 24, 1968 -
Alley setback variance requested by Ciallam Cou nty Housing Authority;
approved as recommended. Reduction of off-street parking from 70 (by
previous variance) to 46, tabled pending a letter from the Federal Agency e
providing financing guaranteeing funds will be available in the future to
provide the additional offstreet parking when required.
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Minutes of Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting of July 16, 1968.
Present: Hunt, Anderson, Treat, Driscoll, McHone. Dilling, Hankins.
Director of Public Works Warder. Building Inspector Willson.
Absent: None
Minutes of previous meeting were approved as published.
Old Business
D.W.Eacrett submitted his revised lay-out for the proposed mobile
home park in Suburban Lot 76. After discussing the revisions, access
and possible future developements in traffic and mobile home sizes.
the Planning Commission accepted the plat and recommended approval of
the application for a mobile home park with the following specific
1. No service buildings need be provided since this is not a
transient park and all units are to be self contained.
2. No shrubs or fences will be required since the individual
sites will be landscaped as any normal residential lot.
3. Setbacks, sideyards and clearances are to be as indicated
on the approved layout dated July 16, 1968 and filed with the
Mobile Home Park Application.
4. Any change in ownership will be subject to the same
conditions. Should the park develope into a transient operation"
new layout, screening and operational plans must be submitted
for approval on a change of permit.
New Business
Eva L. Main had requested permission to enlarge a pre-existing
non-conforming single family residence in an RS-7 zone at 9ll Cedar
Street. The existing house sets too close to the alley and Mrs.
Main desires to add an S'x la' wing to the north side. In the
near future it is her intention to construct a new house on this
property and demolish this building. The Planning Commission
recommended approval of the request.
Nimrod W. Anspach had requested permission to construct a
single family residence in a commercial zone at 16th and "C" Street.
Afte r di scuss irg thi sat some leng th, the ma tte r wa stabled pending
an opinion from the City Attorney.
Jack Plaskett Jr. had requested a variance from the side,ard
clearance of 35 feet along "I" Street at 12th and "I". This is in
an RS-7 zone and "I" Street is a designated arterial. After some
discussion, it was recommended that a variance be granted to allow
construction to 15 feet from the east margin of "I" Street; all
other set backs and clearances can be met.
Gordon Wray, of 1635 West 5th Street, had requested a variance
which would enable him to construct a patio shelter within the 35'
setback required along 5th Street. The Planning Commission recom-
mended approval of the variance request.
Other Business l'C.Ilf:Rlf,v'"l"'lf Vla'.....<-"""
The secretary had received inquires from EImers Time Shop and
Jewell Pacific Co. (brush packing) regarding moving into certain
buildings in two of the citys commercial zones. Since both requests
were concerned with interpretation of the regulations for each of
these zones, the secretary was instructed to contact the City Attorney
for his opinion. No action was taken.
Minutes - Planning Commission
July 16, 1968
pag e 2
Members of the City Council were present to hold a study
session with the Planning Commission. Among the subjects discussed
were the Subdivision Ordinance, Mapped Streets Ordinance, Zoning
regulations and E. L. McWilliams proposed "Seamount Estates" plat.
No further business was presented and the meeting adjourned at
9:20 P.M.
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Ha rry Hu , - eha i rma n I
ording Secretary