HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/31/1994
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
August 31, 1994
7:00 p.m.
APPROVAL OF MlNUTES: Minutes of July 27, and August 10, 1994.
94(08)144 - DAISHOW A AMERICA CO.. LTD.. Marine Drive:
Proposal to improve the Mill's storm water runoff collection system.
SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 121. 348 East Park Avenue: A conditional
use permit to allow the conversion of a single-family residential structure
to be used as an alternative classroom in the RS-7. Residential Single-
Family District.
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Commercial Residential (CR) Districts,
City-wide: Amendment to the Port Angeles Municipal Code and the
City's zoning regulations which would permit occasional use of Church
facilities for transitional and temporary housing for homeless and/or
displaced persons.
of Golf Course Road between Melody Lane and Wood haven Lane:
Request for a conditional use permit to allow a power substation in the
RS-9, Residential Single-Family District. (This item will be continued to
September 14, 1994, in order to process a prior wetland permit.)
Membel1:l: Orville Campbell, Vice Chair, Bob Winters, Cindy Souders, Bob Philpott, Linda Nutter 8nd Tim Genn8n.
Planning Slaff: Brad ColliIlll, Director, John Jimel"6on, Assooiate Planner; Sue ROberds, Office Specialist. D8vid Sawyer, Sr. Planner.
Appointment of Commission member to City Storm water Management Plan
All correspondence penaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Department at least
one day prior to the scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before the
PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE: Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to
speak to the request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a previous
presentation. A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short
supporting remarks (5 minutes). Other interested parties will be allowed to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or
make inquiries. The Chairman may allow additional public testimony if the issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5
minutes) for proponents and opponents will be heard separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their
spokesman. Rebuttal shall be limited to factual statements pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be
directed to the Board, not the City Staff representatives present, unless directed to do so by the Chainnan.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
August 31, 1994
7:00 P.M.
Chair Campbell called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Members Present: Orville Campbell, Tim German, Cindy Souders, Bob Philpott and Bob
Members Excused: Linda Nutter.
Staff Present: John Jimerson, Brad Collins.
Public Present: Skip Berquam, Rosalee Doty, Dean Reed, Larry Leonard, Kay Garrison.
Commissioner Philpott moved to approve the minutes of the July 27, 1994, meeting as
submitted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Winters and passed 5-0.
There was not a quorum to act on the August 10, 1994, minutes. Therefore, Chair Campbell
deferred their approval to the next meeting. Commissioner Philpott moved that those minutes
be revised before approval to expound on Ken Ridout's testimony on Page 10. The motion
was seconded by Commissioner German and passed 5-0.
Commissioner Winters moved to approve the minutes of the August 24, 1994, meeting as
submitted. Commissioner Gennan seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. Commissioners
Philpott, Souders and Nutter were not in attendance at that meeting, therefore, the minutes were
approved without a quorum.
DAISHOWA AMERICA CO.. LTD. Marine Drive: Proposal to improve the
Mill's stormwater runoff collection system.
John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. Chair Campbell opened the public hearing.
Planning Commission Minutes
August 31, 1994
Page 2
Dean Reed, P.O. Box 271, Port Angeles, representing Daishowa America indicated the project
is rather simple and straight forward and offered to answer questions. In answering questions
he indicated that a 20 horsepower pump is overkill, a 5 to 6 hp pump would be adequate for
most of the time. However, there have on occasion been spills from the plant. and the
improvements could address such an occurrence in addition to containing storm water. He
clarified that the water is channeled into the process sewer.
There being no further testimony, Chair Campbell closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Philpott moved to forward a recommendation of approval to the City
Council of the Substantial Development Pennit, subject to the following conditions and
citing the following fmdings and conclusions:
A. A right-of-way use permit shall be obtained prior to construction of the project.
B. A plan showing how traffic will be routed during constructions shall be submitted to
Public Works for approval prior to commencement of the project.
The approval is for improvements to the stormwater system including installation of
concrete curbing, catch basin, pipe and pump to channel runoff into the wastewater
treatment plant.
2. The facility is on the site previously occupied by a S'Kla1Iam Village. Because the
project involves excavation of earth. an MDNS was issued which requires monitoring by
a qualified archeologist.
3. The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance
have been reviewed with respect to this proposal.
