HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/01/1964
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Y'''Ur,'lS ('f t]'3 rp. -, 1.R!' 'cetinp;; of the ?ort An ~'llHS r1anning Commission
SO'.,t0'10'lr 1t 196h.
f.1e:nhrH'8 ')1" 'cnt 'Nf).'O r.nne""'~"';t ILlnt, :{g;nl"')r~' anci ~trt'lt1r;o. f..lso ;>rese'1t
,J'.....<; :1trf1ctrr of P'lbl1c '.vorl-::s Jolm R. IIArncr, Asn't, City En~d.~1fH~r
~()'~')rt 'Ii 11 :lc.n I1nd ,'intnr S'!1)t. PH '1 Reed.
',r n1l1;es f)f' t'le orevious "'T)ootlng WArr! re~'ci and npprovedo
1;11.,.t c"~()r of h')sines:1 W:18 t~A fJ~llerhled 'loBrt.....'.s Ctl Rp""1.ieattc:1s f'or
t"o rflt .',tir'n of ',lahile ~('103 of W~l;.r.'\ thore 'liRY>O thro3. t;"8lr.,ltHl
1 "C') nc Ad fIll ~ln rl Iv'! '1n nrnp" r 1y :)('S te ('1 and r1t' ob J!l C t '0ns fJRd heen
':'e~"dvFld. ,~.pplt~R.tio'ls W'3('e frrm 'fro '. '11"8 '"':-ecrre GOOr1mBn of' S29 f.a'1t
11 t., S t I'D 0 t, rIa rr:T PI' y.n.j rl3 0 f' c; Y) -:ve;; lllJ[fl -Str " 0 t r nd ''"r--::': HI' s fa lTIn I
TI t) -;-:r.w '1 ~.~) r:::,.~ t-~e-i-!~ vo 'p.le 0 '-AU t '1"n 8 ii >)f) 1 fr.'a t I. ons-::'n, c'o C 0",9 tdere d
(--:--1 loTI' '"oiTtsTnTI,,-fr1"Il'aTf"y-:'-'t is the .it1ri~e~l~nt o!' the Pl'mn tng
;01"'1' 'lS; ('I t:~Jat d:H'~ to 'lRrdship .1'1 eucn C:,f;6, t lOY 'lnsnimously reco:n:nend
tr t lfi CttJ Counctl ttl'] 8p~lico.th,ns bn ApprovEld.
:'10'l"t 4:):;11cllticn consi.d9red 'N2~ f'r(l~ Kennettl S. )',1oorn of 213 Bast 12th
Streot for' p~r:1ts:jio I t(. huild !l ca!'ror-t-7Nit~in twol"88-Cof-the'-pr-o:-...,-(;:;ty
lEl-e:- :i..,s H;J 11 'Rtlc 11 11[;;3 SlIpPol'ted hJ Mr. Joni3 J". r:el1en, ownor of
tho f) ~,jccent loto Jo statod !le he J not cbjeet (n. Upon rlllestlcJn1..lIg
Ir .'ooro by T1e-nhe 's of tl-J.G Co:n;nis s ien and B f't~H' RI1~(';es t; ens on various
1-C":1t:1111:1, ::1 'n"tt 'I wa~~ unAnl-.1ously !)8Sfled roco']:'1CtHUn~: to tne City
";'luneil t'18 ~Jr)9ItC:8.t:ion hr. !lpnroved for b fOll' foot clearanco frerl the
~H'n:) rt."' 1 ile. i nstrJl...d of the two u['l lied foro
next' n .1 tl~!ltic) fias from James G. Pt'atner !:l~1ct ':T. C. Lenon of 126 ERRt
OrC'i~; stroot for T)Jr riss on'-fo-bll~i;J t1o'..l~e-wtth'asido-vard clearance
of fivo fAot thr~e inche" instead of tho rft(]111I'od seven ffleto T:tis
C 1\'18 ohout mflinly frr"'1 un:-::"\O\'In prr rerty lin'J~ in the er':R. Their
'~n?11c:lt'OJl w' c; f!'wr,orted by llr, Le;-;1io "le"st::ld and :.~r. Cnor>1.p.s !f. 'JcLenn"
C'Nn'"lr'R of' !1ro'):.:rty (':1 beth s1,.1es of t~o lot 1n (l1l(l~1ttr no ",fter
cr'!1si ler~:'1e disc1lss'on with illl fOllr e;ontlernen, R motion WHS
Ilrlfl 111r'lfll:r DeSRed rocommeTjd~nr; to the City C()unctl~ the RO'lllc.ation be
!Text 'l;}ier consi-hratton \'WS th'3 Bpp1ic8tion of' Mr ': r,1r!'l ~a1e :10l1f,
proprdotors of Rollf' s '~'1~tr8IJnt. for D~r"'T)issionto eroct~--'-')- CllstC'r;[
b"'1t rcprlRldA ei~n on nrtvnte propnrty jescrihed os a portion of
Plor...c ", 0reo!1' s g'1'10 View A ~ditlono This 1S t~e property oQcupted
by t~e old block army building in the vioinity of Front Street extended
rl"l [~i rT'l.'NOY 1)10 Iftth arrreement from t'1e RollC's that the si~ would be
['en1()vod io the event tho situation chan~es in the area. a 'TIotlon was
IH1RI"l1'TIo'1S1y ~9ssed recommend.ing to the City Council, the application be
q0~rrved. .
"'Iext lindoI' consideration W"3 the application of 'Nosturn S.t~ns, Inc. for
exclllfltve pDr'"'11ssio~1 to place public convenience seat-bene as on p'lblic
nr OPOI'ty J :1art tcularly B t bus stops 0 The bene he s are to carr:r
f.l~VC ,tising as "'1ay be secllred by the CO'Ilr>anyo Trla ':1embers of the
COll1\L<.;~; ( 11 fo"!l thtll'e 19 cons1rlerable '1orit to the pro~)osal and
ullB.1i 1l0LW 1y roc om:nend approval hy the COLIne il with the followine
'Ii. q' 'i (,,' tho r'~('.....:' "Ileat'r'~~ of the Port An/;El1\)s I'l'Jnn1')" Commi~Rlon
'"',n to"1l>Hr 1, 196L .'nt { nned) .
(1) T'1O,qp 11cat~()n be approved for a pp.riod of five years.
(~) RA~tRI to be $1.00 per bonch per month~
(3) A~} rov1-'ll of adjacent property owners must be obtalnedo
(i;) Mnint_fdn app9arnnce of the areas w~er(l benches arc located, such
AS cuttin:<; grl:lss etc.
(5) ~p.nC~18R to he re~oved if objectionable to property owners.
(b) Location or bonch~rs tc be npproved by the City Englneero
~he 8'")n] teat i()n of' l{arold P. .Jo~mson for 0 variAnce from the zoning
rOf';.~lntillS tr Bllow"hlm-to ccnRtrnct an Apartment-Motel on Lots 1,2 ~3
Eloc~{ 23, Pu -et SOltnd Co-Op Colony's 2nd Addition, being at the South-
:l(!~,t cornor 0" Boulovard and CaBrie Streets was considered. It was
docided thl~ ~'pplicattl>ll is governed by Section 11 of the Zoning
02 j t:lBnCe and ~,1r" Johnson f1AS been so notified. The Pls~ming Commission
respectfully ask the City Council for their instructir:n on this
~o furt:ler business appeartnc;,meetlnp; adjourned at 9:30 PoMo
Respectfully sub~ltted,
~d C. Strange, Chairman
Acttne Secretary