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Minutes 08/18/1964
.' . ~~t{ I!I/I { ;. ",,-:. . 7 .. .' r. " " ,. -~, ;. I. -:., (, . ~ r -..-~ r ':. ;.' .-~ "" P 2. i ,... r, ~ ~: ~r :~::-' ~ - i ~ ~ .' J . ., ..i..: .... 0 M~~.,L....-. '.. - ........~ "i-'~,'''> '~'~4""C" U" I.~ "S t.~,.re.. Q 'l'nAr" and S4-.......n.... '''_'01 . , ... I'\"~ _'1.~ .J I ...1 t.. . , ,.~It ., ..9~ ~"". "A a. &"'. r.reS8n~ 'I:~~P ')l~~..t;):" c.t' r'lrlln. .)'~:,k.:3 ':cbn B. Harcer n:A. Jps't r.ity i!:r1g1:1e,!ir Rr' ~."'t W~ lIsen. . ", ~inuteq of ~~8 prevle~8 ~oRtlnrr wer~ rea~ an~ apprcved. Fi:'8' ").:-ds:- C':- ~J.~!::~~3 Wq'l th~ 8~hl"':iJ.1Qd h99"1,,~g on app]lcatLxu ~.T' t~e "~~en61~r, nf Ho~11A Hom~s. A ~~tn: of six Wer9 ~cnsldered. :hq!r'. a~n:..in;ej !:c, ob,f,<v:-t~cn~ ~I'd b::,,,~ re::"JIv&d 0:"'. A:"IY BpI'l1.catio:ls and a) 1 I-).~:::. taf:": r ~Gr.2 r~? poste1. ~:~S' ~o~,~dAr~~ wa~ thA 8prl1~at'r~ o~ C:nr9 Plcurt of 7)1 East 5th t.f"~'r r:';fF<t~(':.!'18' Mrs EloWlt, the C':"l:ni9STO:ol. voted to ra~o:1!"1endt.he 'l',prc .'t) 1 due to i:.'H'rlshlp. ,,, .. '--) ~.... . S~xt rc'~:d~r~l was the appl1cRt!c~ c~ L~la Wheeler of 1036 Rest 12th gto Mr3 N~eele~ snnke In hpr own favo~ and stter ccn~id6~8tlon, the bomm1s8t~. "\',t~,j t,;:: reco:"l.'Tlend app:ooval due +;0 hards~t;.'. Next 8pp11"atlo:1 W'S? f~()('1 M:- '.~ Mrs RObsrt C. RIohardson of 521 'S. A. St.o After a dls~L..9~lC':l wIth the Richer-dions, thll COlT'~'nlsstcn voted to :oeoomme the apP~cval d~e to har0shlp. Ne~t th~ appl!~at1on of Robert Corn!n 20 We~t 9th St. was conslri~r~' D~e t~ ~t~ ]vcqtlon, whIen 18 C~ th~ ~ljq 0 a _6Y treet Gulch, an ares. "~1.ch :he Commission dee:ns suitable for Mobile HomeJ, they tloted to r~oomMenj ar~r~v~l. Next the apn11=:atlon of FI.r ~ M:"'8 R. L. Pearso:1. of 123 Dolane Ave.. was oonsl:i~red. After' lU6etTonlng the Peersons. the Com:nlssion not~belng conv1nc~1 o~ the T,orite o~ this ap7'11~qticn. vcted to ~eco~~end an appr:.. ror two ye~~s a~t~r ~hi0h the case shall be reviewed. ~E'lxt.as t~h~ Pp~l1cat1 on of M1' \: ~!.l"B ~"'.,,,:las Eao!"ett of The Cor:"!t!!S~:'r. feAl~ this apP.L...cat on ~C'es not Oil&.!. ;'",,~(\:n:neni at'rr~"91 !'er two years with 1';l'1e case to be N~xt con~td~~Bt~cr. W89 the QDDlicatlc~ c~ ~Brd Plerc.~ of 409 s. Rac. St. ~~e 8pr'11~1:1';'0n is fur PS:'lTllss1.cn t'A. rt'lplllCe e. burne ge.:-09.ge in Its rrf'l';ir)lJ:1 lO~1itto",. D:J8 to the fa~t the old loc~t~o!1 does not meet the zr nl::r ':"9q'_~i l"'l'::.ent3 and algo t!:~r-o is a~ple :'ocm on the property' where q garage ~a~ te 1)~3~ej that wlJl rol1ev8 the cong~!t.d condit1onl the C(l~hJ~:)~ voteJ ~: Nl~Cl:";1..nend tr"~ flPpll:'a.tio~ be denjed. :hsl~a~ read a 19~~6r from W69te~n Str,~s, Inc. &aklng fo~ exclusive perrr,':'sslor. to 1n3tn~1 nConveme."'