HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/24/1996
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
July 24, 1996
7:00 p.m.
ill. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 24, 1996 and July 10, 1996
OF PORT ANGELES. 439 Marine Drive: A request for a pennit to allow
the filling of an existing log pond allowing for dry land storage of raw material
and a Valley Creek estuary project in the IH, Industrial Heavy zone.
OF PORT ANGELES. Coho Ferry Tenninal. Foot of Laurel Street: A
request to expand an existing ferry dock and replace/repair a failing bulkhead
in the CBD, Central Business District.
PORT ANGELES. City - wide: A proposal to amend Chapter 17 (Zoning)
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code to clarify the definition of a single-family
residence in regard to manufactured homes. (Items 3 and 4 will be heard
together at the July 24 meeting)
PORT ANGELES. City - wide: A proposal to amend Chapter 17 (Zoning)
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code to make residential uses a conditional use
in the CO, Commercial zone
PLANNING COMMISSION: Bob King" Chair, Tsm Getman (Vice). Cind)' Souders, BobPhiJpon. tinda Nutler. Dun R<<d. Mary Craver.
STAFF: Brad ClIIIiM, Di=tor, Sue Roberds OffICe Specialist, and Dnid Sawyer. Senior FlannCL
. v.
All correspondence pertaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Department at least one
day prior to the scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before the hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE: Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to speak to
th~ request lnfonnation submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a previous presentation. A
reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes).
Other interested parties will be allowed to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or make inquiries. The Chainnan may allow
additional public testimony if the issue warrants it. Briefrebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents will be heard
separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman. Rebuttal shall be limited to factual statements
pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be directed to the Board, not the City Staff representatives present, unless
directed to do so by the Chairman.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
July 24, 1996
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Bob King, Linda Nutter, Bob Philpott, Tim German,
Mary Craver, Dean Reed
Members Absent:
Cindy Souders
Staff Present:
David Sawyer, Sue Roberds, Dan McKeen
Public Present:
Richard Moon, Jim Reed, Ken Sweeney
Commissioner Philpott moved to approve the June 24, 1996, minutes as submitted.
Commissioner Gennan seconded the motion, however, as there was not a quorum present for
a vote, the minutes were continued for consideration to the August 14 regular meeting.
Commissioner Philpott moved to approve the July 10, 1996, meeting as submitted. The
motion was seconded by Commissioner Reed and carried 4 - 0 with Commissioners
Craver and King abstaining.
OF PORT ANGELES. 439 Marine Drive: Request for a permit to fill an
existing log pond allowing for dry land storage of raw material and an estuary
(Valley Creek) project in the IH, Industrial Heavy zone.
Senior Planner Dave Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report and further
identified the area by use of an overhead projector and aerial views of the site and the
proposed improvements. Chair King opened the public hearing.
Ken Sweeney, Environmental and Planning Manager for the Port of Port Angeles, P.O.
Box 1350, Port Angeles, concurred with Planning staff's report. Even though the City's
Comprehensive Plan and Shoreline Program have changed since approval of the original
permit for this project in 1992, the Port is not surprised at the conditions proposed for
approval by staff. The proposed area lies between Valley and Cherry Street on the Port
Angeles shoreline waterfront. The purpose for the project is to fill an existing log pond to
Planning Commf:ulon Minutes - July 24, 1996
Page 2
gain additional land storage for the K-Ply mill. The changes in operation will not only
increase the mill's capacity for log storage but will promote more efficient log storage
procedures at the mill.
The accompanying proposed estuary project is at the mouth of Valley Creek and is a
mitigation measure to compensate for the loss of the log pond. The proposal has developed
into a very popular project as it achieves many objectives set by the City and Port in carrying
out future development in the Downtown, creates a natural barrier to the industrial property
west of the mill, and may become an extension of the Central Business District in the future.
Most of the proposed conditions of approval are acceptable to the Port, but it was requested
that consideration be given to removing Condition No. 1 which requires that an archaeologist
be on site during excavation activities. A 1923 United States War Department survey
indicates that the subject area was under water in 1923, and therefore it is extremely doubtful
that Native American artifacts will be found during proposed construction activities.
The proposed area is 4.3 acres in size. Project approvals from the Corps of Engineer and the
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife remain valid for the project from the earlier approval.
The Port was unable to undertake the development prior to this time due to funding
constraints. However, Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account (ALEA) monies are available
for projects of this type at present.
