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321 East Fifth Street
July 25, 2001
7 p.m.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of June 27,2001
836 East Second Street: A conditional use permit to recognize and allow the
expansion of a church use in the RS-7, Residential Single Family zone.
REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 01-04 - LUND. 520 and 522 South Race Street:
A request to rezone two lots from RS-7, Residential Single Family, to RMD,
Residential Medium Density.
PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Linda Nutter (Chair), Chuck Schramm (Vice), Fred Hewins, Fred Norton, Bob Philpott, Mary Craver, Rick Porter
PLANNlNG STAFF: Brad Collins, Planning Direclor; Debra Barnes, Associate Planner; Sue Roberds, Planning Specialist
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
July 25, 2001
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Fred Norton, Linda Nutter, Fred Hewins, Chuck Schramm,
Rick Porter, Bob Philpott, Mary Craver
Members Excused:
Staff Present:
Debra Barnes, Brad Collins, Ken Debuc
Public Present:
Rev. Thomas Goff, Guy Lund, James Gamble, Sean Norton,
Alice Strouf, Larry Temres, Chris Temres, Harold Brisbin, R.L.
McMicken, Rosemary Sutton, James Sutton
Commissioner Hewins moved to approve the June 27, 2001, meeting minutes as corrected by
Commissioners Nutter and Philpott. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Porter and
passed 5-0 with Commissioners Philpott and Craver abstaining due to their absence at the
Conditional Use Permit CUPOl-04 - Church ofthe Nazarene, 836 East Second Street: A
conditional use permit to recognize and allow the expansion of a church in the RS-7,
Residential Single Family zone.
Planner Barnes presented the staff report. Several questions were raised by the Commission including
driveway approach standards, knowledge by the applicant of the recommended conditions, clarification
of whether or not the CUP covers the legalization of the nonconforming use, as well as the proposed
church addition, and clarification of fire code requirements, parking requirements, and classroom use
as it relates to parking requirements. Chair Nutter opened the public hearing.
Pastor Tom Goff, agent for the applicant, spoke in favor of the proposal and answered several
questions from the Commission, including the seating capacity, parking requirements, cost of required
improvements, and hours of operation versus frequency of church services.
There being no further testimony, the public hearing was closed.
. The Commission briefly discussed the proposal. Commissioner Craver stated that Finding #4 should
include the word "daily". In addition, clarification that the proposed use is for normal church functions
should be added to Finding #4. Commissioner Hewins stated that Finding #5 should make reference
Planning Commission Minutes
July 25. 200!
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to the fact that the CUP was for legalizing the existing use, as well as for the proposed addition.
Director Collins suggested that an additional conclusion be added to also reiterate this point with
wording similar to that provided in the staff analysis section of the staff report.
Commissioner Schramm moved to approve CUPOl-04 with the following 6 conditions, 17 findings
and 5 conclusions. Commissioner Philpott seconded the motion which passed 7-0.
1. The approval is for the application submitted, as described in Exhibit #1.
2. A building permit is required for any building construction which includes compliance with the
Fire Code and City Fire Policy.
3. ..The parking lot needs to be improved to City standards, including number of required spaces
and drainage detention.
4. The approach onto 2nd Street needs to be improved to City standards. The sidewalk along 2nd
Street is required to be extended to the western lot line of Lot 5 and shall meet City standards.
A landscaping plan to address compatibility of the expanded parking lot with adjacent
residential uses is required to be submitted to and approved by staff prior to issuance of the
building permit for the addition. The landscaping plan shall proposed trees and shrubs which
help to buffer the parking lot from adjacent residential uses to the north and west.
6. No driveway access shall be allowed onto Race Street.
1. The request for a conditional use permit is to construct an addition to a legal, nonconforming
use in the Residential, Single Family (RS7) zone. The addition to an existing church is
proposed to have a 36 feet by 36 feet, or 1296 square foot footprint and is 2-stories in height for
a total square footage of2592 square feet. The purpose of the proposed addition would increase
the dining area, add classroom space and allow for new handicap-accessible restrooms. The
application is provided as Exhibit # 1.
