HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/28/2002
321 East Fifth Street
August 28, 2002
7 p.m.
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Special Meeting of July 30, 2002
Tenth Street: Request to allow the placement of a modular classroom/tool shed in the
RS-7, Residential Single Family zone for a period of3 years during construction of
homes on the adjacent lots.
CHURCH - 116 East Ahlvers Road: Expansion of a church and school activity that
includes the clearing of approximately 3 acres of wooded area for a sports field and
picnic area, the construction of a family life center (25,700 square feet) and an office
building (6,000 square feet) in the RS-9, Residential Single Family zone. (Continue
to September 11,2002.)
NATURAL RESOURCES - Cherry Street north of Front Street: Vacation of the
remaining portion of the originally platted Cherry Street right-of-way lying north of
Front Street extending into the Port Angeles Harbor.
Hearing Examiner
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
August 28, 2002
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Bob Philpott, Fred Norton, Fred Hewins, Chuck Schramm,
Rick Porter, Leonard Rasmussen
Members Excused:
Mary Craver
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Scott Johns
Public Present:
Chuck Brown, Everett Anderson, Charles Field, Joe
Springob, Lonnie Linn, Robin Rush, Rob Pence, Clallam
County Planning Director Andy Meyers
Commissioner Hewins moved to approve the minutes of the July 30, 2002 meeting with the
word ~~presented" changed to "corrected" referring to the motion to approve the minutes of
the July 10, 2002, Special meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Porter, and
passed 4-0. Commissioners Philpott and Schramm abstained due to their absence at the
July 30, 2002, meeting.
Block West 10th Street: Request to allow the placement of a modular classroom!
tool shed in the RS-7, Residential Single Family zone for a period of three years
during construction of homes on adjacent lots.
Associate Planner Scott Johns presented the staffreport recommending that the application be
approved. Chair Schramm opened the public hearing.
Lo"nie Lblll, 708 S. Framis Street, representing the North Peninsula Builder's Association
described the proposed use and stated that three homes would be built, including one on Lot 16,
the site of the temporary structure, correcting an error in the staff report stating that two houses
would be built, one on each adjacent lot, Lots 15 and 17.
There being no further public testimony, Chair Schramm closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Rasmussen questioned the need for condition #7 requiring 6 parking spaces on
site. It was determined that the parking requirement was valid and should remain.
Following brief discussion, Commissioner Norton moved to approve Temporary Use Permit
TUP 02-01, with the addition oCLot 16 at 1517 W. 10th to condition #1, and with the
Planning Commission Minutes
August 28. 2002
Page 2
. following 7 conditions (amended), citing 4 findings (amended), and 2 conclusions:
1. The temporary use is hereby approved for use during the construction of single
family residences on Lots 15, 16 & 17, of Block 306, Townsite of Port Angeles,
(1519, 1517 & 1515 W. 10th) for a period not to exceed three years.
2. Placement of the temporary office/classroom unit shall be in compliance with all
pertinent local and state development regulations. Inspection and approval of the
modular building placement and set up by the Fire Department and the Building
Division is required prior to occupancy.
3. Occupancy of the office/classroom unit may not exceed 20 persons at any time.
4. The unit may not exceed 10' x 30' and shall be placed no closer than 20' to the reaf
property line of the intended lot and no closer than 7' to a side lot line. The unit
must be placed off the rear of the lot rather than off the front property line in order
to lessen any view impacts to the neighborhood.
5. Address numbers shall be posted on the temporary trailer. The numbers shall be
at least 6" in height and plainly visible.
The applicant shall meet the requirements of the Public Works and Utilities
Department by providing water and sewer hook ups as required for a single family
residence and by providing a sidewalk along 10111 Street.
7. A total of 6 on-site parking spaces must be provided. The parking area shall be
graveled to prevent erosion and runoff impacts.
