HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/05/1985
Port Angeles, Washington
August 5, 1985
Chairman Lacey called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M.
Members Present: Scott Lewis, Jim Rexroat, John Lacey,
Steve Pazan, Lucia McPhee.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Paul D. Carr, Dan VanHemert.
Mr. Lewis moved to approve the minutes of the July 1, 1985,
meeting as written. Mr. Pazan seconded the motion, which
passed 4 - 0, with Mr. Rexroat abstaining.
V-85(5)11 - W. D. Fowler: Request for a variance of
the required 7-foot side yard setback to 6.51, in the
RS-7, Single-Family Residential District, to create a
new building site. Location: 1515 West 5th Street.
(Continued from 7-1 meeting.)
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the Department Report. Chairman
Lacey opened the public hearing.
Mr. Fowler explained that he may eventually create a separate
dwelling unit out of the existing detached garage; however,
at this time, he wants to convert part of the garage to a
recreation room without plumbing. Chairman Lacey closed the
public hearing.
Mr. Lewis moved to grant the variances of the required 7-
foot side yards to 6.5 feet, creating a building site,
citing the following findings of fact:
Most homes in this vicinity are situated on one lot and
many older homes encroach upon their side yards; there-
fore, location or surroundings are special circumstances
which deny the use right of two houses on two lots.
The variance will not extend a special privilege to the
property not shared by other properties in the vicinity
and RS-7 District.
August 5, 1985
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3. The slightly smaller side yards will not have a materi-
ally detrimental effect on the general public or be
injurious to other properties in the vicinity or RS-7
Ms. McPhee seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
V-85(7)18 - Port Angeles Care Center: Request for an
increase of the maximum sign size from 1 to 15 square
feet for a new sign at the Center. Location: 825 East
5th Street. (Tabled at the 7-1 meeting.)
Mr. VanHernert noted that Mr. Peasley had erected a mock sign
to demonstrate his proposal. Chairman Lacey opened the
public hearing.
Mr. Peasley explained the nature of the sign and its pro-
posed location outside the vision triangle. Made out of
solid wood, the sign would be indirectly lit. Chairman
Lacey closed the public hearing.
The Board members expressed concern about the sign's loca-
tion, type, and purpose. Chairman Lacey called for a five-
minute recess to enable staff to check the files for a
previous sign variance for the property. Following the
recess, Mr. Carr explained that there had been a sign
variance granted in 1974 for Angeles Health Care Corp. but
that sign does not presently exist on the property.
Following additional discussion, Mr. Pazan moved to grant
the variance for an increase in the maximum sign size sub-
ject to the following conditions:
1. Maximum height shall be 4 feet from the ground.
2. Maximum size shall be no larger than 4 feet by 2 feet.
3. Placement of sign must be outside the vision triangle.
4. The lighting be directed so as not to shine in motor-
ists' eyes traveling on Fifth and Race Streets.
5. The sign shall be indirectly lit.
He cited the following findings:
A. The variance would not be a grant of special privilege.
with the conditions, it would not be detrimental or
adverse to the surrounding properties and traffic.
Mr. Rexroat seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
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V-85(8)l9 - Sunset Wire Rope: Request for a variance
of the required 25-foot front setback to 12 feet in the
LI, Light Industrial District, to construct an addition
to the existing building. Location: 518 Marine Drive.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the Department Report.
Lacey opened the public hearing.
Ed Roberson of Sunset Wire Rope was available to respond to
questions. Chairman Lacey closed the public hearing.
Mr. Rexroat moved to grant a variance of the required 25-
foot front setback to 12 feet in the LI, Light Industrial
District, to construct an addition to an existing building,
citing the following findings:
1. The bluff bisecting the property and the surrounding
uses are special circumstances of the parcel related to
topography and location which make necessary a small
variance of the front yard to construct an addition.
2 .
The variance will not constitute a grant of special
privilege because other industrial and commercial uses
utilize their front yards.
The addition is not close to another structure or use
on an abutting property and will be sufficiently set
back as not to be materially detrimental to the public
welfare or injurious to properties in the vicinity and
in the LI Zone.
Mr. Lewis seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
V-85(8)2l - 7th Day Adventist Church: Request for a
variance of the required 35-foot side yard setback in
the RS-7, Single-Family Residential District, to 6
feet, to permit an addition to the existing church.
Location: 124 West Ninth Street.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the Department report. Chairman
Lacey opened the public hearing.
Kelly Farrell explained that three members are in wheelchairs
and the Church wants to accommodate their needs and those of
others. Chairman Lacey closed the public hearing.
Mr. Lewis moved to grant a variance for a reduction of the
required 35-foot side yard setback in the RS-7 Single-
Family Residential District to 6 feet to permit an addition
to an existing church, citing the following findings:
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1. The small size of the parcel is a special circumstance
related to the property which denies it the use right
of a small addition.
2. The variance will not extend a special privilege to the
property not shared by other properties in the vicinity
and other churches in the RS-7 District, because the
addition does not involve an expansion of the altar
3. The addition will not be materially detrimental to the
public welfare or injurious to nearby properties.
Mr. Rexroat seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
V-85(8)22 - Terry McCartney: Request for a side yard
variance of the required 7 feet to 6 feet, to permit
the construction of a small addition to an existing
residence. Location: 104 West 12th Street.
Mr. Rexroat removed himself from the meeting room on the
appearance of fairness. Mr. Carr reviewed the Department
Report. Chairman Lacey opened the public hearing.
Mr. McCartney explained that a fence is on the property line
and the proposed addition will have a flat room so that it
should not block the neighbors' sunlight. Chairman Lacey
closed the public hearing.
Mr. Lewis moved to grant a side yard variance of the required
7 feet to 6 feet to permit the construction of a small addi-
tion to an existing residence, citing the following findings:
1. The proposed reduction would not be detrimental to the
surrounding property.
2. The variance will not grant a special privilege.
Mr. Pazan seconded the motion, which passed 4 - O.
Mr. Rexroat returned to the hearing room.
Mr. Lewis moved to continue V-85(7)16 for the School District
and V-85(8)20 for Mr. Secondez to the September 9th Board
meeting. Ms. McPhee seconded the motion, which passed
Mr. Lewis moved to amend the Board of Adjustment by-laws to
make the regular meeting in September the second Monday of
the month and to reschedule any other meetings that occur on
recognized legal holidays to the following Monday. Ms.
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McPhee seconded the motion. During discussion, Mr. Carr
explained that the proposed motion had been received in
writing approximately one year ago. On call for the
question, the motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
Paul D. Carr, Secretary
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