HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/23/2003
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
July 23, 2003
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Bob Philpott, Fred Norton, Chuck Schramm, Leonard
Rasmussen, Linda Nutter, Jack Pittis
Members Excused:
Fred Hewins
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Scott Johns
Public Present:
Michael Perry, Craig Gentile, Maudeen Averill, Tom
Neudorfer, Jan Neudorfer, Dave Kline, Melanie Kline, Carla
Sue, Don Frizzell, Dick Harig, Patricia Harig, Dan Morrison
Commissioner Pittis moved to approve the July 9,2003 minutes with clarification that
the June 11,2003, and the June 25, 2003 minutes were approved 3 - 0 with 2 abstentions, and
the addition of Commissioner Nutter's name on page 7 of the July 9, 2003, minutes. The
motion was seconded by Commissioner Schramm and passed 4 - 0 with Commissioners Philpott
and Norton abstaining due to their absences from the meeting.
Commissioners agreed to rearrange agenda items to continue an agenda item that was still being
reviewed by staff.
Mill Road: Request for a duplex in the RS-9, Residential Single Family zone.
Associate Planner Johns explained to the Commission that, due to issues raised regarding the
project, staff has not completed the staff report or the SEP A review and recommended that the
Commission continue the public hearing to the next regular meeting. Chair Nutter ask staff to
provide a verbal summary ofthe proposal. Planner Johns provided a brief description and history
of the project and answered questions. Chair Nutter opened the public hearing.
Don F,izzel, 4016 Old Mill Road, asked ifhe could ask questions regarding the project?
Chair Nutter asked staff to answer the questions directed to them as they had not been provided with
any information on the proj ect. Mr. Frizell asked if a new SEP A review will be required because
there is a new issue regarding the duplex? Planner Johns responded that a SEPA checklist was
included with the CUP application. A previous SEP A review was submitted with a clearing and
grading permit application and the purpose statement on that checklist indicated the intent to create
as many homes as the RS-9 zoning allowed. A Determination of NonSignificance was issued for
the previous permit after reviewing expected impacts of 13 residential lots being created. Staff will
Planning Commission Minutes
July 23, 20a]
Page 2
make sure that all SEP A rules are followed. Mr. Frizzell then asked if the criteria for the first SEP A
review would be different than the criteria for the second review? Planner Johns replied that the
checklist is the same checklist with the same questions. Mr. Frizzell asked if the second review
would include review by Washington State Department ofFish and Wildlife or the Army Corp of
Engineers? Planner Johns answered that the information had been forwarded to WDPW and that
staff anticipated receiving their comments. Mr. Frizzell asked if it was correct that the applicant
wanted to build as many duplexes as possible? Mr. Johns answered "no". The correct statement was
that the applicant intended to build as many residential units as the zone would allow. Mr. Frizzell
then asked that if an application for a duplex is approved, would that open the door for more
duplexes at some later date? Mr. Johns replied that the parcel is large enough for additional units
but would have to be subdivided and the lots would have to meet the minimum size requirement and
other development standards for duplex development including CUP approval. Director Collins
replied that without a specific application staff cannot speculate on future density issues. He went
on to say that the City has not allowed for a multiplicity of duplexes in a single family neighborhood
particularly in one block. ]f multiple duplexes were proposed; it is unlikely that the entire
subdivision would be allowed to become duplexes because that would not be consistent with the
intent of the RS-9 zone.
Patricia Harig, 226 Dogwood Place, asked if Mr. Morrison would continue to work on his
project even if the Commissioners continued the hearing? She also asked Director Collins what he
meant by saying the City "tries" to limit the number of duplexes in a neighborhood. Director Collins
responded that the City could not stop someone from submitting an application for a duplex in a
single family zone. However if there are a number of duplexes in an area, the City will take that into
account when considering requests for CUPs. There is no hard and fast rule as to how many
duplexes may exist in an area but the Planning Commission does consider each conditional use
application in context and will look at the intent of the zoning ordinance. Ms. Harig stated that she
has lived in the area for 14 years and she and her neighbors all have problems with water in
basements and are concerned that the proposed project will make the water problems worse. She
wanted to be assured that the water problems would be addressed. Chair Nutter assured Ms. Harig
that her concerns would be conveyed to Planning staff.
MaudeenA veril, 214 Dogwood Place, stated that water runs down hill and that she has water
in her basement during portions of the year. She also stated that the subject site was a wetland and
water from the subject site and two small ponds on adjacent lands flow into her basement. She
stated disbelief that draining and filling would be allowed in a wetland. She opposes the
construction of a duplex on the site.