There being no one else to speak to the issue, Chair King closed the public hearing.
Planner Sawyer responded at the direction of the Chair that the City has made a commitment
to the Tribes to require wording in shoreline permit approvals to ensure that Tribal interests
are brought into the review process. Condition No.1 is worded such that if the Tribes are
satisfied that there could be no artifacts in the construction area the condition can be
Following brief discussion, Commissioner German moved to approve the shoreline
substantial development penn it as proposed with the following conditions, findings and
Conditions of Approval:
If the subject site has not been previously inventoried, evaluated, and reviewed to the
satisfaction of the Lower Elwha S'Klallam Tribe, the subject site shall be evaluated
by a cultural review team which shall include a professional archaeologist, a
representative of the Lower Elwha S 'Kla1lam Tribe, the site owner, and the City
Planning Department. This team shan determine the extent of excavation monitoring
for the project during the pennit review process. As an alternative, the applicant may
volunteer to have an approved archaeologist on site during any excavation in lieu of
a review by the aforementioned cultural team. If during an excavation that, by
decision of the cultural review team occurs without an approved archaeologist on-site,
phenomena of possible archaeological interest are uncovered, the developer shall stop
such work and provide for a site inspection and evaluation by a professional
Planning Commission Minutes - July 24. J 996
Page 3
archaeologist to ensure that all possible valuable archaeological data is properly
The project shall comply with the regulations of the City's Shoreline Master Program
specifically those of Chapters 4, 5, and 6.
The proposed project shall meet all requirements of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
including environmentally sensitive areas, fire, and building code requirements.
The Shoreline Master Program Shoreline Environment Designation Map shall be
amended to designate the area of the existing log pond as Urban-Harbor and the area
of the proposed estuary as Aquatic-Harbor.
The project shall be subject to the same conditions of approval as those required of
SMA 96-119 which are as follows:
A. Comply with the requirements of the Army Corps of Engineers,
Departments of Ecology, and any agencies with jurisdiction.
B. Submit to the Department ofPub]ic Works for review and approval
routes for any truck delivery of fill material.
The design of the estuary shal] be substantially consistent with the plan approved in
the 1993 revision to SMA 91-119 attached to the staff report as part of Attachment
Based on the information provided in the staff report (including all of its attachments),
comments and information presented during the public hearing, and the Planning
Commissionts discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission
hereby finds that:
1. In 1977, approval was granted and 30,700 square feet or 14% of the log pond
existing at that time was filled. In 1985, a permit to fill one half of the remaining pond
was approved but not acted upon.
2. In 1991, SMA 91-119 was approved by the City for the complete filling of the pond
subject to the following conditions of approval:
A. Comply with the requirements of the Army Corps of Engineers,
Departments of Ecology, and any agencies with jurisdiction.
B. Submit to the Department of Public Works for review and approval
routes for any truck delivery offill material.
In 1993, SMA 91-119 was revised to include a required mitigation project known as
the Valley Creek Estuary Project.
Planning Commission Minules. July 24, 1996
Page 4
The applicant, the Port of Port Angeles applied for a Shoreline Substantial
Development Permit on May 15, 1996. The application was determined complete on
May 24, 1996 (Staff Report Attachment A).
5. A Determination of Non-Significance and Adoption of Existing Environmental
Document was issued by the Port of Port Angeles SEPA Responsible Official for the
proposal on May 5, 1996 (Staff Report Attachment B).
6. The application and hearing process was advertised in accordance with legal
requirements of the City of Port Angeles and the State of Washington.
7. The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance
and critical areas ordinances have been reviewed with respect to this application.
8. The site is designated Industrial in the City1s Comprehensive Plan, Industrial, Heavy,
in the City's Zoning Ordinance, and Urban-Harbor and Aquatic-Harbor in the Citis
Shoreline Master Program. The existing log pond portion of the property is classified
as Aquatic-Harbor. The portion of the property where the estuary will be created is
currently designated Urban-Harbor.
Beach restoration and enhancement is a permitted activity in both the Urban-Harbor
and Aquatic-Harbor designations and log storage is a permitted activity in the Urban-
Harbor designation and a conditionally permitted activity in the Aquatic-Harbor
10. The shoreline has been altered substantially from its natural state.
11. The City's waterfront trail runs east and west adjacent to the property's south
property line.
