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321 East Fifth Street
August 23,2000
7 p.m.
III. APPROV AL OF MINUTES: Meeting of July 26, 2000.
00-11, PORT OF PORT ANGELES~ 1211 Marine Drive: A proposal to
establish a waterfront park at the west boat launch of the Port Angeles
Boat Haven along the shoreline in the IH, Industrial Heavy zone.
00-12. CITY OF PORT ANGELES. Francis Street and the Port Angeles
Waterfront: A proposal to enlarge and provide handicapped accessibility
facilities, including paving, to an existing public waterfront park area
along the shoreline in the PBP. Public Buildings and Parks zone.
CAR - Northeast comer of Front and Oak Streets: Request to allow the
continuation of an off-street parking area in association with a vehicle
rental use in the Central Business District.
West Eighth Street: A request for a conditional use permit to establish a
recycle use in the eN, Commercial Neighborhood zone. (Continued from
July 26, 2000.)
PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Fred Hewins (Chair), Linda Nutter (Vice),Bob King,Fred Norton, Charles Schramm, Bob Philpott, Mary Craver
PLANNING STAFF: Brad Collins (planning Director), Sue Roberds (Planning Specialist), Debrn Barnes (Associate Planner)
PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Fred Hewins (Chair,), UndaNutter (Viee Chair);Bob King, Fred Norton, Bob Philpott, Charles Schramm, Mary Craver
PLANNING STAFF: Brad Collins, Planning Director; Sue Roberds, Planning Specialist.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
August 23, 2000
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Fred Norton, Bob King, Chuck Schramm, Mary Craver
Members Absent:
Linda Nutter, Bob Philpott, Fred Hewins
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Sue Roberds, Debra Barnes, Stephanie
Woolett, Jeff Abram, John Hicks
Public Present:
Maxine Whitman, Aria Holzschuh, Susan Bauer, Ken
Sweeney, Steve Zenovic, Jack Heckman, Mr. and Mrs.
Beausoleil, Michael Gentry, Steve Oliver
Because both the Chair and Vice Chair were absent, Commissioner Nutter to recognize
Commissioner King as the Chair for the evening proceedings. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Schramm and passed 4 - o.
Commissioner Craver noted that she had the motion indicated on page 9, third
paragraph, and moved to approve the July 26, 2000, meeting minutes as corrected. The
motion was seconded by Commissioner Schramm and passed 3 - 0 with Commissioner
King abstaining due to absence at the meeting.
Planning Director Collins introduced Debra Barnes who is the City's new Associate Planner
and who will be responsible for the bulk of the Commission's staff reports, and Stephanie
Woolett who is the Planning Department's summer intern.
Acting Chair King encouraged those present to sign the attendance record so they could be
recognized. Persons who intend to speak for or against an issue must sign in and
acknowledge that their testimony is truthful to the best of their knowledge prior to providing
PORT OF PORT ANGELES. 1211 Marine Drive: A proposal to establish a
waterfront park at the west boat launch of the Port Angeles Boat Haven along the
shoreline in the IH, Industrial Heavy zone.
Planning Commission Minutes
August 23,2000
Page 2
Associate Planner Debra Barnes presented the Planning Department's staff report
recommending approval of the shoreline substantial development proposal. Acting Chair
King opened the public hearing.
Ken Sweeney, Environmental Manager for the Port of Port Angeles, 338 West First Street,
Port Angeles, WashingtOlI, noted that the proposed pocket park is the first in a series of
improvements planned for the Port Angeles Boat Haven. The trend of uses in the Boat
Haven has been moving away from previous commercial use of the Boat Haven area toward
more recreational needs. Funds are expected to be received from the State Interagency
Committee for Outdoor Recreation to match the Port's financial contribution for upgrades
to the amenities offered at the Boat Haven. He displayed a drawing showing improvements
planned for the current proposal and responded to Commissioner Schramm that upgrades are
planned for the restroom facilities when funds become available.
There being no further questions or testimony, Acting Chair King closed the public hearing.
The Commission agreed that the planned development is a big improvement to the public's
use of the Boat Haven area and Commissioner Norton moved to approve the shoreline
substantial development permit with the following conditions, findings, and
1. The proposal shall meet all requirements of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
including fire code, building code and utility requirements.
2. Any signage shall be consistent with Chapters 4 and 5 of the City's Shoreline Master
3. Site clearing and preparation, as well as, construction and subsequent maintenance
activities shall utilize best management practices.
