HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/02/1966
MinuteD ot the regular cooting of tho Port Angelos Plenning
Coomi.aion Auqust 2nd, !~60
H..bera present were AndGrao~, Dilling, Hantlnl, Hunt,
Treat and Strang., abl~nt Ort.collo Alao present .ore Diroctor
at Public Worka Jobn 8. Wardor and Buildin9 Inspector Robert
Minut.a ot tho two pr..iouG Qeot1ng8 ~or, road Gnd
liro (Af I.crett "aD proeont to a.t Ilor an e xtenslon of!
tiDe on the occupancy of c house trailer which had previously
baen granted for a period ot two yeerl, tlaiain? it WCI
i.po.sibie tor hiD to construct a hoal at thla ti.'oAfter a
dilcu..lon, the .atter .a. deferred for on. .eetingo
A letter from Lo Do SOl080naon waG read, reque.ting
the vacation at a aDal1 Illey area adJacent to hi. property
at l8~ Ea.t 'tho This matter had bo.n before the Commis.ion
In the past and had baen r.j~ctedo After discussion a Dotion
"'as passad r'llfflnting our Pll'OViOU8 Gction and rocomending
to the Clty Council the application bo deni,do
A letter trom Henry p~ Hirscha! .a. read reque.ting
permis.ion to occupy a house trailer located in a new cr..
recently annexed to the City. The Co..i.sion requested
Inspector Willson to write Mro Hirachal and advise hiD to
.ake a proper request toqether with the proper teeo
A copy ot . memo to the Directors of the Downto~
Parking Association wes ~tv'n to e.cb Planning Co..i'GIoo
aeaber for their intorm&t1on Ind ItudYa A brief discusslon
.a. held on this subject the object being to acquaint the
group with the prabl.an
The balance of the meeting waD ~iy'n over to a study
at the proposed Zoning ordinancoo The new "Land Use" .h.et.
lubmitted by Uo Go Pool. .er. gone over In detail end a to~
corrections ~ere notedo It wes generally agreod a date ahould
be set for a joint .eeting with tho Council for further Itud.y~
No turther buelnes. appe&rlng, aoeting adjourned at gg!S
~..p.ctfuily Gub.ltt.d~
1rftd c. Strange, Chat raIn
ftuQn.ltanklne, Secretary