12. The nearest residents are over 300 feet south of the site and are atop a marine bluff
which is over 100 feet above sea level.
13. Approval is for the fill ofa 4.3 acre pond located at the K-Ply Mill facilities, 439 West
Marine Drive.
14. The total amount offill needed is estimated at 130,000 cubic yards of material.
IS. The fill area is located in an existing industrially developed site and will be used for
storage and handling of logs.
The project is subject to review by the Army Corps of Engineers and Department of
Ecology, pursuant to the Clean Water Act, and requires a hydraulics permit from the
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife.
Pkmning Commission Minutes. July 24, } 996
Page 5
Based on the information provided in the staff report including all of its attachments,
comments and information presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's
discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning
Commission hereby concludes that:
A. The following adopted City policies are most relevant to the proposed project,
Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Policies A-2, H-3&4, and the Conservation
Element Policies B-1, 2, 9 & 10,0-2,3,5 and 7, the City's Industrial, Heavy zone,
and the City's Shoreline Master Program Chapter 4, Policies B-2, C-l, 2, 4, 5 and 7,
D-I, G-4, J-I, 2 and 3, K-2, 4 and 6, L-I and N-I and 2, Chapter 5, Policies D-I, 2,
5, 9, 10 and 11, and all associated regulations.
B. As conditioned, the proposed project is consistent with the City's Comprehensive
Plan, specifically, Land Use Element Policies A-2, H-3&4, and the Conservation
Element Policies B-1, 2, 9 & 10, D-2, 3, 5 and 7, the City's Industrial, Heavy zone,
and the City's Shoreline Master Program Chapter 4, Policies B-2, C-I, 2, 4, 5 and 7,
D-I, G-4, J-I, 2 and 3, K-2, 4 and 6, L-I and N-l and 2, Chapter 5, Policies D-I, 2,
5, 9, 10 and 11, and all associated regulations.
C. The project will not be detrimental to the shoreline.
As conditioned, the proposed project will enhance public access to the shoreline.
E. As conditioned, the proposed project will not interfere with public use of lands or
waters subject to the public trust doctrine.
Commissioner Reed seconded the motion, which carried 6 - O.
OF PORT ANGELES. Coho Ferry Terminal. Foot of Laurel Street: A
request to expand an existing ferry dock and replacelrepair a failing bulkhead
in the CBD, Central Business District.
Senior Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report and further described
the proposal by use of an overhead projector and aerial maps of the site. Chair King opened
the public hearing.
Ken Sweeney, Environmental and Planning Manager for the Port of Port Angeles, P.O.
Box 1350, stated that staff's analysis of the proposal was very complete. The permit was
approved in 1992, however, negotiations between the Coho Ferry operation and,the Port
prevented cormnencement of the pennitted improvements and the permit expired. However,
Army Corps and Department of Fisheries and Wildlife permits are still active.
Mr. Sweeney responded to questions regarding installation ofthe proposed new bulkhead and
Planning Commission Minutes -July 24. 1996
Page 6
responded to Fire Marshall Dan McKeen that the anticipated fill in the dock area will extend
to the dock timber members.
There being no further testimony, Chair King closed the public hearing.
Following brief discussion, Commissioner Philpott moved to approve the shoreline
substantial development permit as proposed citing the following conditions, findings,
and conclusions:
l. The project shall comply with the regulations of the City's Shoreline Master Program
specifically those of Chapters 4, 5, and 6.
2. The proposed project shall meet all requirements of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
including fire, and building code requirements.
3. The project shall be subject to the same condition of approval as required of SMA
92-127 which is as follows:
A. The quality of the fill and extension of the City's storm drain outfall
shall be approved by the City Public Works Department.
The applicant shall obtain or update any other required permits of the State or other
agencies with jurisdiction regarding the proposed project.
Based on the information provided in the staff report (including all of its attachments),
comments and infonnation presented during the public hearing, and the Planning
Commissionis discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission
hereby finds that:
1. In 1992, SMA 92-127 was approved by the City for the proposed application subject
to the following condition of approval:
A. The quality of the fill and extension of the City's storm drain outfall
shall be approved by the City Public Works Department.
2. The applicant, the Port of Port Angeles applied for a Shoreline Substantial
Development Pennit on June 24, 1996. The application was determined complete on
June 27, 1996 (Staff Report Attachment A).