4. The applicant must obtain an administrative Environmentally Sensitive Areas permit
approval per Chapter 15.20 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
5. The picnic area shall be located 10- feet from the ordinary high water mark.
Based on information provided in the August 23, 2000, staff report (including all of its
attachments), comments and information presented during the public hearing, and the
Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning
Commission hereby finds that:
Planning Ccmmission Minutes
Augusl 23, 2000
Page 3
The applicant is proposing to construct a 24-foot by 72-foot passive recreation park,
"West Boat Launch Park' in a portion of the Port Angeles Boat Haven facility. The
project is located in a portion of the northwest quarter of Section 4, Township 30
North, Range 6 West, Willamerte Meridian. The project site currently consists of a
generally flat, lawn area and is bordered by heavy rip rap along the shoreline of the
Strait of Juan de Fuca to the north, the public boat ramp and Daishowa chip facility
to the west, the Port Angeles Yacht Club buildings, as well as the Port of Port
Angeles marina to the east, and the existing, public parking area to the south which
will also serve the new facility. Access to the site is via Marine Drive and through
the existing marinalboat haven parking lot.
Site improvements that are proposed include the placement of a concrete retaining
wall at the top of the existing rip rap along the shoreline, sidewalks, picnic tables,
and landscaping. The purpose of the retaining wall is for landscaping and safety
considerations and not for shoreline stabilization. The parking area shown on the site
plan is existing and will be upgraded to include handicapped parking. The current
parking barriers (large logs) will be replaced with curbs and the parking spaces will
be re-striped.
The applicant, the Port of Port Angeles, applied for a Shoreline Substantial
Development Permit on June 20, 2000. The application (Attachment B) was
determined complete on June 30, 2000.
3. The project is located approximately 750 feet north ofthe City's east/west Waterfront
Trail recreational corridor.
4. Shoreline Master Program Chapter 4 Policy 13 specifically addresses the issue of
providing public access as close as possible to the water's edge without adversely
affecting a sensitive environment.
5. The project proposal includes best management practices of retaining vegetation,
collection of runoff, allowing biofiltration and infiltration in order to address any
potential negative impacts to water quality from stormwater runoff.
6. The proposed project is located within an area of I DO-year floods.
7. The Port Angeles Harbor provides nearshore marine habitat for juvenile Puget Sound
chinook salmon, which are listed as a threatened species under the Endangered
Species Act.
The adjacent aquatic shoreline is considered an environmentally sensitive area by the
City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance. The aquatic shoreline is defined
by the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Ordinance as a "beach and
associated coastal drift process area."
Planning Commission Minutes
August 23, 2000
Page 4
An administrative Environmentally Sensitive Areas permit approval is required for
this project in order to comply with Chapter 15.20 of the Port Angeles Municipal
10. The subject site is designated Urban Harbor (UH) on the Port Angeles Shoreline
Master Program Shoreline Environment Designation Map, Industrial on the Port
Angeles Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, and Heavy Industrial (ill) on the
Zoning Map.
11. Water-enjoyment and recreational use are permitted in the Urban Harbor shoreline
environment designation, and boat haven / marinas are permitted in the Comp Plan
1ndustrialland use designation and the IH Zone. Enjoyment and use of the proposed
recreational area can be anticipated by the general public, users of the Waterfront
trail, adj acent boat ramp, and Yacht Club or marina.
12. Goals, policies, and regulations of the Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program,
Comprehensive Plan, and Zoning Ordinance have been considered in review of the
proposal. The most relevant are provided in Attachment C and include the
Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program:
Chapter 3 (Goals) Shoreline Use Al and A 7, Conservation Element D3 and D6,
Public Access Element El, Recreation Element F1 and F2; Chapter 4 (General
Policies and Regulations) Policy 8.2 and Regulations 1-8; Clearing and Grading
Policies CI-5, and 7 and Regulations 1-8; Environmental Impacts Policy D1 and
Regulations 1-12; Environmentally Sensitive Areas Policies El-2 and Regulations
1-3; Salmon and Steelhead Habitats Policy HI and Regulations 1-14; Public Access
Policy J3 and Regulations 1-12; Shorelines of State-wide Significance Policies Kl-6;
Signage Policies Ll-4 and Regulations 1-7; Water Quality Policies NI-2 and
Regulations 1-2; Chapter 5 (Environment Designations) Urban Harbor (UH)
Management Policies Dl-2, 4-5, and 8 -10 and Shoreline Use Matrices which allows
recreation as a permitted shoreline use (part H); Chapter 6 (Shoreline Use Policies
and Regulations) Recreational Development Policies F 1-4, and 6 and Regulations 1-
7; Flood Hazard Management Policy D3 and Regulations 1-7.
