HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/24/1970
August 20, 1970
Port Angeles Planning Commission
H. P. Willson, Secretary
Meeting scheduled for August 24, 1970
Old Business: - Tabled from last meeting, request of Wood Construction
company for Conditional Use Permit and a variance for two duplexes
on the northwest corner of 15th and "A" Streets.
New Business: Three variances o~ Conditional Use applications
have been received and properly posted for hearing at this time.
Wood Construction Co. has applied for a Conditional Use
Permit, through Alpine Realty, requesting approval for construction
of a duplex on the southeast corner of 14th and "A" Streets in an
RS-7 zone.
James I. Bairey has requested a Conditional Use Permit to
allow him to construct a duplex in an RS-7 zone. The property is
located in the Fairmont area on the west side of Fairmont Ave.
north of Spruce Street.
Ben F. Church has requested a variance to allow him to
enlarge a pre-existing non-conforming single-family residence in ~
an RS-7 zone located at 516 South 1lC" Street by constructing an _
addition to the south side of the house. The existing structure
is located too close to the alley margin and to the west margin
of llC" Street.
Other Business: I have had an inquiry about ,the required
set back for a detached, accessory building on the rear one-
third of a corner lot in an RTP zone. I am uncertain whether
it would be interpreted as 30', 13f or 3'.
Council Action:
the City Council
Mr. C. H.
At its regular meeting of August 18, 1970
took the following action on Planning Commission
McBride - septic tank on Valley street -
approved as per recommendation.
- .
The hearing on the ~oning ordinance revision is tentatively
scheduled for Sept. 15, 1970, provided all legal requirements of
publication can be met by that date. ,
A request for rezoning approximately eleven lots at Lopez
and Vine Streets to RMF has been received by the City Council,
from DelGuzzi, Inc. This 'is the same property proposed for a
nursing home on 3/15/66. The request has been referred to the
Planning Commission for recommendation and a hearing date of Oct.
6, 1970 established.
/n e~ vuf falls ,,:., 9/11/10 -
The fi rs t mee ti ng in Septembe r willJ a tt_Q.D,__Ca1;LQX-.ILay. Wi 11 a ..
regular meeting be held this nate? I have already received three
applications which would normally be processed for this meeting date.
At this time I know of no other business to come up at 8/24/70 meeting.
NOTICE is hereby given that the City Council of the City of
Port Angeles will hold a Public Hearing on l'amendments to
the Zoning Ordinance", at 7:30 P.M., Tuesday, September 15)
1970, in the Council Chambers, 134 West Front Street.
B. B. McNeece
City Clerk
5e ptember 3, 1970
. .
Minutes of the Port Angeles Planning Commission Meeting of August 24, 1970.
Present: Acting Chairman Anderson, Sannes, McHone, Treat, Dilling,
Young, and Secretary Willson.
The meeting was opened at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Chambers. Minutes of
the previous meeting were approved as received.
Old Business
Wood Construction Co., through Alpine Realty, had requested a con-
ditional Use Permit to construct a duplex on Lot 20 and the east one-half
of Lot 19, Block 415 Townsite in an RS-7 Zone. This request had been tabled
at the last meeting, when neighboring property owners present indicated op-
position to the request. The Secretary had been directed to prepare a pro-
test map. A map had been prepared and two inquiries about protesting pro-
cedures had been handled from this area, but no protests had been filed.
A lengthy discussion fOllowed, during which Mr. Gene Gase of Alpine Realty
spoke in support of the request and answered questions. The Planning Com-
mission did not question the need for the units, nor the location in an
RS-7 Zone, but did express concern for the grouping of several units on
adjoining lots, the quality of construction and the appearance of flrow
housingTT conveyed by the plans. Mr. Gase indicated the structures would
meet minimum building code requirements and that the exterior appearances
would be varied enough to prevent !trow housinglT identity. A motion was
made and voted to recommend to the City Council approval of the request
for this Conditional Use Permit.