The original staff report for SMA 92-127 and its approval is included in the staff s
report as Attachment B.
4. A Determination of Non-Significance and Adoption of Existing Environmental
Document was issued by the Port of Port Angeles for the proposal.
Planning Commission Minutes - July 24. J 996
Page 7
The application and hearing process was advertised in accordance with the legal
requirements of the City of Port Angeles and the State of Washington.
6. The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance
and critical areas ordinances have been reviewed with respect to this application.
7. The site is designated Commercial in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Central Business
District in the City's Zoning Ordinance, and Urban-Harbor in the City's Shoreline
Master Program.
8. A ferry facility is considered a water-dependent transportation use and is a permitted
use in the Urban-Harbor designation. The proposal is a redevelopment and
improvement to an existing facility.
9. The nearest residents are over 300 feet south of the site and are atop a marine bluff
which is over 100 feet above sea level.
10. Approval is for the expansion of an existing ferry dock by 836 square feet, installation
of 151 feet of sheet piling, and 1180 cubic yards of fill.
The site is located on the Port Angeles Downtown waterfront. The vicinity is
developed with a number of commercial, recreational and tourist oriented facilities.
Rock rip-rap and sheet piling bulkheads line the shorelines in the vicinity.
Based on the information provided in the staff report including all of its attachments,
comments and information presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's
discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning
Commission hereby concludes that:
A. The following adopted City policies are most relevant to the proposed project,
Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Policies A-2, D-l, and F-2, Conservation
Element Policy D-7, and Economic Development Element Policy A-6, the City's
Central Business District zone, and the City's Shoreline Master Program Chapter 4,
Policies D-l, J-l, 2 and 3, K-l, 2, 4 and 6, and N-l and 2, Chapter 5, Policies D-l,
2, 3, 9 and 11, and all associated regulations.
As conditioned, the proposed project is consistent with the City's Comprehensive
Plan, specifically, Land Use Element Policies A-2, 0-1, and F-2, Conservation
Element Policy D-7, and Economic Development Element Policy A-6, the City's
Central Business District zone, and the City's Shoreline Master Program Chapter 4,
Policies D-l, J-l, 2 and 3, K-l, 2, 4 and 6, and N-l and 2, Chapter 5, Policies D-l,
2,3,9 and 11, and all associated regulations.
C. As conditioned, the project will not be detrimental to the shoreline.
Planning Commission Minl/tes - July 24. J 996
Page 8
As conditioned, the proposed project will not interfere with public access to the
E. As conditioned, the proposed project will not interfere with public use of lands or
waters subject to the Public Trust Doctrine.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed 6 ~ O.
The Chair called for a break at 8:45 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:00 p.m. with Chair
King informing those present that the remaining two agenda items would be considered
PORT ANGELES. City - wide: A proposal to amend Chapter 17 (Zoning)
ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code to clarify the definition of a single-family
residence in regard to manufactured homes.
PORT ANGELES. City - wide: A proposal to amend Chapter 17 (Zoning)
ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code to make residential uses a conditional use
in the CO, Commercial zone
Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's report and explained the present manner
in which manufactured homes are permitted in the City. Manufactured homes which meet
HUD (Housing and Urban Development) standards have been City wide in residential single
family zones since 1985, prior to which manufactured homes were only permitted in
Residential Trailer Park (RTP) zones within the City limits. The current amendment proposal
is in response to an applicant who is requesting to place a manufactured home in the
Residential High Density zone which allows residential uses. To create consistency within
the Zoning Code and to update the Code with currently accepted terminology, staffis also
suggesting an updated definition of "manufactured home" in the definition section of the
Discussion took place regarding the differences between modular and manufactured homes
and the specifications for a manufactured home set up in order to ensure that the home is
placed such that it blends in with existing structures in a neighborhood.
In regard to the amendment proposal which would require high density residential uses to
be by conditional use permit in the Commercial Office (CO) zone, staff noted that this issue
was brought about by a recent Comprehensive Plan Amendment change in which the
neighborhood did not object to the commercial designation request until it was understood
that the zone intended by the applicant, the CO, Commercial Office zone, would also allow
for high density residential development as a pennitted use. The proposed amendment would
require that neighboring property owners would be notified when a high density residential
use is proposed in the CO zone. A public hearing would then be held to ascertain any
impacts that could result from the proposed multi family use in a CO zoned neighborhood.
