HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/28/2004
WAS H [ N G TON, U. S. A.
321 East Fifth Street
July 28, 2004
6 p.m.
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular meeting of July 14,2004
MARKET. Saturday Market on Laurel Street: Request for extension of a permit to
allow the continued operation of a farmer's market activity in the Central Business
District on Saturdays.
Request for a conditional use permit to establish a duplex in an existing single family
residence. (This permit will be continued.)
PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Fred Hewins (Chair),Len Rasmussen (Vice Chair), Chuck Schramm, Fred Norton, Linda Nutter, Bob Philpott, Dylan Honnold
PLANNING STAFF: Brad Collins. Director; Scott Jams. Associate Planner; Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
July 28, 2004
6:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Bob Philpott, Fred Norton, Fred Hewins, Chuck Schramm,
Leonard Rasmussen, Dylan Honnold, Linda Nutter (arrived
at 6:30 p.m.)
Members Excused:
Staff Present:
Sue Roberds, Scott Johns
Public Present:
Edna Petersen, Rick Mathis, Terry Roth, J. McClean, Mike
McClean, David and Hiltrud Crossley, Anne Hastings
Murray, Ernst Schafer, Rudy Hiener, Roy Gotham, Nash
Huber, Jim Robinson, Jim Haguewood, ArIa Holzschuh,
Kevin Thompson, John Harbick, Dick Sieger, Marline and
Michael Lesh, Bill Thomas, Sandra Strafford, Gail W illanson,
Kia Kozin, 1. Rene Ewbank, Peter and Jane Vanderhoof,
Maria Oren
Commissioner Rasmussen moved to approve the July 14,2004, minutes as presented.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Honnold and passed 6 - o.
Chair Hewins indicated that those who testify must sign the "Sign In" log and affinn that their
testimony will be truthful to the best of their knowledge prior to providing testimony during the
public hearings.
MARKET. Saturday Market on Laurel Street: Request for extension of a pennit to allow the
continued operation of a fanner's market activity in the Central Business District on
Assistant Planner Sue Roberds reviewed staffs report recommending extension of the
conditional use permit as requested until May, 2008, with conditions and answered brief questions
regarding the proposal.
Nash Huber, 230 Simpsoll Road, Sequim, WA represented the PA Farmer's Market
Association and stated that the Market is trying to be an active part ofthe Downtown activities and
would like to continue the Saturday market in the same location under the existing conditions for the
next 4 years. He is aware of the results of the recent Downtown survey which indicated an overall
Plnnlling Commission Minutes
July 28.2004
good experience for Downtown businesses with Market activities and is also aware that there are
some'issues that still need to be worked out for a smooth operation. The Market managers hope to
address those issues while looking for a pennanent location/structure, with the help of the Clallam
County Economic Development Council, where an expanded Market use can operate. The Market
provides local artisans access to the public and to the business community which is necessary if such
a use is to thrive. The Market has seen a significant economic increase since moving to the current
location with reported 2003 sales reaching $171,000.
Commissioner Rasmussen asked whether the Market would be willing to consider an
alternate location given the concerns expressed in letters from Downtown business owners who feel
that the Saturday Market use has negatively impacted their businesses. Mr. Huber responded that
he would like to be able to retain the Market location where it is because it works very well for the
Market He stated that approximately 50% ofthe Market vendors are agriculture oriented.
In response to Commissioner Philpott, Mr. Huber answered that as a condition of the
conditional use pennit approval the alley must remain open and accessible during Market use. He
has spoken to most of the business owners who have indicated the Saturday Market is causing a
negative impact on their businesses and is aware of their concerns.
Dick Sieger, 271 Harmony Lane, PortAngeles, WA lives in the County and noted the names
of 15 businesses that benefitted from his recent shopping visit to Downtown Port Angeles that was
due to the Market's location. He believes that the Market is a real benefit to other businesses in the
Downtown for just such a reason.