2. The proposal is located at 836 East Second Street which is at the southwest comer of Second
and Race Streets. The properties involved include Lots 1-5 and the abutting vacated alley,
Block 121, Cains Subdivision of Suburban Lot No. 21. The property dimensions are
approximately 140 feet by 159 feet, for a total of22,260 square feet.
The property is currently occupied by a church facility. The sanctuary area of the church is one-
story and approximately 2900 s.f. in size. The existing 2-story addition to the sanctuary
contains classrooms, restrooms, kitchen, hallways and a meeting/dining area and has an
approximate 1248 s.f. footprint (2496 s.f. total floor area). It also contains a single family
dwelling and attached garage (1203 s.f. footprint), and graveled parking area proposed for 18-
spaces (19 x 12 feet in size) to serve the 104-person seating capacity in the sanctuary. The total
Planning Commission Minules
July 25, 2(}(}}
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footprint of the existing structures is estimated at 4158 s.f. with a total (gross) floor area of
approximately 5400 s.f. With the construction of the proposed addition, the total building
square footage would be increased 1296 s.f. and total gross floor area would be 7992 s.f.
The hours of operation of the facility is 9 am to 9 pm daily for normal church functions;
however, it is only used for church services twice per week.
The application is for the expansion and conditional use approval of a nonconforming use in
the Residential, Single Family (RS7) zone which allows a church by conditional use approval
in accordance with P AMC 17.1 0.040. The area and dimensional requirements set forth in the
RS7 zone (Table A) should be maintained by conditional uses. The setbacks, lot coverage and
maximum building height can be maintained by the proposal.
The site is approximately 22,260 square feet in size, which is equivalent to 3 townsite-sized lots.
The parking area is accessed off of Second Street approximately 125 feet west of Race Street,
as well as the 2/3 alley. A sidewalk exists along Race Street and Second Street adjacent to the
building but not on the lot containing the parking area.
Nearby comprehensive land uses include Commercial across 2nd Street to the north and Open
Space south of 2nd Street to 4lh Street and also between Washington and Francis Streets.
Adjacent zoning designations include Commercial office and RHD to the north across 2nd
Street, RS7 to the west, and PBP to the south across the alley, as well as east across Race Street.
8. Adjacent land uses include single family residential to the north and west, and parks and
recreation to the east and south (Civic Field and Erickson Field).
9. The Comprehensive Plan was reviewed and the following goals and policies are the most
relevant to the proposal: Land Use Element Goal A, Policy A.l, A.2, Goal B, Goal C, Policy
C.l, Policy E.6, and Transportation Element Policy A.3, and B .3,
10. The RS7 zone is intended to create and preserve urban single family residential neighborhoods
consisting of predominantly single family homes on standard townsite-sized lots. Uses which
are compatible with and functionally related to a single family residential environment may also
be located in this zone.
II. Under P AMC 17.96.050, Conditional Use requirements are specified to include that the
Planning Commission may grant said permits which are consistent and compatible with the
purpose of the zone in which the use is located, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and
not contrary to the public use and interest.
P AMC 14.40.030(F) requires one parking space for each six seats in the chapel. The
application states that 104 seats are provided in the sanctuary. Based on the above parking
requirement, a total of 18 parking spaces should be provided, which is what is proposed by the
applicant. If the new classrooms and dining area/meeting rooms are utilized at the same time
as the sanctuary or beyond the 2-days per week stated in the application, then additional parking
Planning Commission Minutes
July 25. 2001
Page 4
may be required at a rate of 1 space per classroom, and I space per 3 seats for places of
assembly. The Parking Ordinance also requires parking lot improvements which would include
paving, striping and curb stops.
Adopted under PAMC, the City of Port Angeles adopted Urban Services and Guidelines which
includes street and utility specifications, which includes sidewalks abutting commercial or semi-
commercial uses, or along school walking routes or arterials.
There are no environmentally sensitive areas on the subject property nor in the vicinity.
The SEP A Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non significance for the proposal on
July 13,2001.
