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August 30, 1968
Old Busines s - "Seamount Estates" may come up as Mrs. McWilliams has
been in the office discussing the plat with the Director of Public Works.
New Business - Two variance requests have been received and properly
posted for hearing at this time.
James Harper, 709 East 6th Street, has requested a variance which would
permit him to enlarge an existing single family residence. The existing
structure is built too close to the west property line.
Robert E. Gusa I 1110 Craig Avenue, has requested a variance which would
permit him to enlarge an existing single family residence. Here, again, the
existing structure is built too close to the west property line.
Council Action - There has been no City Council meeting since our August
20th session, so items of business at that meeting have not been acted upon.
As of this date I know of nothing else to be presented at this hearing.
R. P. Willson
Recording Secretary
Planning Commission minutes of September 3, 1968 meeting.
Present - Hunt, Anderson, Treat, Driscoll, Dilling. Hankins, McHone
and Building Inspector Willson
Absent - None
Minutes of previous meeting were approved as published.
Old Business - No items were presented for discussion.
New Business - Two variance requests had been received and properly
posted for hearing at this time.
Robert E. Gusa of 1110 Craig Ave. had requested a variance to permit
him to enlarge an existing single family residence which does not
meet the sideyard requirements of an RS-9 zone. The new addition
would not alter the present situation and the Planning Commission
felt there would be no detrimental effects to the neighborhood.
It was voted to recommend the variance be granted as requested.
James Harper, 709 East 6th Street had requested a variance to permit
him to enlarge an existing single family residence with less than
the sideyard requirements for an RS-7 zone. The addition proposed
would be on the back of the house and would not compound the
situation as it now exists. The Planning Commission voted to
recommend approval of the variance as requested.
Mr. Walt Reyes of 306 East 5th Street had submitted an application
for a mobile home park permit. The property is located at 18th and
Reyes Street and is zoned for RTP. Previously this area had been
proposed for sale of individual sites but Mr. Reyes had changed his
mind and decided to retain ownership of the property and rent or
lease the individual sites. Mr. Reyes was in attendance and explain-
ed his proposed layout and developement. Memos from the District
Health Offices, the City Light Dept. and the City Water Dept. were
received pertinent to this developement and were included in the
discussion. Following the ~iscussion, the Planning Commission voted
to recommend approval of the application for a Trailer Park Permit,
with the following specific conditions:
1. No central service buildings need be provided since this
is not to be a transient park and all units are to be self contained.
2. All accessory buildings, such as garages, carports~ stor-
age and utility sheds are to be confined to the rear~ or alley, one-
thi rd of the si tes.
3. No vehicular ingress or egress will be provided for from
the sites to the strnets except for access to install or remove the
individual mobile homes. Parallel parking only, along the strpet
frontage, is to be employed.
4. No shrubs or fences will be required since the individual
sites are to be landscaped as any normal residential lot.
5. Setbacks. sideyards and clearances are to be as per
requirements of RTP zone of the currant zoning ordinance. Individual
sites are to be laid out as per plat submitted with this request and
dated 8/30/68.
6. Any change in ownership will be subject to these same
conditions. Should the park develope into a transient operation, a
new layout~ screening qnd op~rational plan must be submitted for
approval on a change ot permIt.
Minutes - Planning Commission
Sept. 3, 1968
pag e 2.
7. The current per-occupant fee for a mobile home permit is
one dollar. Septic tank installation permit fees are presently
three dollars, both of which may be obtained at the City Engineers
Othe r Busine ss
Members of the Planning Commission inquired about the vehicular gate
installed by Mr. Vern Grall at his car wash at 921 East Front St.
The building inspector informed the members that Mr. Grall had been
advised this was contrary to the provisions of the Conditional Use
Permit and the necessary corrections should be made. The resulting
action was teken compliance by nailing and bolting the gate frame
together. Members felt this was insufficient as the gate still
represents provision for vehicular access to the alley. The build-
ing inspector was directed to investigate the procedure for revoking
the Conditional Use Permit and closing down the operation.
After a general discussion concerning the zoning regulations
involved in several anticipated proiects around the city, the
meeting adiourned at 8:25 P.M.
~ ",141~
Harry H t, Chairman