HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/05/1952
Minutes of the regular meeting of the City of Port Angeles Planning
Co~~ission, August 5th, 1952.
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held at the City Hall
at Front & Oak Streets. Members present were Reiners, Stewart, Hampton,
Rodda and Strange. Also present was City ~ngineer Ahlvars.
Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved.
Under unfinished business the letter of I~. John Gonies to Mr. G. S.
Vergeer requesting the study of certain improvements to 2nd street from
Lincoln street east, which Mr. Vergeer had refered to the Planning
Commission for study and report, was again discussed at length. A motion
was passed instructing the chairman to write Mr. Vergeer setting forth
the views of the Planning Commission on this matter.
During the general discussion on the vacation of a certain portion of
Victoria street and Cnase street from Front street north in the Hollywood
Beach area, the chai1ll1man was instructed to contact Owens Brothers with
the plan in view of their deeding the City a certain portion along the
north end of their property paralleling railroad avenue to be used by
the City for an access road.
Under new business the letter to the Planning Cow~ission from City Manager
Vergeer refering to the application of t~. Joe Janish for the vacation
of First street from Penn street east to the City limits was read. ~ost
of the members had looked over the area prior to this meeting. During the
general discu3sion several matters were brought up mainly with reference
to returns to the City fro~ the use of this site for business buildings
in the way of taxes etc. as well as improving the appearance of the
approach to the City. AlSO, the merits of the City making use of the
area as a small park to help beautify the easterly approach to the City.
It was generally agreed that unless immediate building was in prospect
to improve the site, no consideration should be given the application.
After a lengthy discussion, a motion to lay the matter on the table for
further study was unanimously passed and the chairman was instructed to
advise Mr. Vergeer of our action.
Mr. Ahlvers advised the group of the progress being made by the engineering
department toward completion of the data on the street arterial project.
The chairman reported on the "Par.dng Problem Meeting" of the ChSlnber of
Commerce which he had attended representing the Planning Commission.
No further business appearing, the meeting waS adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
cc to G. S. Vergeer