Comprehensive Plan:
Land Use Element Goal A, Policy A2, Goal I, Policies 12 and 14, Goal J, Policies J2-
3; Conservation Element Goal A, Policy AI, Goal B, Policies BI-2, 6, 9, 12, 14 and
15, Objective 3, Goal D, Policies Dl, and D5.
Planning Commission Minutes
AI(gust 23,2000
Page 5
Zoning Code:
Port Angeles Municipal Code, Chapter 17.34, Heavy Industrial (IH) Zone purpose
statement reads "This is the least restrictive industrial zone intended to be the area in
which heary industry could develop causing the least impact on other land uses. ))
13. The application materials were sent to the Department of Ecology (DOE), the
Washington State Department ofFish and Wildlife (WDFW), and the Lower Elwha
Klallam Tribal Council, and Army Corps of Engineers for review.
14. The comment period ran through August 7, 2000 and no comments were received.
15. A Determination of Non Significance was issued by the Port of Port Angeles SEP A
Responsible Official for the proposal on June 19,2000, per WAC 197-11-340.
16. The application and hearing process was advertised in accordance with the legal
requirements ofthe City of Port Angeles and the State of Washington.
Based on information provided in the August 23, 2000, Planning Department staff reports
including all of its attachments, comments and information presented during the public
hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings,
the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that:
A. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the City's Shoreline Master Program
specifically: Chapter 3 (Goals) Shoreline Use Al and A 7, Conservation Element D3
and D6, Public Access Element El, Recreation Element F 1-2; Chapter 4 (General
Policies and Regulations) Policy B.2 and Regulations 1-8; Clearing and Grading
Policies Cl-5, and 7 and Regulations 1-8; Environmental Impacts Policy D1 and
Regulations 1-12; Environmentally Sensitive Areas Policy EI-2 and Regulations 1-3;
Salmon and Steelhead Habitats Policy HI and Regulations 1-14; Public Access Policy
13 and Regulations 1-12; Shorelines of State-wide Significance Policies KI-6;
Signage Policies LI-4 and Regulations 1-7; Water Quality Policies NI-2 and
Regulations 1-2; Chapter 5 (Environment Designations) Urban Harbor (UH) Policies
DI-2, 4-5, and 8 -10 and Shoreline Use Matrices which allows recreation as a
permitted shoreline use and setbacks (part H); Chapter 6 (Shoreline Use Policies and
Regulations) Recreational Development Policies F 1-4, and 6 and Regulations 1-7;
Flood Hazard Management Policy D3 and Regulations 1-7.
The project is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Those policies most
relevant to the proposed project are: Land Use Element Goal A, Policy A2, Goal I,
Policies 12 and 14, Goal J, Policies J2 and B; Conservation Element Goal A, Policy
AI, Goal B, Policies Bl-2, 86, 89, B12, B14 and B15, Objective 3, Goal D, Policies
Dl, and D5.
Planning Commission Minutes
AI/gust 23.2000
Page 6
C. The proposal is in compliance with the Heavy Industrial Zone of the City's Zoning
D. The anticipated surface water runoff from proposed sidewalks and other impervious
surfaces will be directed to a grassy area, allowing for :filtration of sediments or other
pollutants from the adjacent parking area, followed by infiltration to the groundwater
and/or adjacent water body whereby any increase of surface water runoff by the
proposal should not significantly affect the water quality of Port Angeles Harbor.
E. The proposal should not directly affect the nearshore marine habitat.
F. The proposal is located in a previously altered area consisting of fill placed in the
early 1900s, is separated from the beach by existing rip rap, and will not impair the
natural coastal drift processes.
G. The proposed improvements of the park which is located within a developed
floodplain area should not decrease flood carrying capacity.
The public's access to and enjoyment of the shoreline area will be expanded by the
The urban waterfront of this mixed-use area should be enhanced by the provision of
the passive recreation improvements by tbe proposal.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver and passed 4 - O.