Wood Construction Co., had a second request for a Conditional Use
Permit for a duplex on the west one-half of Lot 19 and all of Lot 18, Block
415 in the RS-7 Zone, similar to the above. In addition, this application
also included a request for a variance from the sideyard requirements.
This request was partly discussed in covering the application preceding
and the same items apply. Further, Mr. Gase indicated that carports, shown
as attached to the east and west sides of this building would have to be
detached and erected as an accessory structure on the back of the property.
It was moved and voted to recommend approval of this Conditional Use Permit
for this duplex, and detached accessory building for the carports, with all
set back requirements to be observed and no variance granted. It was felt
there was no justification for the variance.
New Business - Three Variance or Conditional Use Permit Applications had been
received and properly posted for hearing at this time.
Wood Construction Company, through Alpine Realty, had requested a
Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a duplex on Lot 10 and
west one-half of Lot 9 Block 416 Townsite, located on the southeast corner
of the 14th and lTAII Street intersection. The same discussion applied as
in the previous two applications. The observation was made that this con-
gregating of duplexes certainly was not desirable. The intention of allow-
ing duplexes in an RS-7 Zone was to maintain the single-family residential
character of the area, but to permit duplexes to be scattered throughout.
~ From the number of requests concentrated in this one block area of "All Street
Minutes - Planning Commission
August 24, 1970
Page 2
it appeared that such saturation' could alter the single-family designation
of the neighborhood. It was further noted that this same thing could well
occur with apartments on a Conditional Use basis and the community would
have no areas assured of a single-family development only. Following con-
siderable discussion it was voted to recommend approval of this request for
a Conditional Use Permit.
James T. Bairey had requested a ConditionillUse Permit to allow him
to construct a duplex in the RS-7 Zone on the south 94.5 feet of Lots 1 and
2 and that portion of the 20 feet vacated alley abutting the west line of
said Lot 2, Block 4 Pennsylvania Park Addition. This property lies north of
Spruce Street and west of Fairmount Avenue. After a brief discussion, it
was voted to recommend the request be approved.
Ben F. Church had requested a variance to permit him to construct an
addition to a pre-existing non-conforming, single-family residence at 516
South TlCI! Street. The present structure sits close: to the south margin of
the alley and the west margin of TlCl! Street than permitted in an RS-7 Zone.
Mr. Church was present and answered questions of the Planning Commission.
A short discussion Ensued and members voted to recommend the request be
Johnie S. Key had requested approval to install a septic tank on
Lots 14 and 15, Block 6 Illinois Addition. This property is located on the
southeast corner of Campbell and MacDougal Streets. The Secretary reported
he had received approval from the District Health Office. It was voted to
recommend this septic tank installation be permitted. Mr. Key also inquired
if it would be possible to obtain approval for three more septic tanks on
adjoining property at this time to enable him to avoid future delays in pro-
cessing these applications. The Acting Chairman advised Mr. Key this would
be defeating the intent of this ordinance which was to provide the City
Council with the power of denial should soil conditions so require in the
Other Business
A rezoning application was received from the City Council for consider-
ation and recommendation. This application was submitted by Lorraine Ross on
behalf of Jack Del Guzzi, for reclassification of Lots 6 to 10 inclusive,
Block 11 and Lots 11 to 16 inclusive of Block 16 Puget Sound Cooperative Colony
2nd Addition to a zoning permitting multi-family construction. The application
indicated required plans would be submitted. It was then voted to table the
application until such time as all pertinent data is received. The Secretary
was director to report on the status of street and alley vacations in this
vicinity, also.
An inquiry had been received regarding the required setback of detached,
accessory structures, on the rear, one-third of a corner lot, in the RTP Zone.
After a short discussion the Secretary was advised that the same setback from
the street side as required for the primary building was the intention.
and the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
No further
~ ?P~~
erson, Actlng C alrman