HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/21/1964
Minutes of the regular moeting of the Port Aneela 3 Planning Commission
,fulJ 21st, 1964'.
M'1:T\bers present were Anderson, Driscoll, Hunt J llankins and stran~e 0
Also oresent were Director of Public Works John Ro Warderp Water Supto
Palll Reed and Ass I to City Engineer Robert 'Nillsono
M\llutes of the previous meeting were read and approvedo
First order or business was consideration of a request from WO Ko
Shideler of llO}l East 5th for a variance from zonin!7, ordinance pertaining
"f(}"Fiold-back regulationso The request is for permission to allow the
front porch to be 16 feet from the property lineo Upon inspectionp
it we s fOlmd this would me et the gens2al line of hOuses sIre ady
c3toblished in th8 aree and inasmuch as there were no protests filed
following the regular posting, a motion was unanimously passed
reco~mend~n~ to the City Council the application be approvodo
Two applications for permission to retain Mobile ijomes were next
cClsideredo One from Emma Jo Carr of 220l~ South Laurel street and the
oth~r from George Goodman of 529 East 11th streeto Action was defered
on tjose applications until 8 future meetingo
T'1e next <l !!plica tion on a !,1ob ilo Home variance considered was from
Mro ~ ~rs Robert Scoles for permission to move 8 Mobile Home from where
it is now established at 1403 Nest 8th Street to a new home location
at 1122 .iest 11th Streeto Mr ~ Mrs Scoles being present, explained
tols ~obile home is occupied by Mrs Scola's ~other who has a bad heart
c~ndition and cannot be left alonap that on emergency exists end
requestod immediate action if possibleo The problem beingg the scoles
have a'lruady moved to the nel'/ locationp thus lea,ving the elderly mother
more or less alone 0 A motion was unanimously ~assed reoommending the
approval of the ap')lication and the chairman was requested to advise Mro
Herr~an, City ManaGer, of the problem and ask his permission-for
im~edtate aotiono
A r,enerel discussion was next held on t he proper method to be used to
handlo thA ap~lications on Mobilo Hom9So The followin~ poliey was
unanimously edopted~
It shall he a policy of the Port An~e1es Planning Commission, ~overning
the use of' Mobile Homes that no future installations be allowed
except in aoproved trailer parks designed for that purposeo It is
recognized that ther9 are ~,tobile H()mes existant in the City that have
been established fo~m some time pasto In order to aualify for their
present location, it will be necessary for the owner to make application
to the Planning Commission for a variance from the zoning ordinance
governing land-useo It will be necessary for each applicant to accompany
111S requ.est with the usual fee of $10000 made payable to the City
Tr8Bsllrero The prop~rty will then be properly posted as per re~ulBtlons
set forth in the zoning ordinanceo A hearing shall be held at which
ti~e each ap9licetion will be considered on its merltso
. No further business apP'Jaringp m:leting adjourned at 9:15 FoMo
Respectfully submittedg
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Stranee~ Chairmart
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, ~ L D
]Mkins, Secretary
Fre d C.