Ernest Shaefer, 106 North Laurel, Port Angeles, W A explained the advantages that he has
experienced as a business owner who operates a photography business at 106 North Laurel alongside
the location ofthe Market use. He brings out tables and chairs to entice Market customers to visit
his business location and has never heard any complaints from customers that the Market has caused
them difficulty in getting to his business establishment
At this point, Commissioner Honnold noted for the record that he is an employee of the
Clallam County Economic Development Council (EDC) but feels that he can act fairly on the issue.
No one from either the audience or the Planning Commission objected to his remaining to deliberate
the issue, and so he remained for the meeting.
Jim Haguewood, 705 Cristman Place, Port Angeles, WA spoke of the EDC's campaign
entitled "Always Buy Clallam", that is intended to help grow the local agriculture industry by
assisting local fanners and artisans in providing locations in which to sell their goods that will
ultimately strengthen the local economy. New programs often need refinement and a growing period
in which to work out issues of concern. He asked that the Market be given additional time to
continue to work with business owners in the Downtown and to refine their operation.
Terry'Roth, 115 East Railroad AVe1Iue, Port Angeles, WA stated that while the Market use
has absolutely no impact on any businesses along Railroad A venue, he is opposed to closing any
street in the Downtown for any purpose. The Market does cause some disruption to Downtown
businesses, and he believes that there are alternatives that may not have been tried in siting the
Market use. Overall the use is positive for the community but needs more work.
In response to a question from Commissioner Schramm as to what some of the alternatives
may be, Mr. Roth answered that the private parking lot owned by Mr. Darrel Vincent on Laurel
Street or the City Pier would be good locations that would not require street closure.
Aria Holzschuh, Executive Director of the Port Angeles DowlltowlI Association, 115 Y2
East First Street, Port Angeles, W A submitted and read a letter into the record supporting extension
Planning Commissioll Mjn!lt~s
July 28. 20Q4
Page 3
ofthe Market use. She stated that it is possible for Downtown businesses to play off the Market use
by providing Market specials at their places of business. The Market needs to be located in a
consistent location so that customers will know where their favorite vendors are each week.
Bringing more people to the Downtown is important to the local economy and the Market does bring
people Downtown. At last check, approximately 900 - 1,000 people visit the Market each Market
day. Market customers may visit an assortment of other businesses while specifically visiting the
Downtown for the Market activity and vendors do their best to direct their customers to others in the
Downtown and act as ambassadors of the City with visitors.
In response to Commissioner Rasmussen, Ms. Holzschuh addressed questions regarding
parking, hours of Market operation, holiday activities, and Market survey questions. Business
owners who were surveyed with regard to impacts ofthe Market use on their businesses were those
along Laurel Street, extending both east and west of Laurel Street, for a total of approximately 20
businesses. While most businesses surveyed indicated that the Market is a benefit to the Downtown,
one half of the businesses on Laurel said that one day a week would be better. The Central Business
District is composed of approximately 102 businesses. The Downtown Association will continue
to work with Market managers and vendors in addressing specific issues of concern. The Market
is working very well overall. Specific issues of concern are not insurmountable.
With regard to the complaint noted by a local restaurant owner that Market vendors are using
his restroom facilities without permission, Commissioner Philpott asked if a portable restroom
service had been considered by Market managers. Commissioner Hewins asked if signage to local
public restroom facilities is used. Ms. Holzschuh responded that, while everyone works to upgrade
the local public restroom facilities, they are not in good shape and most people prefer not to use
them. The placement of a porta potty would be a logistic problem.
In response to Commissioner Schramm, Ms. Holzschuh responded that alternate locations
in public parking lots are not possible for Market use. The City is not able to donate public parking
lots for such an activity to the exclusion of the public. She stated that a shortage of parking in the
Downtown is a perceived problem.
Commissioner Honnold asked if there is any mechanism for members within the Downtown
Association to allow the airing of concerns regarding Downtown businesses. Ms. Holzschuh
responded that members are asked to come to meetings where they can speak oftheir concerns and
have them addressed by the Board. Those businesses that have a concern with the Market use were
invited to attend a meeting - some did come, and some didn't - to work out concerns. She believed
that a compromise had been reached in at least one case of the four who are not satisfied with the
Market use.