Chair King opened the public hearing.
Plonning Commission Minutes. July 24. 1996
Page 9
Richard Moon, 1411 Ninth Street, addressing the first issue, stated that he is the person
who wants to put a manufactured home in the Residential High Density zone and asked that
the amendment be approved as staff has proposed to enable his mother to reside in the zone
in a manufactured home.
Jim Reed, 485 Blue Mountain Road, addressing the first issue, asked that the proposed
amendment requiring that residential high density uses be permitted in the CO, Commercial
Office zone be approved as proposed by staff. He is the applicant referred to earlier who
proposed a rezone to CO for property he owns, but because he could not ensure the
neighborhood that a future owner would not be able to develop at high density standards, he
has not pursued a rezone further. The amendment as proposed would insert a layer of
protection for the neighboring property owners who are zoned residential single family in his
case as are in most cases of properties that buffer CO zones City wide.
There being no further testimony, Chair King closed the public hearing.
The Commissioners generally agreed that the proposals make sense and should not affect the
manner in which development is occurring City wide.
Commissioner Nutter expressed concern with the second amendment proposal regarding the
CO zone change. It is very difficult to successfully designate and retain high density
residential zoning areas in the City as although everyone is aware that it is necessary to
designate areas where high density uses can locate, no one wants it in their neighborhood.
The proposal would further restrict high density residential development by requiring areas
where the use is permitted outright at the present time, to be by conditional use permit with
the proposed amendment, which again brings in the popularity issue. She favored retaining
the outright pennissibility of high density residential opportunities wherever possible to ensure
the use is encouraged in appropriate areas.
Following further discussion regarding Commissioner Nutter's point, Commissioner
German moved to approve the Municipal Code amendments as shown in the attached
Exhibit "A", citing the following findings and conclusions:
1. The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposals. The
following goals and policies have been identified as being most relevant to the
amendments: Land Use Element Goal B, Goal C, Policy C.l, Goal D, Policy D.l, and
Policy E.3 and Housing Element Goal A and Policy A.2.
2. The. 1995 Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the
Comprehensive Plan was adopted for the proposed Zoning Code amendments on July
9, 1996.
The City has received testimony from neighboring and developing property owners
that a zoning option limiting commercial and multi-family residential uses is desirable.
4. A detached single family dwelling and a manufactured home each on an individual lot
Planning Commission Minutes . July 24, 1996
Pagel 0
are permitted single family residential uses in the RS-7 and RS-9 Zones, while single
family residences are pennitted uses in the RMD and RHD Zones.
The definition of single family residence specifically states one detached dwelling
without reference to detached single family dwelling or manufactured home.
A. The Zoning Code Amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Goals and
Policies, specifically those found in Finding NO.1.
B. The Zoning Code Amendment is consistent with the intent of Chapter 17 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
C. The Zoning Code Amendments are in the public use and interest, since they provide
a zoning option limiting commercial and multi-family residential uses consistent with
neighboring and developing property owners' testimony and the other eliminates
confusion concerning whether manufactured homes on individual lots are considered
single family residences.
D. Limitation of commercial and medium and high density residential uses will
discourage the compromise of zones where transitional uses take place.
There is no reason to differentiate between detached family dwellings and
manufactured homes in the medium and high density residential zones and not in the
single family residential zones.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver and passed 6 - O.
Commissioner Nutter would like the Farmer's Market issue revisited. She asked if the
proposal to increase the new library's size at this point poses any problem with the approved
conditional use permit and parking variance recently approved for the use. Mr. Sawyer
answered that flexibility had been worked into the Planning Commission's approval of the
conditional use permit by anticipating that a change may be required. The plans may be
increased by up to a fifteen percent margin. The proposed changes are at thirteen percent.
Pwnning Commission Minutes. July 24. J 996
Page J J
Commissioner German suggested that staff revise the Shoreline Master Program to allow
shoreline management pennits to be done administratively since the regulations are such that
a project either meets or does not meet the requirements. There doesn't seem to be much
need for review by the Planning Commission on the issues and the public is rarely in
attendance at meetings. Commissioner Craver agreed.
Staff responded that processing time periods would be lengthened if such a change is made
because the City's Planning Director also acts as the City's SEPA Responsible Official. If
the proposal required a hearing officer decision, the Planning Director could not act on both
applications concurrently. Applications could be slowed by up to an additional month. At
present, the SEP A procedure is worked into the beginning of the process and runs with other
required notification periods for shoreline applications.
