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Port Angeles, Washington
August 12, 1981
Chairman Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:50 PM.
Members Present: Jean Thompson, Charles Whidden, Richard
Anderson, Patrick Downie
Members Absent: Colin Bennett, David Brewer, Milton E.
Staff Present: Dan VanHemert, Louise'Frost
Mr. ~~idden moved to accept the minutes of the July 22nd
meeting as presented. Mr. Downie seconded this motion,
which passed unanimously.
extension of a Conditional Use Permit for a re-
duction in the number of required parking spaces.
Location: 321 Nest Eighth Street.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the prior actions on this parking re-
duction and the present request for extension. Chairman
Anderson opened the public hearing.
Mr. Downie asked the status of the
erty. Mrs. Price said the doctors
rates to go down before building.
the public hearing.
adjoining leased prop-
are waiting for interest
Chairman Anderson closed
Mr. Downie moved to recommend a one-year extension of the
parking reduction, subject to the original conditions. Mr.
Whidden seconded this motion, which passed unanimously.
for approval of the preliminary plat of Cronauer
Rep1at, consisting of five single-family lots on
approximately 3.2 acres. Location: Milwaukee
Drive, between "N" and "0" Streets.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the Department Report. Chairman
Anderson opened the public hearing.
Planning Commission
August 12, 1981
Page 2
Ken Sweeney, representing the plattors, requested a modifi-
cation of the replat, as submitted. The present proposal
would create one additional lot instead of two. Paul Cro-
nauer said it would be economically unfeasible to improve
Milwaukee Drive to "N" Street. The Drive is already.
graveled from his short plat to "N", as is Tenth Street,
which is maintained by the City. The recently approved
Butler Replat was not required to make any improvements
to Milwaukee Drive.
Chairman Anderson asked if the Public Works Department was
aware of the changes in the proposal. Mr. VanHemert re-
plied that since he had learned of them only this evening,
none of the other Departments had reviewed the alterations.
The Commission then discussed the requirement of improving
Milwaukee Drive at considerable length. Mr. Cronauer com-
mented that it would have to be dug up if and when Eugene
McWilliams (who owns property between Mr. Cronauer's and
"N" Street on the south side of Milwaukee Drive) developed
his vacant parcel. Chairman Anderson closed the public
Mr. Downie moved to table the consideration of this replat
so that the Public works Department could have an opportunity
to review the change. He also requested clarification of
the paving requirements vis-a-vis the Subdivision Regulations,
with particular reference to the revision in the proposed re-
plat. Mr. Whidden seconded this motion, which passed
COUNTY. Request for amendment to Ordinance
No. 1975, vacating a portion of West 19th Street
and a portion of the alley in Block 454, TPA,
to change an easement over said vacated right-
of-way. Location: Nineteenth Street near
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the action of the Council on the
original vacation and the reason for the request to change
the easement reserved in Ordinance No. 1975. Chairman
Anderson opened the public hearing.
Gene Unger, Assistant Director of Clallam County Public Works,
exhibited an architectural model of the proposed facility.
The new structure is now proposed for the west end of the
property due to the existing topography. Only the east 50
feet of the vacated alley in question will be covered by
the new structure. The restriction on structures over the
remainder of the vacated alley could remain. Earlier vaca-
tions of streets and alleys in the County Maintenance Yard
Planning Commission
August 12, 1981
Page 3
had occurred without restrictions on erecting structures,
except for the 20-foot utility easement over the west por-
tion of vacated "0" Street, which contains a large water
line. City utilities exist and serve the property from both
sides, so additional easements for utilities through the
County Yard should not be required, although the County
would grant such easements if requested. When the County
ceases to use the property there will be no problem in re-
turning the streets and alleys to the City. Chairman An-
derson closed the public hearing.
Mrs. Thompson moved to recommend modification of the Ordin-
ance to remove the restriction against constructing perman-
ent structures over the vacated rights-of-way, provided an
alternative easement is granted to the City elsewhere across
the County property. Mr. Whidden seconded this motion,
which passed unanimously.
for an M-l Permit to expand County Shop operations.
Location: "C" Street and Lauridsen B"ouleVard.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the Department Report; Chairman Ander-
son opened the public hearing.
Gene Unger stated that the County Shop has been located at
the present site for some 50 years. Trees have been planted
around the outside and a fence installed. The existing
stockpiles of material are 25 feet tall, and to obscure them
from view would require an extremely tall barrier. The
County will increase the existing landscaping on the perim-
eter and interior of the yard. According to the State Fire
Marshal, the building will probably not require sprinklers.
Three fire hydrants will be installed outside and inside the
Yard. The County will follow the final recommendations of
the City Fire Marshal. He sees no need for a sidewalk on
ncn Street. Mr. VanHemert explained that the sidewalk was
requested to provide safe passage for apartment residents
to the south to reach the commercial area along "e" Street
and nearby schools. Chairman Anderson closed the public
Mr. Downie moved to recommend approval of the M~l Permit and
waiver of the 20Q-foot setback requirements, subject to the
following conditions:
1. That development proceed in compliance with the site
plan submitted.