Rick Mathis, Harbor Cafe, 102 West Front Street, Port Angeles, W A stated that the closing
of Laurel Street for the use is wrong. His business has been turned into the public restroom for the
Market use. He stated that his sales data shows that he loses 20% to 40% of his revenue during
Market operations and that business picks up following Market closures. He had to recently let a
Saturday employee go because Saturday sales have been so slow. While he supports the use, he is
in opposition to the closure of Laurel Street for the activity. He presented Laurel Street business
owner George Hodgdon, 108 N. Laurel, with 130 signatures of customers who oppose the closure
of Laurel Street for the Market use, and reiterated that he is not against the use but that it should be
located elsewhere in the Downtown where closure of Laurel Street will not be an issue.
In response to Commissioner Nutter, Mr. Mathis responded that better signage and a portable
restroom would help.
Planning Commission Millutes
July 18. 1004
Page 4
Mr. Mathis responded to Commissioner Rasmussen that the City Pier or the Darrel Vincent
private parking lot may be good alternative places for the Market use.
The Commission took a 10 minute break at 7:30 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:40 p.m.
Bill Thomas, 473 S. Bagley Creek Road, Port Angeles, WA owns a business on Laurel
Street and stated that his Wednesday and Saturday sales during Market activities are better than at
any other time. He believes that he gains business from Market activities and is not the least bit
bothered by the closure of Laurel Street during the use. If you treat people well, they will stay and
buy. Business owners need to play offthe Market more and encourage Market customers to stay in
the Downtown longer.
Sandra Strafford, 81 Alpille Loop, Sequim, W A is the City Police Department's Downtown
Parking Officer. During the past six years that she has worked the Downtown, she has noticed that
the Market has significantly added to the Downtown atmosphere and agreed that vendors act as
ambassadors for the community.
In response to Commissioner Nutter, Ms. Strafford answered that the City Administration
doesn't typically like to be too aggressive about issuing parking tickets in the Downtown on
weekends so it is difficult to say if more parking abuse occurs on weekends versus any other day.
She agreed that better signage is needed to direct people during Market use.
Gail WilkillSOIl, 805 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, WA works at Nature Way on Front
Street. She believes that the Market use heavily impacts her Saturday sales such that she has nearly
no sales during the Market use. Customers want to park close to where they shop and additional
parking congestion caused by the Market negatively impacts her business. She favors the Market
use hut does not think that Laurel Street is an appropriate location for such an activity.
David Crossley, 539 Herrick Road, Port Angeles, W A is a vendor at the Market and would
prefer not to move from the established location on Laurel Street, in fact, he stated, it is difficult to
maintain customers when he has to move within the existing location as his customers can't find him
and think he's not there. He spends a good deal oftime answering tourist questions about businesses
in the area and believes the Market vendors provide a valuable service to the community and its
Anne Hastings Murray, 306 Lopez, Port Angeles, WA loves the Market and believes that
it draws not only herself but many others who spend more time in the Downtown than they would
if the Market use were not there. As Chair of the Economic Development Council's Agriculture
Cluster, she believes that the Market fosters specific projects in agriculture and assists in building
sustainable food businesses encouraging people to buy local produce. A Downtown Market
specifically helps because, as it is located in the core of the community, it helps to build an
awareness of agriculture opportunities in the area and provides a central location where people can
gather and communicate.
Kia Kozill, 104 Davenltill Lalle, Sequim, WA particularly enjoys being in the Downtown
as a vendor because it allows her an opportunity to meet many new people and share her love of the
area with visitors and residents in return for use ofthe public street to sell fresh produce items. The
Market is a family oriented activity and Market vendors are committed to working with Downtown
Rene Ewballk, 1605 S. Golf Course Road, Port Angeles, WA is a milliner who sells hats
and homemade furniture items at the Market. Her income has quadrupled since locating in the
Downtown area. She believes that she needs to be in the central location for the exposure such an
area provides to her for her business.