Richard Harig, 226 Dogwood Place, asked if anyone had taken a core sample of the soils
in the area stating that the soil was hard pan. Because of the soil being hardpan, the site was wet all
winter due to water draining off the uplands to the south all the way to Dogwood Place. All the
houses on the ~H side of Dogwood Place have ditches running to Ahlvers Road. He cannot
understand how Mr. Morrison can be allowed to scrape the land off and dump dirt back on the site
especially when some of the dirt contains batteries and scrap metal. Mr. Harig contended that due
to Mr. Morrison's filling of the site that the next time it rains Dogwood Place will flood and the
Morrison site will be high and dry.
Planning Commission Minutes
July 23, 2003
Page 3
There being no further testimony, Commissioner Philpott moved to continue the public
hearing to the August 27, 2003 meeting at 7:00 p.m. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Norton and passed 6 - o.
FERRELLGAS: Request for vacation of right-of-way described as a portion of "A" Street
and the 2/3 Alley east of Marine Drive and north of Third Street.
Planner Johns presented the departmental staff report and explained that one of the adjacent property
owners changed their mind about acquiring the vacated right-of-way. A letter from Blake Sand and
Gravel withdrawing their application was read into the record. After discussion as to what portion
of the alley would be vacated, what options existed for the adjacent property owners, how access
would be controlled, and procedural issues, Chair Nutter opened the public hearing. No members
of the public spoke regarding the proposed street vacation. Commissioner Schramm asked if the
. Planning Commission could modify the petition and consider only the portion of the alley that will
be vacated. Director Collins stated that staff was changing their recommendation to only include that
portion of the alley actually being vacated. Commissioner Pittis asked if the alley adjacent to Lot
18 would be vacated or not. Commissioner Philpott asked if staff would be modifying the findings
and conclusions to reflect the true legal description of the area to be vacated. Director Collins
indicated that only the legal description would be changed. Chair Nutter asked if the issue could be
brought back to Commission at a later time with revisions having been made.
Commissioner Schramm moved to continue the public hearing to the August 27, 2003,
meeting to provide staff with time to revise the findings to reflect an accurate description of
the vacated property, the correct petitioner, and proposed action. The motion was seconded
by Commissioner Pittis and passed 6 - O.
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 03-09 - PERRY -1931 West Sixth Street: Request
for an accessory residential unit in the RS-7, Residential Single Family zone.
Planner Johns presented the departmental staff report recommending approval of the conditional use
permit as originally proposed. Chair Nutter opened the public hearing
Michael Perry, 329 W 14"1 Street, stated that he proposed the project to help provide
affordable housing in Port Angeles. He explained the proposal for access to the primary residence
and the accessory residence. Upon questioning from the Commission, Mr Perry stated that parking
for the primary residence would exist in the rear of the site with parking for the accessory residence
in the front, pointing out that a curb cut exists at the front of the site. Mr. Perry then asked the
Commission to consider approving an additional 63 square feet of basement area for the accessory
residence. Staff pointed out that the additional area would increase the accessory residence above
the 50%of the primary residence threshold for accessory dwelling units limit and that staff would
not recommend approval of additional floor space being added to the accessory dwelling unit.
Chair Nutter closed the public hearing. Discussion centered around whether the proposal met
the intent of the single family zone if the owner did not live at the site but rented both units. Several
Commissioners indicated their concemes that the project would function as a duplex with two rental
units while not meeting the lot size requirements for a duplex. A second issue introduced was that
Planning Commission Minutes
July 23, 2003
Page 4
of ensuring that modifications to enlarge the accessory dwelling unit would not be made after the
project is approved. Staff pointed out that a modification without subequent approval would be
grounds for revocation of the conditional use permit.
Commissioner Schramm moved to direct staff to draft findings to support denial of
CUP 03-09 and present those findings at the August 27, 2003 meeting. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Pittis and passed 6 - O.
Director Collins presented an overview of the results of the nearly completed watershed planning
process that has been underway for several years. His presentation included proposed City vetoes
and amendments to the draft plan and explained the City's position on the plan. Final comments are
to be presented Friday, July 25, 2003.
Planner Johns presented a brief summary of the status of the City's efforts to date on updating the
City's Critical Areas Ordinance. Deadlines for completion of Critical Areas Ordinance update is
December 1, 2004, and deadline for completion of the Shoreline Master Program is December 1,
2011. A brief discussion of current wetland rating systems and the intended changes followed.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Brad Collins, Secretary
Linda Nutter, Chair
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321 East Fifth Street
July 23, 2003
7 p.m.
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular meeting of July 9, 2003
Street: Request for an accessory residential unit in the RS-7, Residential
Single Family zone.
Old Mill Road: Request for a duplex in the RS-9, Residential Single Family
zone. (This item should be continued to the next regular meeting.)
PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Linda Nutter (Chair), Fred Hewins (Vice Chair), Chuck Schramm, Fred Norton, Bob Philpott, Len Rasmussen, Jack Pittis
PLANNING STAFF; Brad Collins, Director; Scott Jolms, Asst.ICiate Planner; Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
July 23, 2003
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Bob Philpott, Fred Norton, Chuck Schramm, Leonard
Rasmussen, Linda Nutter, Jack Pittis
Members Excused:
Fred Hewins
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Scott Johns
Public Present:
Michael Perry, Craig Gentile, Maudeen Averill, Tom
Neudorfer, Jan Neudorfer, Dave Kline, Melanie Kline, Carla
Sue, Don Frizzell, Dick Harig, Patricia Harig, Dan Morrison
Commissioner Pittis moved to approve the July 9, 2003 minutes with clarification that
the JUDe 11,2003, and the June 25~ 2003 minutes were approved 3 - 0 with 2 abstentions, and
the addition of Commissioner Nutter's name on page 7 of the July 9, 2003, minutes. The
motion was seconded by Commissioner Schramm and passed 4 - 0 with Commissioners Philpott
and Norton abstaining due to their absences from the meeting.
Commissioners agreed to rearrange agenda items to continue an agenda item that was still being
reviewed by staff.
Mill Road: Request for a duplex in the RS-9, Residential Single Family zone.
Associate Planner Johns explained to the Commission that, due to issues raised regarding the
project, staff has not completed the staff report or the SEP A review and recommended that the
Commission continue the public hearing to the next regular meeting. Chair Nutter ask staff to
provide a verbal summary of the proposal. Planner Johns provided a brief description and history
of the project and answered questions. Chair Nutter opened the public hearing.
Don Frizzel, 4016 Old Mill Road, asked ifhe could ask questions regarding the project?
Chair Nutter asked staff to answer the questions directed to them as they had not been provided with
any information on the project. Mr. Frizell asked if a new SEPA review will be required because
there is a new issue regarding the duplex? Planner Johns responded that a SEP A checklist was
included with the CUP application. A previous SEPA review was submitted with a clearing and
grading permit application and the purpose statement on that checklist indicated the intent to create
as many homes as the RS-9 zoning allowed. A Determination of Non Significance was issued for
the previous permit after reviewing expected impacts of 13 residential lots being created. Staff will
Planning Commission Minutes
July 23, 2003
Page 2
make sure that all SEP A rules are followed. Mr. Frizzell then asked if the criteria for the first SEP A
review would be different than the criteria for the second review? Planner Johns replied that the
checklist is the same checklist with the same questions. Mr. Frizzell asked if the second review
would include review by Washington State Department ofFish and Wildlife or the Army Corp of
Engineers? Planner Johns answered that the information had been forwarded to WDFW and that
staff anticipated receiving their comments. Mr. Frizzell asked if it was correct that the applicant
wanted to build as many duplexes as possible? Mr. Johns answered "no". The correct statement was
that the applicant intended to build as many residential units as the zone would allow. Mr. Frizzell
then asked that if an application for a duplex is approved, would that open the door for more
duplexes at some later date? Mr. Johns replied that the parcel is large enough for additional units
but would have to be subdivided and the lots would have to meet the minimum size requirement and
other development standards for duplex development including CUP approval. Director Collins
replied that without a specific application staff cannot speculate on future density issues. He went
on to say that the City has not allowed for a multiplicity of duplexes in a single family neighborhood
particularly in one block. If multiple duplexes were proposed, it is unlikely that the entire
subdivision would be allowed to become duplexes because that would not be consistent with the
intent of the RS-9 zone.
Patricia Harig, 226 Dogwood Place, asked if Mr. Morrison would continue to work on his
project even ifthe Commissioners continued the hearing? She also asked Director Collins what he
meant by saying the City "tries" to limit the number of duplexes in a neighborhood. Director Collins
responded that the City could not stop someone from submitting an application for a duplex in a
single family zone. However if there are a number of duplexes in an area, the City will take that into
account when considering requests for CUPs. There is no hard and fast rule as to how many
duplexes may exist in an area but the Planning Commission does consider each conditional use
application in context and will look at the intent of the zoning ordinance. Ms. Harig stated that she
has lived in the area for 14 years and she and her neighbors all have problems with water in
basements and are concerned that the proposed project will make the water problems worse. She
wanted to be assured that the water problems would be addressed. Chair Nutter assured Ms. Harig
that her concerns would be conveyed to Planning staff.
Maudeen Averil, 214 Dogwood Placet stated that water runs down hill and that she has water
in her basement during portions of the year. She also stated that the subject site was a wetland and
water from the subject site and two small ponds on adjacent lands flow into her basement. She
stated disbelief that draining and filling would be allowed in a wetland. She opposes the
construction of a duplex on the site.