OF PORT ANGELES. Francis Street and the Port Angeles Waterfront: A
proposal to enlarge and provide handicapped accessibility facilities, including paving,
to an existing public waterfront park area along the shoreline in the PBP, Public
Buildings and Parks zone.
Associate Planner Debra Barnes reviewed the Planning Department's staff report
recommending approval of the proposal. She noted that no beach enhancement is planned
contrary to what is indicated in the application. All work is landward of the existing
improvements. She read a sixth Condition No.6 which staffis recommending be included
in approval of the proposal. Acting Chair King opened the public bearing.
Jolin Hicks, City of Port Angeles Parks and Recreation Department, was present for
questions and indicated that work will not begin on the project until there is a big enough
weather window of opportunity for a good deal of work to be completed sucb that the area is
not left in a mid construction phase for a long period of time. The playground area is intended
to be a small pocket park type of use that will include structures identifiable to a marine
environment and interpretive signage. He introduced Mike Gentry, Terma Planners and
Arcllitects, 923 East Tenth Street, who answered questions regarding the handicapped access
Planning Commission Minutes
August 23, 2000
Page 7
Mr. Gentry noted that a driveway down to the trail from Francis Street is planned which is
intended to be twofold in that it will not only provide handicapped accessible parking at the
trail but it will also allow for an emergency access to the trail from the Francis Street location
where now access is only by way of Lincoln Street. The trail has been significantly extended
since its original construction phase and a second emergency access is in the public's best
interest. It is intended to design and sign the driveway access to the trail in such a manner that
users are aware that it is not intended for the general public but is strictly for handicapped
accessibility. Lighting should help with vandalism in the area and regular police patrols will
be possible with the new driveway.
Commissioner Schramm suggested that video recording be considered in the improvements
at this time. John Hicks responded that video recording is used at other City facilities and he
will look into the possibility. He also answered Commissioner Craver that funding is in place
for the proposed improvements through the year 2000 with a potential for extension into
There being no further testimony, Acting Chair King closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Schramm moved to approve the shoreline substantial development
permit with the following conditions, findings, and conclusions:
1. The proposal shall meet all requirements of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
including fire code, building code, utility and stormwater management/clearing and
grading requirements.
2. Signage shall be consistent with Chapters 4 and 5 of the City's Shoreline Master
Program and Chapter 17.40 ofthe Zoning Code.
3. The applicant must obtain an administrative ESA approval per Chapter 15.20 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code.
4. Site clearing and preparation as well as construction and subsequent maintenance
activities shall utilize best management practices.
5. The proposed access road shall be located at least 30- feet from the ordinary high water
mark and the picnic areas shall be located at least 10- feet from the ordinary high water
6. Appropriate signage will be used to clearly restrict vehicular access to the shoreline
area for handicapped and emergency vehicles only.
Planning Commission Minutes
August 23, 2000
Page 8
Based on information provided in the August 23, 2000, staff report (including all of its
attachments), comments and information presented during the public hearing, and the
Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning
Commission hereby finds that:
1. The applicant is proposing to expand an existing waterfront park adjacent to the Port
Angeles waterfront trail corridor. The project site is approximately 2.6 acres, has
varied topography including unstable marine bluffs, steep slopes, and generally level
areas near the shoreline. The site is vegetated with small trees, shrubs and grass and
has a unpaved trail access in the southern portion and an existing stairway and
waterfront trail on the northern portion along the shoreline. The project site is
accessed at the north end of Francis Street.
Site improvements that are proposed include the access to the waterfront trail,
relocation of the waterfront trail, viewing platforms, picnic areas, playground area,
handicapped and emergency vehicle access to the trail, handicapped parking, general
parking (located upland), interpretive signage and landscaping. An estimated 18% of
the entire site will consist of impervious surface materials.
The applicant, the City of Port Angeles, applied for a Shoreline Substantial
Development Permit on July 7, 2000. The application (Attachment B) was
determined complete on July 12, 2000.
3. The project is located at the north end of Francis Street and includes a portion of the
Waterfront Trail recreational corridor. The project is located in a portion of the
Southwest quarter of Section 2, Township 30 North, Range 6 West, Willamette
Meridian. Adjacent land uses include residential uses to the west and south,
residential and the former lIT Rayonier mill to the east, and the Port Angeles Harbor
the north.