Planning Commission Minllles
Jllly 28, 2004
Page 5
Edna Petersen, 217 N. Laurel, Port AlIgeles, W A is a long time resident and business owner
in Port Angeles. She expressed her discomfort at having to address the Planning Commission and
Market group with her concerns but stated that she has seen a 25% drop in sales on Saturdays since
the Saturday Market use has been located on Laurel Street. Although she favors the Market use in
the Downtown, Laurel Street is not an appropriate location. Vendors to the Market and customers
park along the sidewalk and in nearby public lots making it difficult for customers to get to other
Downtown businesses including her own. A location off the public street would be more
appropriate, and she agreed that the private parking lot owned by Darrel Vincent at Laurel/First
Street may be a better location for the use. She has reported parking concerns to the City year after
year and believes that her concerns are being seen as chronic and are not being addressed. As a long
time resident and business owner who takes pride in Port Angeles, she asked that a one year
extension be granted rather than the four years requested in an attempt to try to work out some of the
continuing issues surrounding the Saturday Market activity, specifically parking, that are of major
concern to Downtown businesses.
Peter Vanderhooj; 585 Wasallkari Road, Joyce, WA has worked to try to make the Market
use a success and believes that the Market can be a vehicle to bring people together. He encouraged
vendors and business owners to continue working together for the good of the community before
making any big changes in the existing activity.
There being no further testimony, Chair Hewins closed the public hearing.
In response to Commissioner Rasmussen, Assistant Planner Sue Roberds indicated that use
of the City Pier should not be considered a viable alternative location for the Market use because it
would involve regular use of the Pier for a private activity which would then prevent a freedom of
scheduling for other public activities for which the facility is intended. The Market is not truly a
public use and the Pier is maintained for public activities. A more pennanent location where such
a use can be established and grow would be more appropriate and is what the Market managers and
vendors are looking for.
Planner Roberds responded to Commissioner Hewins that, at this time, no charge is made
for the Laurel Street right-of-way for the Market use.
Commissioner Norton commented that he could not understand why the Market seems to
benefit some businesses but not others. He favored a one year extension at this time in order to work
out noted issues with the Saturday Market use.
Commissioner Nutter noted the testimony and written comment that indicates that long term
parking is a problem for neighboring businesses and that ticketing abusers on weekends when the
Saturday Market occurs is not a typical function in the Downtown. A portable restroom service may
be necessary or much better signage to alleviate the abuse of nearby business restroom facilities by
irresponsible Market customers. A time line for conflicts to be worked out within the Downtown
Association should be in place, and Market managers must make certain that vendors are organized
such that they can quickly set up and tear down their booths to reopen the area for nonnal business
use. It is important that market vendors understand that the area is for their use on a specific time
line basis and that they not tarry in tear down. She also noted that the City should make an effort to
contact business owners when notifying of specific actions such as pennit extensions within the
Downtown due to the fact that some property owners do not communicate with the business owners
operating on their properties when notices are sent to property owners. She favored a one year
extension of the Market use to allow improvement on the issues noted rather than a longer extension
at this time.
Plnnning Commission Minutes
July 28, 2004
Page 6
Commissioner Hewins expressed concern with the closing of a public street particularly when
there is no charge for use of the right-of-way. He is against using public resources to allow such a
use when it appears to impact private businesses negatively. More work needs to be done to resolve
noted issues and to create a more level playing field.
Commissioner Schramm noted the difficulty in dealing with the situation because there are
no real absolutes as to why there appears to be a drop in business only on Saturdays and only for
particular businesses which seemingly are not connected with Market uses. More work needs to be
done on why this is happening and what, if anything, will help both the businesses and the Market:
parking tickets for vendors who are abusing parking regulations may be a start. If problems haven't
been identified and addressed in another year, another location may be needed.
Further discussion on the timing ofthe extension request, the length oftime approved for the
Wednesday Market, and the need to review testimony provided, ensued following which,
Commissioner Norton moved to extend Conditional Use Permit CUP 03-06 for an additional
one year period with the following conditions and citing the following findings and
Conditional Use Pennit CUP 03-06 is hereby extended to August, 2005, as long as the
operation remains in compliance with all conditions of approval.
Products to be sold shall be limited to locally grown plants, food or food products and
associated, local arts and crafts.
