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V. ~
321 East Fifth Street
July 28, 1999
7 p.m.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting ofJuly 14,1999.
1. Neighborbood Planning
2. Transportation Planning
PLANNrNG COMMISSIONERS: Mary Craver (Chair);Fred Hcwins(Vice);Bob King,Linda Nutter,De:m Reed,Fred Norton)ason Robotkay
PLANNING STAFF: Brad Collins, Planning Director; David Sawyer, Senior Planner; Sue Roberds, Planning Specialist.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
July 28, 1999
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Fred Hewins, Jason Robotkay,
Dean Reed, Linda Nutter
Members Excused:
Mary Craver, Bob King, Fred Norton
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, David Sawyer, Gary Kenworthy
Public Present:
Director Collins informed the Commissioners that Chair Craver will be resigning from the Planning
Commission due to ill health of family members.
Commissioner Nutter moved to direct staff to make correction to the findings and
conclusions for the Daishowa Shoreline Management Permit, to amend testimony
provided under "Commission Reports", and place the item on the next Planning
Commission agenda. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Robotkay and passed
4-0 with Commissioner Reed abstaining.
Planning Director Collins noted that about ten months ago staff submitted a memorl;U1dum
regarding neighborhood planning to the Commission for discussion. With the advent of
planning for the 2000 budget, this item is being revisited to ascertain the Commission's
wishes with regard to neighborhood planning.
In September, 1998, the Commission decided to proceed slowly with neighborhood planning
reviews, since annexation of surrounding areas was not close. Therefore, no monies were
placed in the 1999 budget for that planning. It does not appear that there is any momentum
for annexation at this time. The City is debating with the County about the wisdom of
extending the urban growth area. Until that issue is resolved or unless petitions are submitted
for annexation, it is unlikely that there will be much momentum for annexation for awhile.
Mr. Collins asked the Commission whether that direction is suitable and if perhaps it is more
important to do neighborhood planning in conjunction with a IO-year review of the
Comprehensive Plan. The question at hand is whether or not whether neighborhood planning
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July 28. 1999
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is not going to be a major item for the Commission's attention in the year 2000, or at a later .
Commissioner Hewins asked how the general public perceives a "neighborhood", as the area
that one is most familiar with, say a six or seven block area around one's home.
Mr. Collins noted that the City's Comprehensive Plan identifies seven planning areas for the
City of Port Angeles. These areas are much larger than one's own neighborhood and could
result in three or four neighborhoods in a planning area. Neighborhood planning that is
being described more likely occurs in large cities where a neighborhood might have 20,000
people in it, the size of the City of Port Angeles.
Commissioner Reed saw value in neighborhood planning as an opportunity to plan how a
Uneighborhood" should develop beforehand rather than neighbors ending up in a defensive
mode where certain types of development are not desired for a particular neighborhood.
Commissioner Nutter was excited about the neighborhood planning process. Training is
needed to begin this process. She suggested that one neighborhood a year be a goal. Maybe
a grant could be received to renew a neighborhood such as tree planting. She asked how the
county is still approving commercial development outside of the City's UGA. Her
understanding that such activity flys directly in the face of state regulations. Ms. Nutter
expressed appreciation for the City's planning for nonmotorized activities.
Conunissioner Robotkay also agreed that neighborhood planning is desirable. He suggested
that the Commission begin with one neighborhood and up the pace as the momentum begins.
Commissioner Hewins described a planning process he observed in Walnut Creek,
California. The neighborhoods were defined very particularly in that they provided
amenities within each neighborhood where it could support itself within the City. A wise
plan may be to develop a draft prop~sal and then hold public meetings for a neighborhood
Director Collins said that he would try to work the ideas expressed into a proposal for
neighborhood planning to begin in September, 2000.
Commissioner Nutter noted that the City should work with the news media early on in the
process to ensure that the public have plenty of advance notice of the intended planning
process to try to get a large number of people involved in the planning process well in
advance of the public meetings.
Senior Planner David Sawyer reviewed a detailed report on transportation planning issues
that are occurring and those that are planned for the future. The information provided .
includes transportation proposals for upgrade and changes to Highway 101 and Highway 104
Planning Commission Millurcs
July 18. 1999
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between Port Angeles and the mainland.
Commissioner Nutter noted that bicycles are transportation methods as well as automobiles
and should be noted on arterial maps. City Engineer Kenworthy indicated that the
nonmotorized routes are contained in an overlay that is not included on the submitted map
due to its being reduced. It would not be readable with too many overlays.
Commissioner Nutter suggested that the City plan to complete the Waterfront Trail from the
east to the Rayonier mill site as soon as possible rather than wait until the Rayonier property
is completed. The final segment through the Rayonier site can then be completed more
quickly when the mill site has been cleaned up and is open for the Trail development.
City Engineer Kenworthy explained how to read the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)
and Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) documents and provided information on prioritization of
specific projects. Most of these issues were prioritized a few years ago and have moved
around in that process dependent on work that has been done.
Commissioner Nutter was very concerned that large groups of bicyclists touring through the
area are not afforded opportunities to secure their bicycles and that there are not adequate
services to provide showers and camping accommodation. A large tandem bicycle rally is
planned for the year 2000 where 800 to 1000 tandem bicyclists will be visiting the area. She
was concerned that the City might not be ready to accommodate the bicyclists.
Commissioner Hewins asked Mr. Kenworthy what the procedure is for including bicycle
lanes in street improvements is. Mr. Kenworthy answered that bicycle lanes were not
included in either the recent Race Street or 8th Street improvements because the work was
an improvement rather than new construction. Striping for bicyclists is usually included only
when new work is being done and is then included in the bid process.
Commissioner Robotkay stated that bicycle lane striping is desirable for paving projects like
Race Street.
Engineer Kenworthy briefly reviewed the status of the listed transportation projects. He
noted projects that would include bicycle lanes. Bicycle lanes will be provided where street
widths allow. The planned projects are not widening projects but are repair for the most part.
Commissioner Hewins suggested that the removal of parking from one side of the street or
another would effectively widen the street to allow bicycle use. He suggested that the public
be polled to determine whether the removal of parking from one side of arterial streets or
another would be accepted for the development of bicycle lanes.
There was considerable discussion regarding the advisability of moving toward the provision
of on-street bicycle lanes. As Port Angeles develops toward more of a tourist destination.
the infrastructure for nonmotorized travel needs to become more in the forefront. Those
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July 18. 1999
Page 4
businesses dependent on street parking may have to find parking on a side street or provide .
parking in some other manner.
Director Collins pointed out that there is a public workshop scheduled for August 17, 1999,
for the general public to speak with the consultants regarding the Gateway Project. The
meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the Vem Burton Center. Engineer Kenworthy noted that
around 4 million dollars have been put aside for the project at this time.
Director Collins encouraged the Commission to appoint a member to work with the Highway
10 1 group to keep the Commission posted on what's going on.
Commissioner Robotkay asked, if the Waterfront Trail extension is constructed with gravel,
can it be asphalted at a later time? Engineer Kenworthy stated that would be the plan.
Director Collins earlier mentioned that although the Department has not received fonnal
notice, Commissioner Craver did phone the office to say that due to family health concerns,
she would be submitting a letter of resignation effective immediately. Reelection of officers ....
should be conducted at the August 25 meeting.
Planner Sawyer reported that site visits to the 8th Street Virginia Mason Clinic showed that
they appear to be in compliance with the restriction of parking north ofthe site. He will keep
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
-h .
-J~~~ C.b~(~
Brad Co llins, Secretary
- I F d . V' C .
re Hewms, Ice haIr
PREPARED BY: s. Roberds