Based on the information provided in the Planning Department Staff Report for TUP 02-01 dated
August 28, 2002, including all information in the public record file, comments and testimony
presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and deliberation, and
the above listed condition of approval, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby
finds that:
1. A request for occupancy of a temporary classroom/tool shed structure to be
located at 1517 West Tenth Street was received on July 30, 2002, from the North
Peninsula Builder's Association. The temporary unit is desired for on-site
supervision, education, and tool storage during the construction of two single-
family residences in the RS-7, Residential, Single Family zone.
2. A valid building permit for the intended construction must be issued in
conjunction with the construction of the single family residences at 1519, Lill,
and 1515 West Tenth Street for the temporary use permit to be valid.
Section 17.95.060 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code allows for the Planning
Director to issue permits for the occupancy of temporary buildings used in
conjunction with construction or reconstruction projects for a period not to exceed
one year. Such temporary buildings may be located in any zone provided that
Planning Commission Mfnflles
August 2Q, 2002
Page 3
sufficient setbacks are maintained to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.
Decisions on temporary uses exceeding one year must be made after a public
hearing on the matter has been held.
Placement of the temporary unit must be inspected and approved by the City's
Building Division and Fire Department to ensure that all relevant local and state
regulations are followed prior to occupancy. The temporary use shall remain in
effect until August 28,2005, (3 years) unless extended prior to that time.
Based on the information provided in the Department Staff Report for TUP 02-01 dated
August 28, 2002, including all of the information in the public record file, comments, and
testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion
and deliberation, and the above listed condition of approval and the above listed findings,
the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that:
I. As conditioned, the use complies with Section 17.95.060 (Temporary Buildings)
ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code.
2. The use as proposed does not endanger the public health, safety, or welfare and is
in the public interest.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hewins and passed 6-0.
CHURCH - 116 East Ahlvers Road: Expansion of a church and school activity
that includes the clearing of approximately 3 acres of wooded area for a sports
field and picnic area, the construction of a family life center (25,700 square feet)
and an office building (6,000 square feet) in the RS-9, Residential Single Family
Commissioner Porter stated that he is a member of the Independent Bible Church and recused
himself from the proceedings and left the building.
Staff had not finished its review and requested that the Planning Commission open the public
hearing and continue the hearing to the September 11, 2002, Planning Commission meeting.
Chair Schramm opened the public hearing.
Chuck Brown, 92 Ediz View Drive, representing the applicant Independent Bible Church,
provided a brief description of the project.
Everett Anderson, 228 Ahv!ers Road, stated that the roads in the vicinity ofthe mc were
"ridiculous", especially Ahlvers Road which has differing widths, curb/sidewalk configurations,
and alinement. He expressed concern over the safety for local residents using the streets for
walking and driving due to the large numbers of vehicles traveling on Laurel and Ahlvers Roads
to attend church related activities. The increased traffic volume occurred during evening and
weekday times in addition to Sundays.
Charles Field, 219 Ahlvers Road, expressed concern over traffic speeds and volwne in the
Planning Commission Minules
August 28. 2002
Page 4
. vicinity of the church and felt that it was unsafe for local residents using the streets for walking,
jogging and driving. The additional traffic that would be expected from the expansion of the
church would make the situation worse.
Joe Spri"gob, 139 E. A/lIvers Road, stated that the area was affected by springs and that several
local homes have drainage problems and suffer from wet conditions in yards and crawl spaces.
He was concerned that the addition of more impervious surfaces proposed by the church would
create increased drainage problems for local residents.
There being no further testimony, Commissioner Hewins moved to continue the public
hearing to September 11, 2002. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Philpott and
passed 5-0.
NATURAL RESOURCES - Cheny Street north of Front Street: Vacation of the
remaining portion of the originally platted Cherry Street right-of-way lying north
of Front Street extending into the Port Angeles Harbor.
Director Collins presented the staffreport. During the presentation of the staff report, Director
Collins referred to the letter from Attorney Craig Ritchie, dated August 26, 2002, that had been
included in the materials presented to the Commission. Director Collins presented the City's
position in reference to the comments submitted by Mr. Ritchie and explained how the proposed
street vacation was consistent with RCW 35.79 & RCW 36.87 as well as the Port Angeles
Comprehensive Plan and Shoreline Master Program. Corrections to the staff report were read
into the record for the Planning Commission.