Continued compliance with State and County requirements for the handling and sale of food
and/or food products is required including sanitation facility requirements.
The consumption of City electric power, water, garbage collection shall be arranged for
through the City's Public Works and Utilities Department within a reasonable time period
prior to the need for such utilities.
The Port Angeles Fanner's Market shall provide the City with a certificate of insurance
naming the City as an additional insured for the time period allowed for use.
Necessary educational outreach to vendors and customers about proper use of off-street
parking areas, signage and use of public facilities shall be made.
Street barricades shall be provided by the Port Angeles Farmers Market.
Any adjoining alleys shall be kept open for delivery, service, and emergency vehicles.
A right-of-way use pennit shall be approved by the City's Public Works and Utilities
Department prior to use of the City's rights-of-way.
The Port Angeles Fanners Market shall submit a parking plan that is acceptable to the
Downtown Business AssociationlPBIA in order to continue use of the public right-of-way.
Traditional community sponsored events such as Arts n' Action and other Downtown holiday
activities shall take precedence over the farmer's market for use of the street.
Based on the infonnation provided in the Planning Division Staff Report for CUP 03-06
dated July 28, 2004, including all infonnation in the public record file, comments and testimony
presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and deliberation, and the
above listed condition of approval, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that:
Planning Commission Minlltes
July 28. 2004
Pnge 7
The Port Angeles Fanner's Market submitted a letter requesting extension of a Saturday
market activity on Apri119, 2004. The farmer's market is intended to provide a location
where local farmers and artisans can sell their goods to the public.
The site is located in the Port Angeles Downtown on Laurel Street between First and Front
Streets. A Wednesday market use has been operating on the site for the past two years. The
local market has also operated a Saturday activity in the current location since May, 2003.
While the Wednesday market use was extended until May, 2008, in 2003, the Saturday
market has only operated since 2003, and is now requesting an extension concurrent with the
Wednesday activity, that is operated by the same group.
P AMC 17.96.050 Extensions of Approved Conditional Use Permits identifies criteria for
the extension of approved conditional use pennits. "Extensions of approved conditional use
pennits shall be considered in accordance with the same procedures as for the original pennit
application, and may be granted for a period of one to five years, provided that the following
minimum criteria are met:
1. The use complies with the permit conditions.
2. There have been no significant, adverse changes in circumstances.
Public notice ofthe extension proposal was made in compliance with PAM C 17.96 .140 with
publication appearing in the Peninsula Daily News on May 30,2004, posted on the site and
mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on May 26, 2004. No
written comments were received prior to the public hearing; however, a letter of concern was
received on June 24 2004, expressing concerns with the Saturday market use. The
Community Development Department was not notified of any opposition regarding operation
of the Saturday market during the 2003 season.
The SEP A Responsible Official adopted DNS #951 (as DNS #1029) for the continued
operation ofthe farmer's market on Saturdays at the Laurel Street location on June 23,2004.
Farmer's markets are a community activity and are widely supported. Distinction as to what
products may be sold at the proposed fanner's market should be made in order to promote
local agriculture and avoid the creation of a flea market or street fair situation. Public health
and interest are maintained by addressing environmental health requirements for hand-
washing and restroom facilities, by addressing compatibility with adjacent uses or the
integrity of the CBD Zone, provision of adequate off-street parking, and through compliance
with local sign code requirements.
The subject property is identified on the City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map as
Commercial and is zoned Central Business District (CBD). The CBD provides a wide
flexibility in designating commercial uses.
The purpose of the CBD Zone is to strengthen and preserve the area commonly known as the
Downtown for major retai 1, service, financial, and other commercial operations that serve the
entire community, the regional market, and tourists. It is further the purpose ofthis zone to
establish standards to improve pedestrian access and amenities and to increase public
enjoyment of the shoreline. Fanner's markets are not listed as a pennitted or conditional use
in the CBD Zone or any other zone. Under P AMC 17 .24.160.K, other uses compatible with
the intent of the Zoning Code can be allowed.