The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Bob Kmg, Chair
Attachment: Exhibit <<A"
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, changing medium and high density
residential uses from permitted to conditional
uses in the Commercial Office Zone, specifying
that manufaccured homes are allowed on
individual lots in all zones where single-family
residences are allowed, and amending Ordinance
1709 as amended and Chapters 17.08, 17.10,
17.11, and 17.20 of the Port Angeles Municipal
ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.08 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC
17.08.025 and 17.08.070 to read as follows:
17.08.025 - t1D"
A. Density - the ratio of the number of dwelling units
per area of land, e.g., 7,000 square foot lots would allow for a
maximum density of 6.22 dwelling units per acre.
any activity which would alter the
elevation of the land, remove or destroy plant life, cause
structures of any kind to be installed, erected, or removed, divide
the land into two or more parcels, or any use or extension of the
use of the land.
C. District - a portien of a planning area which is
defined by the primary uses located in that portion of the planning
D. Dormitory - a residence hall providing sleeping rooms,
with or without eating facilities.
E. Duplex - a residential building containing two one-
family dwelling units within the four walls of the building.
F. Dwelling - a building, or portion thereof, but not an
automobile house trailer, designed or used exclusively for
residential occupancy, including one-family dwellings, two-family
dwellings, and multi-family dwellings. which dwellinas are
constructed in accordance with the Uniform Buildinq Code or. in the
case of one-familv dwellinas. are constructed as manufactured homes
in accordance with the reauirements set forth in PAMC
but not including hocels, motels or lodging houses.
Dwelling, Multi-family
a building or a portion
thereof containing three or more dwelling units.
Dwelling, One-Family
a building containing one
dwelling unit only.
Dwelling, Two-Family
a building containing two
dwelling units only.
J. Dwelling Unit - one or more rooms which are arranged,
designed or used as living quarters for one family only.
Individual bathrooms are not necessarily provided, but complete
single kitchen facilities, permanently installed, shall always be
included for each dwelling unit.
17.08.070 - liMn
Manufactured Home
Factory built, single-family
structure5 that meetg the National Manufactured Home Constructio...
and Safety Standards Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 5401), commonly known a'"
the HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) Code~
and that also meets the followinq reauirements:
~ Consists of two or more fully enclosed parallel
sections each of not less than 12 feet wide by 36 feet
L Bears an insiqnia issued by the appropriate
federal acencv indicatino c:::Jmpliance with the
construction standards of the U.S. Decartment of
Housinc and Urban Development (HOD) as amended and as
approved by ~he State of Washinoton;
~ :s placed on an on-crade permanent foundation or
on Eootinas and Diers or on blocks in accordance with
HOD I S soecifications for the specific home and has
skirtinq installed so that no more than one foot of
the skirtinq is visible above orade:
~ Has all transport apPurtenances removed;
~ :s served bv underqround electrical cower:
L Was oriqinallY constructed with and now has a
composition or wood shake or shinale. coated metal. or
similar ~oof of not less than 3:12 ~itch: and tit
l... !-las exterior sidinq similar 1n appearance to
sidinq materials commonly used on conventional site
built Uniform Building Code sinale-familv residences.
B. Medical/Dental
a building or group of
buildings designed for the
use of physicians and dentists and
others engaged professionally in such healing arts for humans as
are recognized by the laws of the State of Washington.
C. Mobile Horne - (See the definition for Trailer, House) .
D. Motel - an establishment consisting of a group of
living or sleeping accommodations with bathroom, with or without
kitchen facilities, located on a single zoning lot and designed for
use by transient tourists.
E. Motor Freight Terminal - a building or area in which
freight brought by motor truck is assembled and/or stored for
routing intrastate and interstate shipment by motor truck.
Section 2. Ordinance 1709 as amended and PAMC 17.10.020
and 17.11.020 are hereby amended to read as follows:
17.10.020 Permitted Uses.
Adult family home.
ifldivialw.l :ota) .
C. ~~aR1::lfaeturca flOffiC(3, OR indi viaual 10t(3. f1raviaea each
ffianufacturca homc.