There being no further public testimony, Chair Schramm closed the public hearing.
Following a brief discussion, Commissioner Hewins moved to forward a recommendation to
the City Council to approve STY 02-02 with the added condition that in return for vacating
the portion of Cherry Street that the shoreline trail and park development would be
assured, new finding #9 referencing the City's agreement with DNR for development of the
shoreline trail, new finding #10 corrected to read September 3, 2002, revise conclusion C to
include SMP Chapter 4, Section J, Regulation 6, and add the pertinent SMP citations to the
staff report.
The transfer of property interests as memorialized in the letter of intent between
Pier Group L.L.C. or its assigns. the port of Port Angeles. the City of Port
Angeles. and the State of Washington Department of Natural Resources signed
and dated June 2002 shall be executed in a way that the street vacation area "shall
be dedicated for public access uses" providing for a public park and the extension
of the City's Waterfront Trail across the DNR property adjoining the vacated
Planning Commission Minutes
August 28. ]00]
Page 5
A petition requesting vacation of that portion ofthe Cherry Street right-of-way
located north of Front Street that was not previously vacated (Ordinance No. 1208
dated April 6, 1949) was received by the City of Port Angeles on August 6, 2002.
The petition was filed by the State of Washington Department of Natural
Resources (DNR) as the owner of property abutting the right-of-way.
2. Properties abutting the subject right-of-way are designated as Commercial (C) and
Industrial (I) on the City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map. The City's
Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map were reviewed for consistency with the
proposed vacation ofright-of-way.
3. Surrounding properties are zoned Central Business District (CBD) and Industrial
Heavy (IH) on the City Zoning Map. The north portion of the right-of-way
extends into the Port Angeles Harbor.
4. The proposed street vacation areas are designated Urban Harbor (landward of
OHWM) and Aquatic Harbor (seaward of the OHWM) in the City of Port
Angeles Shoreline Master Program. and relevant goals. policies. and regulations
include Chapter 3 Goal A Shoreline Use Element No.3. Goal E Public Access
Element Nos. 2 and 3, and Goal F Recreation Element Nos. 2. 3. and 4. and
Chapter 4 J Public Access Regulation No.5.
Although platted as right-of-way in the original Townsite map, the subject right-
of-way was never developed as a public access street.
6. The vacating of right-of-way is categorically exempt from the State
Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the
Washington Administrative Code.
7. Per RCW 35.79.035, the site was posted on August 8, 2002, and publication
appeared in the Peninsula Dailv News on August 11, 2002, advertising the fact
that a public hearing would be held in consideration of vacation of the right-of-
way. No written comments were received.
8. Per RCW 35.79.035 (1)(a) A city shall not vacate a street or alley if any portion of
the street or alley abuts a body of salt water unless the vacation is sought to enable
a city to acquire property for port purposes, beach or water access purposes, park,
public view, recreation, educational, or other public uses. A letter of intent to
develop the shoreline trail and park was signed by State of Washington
Department of Natural Resources. the Port of Port Angeles. the City of Port
Angeles. and Pier Group L.L.c. in June of 2002.
9. RCW 35.79.035(1)(c) requires that the vacation is sought to enable a city to
implement a plan that provides comparable or improved public access to the same
shoreline area to which the street sought to be vacated abuts had the properties
included in the plan not been vacated.
Vacation ofthe right-of-way lS proposed to clear title to the property to enable the
consolidation of the subject property and a portion of the abutting property which
Planning Commission Minutes
August 28. 2002
Page 6
The proposal is consistent with the goals and policies ofthe City's
Comprehensive Plan. The following Comprehensive Plan policies have been
found to be most relevant to the proposal: Land Use Element Commercial Goals
and Policies Goal D and Policy D. 3; Open Space Goals Policies and Objectives
Goal J, and Policies J.4 and 6; Utilities and Public Services Element Goal B and
Policies B.I and 3; Economic Development Element Goal A, Policy 10.