Richard Harigt 226 Dogwood Place, asked if anyone had taken a core sample of the soils
in the area stating that the soil was hard pan. Because ofthe soil being hardpan, the site was wet all
winter due to water draining off the uplands to the south all the way to Dogwood Place. All the
houses on the north side of Dogwood Place have ditches running to Ahlvers Road. He cannot
understand how Mr. Morrison can be allowed to scrape the land off and dump dirt back on the site
especially when some ofthe dirt contains batteries and scrap metal. Mr. Harig contended that duehto Mr. Morrison's filling of the site that the next time it rains Dogwood Place will flood and the
Morrison site will be high and dry.
Planning Commission Minl/tes
July 23. 2003
Page 3
. There being no further testimony, Commissioner Philpott moved to continue the public
hearing to the August 27, 2003 meeting at 7:00 p.m. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Norton and passed 6 - O.
FERRELLGAS: Request for vacation of right-of-way described as a portion of "A" Street
and the 2/3 Alley east of Marine Drive and north of Third Street.
Planner Johns presented the departmental staff report and explained that one of the adjacent property
owners changed their mind about acquiring the vacated right-of-way. A letter from Blake Sand and
Gravel withdrawing their application was read into the record. After discussion as to what portion
ofthe alley would be vacated, what options existed for the adjacent property owners, how access
would be controlled, and procedural issues, Chair Nutter opened the public hearing. No members
of the public spoke regarding the proposed street vacation. Commissioner Schramm asked if the
Planning Commission could modify the petition and consider only the portion of the alley that will
be vacated. Director Collins stated that staff was changing their recommendation to only include that
portion of the alley actually being vacated. Commissioner Pittis asked if the alley adjacent to Lot
18 would be vacated or not. Commissioner Philpott asked if staff would be modifying the findings
and conclusions to reflect the true legal description of the area to be vacated. Director Collins
indicated that only the legal description would be changed. Chair Nutter asked if the issue could be
brought back to Commission at a later time with revisions having been made.
Commissioner Schramm moved to continue the public hearing to the August 27,2003,
meeting to provide staff with time to revise the findings to reflect an accurate description of
the vacated property, the correct petitioner, and proposed action. The motion was seconded
by Commissioner Pittis and passed 6 - O.
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 03-09 - PERRY - 1931 West Sixth Street: Request
for an accessory residential unit in the RS-7, Residential Single Family zone.
Planner Johns presented the departmental staff report recommending approval of the conditional use
permit as presented.
Michael Perry, 329 W J.fh Street, stated that he proposed the project to help provide
affordable housing in Port Angeles. He explained the proposal for access to the primary residence
and the accessory residence. Upon questioning from the Commission, Mr Perry stated that parking
for the primary residence would exist in the rear of the site with parking for the accessory residence
in the front, pointing out that a curb cut exists at the front of the site. Mr. Perry then asked the
Commission to consider approving an additional 63 square feet of basement area for the accessory
residence. Staff pointed out that the additional area would increase the accessory residence above
the 50%ofthe primary residence threshold for accessory dwelling units limit and that staff would
not recommend approval of additional floor space being added to the accessory dwelling unit.
Chair Nutter closed the public hearing. Discussion centered around whether the proposal met
the intent of the single family zone if the owner did not live at the site but rented both units. Several
Commissioners indicated their concemes that the project would function as a duplex with two rental
units while not meeting the lot size requirements for a duplex. A second issue introduced was that
Planning Commission Minutes
July 23, 2003
Page 4
. of ensuring that modifications to enlarge the accessory dwelling unit would not be made after the
project is approved. Staff pointed out that a modification without subequent approval would be
grounds for revocation of the conditional use pennit.
Commissioner Schramm moved to direct staff to draft findings to support denial of
CUP 03.09 and present those findings at the August 27, 2003 meeting. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Pittis and passed 6 - O.
Director Collins presented an overview of the results of the nearly completed watershed planning
process that has been underway for several years. His presentation included proposed City vetoes
and amendments to the draft plan and explained the City's position on the plan. Final comments are
to be presented Friday, July 25, 2003.
Planner JoOOs presented a brief summary ofthe status ofthe City's efforts to date on updating the
City's Critical Areas Ordinance. Deadlines for completion of Critical Areas Ordinance update is
December 1, 2004, and deadline for completion of the Shoreline Master Program is December 1,
2011. A brief discussion of current wetland rating systems and the intended changes followed.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Brad CollIns, Secretary
inda Nutter, Ch if
Meeting Agenda of: -;fuLl d3! ~
PLEASE NOTE: IF you plan to testify, by signature below, you certify that the testimony
given is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington.
Signature below DOES NOT REQUIRE you to testify - it onl acknowledges your resence.
tv / L/ 711-
Agenda Item No,
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