4. The site is zoned M-2 and designated Heavy Industrial in the Comprehensive Plan.
5. The work involves construction within a public right-of-way.
A. The proposal is consistent with the Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, specifically
General Regulation C.3 & 4; Land Use Element D.6 & D.7; Natural Systems E.1.a, E.2
E.7. a & b; Use Activities F.8.a & F.18.a-c.
The proposal is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. specifically Goals
No.3; Industrial Development Policies No.5; and Land Use Objectives No.1 & 3.
C. The proposal will not be detrimental to the shoreline.
Planning Commission Minutes
August 31, 1994
Page 3
The motion was seconded by Conmlissioner Winters and passed unanimously.
SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 121. 348 East Park Avenue: A conditional use
permit to allow the conversion of a single-family residential structure to be used
as an alternative classroom in the RS-7, Residential Single Family District.
John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. He indicated a site plan has been submitted
which showed the proposed parking lot. The lot will not have to be paved for a year because
there are fewer than six spaces required. An additional condition was recommended, requiring
a catch basin be provided.
Chair Campbell opened the public hearing.
Skip Berquam, 216 E. Fourth Street, clarified the program is a middle school program with
a small enrollment. Although there are two classrooms, occupancy load will only be about 10
to 13 kids. The School District objectives include providing for the particular needs of these
students and to make best use of the facility. He explained the property hasn't been rezoned
because it has up until this time been leased as a residence. Now that they are changing the use,
time is of the essence, therefore, they applied for a C.U.P. as the most expeditious route. The
parking lot will be paved this fall and there will be no parking lot lights. There will be no more
exterior lights on the building than may be found on any house. When asked if the house could
be used for a high school program, Mr. Berquam indicated that he would like to keep the option
for ninth graders to participate, but the high school has its own program at a different location.
There is no intent to move it to this site.
There being no further testimony, Chair Campbell closed the public hearing.
Comrnis.~ioner Souders moved to approve the Conditional Use Permit, subject to the
following conditions and citing the following fmdings and conclusions:
1. The facility shall comply with state and local fire codes.
2. Prior to occupancy. the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning
Director that the parking requirement has been satisfied.
3. A catch basin with an oil-separator "T" and grit sump shall be located at the northwest
comer of the parking lot-and shall be connected to the 24" line located in Park Avenue.
4. The conditional use permit shall terminate if the residential structure is demolished.
The request is to allow an alternative school in a residential setting located at 348 East
Park A venue.
Planning Commission Minutes
August 31, 1994
Page 4
The house has most recently been used for residential purposes. With a setback of 98
feet from Peabody Street and 49.67 from Park Avenue, the structure exceeds the 35 foot
setback required for buildings in the PBP zone.
3. The property is located on the Port Angeles High School campus and is zoned RS-7.
There are tennis courts to the west and south, with the High School located beyond.
Property to the north is improved with low density residential and a high school parking
lot. To the east, property is improved with low density residential.
4. The Comprehensive Plan identifies the site as Low Density Residential. Goals, Policies
and Objectives of the Comprehensive Plan which have been identified as being most
relevant to the proposal are contained in the staff report.
5. The proposal includes providing four parking spaces at the structure site is non-
conforming with respect to parking. The parking ordinance requires two parking spaces
for every junior high classroom and six spaces for every high school classroom.
6. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued for the project on August 8, 1994.
7. Pursuant to Section 14.40.150(C), since the project requires fewer than six parking
spaces, the applicant has up to twelve months to pave the parking lot in accordance with
ci ty standards.
. Conclusions:
A. The proposed use is compatible with the surrounding low density residential and public
school uses and the intent of the RS-7 zone.
B. As conditioned. the Conditional Use Permit is in the public use and interest and is not
detrimental to the public welfare.
C. The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gennan and passed unanimously.
CHURCH. Commercial Residential fCR) Districts. City-wide:
John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. Chair Campbell opened the public hearing.
Rosalee Doty, 139 W. 8th Street, expressed concern with the elimination of youth groups. She
does not think it's appropriate that a CUP be required every time a touring choir or other group
visits and stays overnight. She also indicated that seven days stay limit is too restrictive and
inflexible. She described the living quarters that would be used at the First Presbyterian Church
for providing emergency housing.