16. City departments reviewed the proposal and offer the following comments:
. The Fire Department requires that any building 2: 6,250 square feet in total floor area be
equipped with an approved fire sprinkler system.
. The Public Works Department-Engineering requires parking lot improvements, storm
drainage collection system for the parking lot, a sidewalk installed on the west 65 feet
along 2nd Street that matches existing, and a driveway approach onto 2nd Street.
. The Public Works Department-Light Division requires electrical load information.
. The Building Division requires a building permit for any new construction.
No written comments from the public or other agencies were received during the written
comment period.
A. As conditioned, CUP 01-04 is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, specifically the goals
and policies identified in Finding No.9.
B. As conditioned, CUP 01-04 is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code,
specifically the RS 7 zone.
C. As conditioned, CUP 01-04 will maintain the public interest and general welfare.
D. As conditioned, CUP 01-04 meets the requirements for approval ofa conditional use permit as
specified in PAMe 17.96.050.
E. Approval ofthe conditional use pennit legalizes the existing use in conformance with current
Planning Commission Minutes
July 25,2001
REZONE APPLICATION - REZOI-04 LUND, 520 and 522 S. Race Street: A request to
rezone two lots from RS7, Residential Single Family, to RMD, Residential Medium Density.
Planner Barnes provided the staff report and stated that an official rezone map of the subject property
was on the Commission's dias. Discussion followed on the issues of parking requirements for
residential uses which is two spaces per unit, the availability of adequate parking area on the property,
allowed density ofRMD and RS-7 zones as compared to minimum lot size, and the comprehensive
planning designation of the area.
Chair Nutter asked if she was correct in stating that the Planning Commission recommended denial of
the Comprehensive Plan change at 6lh!Race (across the street from the proposal) and that the City
Council approved the amendment. Staff affirmed that she was correct. Chair Nutter also asked for
clarification of the reference in the staff report as to the need for high density residential lands within
the City when the proposal is for medium density residential. Staff responded that the report cited did
not mention medium residential density just high and low residential density.
Commissioner Schramm asked for clarification as to why the southeast corner of 7lh and Race was left
off of the MDR comprehensive plan map designation. Staff stated that the portion of the
Comprehensive Plan map was provided in the application is a copy of what was submitted by the
application which was denied.
A 5-minute break allowed staff to obtain a Comprehensive Plan Map. Copies of a portion of the map
were distributed and further discussion followed.
Staff stated that the RMD allows for one residential unit per 3500 s.f. and for a minimum lot size of
7,000 square feet. This means that one single family residence or one duplex could be allowed on one
7,000 s.f. lot for a total of 4-units on the properties in an RMD zone. The RS-7 zone allows for one
dwelling unit per 7,000 square feet with the potential for an accessory dwelling unit (50% smaller in
size than the main dwelling) by conditional use approval for a potential of four units on the two subject
lots. This is a correction to the potential three units mentioned in the staff report. Comments from the
Commission included why the application is being proposed when the same number of units could be
obtained. Staff clarified that RMD allows a duplex as a permitted use and RS-7 requires a conditional
use for an accessory dwelling unit which needs to be 50% less in size than the main dwelling.
Commissioner Schramm stated his concern over the potential increased traffic along the cross-town
truck route. Director Collins stated that residential uses generally have less of a traffic impact than
commercial uses.
Commissioner Craver commented that there is no difference between the traffic impacts between two
. duplex units as compared to two single family units each with one accessory dwelling unit.
Phmning Commission Minutes
July 25.2001
Page 6
Commissioner Hewins commented that a benefit of having multi-family units in this area is the
proximity to amenities such as the parks and YMCA.
Commissioner Porter requested clarification of the history of land use changes and commercial use
proposals on the subject property.
Commissioner Philpott mentioned his concern over the large number of objections by the
Commissioner Hewins stated that he believes the neighborhood comments are a carry-over from
previous applications and that they appear to be opposed to the applicant more than the proposal.
Commissioner Philpott requested clarification ofthepotentia1 number of units for each lot under RMD.