4. Shoreline Master Program Chapter 4 Policy J3 specifically addresses the issue of
providing public access as close as possible to the water's edge without adversely
affecting a sensitive environment.
5. The project proposal includes stormwater management controls to address the
collection, treatment and control of stormwater runoff.
6. The proposed project is located within an area of lOa-year floods.
The Port Angeles Harbor provides nearshore marine habitat for juvenile Puget Sound
chinook salmon, which are listed as a threatened species under the Endangered
Species Act.
Planning Commission Minutes
August 23. 2000
Page 9
The adjacent aquatic shoreline is considered an environmentally sensitive area by the
City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance. The aquatic shoreline is defined
by the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Ordinance as a "beach and
associated coastal drift process area, marine bluff, and ravine."
9. An administrative Environmentally Sensitive Areas permit approval is required for
this project in order to comply with Chapter 15.20 of the Port Angeles Municipal
10. The subject site is designated Urban Harbor (UH) on the Port Angeles Shoreline
Master Program Shoreline Environment Designation Map, Open Space on the Port
Angeles Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, and Public Buildings and Parks (PBP)
on the Zoning Map.
11. Parks and recreational uses are permitted in the Urban Harbor shoreline environment
designation, the Comp Plan Open Space land use designation and the PBP Zone.
Enjoyment and use ofthe proposed recreational area can be anticipated by the general
public, users of the Waterfront trail, and adjacent property owners.
Goals, policies, and regulations of the Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program,
Comprehensive Plan, and Zoning Ordinance have been considered in review of the
proposal. The most relevant are provided in Attachment C and include the following:
Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program:
Chapter 3 (Goals) Shoreline Use Al and A 7, Conservation Element D3 and D6,
Public Access Element El, Recreation Element Fl and F2; Chapter 4 (General
Policies and Regulations) Policy B.2 and Regulations 1-8; Clearing and Grading
Policies CI-5, and 7 and Regulations 1-8; Environmental Impacts Policy DI and
Regulations 1-12; Environmentally Sensitive Areas Policies EI-2 and Regulations 1-
3; Salmon and Steelhead Habitats Policy HI and Regulations 1-14; Public Access
Policy J3 and Regulations 1-12; Shorelines of State-wide Significance Policies KI-6;
Signage Policies LI-4 and Regulations 1-7; Water Quality Policies NI-2 and
Regulations 1-2; Chapter 5 (Environment Designations) Urban Harbor (UH) Policies
DI-2, 4-5, and 8 -10 and Shoreline Use Matrices which allows recreation as a
permitted shoreline use (part H); Chapter 6 (Shoreline Use Policies and Regulations)
Recreational Development Policies FI-4, and 5 and Regulations 1-7; Flood Hazard
Management Policy 03 and Regulations 1.7.
Comprehensive Plan:
Land Use Element Goal A, Policy A2, Goal I, Policies 12 and 14, Goal J, Policies J2-
3; Conservation Element Goal A, Policy AI, Goal B, Policies BI-2, 6, 9, 12, 14 and
B15, Objective 3, Goal D, Policies Dl, 05 and D8.
Planning Commission Minutes.
August 23. 2000
Page J 0
Zoning Code:
Port Angeles Municipal Code, Chapter 17.40, Public Bill ldings and Parks (PBP) Zone
purpose statement reads " A zoning designation for publicly-owned property, or
property not suitable for development by reason of its topography, geology, or some
unusual condition or situation. Much of the land so designated may best be left as
'green belts '. "
13. The application materials were sent to the Department of Ecology (DOE), the
Washington State Department ofFish and Wildlife (WDFW), and the Lower Elwha
Klallam Tribal Council, and Army Corps of Engineers for review.
14. The comment period ran through August 12, 2000 and no comments were received.
IS. A Determination of NonSignificance is anticipated to be issued by the SEP A
Responsible Official for the proposal on August 18,2000, per WAC 197-11-355.
16. The application and hearing process was advertised in accordance with the legal
requirements of the City of Port Angeles and the State of Washington.