Planning Commission Minutes
August 31, 1994
Page 5
Larry Leonard, 1030 Olympus, stated people have been sleeping in that church for at least 40
years. Churches have long provided sanctuary. He asked the Planning Commission to make the
interpretation that providing shelter for the homeless be considered a part of a church's normal
Brad Collins responded that the youth hospice, whether included in the amendment or not, still
requires a conditional use permit which can be combined into one conditional use permit with
the emergency housing, if so desired. He expressed concern with the proposed language related
to the sole discretion of the church, that was a private matter and including it in the ordinance
could cause confusion as to its intent. He reviewed three options for the Commission. They
could accept the applicant's proposal or staffs modified version or make an interpretation that
providing emergency housing is considered part of what a church normally does and therefore,
does not require its own conditional use permit. He explained the rationale for the seven days.
noting that the intent is not to police every shelter and ensure no one stays more than seven days
but to provide a time frame in the event a church is allowing persons to stay well beyond the
time necessary for emergency housing.
Kay Garrison, 1122 South Cherry, asked for and received clarification on status of permitted
Larry Leonard, indicated the cost of a conditional use permit would be detrimental to efforts
to provide this type of service. The application fee could be better used feeding those in need.
. Brad Collins reiterated that the Planning Commission has three options, all of which are trying
to allow what the applicant wants to accomplish.
There being no further testimony, Chair Campbell closed the public hearing.
The Commission took a break at 8:30 and reconvened at 8:45.
Commissioner Souders moved to deny the zoning code amendment and make the
interpretation that the proposed use falls under the defmition of what a church is. The
motion was made citing the following findings and conclusions:
1. The zoning ordinance has been reviewed with respect to temporary housing provisions.
2. The Comprehensive Plan stresses in the housing element the goal to provide emergency
and transitional housing.
3. The Commercial Residential Zone represents those areas where businesses occur on small
sites and are of the type providing goods and services required daily by the surrounding
residential zones.
The CR zone allows a variety of residential uses including adult family homes and
supported living arrangements, apartments, residential care facilities, single family
Planning Commission Minutes
August 31, 1994
Page 6
residences, bed and breakfast establishments, group homes and hospices.
A Determination of Non-Significance was issued for the proposal on July 25. 1994.
6. The Clallam County Housing Needs Assessment was reviewed. It indicated that in 1990
there were 13,212 bednights provided in homeless shelters in the County in 1990. and
there were 137 bednight requests that were turned away.
A. The Zoning Code Amendment is not in the public use and interest because it requires
additional city review where it is unnecessary.
B. Churches support many activities and traditionally include sanctuary housing as part of
their services.
C. The Planning Commission interpretation is that sanctuary housing for youth and
disadvantaged are included in church activities.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner German and passed 5-0.
. None.
Brad Collins requested that a member of the Planning Commission sit on the surface water
committee. Commissioner German volunteered to represent the Commission. The other
Commissioners supported his participation.
Brad Collins indicated that the September 28, 1994, meeting was scheduled for development
regulations. However, we will not be ready to proceed by that time, therefore, suggested the
meeting be cancelled. The Commission concurred.
Commissioner Philpott requested an update on the budget situation. Brad Collins indicated that
David Sawyer is still in the Planning Department, with much of his salary and work coming
from Public Works surface water management plan. The Planning Department is over budget
on this position, and the City Manager has agreed to find a way to pay these overages for the
rest of the year.
The budget request for 1995 includes adding the third planner in the General Fund budget, but
this request will be competing for other funding requests in the City. If there are only two
planners on staff next year, the long range planning activities will diminish.
Planning Commission Minutes
August 31, 1994
Page 7
He indicated this will be the third year in a row that the non-personnel budget will be reduced
by ten percent To date. the cuts have not affected the Department's ability to review permits.
Mr. Collins reviewed those items relating directly to the Planning Commission and noted they
are subject to the ten percent reductions.
The Commission requested a budget presentation be made at their September 14. 1994, meeting.
Commissioner Winters asked of the status of applications for Planning Commissioners. Brad
Collins indicated there were a few applications received and the City Council is likely to conduct
interviews at their second meeting in September.
Commissioner Souders indicated that she would like to register for a course at Western
Washington University which is held on Wednesday nights. She indicated that the conflict would
result in her arriving one hour late for three long range meetings during the fall quarter. The
Planning Commission supported her attending the class and excused her from those meetings.
The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Orville Campbell. Chair
Bra Collins, Executive Secretary
PREPARED BY: John Jimerson
Planning Commission Attendance Roster
Meeting Date: a /J~h V) --I-: J / /99.
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