The proposal is consistent with the City of Port Angeles Shoreline Master
Program specifically Goal A, Shoreline Use Element No.3; Goal E, Public
Access Element Nos. 2 and 3; and Goal F, Recreation Element Nos. 2, 3, and 4
and Chapter 4 J Public Access regulation No.5.
D. The public interest will be served by the consolidation of the subject property
with additional property under the DNR authority in the area, as it will enable the
development of a larger, enhanced public park and access use within the shoreline
area in compliance with RCW 35.79.035 which sets limitations on the vacation of
streets abutting bodies of water.
is under the DNR authority along the shoreline. The DNR has agreed to then
lease the consolidated property back to the City to enable development of an
extended area of the shoreline as a public park and link to the City's Waterfront
Trail use in the same area. The proposed park use is in association with
development of the abutting property as a conference center.
This action constitutes a recommendation to the City Council that will act on the
petition at a public hearing on August 6, 2002 September 3. 2002.
A. Traffic patterns on surrounding streets would not be negatively impacted by the
vacation because the right-of-way does not serve developable properties. Access
to the shoreline area at which the right-of-way ends will remain accessible and
will not change due to the vacation but will be improved as a public park with
shoreline access.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rasmussen and passed 6-0.
Director Collins summarized the issues involved with the use of the Hearing Examiner system.
A change to a Hearing Examiner system would reduce the number of items coming before the
Planning Commission by approximately 20 per year, allowing the Planning Commission to
concentrate more of their efforts on long range planning issues. Changing to a Hearing Examiner
system would reduce the potential for City liability for procedural errors. The cost ofthe
Hearing Examiner system would be approximately $20,000 per year.
Clallam County Planning Director Andy Meyers discussed the County's use of a Hearing
. Examiner for land use decisions and answered questions from the Planning Commissioners.
Discussion among the Planning Commission followed, with a consensus favoring further review
of a Hearing Examiner in the 2003 budget.
Commissioner Rasmussen reported on the proceedings from the City Council meeting of August
27,2002, where the Council had voted to remove the parking regulations from the Municipal
Code. Commissioner Rasmussen was concerned that the Council was acting on planning issues
without consultation with the Planning Commission.
Commissioner Norton stated that he would not be in attendance at the September 11, 2002,
Planning Commission meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM
~ ~4el S~&/}1Vh'~
Brad Collins, Secretary
Chuck Schramm, Chair
Planning Commission Minllles
AuguSI 28. 2002
Page 3
~.'UN' CA.~;"",-,S
d--ter ~I~$
sufficient setbacks are maintained to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.
Decisions on temporary uses exceeding one year must be made after a public
hearing on the matter has been held.
Placement of the temporary unit must be inspected and approved by the City's
Building Division and Fire Department to ensure that all relevant local and state
regulations are followed prior to occupancy. The temporary use shall remain in
effect until August 28,2005, (3 years) unless extended prior to that time.
Based on the infonnation provided in the Department Staff Report for TUP 02-01 dated
August 28, 2002, including all of the infonnation in the public record file, comments, and
testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion
and deliberation, and the above listed condition of approval and the above listed findings,
the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that:
1. As conditioned, the use complies with Section 17.95.060 (Temporary Buildings)
ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code.
2. The use as proposed does not endanger the public health, safety, or welfare and is
in the public interest.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hewins and passed 6-0.
CHURCH -116 East Ah]yers Road: Expansion of a church and school activity
that includes the clearing of approximately 3 acres of wooded area for a sports
field and picnic area, the construction of a family life center (25,700 square feet)
and an office building (6,000 square feet) in the RS-9, Residential Single Family
Commissioner Porter stated that he is a member of the Independent Bible Church and recused
himself from the proceedings and left the building.
Staff had not finished its review and requested that the Planning Commission open the public
hearing and continue the hearing to the September 11,2002, Planning Commission meeting.
Chair Schramm opened the public hearing.