Based on information provided in the August 23, 2000, Planning Department staff reports
including all of its attachments, comments and information presented during the public
hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings,
the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that:
A. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the City's Shoreline Master Program
specifically: Chapter 3 (Goals) Shoreline Use Al and A 7, Conservation Element D3
and D6, Public Access Element EI, Recreation Element F 1-2; Chapter 4 (General
Policies and Regulations) Policy B.2 and Regulations 1-8; Clearing and Grading
Policies Cl-5, and Regulations 1-8; Environmental Impacts Policy Dl and
Regulations 1-12; Environmentally Sensitive Areas Policy EI-2 and Regulations 1-3;
Salmon and Steelhead Habitats Policy HI and Regulations 1-14; Public Access Policy
13 and Regulations 1-12; Shorelines of State-wide Significance Policies KI-6;
Signage Policies LI-4 and Regulations 1-7; Water Quality Policies Nl-2 and
Regulations 1-2; Chapter 5 (Environment Designations) Urban Harbor (UH) Policies
DI-2, 4-5, and 8 -10 and Shoreline Use Matrices which allows recreation as a
permitted shoreline use (part H); Chapter 6 (Shoreline Use Policies and Regulations)
Recreational Development Policies Fl-4, and 6 and Regulations 1-7; Flood Hazard
Management Policy 3 and Regulations 1-7.
The project is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Those policies most
relevant to the proposed project are: Land Use Element Goal A, Policy A2, Goal I,
Policies 12 and 14, Goal J, Policies J2 and B; Conservation Element Goal A, Policy
Planning Commission Minutes
August 23. 2000
Page J J
AI, Goal B, Policies BI-2, B9, B12 andB15) Goal D) Policies Dt, D5 and D8.
The proposal is in compliance with the Public Buildings and Parks (PBP) Zone ofthe
City's Zoning Ordinance [PAMC 17.40].
Because the anticipated surface water runoff from the proposal will be controlled
through stormwater management and erosion control measures whereby any increase
of surface water runoff by the proposal should not significantly affect the water
quality of Port Angeles Harbor.
The proposal should not directly affect the nearshore marine habitat.
The proposal is located in a previously altered area consisting of extensive grading of
the former bluff line and is separated from the beach by existing rip rap, it should not
impair the natural coastal drift processes.
The minimal improvement of the park within the area considered as floodplain area
should not decrease flood carrying capacity.
The public's access to and enjoyment ofthe shoreline area will be expanded by the
The urban waterfront of this mixed-use area should enhanced by the provision of the
public park.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver and passed 4 - O.
Northeast corner of Fron~ and Oak Streets: Request to allow the
continuation of an off-street parking area in association with a vehicle rental
use in the Central Business District.
Planning Director Collins explained that the previous action by the Planning Commission
ended in a deadlocked decision. The applicant was therefore informed that if he wished to
pursue the issue of an unimproved temporary parking lot a new application would need to be
submitted. The applicant submitted a new application with additional information on August
4, 2000, which is now under consideration. Staff is recommending that the current
conditional use permit application for an unimproved temporary parking lot be approved for
30 days in any calendar year. Commissioner Craver questioned the terminology used in
proposed Condition No.4 regarding the transfer of ownership of the subject property. She
stated that ownership can transfer without a typical sale occurring. Acting Chair King opened
the public hearing.
Jack Heckman, 111 East Front Street, stated that the property has been a parking lot for
many years, in fact having been used as the City Hall parking lot for nearly twenty years.
There is a need for overflow parking in the Downtown area during the peak tourist season and
during various community events during the year. Usage is sporadic given the nature of
Planning Commission Minutes
Altgust 23,2000
Page 12
tourism. He did not agree with the time limitations suggested in Condition No.1 of30 days
in any calendar year. The site is not used continually for any 30 day period. Usage occurs
throughout the year with the lot being maintained the year round. He would prefer not to be
restricted to a particular block or number of days but wished to continue as in the past on as
needed basis. He also asked not to be required to remove the signs indicating that parking is
available during those times when the lot is not used. He stated that the signs indicate the area
is being maintained and not vacant which is favorable to the Downtown area.
Aria Holze/lUll, Executive Director of tlte Port Angeles Dowlltown Association. expressed
support for the unimproved temporary parking use. While the Downtown Association is in
agreement with requirements for improvement of parking areas, the subject site has served
as a needed overflow parking lot for some time in an unimproved condition that has not
negatively affected other Downtown interests. While the Downtown is in a state of flux with
regard to other expected developments including the Gateway Project, the Association does
not object to the continued use as an unimproved overflow area. Parking lot improvements
are very costly and she supported waiving standard improvements until there is more finality
to the development rehabilitation situation in the Downtown. She also expressed support in
allowing the signs to remain year round to indicate the lot is being maintained. In response
to Commissioner Craver, Mrs. Holzschuh estimated that the Gateway Project may begin in
the fall of 200 1.