!~6 Seat a~nches" en City property. The t>o~:~~es !l~'fj tc c~rr'" a,:ve:'";l~HH':er:.t 0:' a looa] t1a'tlU"e. 'This matter he.:! tesn refered to the PlannIng CO!T'",'t:i!'~C'n by the City Council. Mr'. Zent!'.... representing :. he s 19r. :3or.pany 9poka on the p rojeo t end after dl scuelllo;~, it ~~s jeclded tc ddre~ ac.t!cn until the next maetlng. ;, . '....10 - --. .. ~ ~,. ~.;.,.ft- . ~~_.;,. ~ ""~V..' ), .: ,. t "' Dr ....... .~~ VJ' . ) . -. .' . '- " ~ t.. . "; ~"J!I'. f ~ ~;L . :'!:~.':'i~II. '- '~. ~ . J"~ A ) ~'~-'.. .'r....-_ I 7l ... . ~~ 1 ..r'.. ~'.f~:~: s. \:~C~(. ""''''" f:A :'r-1,(,.'ly :t. ~,~,.1r d{:"11~~.~~~.3 ~" ..~Il~..~i;~-,.~~ rr.~ ~~r"' :t-:''1-~n~ r:~~"""~f;..,I".n~. T"1eiT'reque!ta w!l~ b~ ::~!~~-r~: ~~ ~~r ~,~t ~'~[!n~o 1'h~ Co!~~ns!,",.. .,"'.~ ecns1dQr~j t:~~ pt'opc!te~ cor M. J. P..J.lf;' Cl'loj A.lc~t&3 '.~,., .,.,.. ..c.,..... ...~.. "''''8' 9tP~8 .'- tbe ....e"1c.....l ~..lan~lr'.. r......."'rs'"> Th.. M'~ .. I". . c::o.,. + ..."J. ~ .. I . ~ ~..1;Ji ~.... L.I....,...~ .t....,..,J -'. :L.iii' l"'%ft,t,"T ',f:;~ "''''~'. ~l't"or-o (".ll" :c:r.~~slor, fer scme ti:".e. -:~1I"!l1a.:1 read a ~~tt.~r r-:e :-9.'~ lJr!+-+:-n "!~. Poole cor.~ernl"g ttlft dol!l] W'! l:tl1 6Tp.r18roed 1...... l"',!('~'l'~r,.' -"'~.'-~'l f')1" t...~,,:! pa"t tt:c yerJl"s, lird 8190 Mr. Peole's. r"'~:,' ..:- I'r. ~:~rr~en 1~ T;'":.~:~ to!' H'" fcrth ~ tl:!:~ !o~~1'.11a fjr the proposed ""~.~1 :ot+-Sl .... ...~." Pla'1nlng Cc:n-~:!s~on i3 of the op1nl.on the" havIng ('r'. ~~t<~-: t~h~'" far, ~I"., sl.:.r\''''~' ,bOll:1- t--e cCIr,":11ated nnd rUH~lT'IM'nd to, the"" :~~.:r'7(}l...r.:;~; tt"oIIl tcta: rr,'nO;:lpl !~.ou11 b15 Flioo"t;~ l'1c~~d"ng tote lfigt It."'~,.. {;,.'6" ".:1 ~.,"" C:"J~,~f"fJ~ Pj,lr:""ss Dlg+-r4~t :)tld~'. :In the ~~D 5..101, the ('r'-1'ir..~'... r-"'''' "r:~"'19 th-:9 '5J:':'6n3~ .:.1 1nclu1"d in tr.!2T~a!'3 cUdget.,. but ~.' ~ 'q".. ,:; '..;'f' (' !'::- t~~ls O'V1Sor, he done 8 t II :at~,r d8 ';.4). Tb"! Com! !IS ion \'l~,) :'e'"(":'~"-:-.::L t"lft Ii('~~~pta.i=e by "'tv~ :1c'.lnt11, +-he "'~':ilr.t of $1,000.00 ~-:- i,-; :"""~so;..= ." t~" tG.!l1"',e:;~ rro...r ~3 ~l:olr 8,)erQ ':If th"! DED erpenl!e. "~t1,, ,:~;'_~ '::a' "lot; d..::~r~v tc-, mucro of the ~'X'Pen~e, :!.t ioes indJ,cata th. ~l:-:-r':'-'",~ ,-~ .~'" r'1~~r:e9!l g:-OTC. r~"'. ~eorg~ ~h:e~ er.d ott~4!rs were 'pre..nt 9r.~ ~;F'~; o-~ ",~it;l~tgite t"l6 raising of the mcn"y wh!c:. 13 to be turned ~ver ~r t~~ ;tty. " -':r: !': ~r>::-~'" ~'",!I!"'1e!~ ap~:\f'l}rlng. rn.8'Jr1~.~ adjcclrne:l jq. o,J:JO l.!!-. ~~sp~ctfully s~b~ltte1, ~ed ~. Stra~ge, ~/ / (: halr/JM.n,r/"";' 4'" 1.-{'" ,~~ if. !t. qarJetrL<J. SlJo:o"te.ry . ..- .,