Chuck Brown, 92 Ediz View Drive, representing the applicant Independent Bible Church,
provided a brief description of the project.
Everett Anderson, 228 Ahvlers Road, stated that the roads in the vicinity of the mc were
"ridiculous", especially Ahlvers Road which has differing widths, curb/sidewalk configurations,
and alinement. He expressed concern over the safety for local residents using the streets for
walking and driving due to the large numbers of vehicles traveling on Laurel and Ahlvers Roads
to attend church related activities. The increased traffic volume occurred during evening and
weekday times in addition to Sundays.
Charles Field, 219 Ahlvers Road, expressed concern over traffic speeds and volume in the
Planning Commission Minurcs
August 28, 2002
Pnge 4
vicinity of the church and felt that it was unsafe for local residents using the streets for walking, .
jogging and driving. The additional traffic that would be expected from the expansion of the
church would make the situation worse.
Joe Sprillgob, 139 E. Ahlvers Road, stated that the area was affected by springs and that several
local homes have drainage problems and suffer from wet conditions in yards and crawl spaces.
He was concerned that the addition of more impervious surfaces proposed by the church would
create increased drainage problems for local residents.
There being no further testimony, Commissioner Hewins moved to continue the public
hearing to September 11,2002. The motion was seconded b:y Commissioner Philpott and
passed 5-0.
NATURAL RESOURCES - Cherry Street north of Front Street: Vacation of the
remaining portion of the originally platted Cherry Street right-of-way lying north
of Front Street extending into the Port Angeles Harbor.
Director Collins presented the staff report. During the presentation of the staff report, Director
Collins referred to the letter from Attorney Craig Ritchie, dated August 26, 2002, that had been
included in the materials presented to the Commission. Director Collins presented the City's
position in reference to the comments submitted by Mr. Ritchie and explained how the proposed
street vacation was consistent with RCW 35.79 & RCW 36.87 as well as the Port Angeles
Comprehensive Plan and Shoreline Master Program. Corrections to the staff report were read
into the record for the Planning Commission.
being no further public testimony, Chair Schramm closed the public hearing.
Following a 'ef discussion, Commissioner Hewins moved to forward a recommendation to
the City Counci ove STV 02-02 with the added condition that in return for vacating
the portion of C S r et tbat the shoreline trail and park development would be
assured, new fi ding #9 r ing the City's agreement with DNR for developmenm
shoreline trail, ew find' g #t'0 c rrected to read September 3,2002, revise conclusi n C'to
include SMP Chap er 4, eetio , Regulation 6, and add the pertinent SMP eitatio e
staffrepor~ ~ to
"1!)on. . ~,"
';1 " 8; The transfer of property interests as memorialized in the letter of intent between
Pier Group L.L.c. or its assigns. the port of Port Angeles. the City of Port
Angeles. and the State of Washington Department of Natural Resources signed
and dated June 2002 shall be executed in a way that the street vacation area "shall
be dedicated for public access uses" providing for a public park and the extension
of the City's Waterfront Trail across the Dl\1R property adjoining the vacated
Planning CommIssIon Minules
Augrm 28, 2002
Page 5
I. A petition requesting vacation of that portion of the Chen)' Street right-of-way
located north of Front Street that was not previously vacated (Ordinance No. 1208
dated April 6, 1949) was received by the City of Port Angeles on August 6, 2002.
The petition was filed by the State of Washington Department of Natural
Resources (DNR) as the owner of property abutting the right-of-way.
2. Properties abutting the subject right-of-way are designated as Commercial (C) and
Industrial (I) on the City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map. The City's
Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map were reviewed for consistency with the
proposed vacation ofright-of-way.
3. Surrounding properties are zoned Central Business District (CBD) and Industrial
Heavy (rR) on the City Zoning Map. The north portion of the right-of-way
extends into the Port Angeles Harbor.