:. ~onoioto of ~~O or more ~cctiORC, c~ch B feet or
~rcatcr ~n width ~len~ itG cRtirc 'cfl~th,
L'ro'haca tnat
co",l3ifiation3 of flarrO'.:cr occtieno may BC Gl.:lBstitutca if 3aio
comeinatioRo arc at 'caGt thc equivalcnt of 8 foot wide ocetiaRG,
2. DearG an :.nGignia :'(3G1::lca by thc apl3Y8/3riatc
federal ~'3c~cy indicating that :.t cOffipl:.c~ Hith the cORstr~ction
Gtanaanio or '::.hc U. C, Departfficnt of IIou(3in~ and UrbaR De-.cle13lllcRt
(:r~) ao a~e~aes aRa as a13/3Y6Vea ey the :tatc of Waehingtsa,
:, I~ places OR an OR graac pcrffiuncnt f01::lRaatioR or
OR :Bt>tiR'EJ!3 and picLe or aR Blodea :'3 accoraaflt:!c '.:ith IHID '(3
opcc~ficatiQno for tAe !]~ccific nOffic, ami haa D]eirtifi~ iRstallea 00
that no morc than one foot of the ~]rirtiRg- io viGible above ~raeie ,
. .
Has al2. trafi~port appurEC:nanCeG rCffioved,
Io serveS. hy ~flaer~reuRa electrical pever.
B~. Supported living arrangement.
17.11.020 Permitted Uses.
A. Adult family" home.
Detached single
family . d....e2.1inl!fsresidences
indivieua1 lots).
~. ~1anHf~cttlrea RemCG, en ~flaividHal lets, ~re~iaes eaca
mORHfacturca flame.
1. CORsiets of t',IS or !Rore !30ctiOfW, caefi 9 feet er
~rcatcr iR widtR aleft~ its cRtire leR~tfl,
rrs':iaea taat
combinatioR!) of narra~..er ocetien!) may se 81:1196titutc6. if lJais
coAlhinatioR6 arc at least tfic eEf1.:1i':alent of 8 foet '.:iEie seeeienD.
2, Dears an insignia iocmcd by tae a1313rsl3E"iate
rcderal agency indicating tRat it complies riith thc conBtr~ctioR
atandurde of thc U. C. Dc~artment of I101:l6in~ and Urban Devele~mcnt
(JIDD) ao a!Readcd and 30 a~provea by thc .:tatc of WaofiiRgtoR,
10 placed OR aR OR ~raae pcrmaRcflt fOl:lRaatioR or
pl.era or on blaclro l.n acceraancc '.:i Eft IHID I.
opecificatioao for tae specific nOHle, ana has oJtirting installce De
that na marc than anc foot of tnc sj(irt~Rg io visible aesvc grade,
4. )[ao all transport appurtenances rcme'lc~,
5. Is 6cr,cB by unci~r~ro~nB electrical power.
~~. Supported living arrangemenc.
Section 3. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.20 of
~he Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC
:7.20.040 and 17.20.160 to read as follows:
17.20.040 Permitted Uses.
A. Services:
1. Banks, financial institutions, insurance and real
estate service offices.
2. Business and professional offices,
3. Child d~y-care centers and pre-schools.
1. Tfie:3c reoiaeRtial use!:) permit.tee. i8 tR8 RUD
District. at the mID aC8Biti. allr.'l".JaRceeDetached sinqle family
residences that meet the area and dimensional reauirements of the
RS-7 zone.
17.20.160 Conditional Uses.
A. Art galleries and museums.
B. Beauty shops and barber shops.
C. Business colleges; music, art, and dance schools.
D. Off-street parking lots not associated with a
permitted use on the same site.
. G.
instruments, medicine and similar items.
Detoxification centers.
Group homes and hospices.
Nursing and convalescent homes.
Public parks and recreation facilities.
Residential care facilities.
Residential uses. other than detached sinqle family
residences. that are permitted in the RHD Zone at the
RHD density allowances.
MN. Utility buildings and structures.
NQ. Other uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter.
Section 4
!f any provisions of this
Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, is
held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is
not affected.
Section 5 - Effective Date.
This Ordinance shall take
effect five days after the date of publication.
?ASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at
a regular meeting of said Council held on the
b";",~ IF"
Becky J Up n. C'ty Clerk
(j4< '-Z7~
Craig D. ~utson, City Attorney
August 11, 1996
(By Summary)
.. I~
day of Aug.
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