Director Collins stated that there is a slight difference in the potential density between the two zones.
Commissioner Nutter reiterated the written comments that were received.
Commissioner Porter asked for clarification of the number of parking spaces that are required and if
parking along Race Street would be permitted.
Commissioner Hewins stated that it is appropriate for the City to support densities allowed such as
. RMD that are in between single family and high density multi-family.
Commissioner Schramm asked a member ofthe public, Harold Brisbin who signed a petition opposing
the proposed rezone, to clarify his specific objections to the proposal.
Harold Brisbin, 814 East 51h Street, responded that parking along 5th Street by visitors to his home
has been restricted since the construction of the apartment complex and nursing home occurred. In
addition, increased traffic occurs in the alley where children often play. Commissioner Schramm asked
if off-street parking provided by the applicant would alleviate his concerns. Mr. Brisbin responded in
the affirmative.
Commissioner Hewins moved to forward a recommendation of approval to the City Council
citing the 13 findings and 5 conclusions in the staff report. Commissioner Norton seconded the
motion which passed 4-3 with Commissioners Nutter, Philpott, and Porter voting against the
proposal. Commissioner Philpott stated that he puts a lot of weight and value onto the amount of
opposition to the proposal by the neighborhood. Commissioner Porter reiterated Commissioner
Philpott's statement. Chair Nutter stated that she agreed with comments from the neighborhood stated
in the petition and letters against the proposal, concerns about parking problems in the area, and
increased congestion along the crosstown truck route.
REZ 0]-04 is proposed by a property owner, Mr. Guy Lund, for a change in the zoning
designation from Residential, Low Density to Residential, Medium Density in the area along
the west side of Race Street between the 5/6 alley and 6th Streets. The application was
submitted on June 20,2001, and is attached as Exhibit #1.
Planning Commission Minutes
July 25. 2001
Page 7
The proposal encompasses two Townsite-sized lots legally described as Lots A and B, BLA99-
02, being a reconfiguration of Lots 17 and 18, Block 194, Townsite of Port Angeles. Each
property is occupied by a single family dwelling.
3. The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposed amendment, and Land
Use Element Goal A, Policy A.I, A.2, Objective AI, Goal B, Goal C, Policy E.6, and
Transportation Element Policies A.3 and B.3 were found to be the most relevant.
4. A Determination ofNonSignificance was issued per WAC 197-11-355 on July 13, 2001.
5. Four letters and a petition with 45 names opposing the proposed change in land use designation
from low to medium residential have been received. The comments include concerns over
negative effects onto property values, traffic, noise, parking, access onto Race Street, pedestrian
safety on a high traveled street, and character of the neighborhood.
6. No agency comments were received in opposition ofthe proposal. The City Building Division
stated that a building permit was required for any remodeling of the first floor of the residential
structure on Lot A.
Race Street is designated as an arterial and in the Comprehensive Plan as part ofthe crosstown
truck route. Sixth Street is a local access street.
8. The City's action on Zoning Map Amendment REZ 01-04 is consistent with the established
procedures for amending the Zoning Code set forth in Section 17.96.100, Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
9. Public notice was provided in accordance with PAMC 17.96.070.
10. The properties between First and 8th Streets along Race Street have a mix of commercial, public
parks and recreation, residential uses (single and multi-family). The properties between 4th and
71h, and Francis and Washington have Medium Residential Density land use designation, except
for the southeast comer of Race 17th Streets. Within this region exists a church, a convalescent
center, recreational complexes and one apartment complex. Other multi-family structures exist
within this region.
II. The subject properties are occupied by two single family dwellings and is generally flat. To the
east, south and north of the proposal are mixed office, church and recreational uses. To the west
residential uses.
The most recent land use analysis in Port Angeles was summarized in the Community Profile
Section of the Comprehensive Plan. This section states that there are 12 acres of buildable areas
zoned high density residential multi-family lands, as compared to 491 acres of buildable areas
zoned low density residential. The low density residential zoning designations comprises
approximately 46% ofthe total land base within the City limits, as compared to 4% ofthe high
density residential. Commercial lands comprise 7% of the land base.