The proposed street vacation areas are designated Urban Harbor (landward of
OH\VM) and Aquatic Harbor (seaward of the OHWM) in the City of Port
Angeles Shoreline Master Program. and relevant goals. policies. and regulations
include Chapter 3 Goal A Shoreline Use Element No.3. Goal E Public Access
Element Nos. 2 and 3. and Goal F Recreation Element Nos. 2. 3. and 4. and
Chapter 4 J Public Access Regulation No.5.
Although platted as right-of-way in the original Townsite map, the subject right-
of-way was never developed as a public access street.
6. The vacating ofright-of-way is categorically exempt from the State
Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the
Washington Administrative Code.
7. Per RCW 35.79.035, the site was posted on August 8, 2002, and publication
appeared in the Peninsula Dailv News on August 11, 2002, advertising the fact
that a public hearing would be held in consideration of vacation ofthe right-of-
way. No written comments were received.
RCW 35.79.035(1)(c) requires that the vacation is sought to enable a city to
implement a plan that provides comparable or improved public access to the same
shoreline area to which the street sought to be vacated abuts had the properties
included in the plan not been vacated.
Vacation of the right-of-way is proposed to clear title to the property to enable the W
consolidation of the subject property and a portion ofthe abutting property which
Planning Commission Minutes
August 28. 2002
P(lge 6
is under the DNR authority along the shoreline. The DNR has agreed to then .
lease the consolidated property back to the City to enable development of an
extended area of the shoreline as a public park and link to the City's Waterfront
Trail use in the same area. The proposed park use is in association with " c _ \ ._
development of the abutting property as a conference center. js; ~-n~<'IT'~ ~ t\M"t.-
1 ] . This action constitutes a recommendation to the City Council that will act on the
petition at a public hearing on Augtlst 6, 2002 September 3. 2002.
Con du sio os:
A. Traffic patterns on surrounding streets would not be negatively impacted by the
vacation because the right-of-way does not serve developable properties. Access
to the shoreline area at which the right-of-way ends will remain accessible and
will not change due to the vacation but will be improved as a public park with
shoreline access.
The proposal is consistent with the goals and policies of the City's
Comprehensive Plan. The following Comprehensive Plan policies have been
found to be most relevant to the proposal: Land Use Element Commercial Goals
and Policies Goal D and Policy D. 3; Open Space Goals Policies and Objectives
Goal J, and Policies 1.4 and 6; Utilities and Public Services Element Goal Band
Policies B.1 and 3; Economic Development Element Goal A, Policy 10.
The proposal is consistent with the City of Port Angeles Shoreline Master
Program specifically Goal A, Shoreline Use Element No.3; Goal E, Public
Access Element Nos. 2 and 3; and Goal F, Recreation Element Nos. 2, 3, and 4
and Chapter 4 J Public Access regulation No.5.
D. The public interest will be served by the consolidation of the subject property
with additional property under the DNR authority in the area, as it will enable the
development of a larger, enl1anced public park and access use within the shoreline
area in compliance with RCW 35.79.035 which sets limitations on the vacation of
streets abutting bodies of water.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rasmussen and passed 6-0.
Director Collins summarized the issues involved with the use of the Hearing Examiner system.
A change to a Hearing Examiner system would reduce the number of items coming before the
Planning Commission by approximately 20 per year, allowing the Planning Commission to
concentrate more of their efforts on long range planning issues. Changing to a Hearing Examiner
system would.reduce the potential for City liability for procedural errors. The cost of the
Hearing Examiner system would be approximately $20,000 per year.
Meeting Agenda of: Au~ usr ~} ~
PLEASE NOTE: IE you plan to testify. by signature below, you certify that the testimony
given is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington.
Signature below DOES NOT REQUIRE you to testify - it only acknowledges your presence.
it' NAME: ADDRESS: Agenda Item No.
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Meeting Agenda of:
PLEASE NOTE: IF you plan to testify. by signature below. you certify that the testimony
given is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington.
Signature below DOES NOT REQUIRE you to testify - it only acknowledges your presence.
NWE: ADDRESS: Agenda Item No.
/}d,0~~, ~-- t:Po 'Bxl ~ 'l fa r:Ye-tt- r?~l ..Di~