2. That a sidewalk be installed adjacent to the west side
of "c" Street between Eighteenth Street and Lauridsen
Planning Commission
August 12, 1981
Page 4
3. That vision-obscuring screen be provided around the
periphery of the Yard, involving a combination of
reinforcing the existing row of poplars with addi-
tional trees and shrubs; the planting of climbing
vines or similar vegetation adjacent to the existing
fence; and/or the installation of wood slats in the
existing cyclone fence.
4. That provision for fire protection be made in accor-
dance with the Uniform Fire Code and City Fire Harshal.
5. That off-street parking areas be designed and improved
in accordance with the Off-Street Parking Ordinance
(Ordinance No. 1588, as amended).
Mr. Downie then cited the following findings of fact:
A. The waiver of the 200-foot setback requirement is reason-
able because the County is attempting to create a
visually attractive landscape barrier around the prop-
B. As presented, the County Maintenance Yard complies
with the intent of the M-l District.
C. The changes and new structures in the Maintenance Yard
do not constitute a change in type of activity con-
ducted at the facility or a significant increase in
intensity of that activity.
D. With adequate vegetative screening, the visual impact
on adjacent residential properties can be significantly
E. City utilities are available to the site and capable
of providing service.
F. As a more intensive operation is not anticipated, traf-
fic patterns will remain basically unchanged in this
G. The M-l Permit at this location is in the general in-
terest of the public.
Mr. Whidden seconded this motion, which passed unanimously.
vacate the east half of "A" Street right-of-
way north of Fourth Street. Location: The
northeast portion of Fourth and "A tt Streets.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the Department Report. Chairman Ander-
son opened the public hearing.
Cynthia Shillington provided some background on the prior
vacation request and their efforts to obtain the street tem-
porary use recommended by the Council by Ordinance. They
Planriing Commission
August 12, 1981
Page 5
would prefer to have the street vacated because the garage
is located on the right-of-way and has been there for 40
years. They are willing to compensate the City for the
property. They have kept the right-of~way mowed and neat.
The Commission engaged in a considerable amount of discus-
sion on vacation of street-ends at the bluff and their pos-
sible use as small public parks. Chairman Anderson closed
the public hearing.
Mr. Downie moved to recorronend"approval of the vacation, con-
sidering vacation to be most appropriate. It would not be
inconsistent with recent City Council actions in a similar
situation, and easements could be retained for possible future
installation of utilities and maintenance of the existing
over-head electrical lines. Mr. Whidden seconded this motion.
During discussion on the motion, Mrs. Thompson suggested that
the west half of the UAU Street right-of-way be developed as
a "park as soon as possible. Additional discussion followed
relating to outright vacation as opposed to obtaining a street
temporary use permit from the City; following which Mr.
Whidden withdrew his second of Mr. Downie's motion. No other
second forthcoming, the motion died.
Following additional discussion on vacation versus street tem-
porary use permits and establishment of a park at this loca-
tion, Mr. Downie again moved to recommend approval of the
vacation, as it would not be inconsistent with recent City
actions; and easements could be retained for future installa-
tion and present maintenance of utilities. Mr. Whidden
seconded this motion. On call for the question, Messrs.
Whidden and Downie voted "yes" and Mrs. Thompson and Chair-
man Anderson voted "no~.
Request to consider a proposed Planned Resi-
dential Development on approximately 25 acres.
Location: South of Campbell Avenue; east of
Mount Angeles Road; bordering white Creek on
the' east. ('Continued 'from July 22', 198"1.)
Based on the Department's recommendation, the Commission
unanimously continued this matter to the October 14th meet-
~ None.
Planning Commission
August 12, 1981
Page 6
Mr. VanHemert distributed copies of the Final EIS on Gund
Plaza to the Commissioners present and announced that the
hearing would be scheduled for september 9th on the street
vacation, rezone and Zoning Ordinance text amendment.
He reported that there appear to be 4 professionals (three
optometrists and one dentist) in addition to the optical
supply store at Ninth and Lincoln. This is the same number
reported during the 1977 off-street parking hearing (CUP-
77 (10) 2). Chairrnan'.Anderson pointed out that there may be
a fifth professional in the office.
Mrs. Thompson: Asked for information on the timing of the
proposed trails and parks, and whether the Parks and
Recreation Department considered the full right-of-
way at Fourth and "A" Streets necessary. Mr. Van-
Hernert said he would obtain an up-date on the trails
and parks plans.
Mr. Whidden: Pointed out that cars are still for sale at
Eighth and "C" Streets.
Mr. Whidden then commented on the restaurant-like
sales of hot dogs and ice cream cones in the Tourist
Trap and asked if it was licensed by the City and ap-
proved by the Board of Health. He also asked for the
property ownership where the Greyline Tour booth is
located. Mr. VanHemert said he would check all those
matters out.
Mr. Whidden commented on the number of illegal signs
which have been springing up in the Downtown area.
Mr. VanHernert said that the sign inventory is still
being done.
Mr. Downie noted that another restaurant-type operation was
being conducted in the laudromat on Peabody Street.
Chairman Anderson: Vehicles still are blocking the sidewalk
at the attorneys' office at Eighth and Lincoln. Also,
the traffic at the Pay 'N Save Lincoln Street exit
should be limited to right turn only.
Mr. Downie: Asked if any buildings had been considered for
historic preservation during work on the Downtown
L.I.D., and requested data on those buildings that
could qualify.
Planning Commission
August 12, 1981
Page 7
The meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M.
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