Planning Commission Minutes
July 25,2001
Page 8
The Clallam County Housing Needs Assessment (1999) indicated that there were 1,878 multi-
family rental units in 1998. According to the Washington State Office of Financial
Management, the City's April 2000, official population estimates were based on 78% single
family and 22% multi-family housing units with a declining household size. The trend in single
family and multi-family housing percentages in other communities also indicates increasing
needs for multi- family zoned land. There have been minimal changes in the City's development
in the second half of the decade of the 1990's. Multi-family uses are allowed in the
Commercial, Office zone by conditional use permit approval.
A. REZOI-04 is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and
Transportation Element as described in Finding #3.
B. The City's action on Rezone REZ 01-04 is consistent with the established procedures for
amending the Zoning Code as specified in P AMC 17.96.1 00.
C. The proposal is consistent with the medium density residential zoning designation land use
designation along the planned crosstown truck route.
The proposal would not compromise the Comprehensive Plan and the Transportation Services
and Facilities Plan, adopted in October 1996, which depicts a modified route (IIIB) which
includes the FrontlFirst east of Race Street, Race Street south to near Porter Street continuing
in stages east across White's, Ennis, Lee's and Morse Creek paralleling the BPA power line and
rejoining SR 101 east of Deer Park Road, and also Lauridsen Boulevard west to SR 101 and the
Truck Route. By limiting the zone to Commercial, Office, the intensity of the uses would be
less than that allowed in Commercial, Arterial.
E. Rezone 01-04 is in the public use and interest and would increase the availability for multi-
family housing in the City.
Guy Lund, 810 E. 4th Street, stated that his plans for the property along Race Street proposed for
rezoning under REZ 01-04, are to construct a duplex on the northern lot by remodeling the existing
single family home. He added that this property has ample area to accommodate up to 8 parking
spaces. He stated that the existing residence on the southern lot has been upgraded and remodeled. He
added that he has taken over project management ofthe property which was previously done by his son.
He concluded that his plans are to continue to improve the aesthetics ofthe northernmost building and
. Francis Street Park. Staff provided an update to the progress of the construction of the new park
which included the Public Works Department estimate that temporary public access may be
provided in 2-3 weeks and that the final project was hoped to be completed with full public
access a few weeks later.
. August 8th meeting agenda. The Planning Commission decided to re-schedule the Downtown
presentation that was re-scheduled for the August 8th meeting to allow for all Commissioners
to be present. Commissioners Nutter, Craver and Norton stated that they would not be at the
August 8th meeting. Commissioners Nutter and Philpott will not be at the August 22nd meeting.
. Long Range planning schedule. A brief discussion on the long range planning schedule was
held which resulted in a decision for the Chair and Director Collins to discuss and perhaps
revise the schedule and report back to the Commission in the near future.
Commissioner Hewins provided handouts and an overview of the training session
sponsored by the City of Sequim and A WC that was held last week.
Chair Nutter provided information on an upcoming Washington State APA conference
which is scheduled for September 24-26 in Spokane.
Commissioner Schramm asked for an update on the various steel Ibeams/pilings along
the waterfront trail from the pier to the Rayonier site which pose a danger and whether
or not removal of the pilings could be removed as mitigation for new proposals. This
included discussion on whether or not Rayonier removed the some pilings associated
with the log removal project. Staff responded that they will investigate this and report
hack to the Commission.
Chair Nutter stated that a copy of the draft Annexation plan was included in the packet
and asked if any discussion was desired at this time. Director Collins provided an
overview of the process and stated that a full presentation would be scheduled at a future
Chair Nutter reiterated that she would not be at the August meetings and that Vice Chair
Schramm would chair the meetings.
Chair Nutter adjourned the meeting at 9:35 p.m.
Charles Schramm, Vice-Chair
Meeting Agenda OfZ/}.t L...t ,Ji. 'J- ~ /
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Agenda Item No.
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Meeting Agenda of:
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