There being no further comment, Acting Chair King closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Schramm favored a one year extension as an unimproved temporary parking
area for seasonal overflow with the conditions that have been previously imposed on the use.
Commissioner Craver strongly objected to the use continuing to operate without those
standard improvements that are required of parking lots City wide. She stated that it is a
benefit to the City and that tourists appreciate standard improvements to parking areas. The
time to improve the area has corne. The parking area has been used without improvements
for a number of years and the time has come to improve the parking area to a minimum
standard for such uses.
Commissioner Schramm moved to approve the overflow parking lot use with the
following conditions:
1. The approval shall be to conduct the overflow seasonal parking activity for a one year
period of time ending on April 30, 2001.
2. A parking lot attendant shall be on-duty during the periods when the lot is used.
The applicant shall keep the area free of litter during operation of the area as a
temporary parking lot.
Planning Commission Minutes
August 23, 2000
Page 13
1. The request is to allow continuation of an overflow parking area in the Central
Business District (CBD). Independent parking lots have been permitted uses in the
CBD since 1995.
2. Use of the property as a parking lot is not consumptive ofthe limited land available
for development in the Central Business District as it can easily be converted to a
higher use.
3. The applicant has operated the unimproved parking lot at this location since 1990. The
City Council has upheld the applicant's proposal to not improve the parking lot to
standard parking lot standards in past years due to the temporary overflow nature of
the use.
4. The ferry system and annual Downtown activities such as Arts N' Action generate
a need for long-term off-street parking in the Downtown area.
Public Works standards for parking lots require that independent parking lots contain
stormwater and surface improvements.
There have been no complaints with regard to the operation of the overflow parking
lot with the exception of a complaint early on with regard to litter. The applicant is
aware of the need to keep the area litter free during periods of use.
7. Development improvements are being planned in the Downtown area which may
result in the location undergoing major renovation in the near future.
8. Goal B., Policies 14 and 16 of the Transportation Element of the City's
Comprehensive Plan encourage off-street parking facilities to be sufficient and
accessible within the business and residential areas and that allowances should be
made for shared parking facilities.
9. The applicant submitted information on August 3, 2000, that indicates the overflow
area is used approximately 24 days per year with an average net income of $650 per
10. The applicant has indicated that the use is conducted on a month to month lease
dependent on Downtown activities and improvements.
11. The Olympic Medical Center and the Clallam County Fairgrounds utilize unimproved
parking lots within the City limits.
Planning Commission Minl/tes
AI/gust 23, 2000
Page 14
A. As conditioned, the proposed use is compatible with surrounding commercial uses and
with the intent of the CBD zone.
B. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the intent of Section 17.24 (Central
Business District) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
C. The use is in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan goals and policies.
D. Compliance with the City's Parking Ordinance and Public Works standards for a
temporary use requires a significant investment.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Norton and passed 3 -1 with Commissioner
Craver voting in the negative for reasons previously stated.
Street: A request for a conditional use permit to establish a recycle use in the CN,
Commercial Neighborhood zone. (Continued from July 26, 2000.)
Director Collins noted that Acting Chair King was not present at the July 26,2000, public
hearing. Mr. King has read the staffs report and minutes for this item and is ready to remain
and act on the issue as his absence would result in there not being a quorum for action, or the
item could be continued to the September 13, 2000 meeting. The applicant asked that the
item be continued.
Commissioner Norton moved to continue action on the item to the September 13, 2000,
regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schramm and passed 4 -
Planning Director Collins noted that the upcoming issue of the City's newsletter will feature
the PlaIU1ing Commission. Someone from the newsletter may be contacting Planning
Commissioner for interviews.
Planning Commission Minutes
August 23, 2000
Page 15
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Br d Colhns, Secretary
Bob King, Acting Chair
W A 5 H I N G TON, U. S. A.
Meeting Agenda of: a1 ~ 1, p? MI?
PLEASE NOTE: IF you plan to testify, by signature below, you certify that the testimony
given is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington.
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Meeting Agenda of:
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PLEASE NOTE: IE you plan to testify, by signature below, you certify that the testimony
given is true and correct under. penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington.
Signature below does not REQUIRE you to testify - it only acknowledges your presence.
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