The Comprehensive Plan was reviewed and the following goals and policies are the most
relevant to the proposal: Land Use Goals A, D, and E and Policies AI, and A2,
Transportation Policy B16, Economic Development Goals A and B, and Policy AZ.
Plnnllillg Commission MinU/es
Jill)' 28. 2004
Page 8
Adjacent uses inc1uderetail stores, office uses, restaurants, banks, apartments, motels, barber
shops, and parking.
Laurel Street is a local access street that is closed to traffic during market activities.
Under P AMC 14.40.1 00, Cooperative Provisions, parking facilities may be cooperatively
used by different land uses, when the times of the use of such parking spaces by each use are
non-simultaneous. Because fanner's market or similar uses are not mentioned in the Parking
Ordinance, under PAMC 14.40.070, unspecified uses shall meet the requirements of similar
uses as detennined by the Community Development Director. It has been detennined that
1 O~ 12 parking spaces are required for customers and an additional one parking space for each
vendor is required. Parking will be provided by the PBIA.
Clallam County Environmental Health Department personnel commented that the subject
market vendors are operating in compliance with Health Department standards as of this
time. No concerns are anticipated with the management of the market.
The City's Police Department had no issues nor did the Public Works and Utilities or
Building Division note concerns during the current extension review period.
Based on the infonnation provided in the Department Staff Report for CUP 03-06 dated July
28, 2004, including all of the infonnation in the public record file, conunents, and testimony
presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the
above listed condition of approval and the above listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning
Commission hereby concludes that:
A. As conditioned, a fanners market located in the Downtown is consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan, specifically the goals and policies identified in Finding No.8 above,
and with the City's Zoning and Parking Ordinances, specifically Section 17.24 (CBD) and
14.40 respectively.
B. As conditioned, extension ofthe Market activity will continue to serve the general public and
remain in the public interest.
C. As conditioned, extension of CUP 03-06 meets the requirements for the extension of an
approved conditional use pennit as specified in P AMC 17.96.070.
Commissioner Philpott seconded the motion which passed 5 - 1 with Commissioner
Hewins voting in the negative and Commissioner Nutter abstaining. Commissioner Hewins
noted that his negative vote was due to his previous statements regarding use ofthe public right-of-
way for the activity in conflict with established businesses. Commissioner Nutter did not vote due
to her late arrival to the meeting.
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 04-06 - NORMANDIN. 543 Whidby: Request for
a conditional use permit to establish a duplex in an existing single family residence.
Assistant Planner Sue Roberds indicated that an issue was revealed during processing of the
Nonnandin application that cannot be resolved without further action by the applicant who is
currently out ofthe country and who has asked for a continuation of the issue until September, 2004.
Plnnning Commission Mimlles
July 28. 2004
Page 9
Chair Hewins opened the public hearing. Commissioner Nutter moved to continue the
public hearing to the September 8, 2004, regular meeting. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Schramm and passed unanimously.
Associate Planner Scott Johns indicated that work on critical areas and development
regulations is beginning and the Commission should expect the bulk ofthis coming Fall's meetings
to be on those issues.
Assistant Planner Sue Roberds noted that the August 11 th meeting has been cancelled but that
several applications are scheduled for the August 25lh meeting at this time.
Commissioner Philpott thanked stafffor the detailed staff report. Commissioners Nutter and
Norton noted that an item on the August 25th agenda is within their neighborhood and discussed
whether they should attend the meeting at which the item will be discussed.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Fred Hewins, Chair
~ Wa: :'
rad Collms, Secretary
... Meeting AgendaondJ"'p<Q{)f'
To help us provide an a~curate record of those in offend nce, please sign in. Your
signature acknowledges your presence. If you plan to testify, by your signature below! you
certify that the testimony given is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the lows of the
State of Washington. Signature below DOES NOT REQUIRE you to testify.
Meeting Agenda of:
"I)\~ 'As>> zco4
To help us provide an accurate record of those in attendance, please sign in. Your
signature acknowledges your presence. If you plan to testify, by your signature below, you
cerlify that the testimony given is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the lows of the
State of Washington. Signature below DOES NOT REQUIRE you to testify.
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Agenda Item No.
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